Alpha Bears And Brides (Red Lodge Bears) The Complete Collection

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Alpha Bears And Brides (Red Lodge Bears) The Complete Collection Page 47

by Vivian Wood

  Nora opened her eyes to gaze at Finn. His eyes were closed, brow hunched. Doubt struck her, making her wonder if it was even Nora he was thinking of as they kissed. The moment soured for her, though her body remained heated and aching.

  Placing a hand against Finn's chest, Nora broke the kiss and gently pushed him back.

  "I'm not sure if this is a good idea right now," she said, dropping her gaze.

  Finn was quiet for a second, then he shrugged. He scooped up half the blueberries that he'd allowed to fall into his lap, handing them over. Nora accepted them and nibbled on a few, but their sweetness was less pleasurable now, somehow.

  “I’m sorry about all of this, Nora,” Finn said after a minute. “I know it can’t be what you wanted.”

  Nora looked at him, tracing the bold lines of his face, his shoulders. His posture was stiff, uncomfortable. Guilty, almost.

  “And what about you? You didn’t have any plans for your own life?” she asked, her words blunt. She half hoped that he’d come clean about Charlotte. Then again, she half feared those words, too.

  Finn’s expression was unreadable. He looked off at the waterfall again, his thoughts unfathomable.

  “Just because it’s not what we expected doesn’t mean no good can come of it,” he said after a moment.

  Nora watched him intently, curiosity consuming her. She couldn’t bring herself to just come out and ask him if he was in love with his twin’s mate, but she was dying to know what he wanted from Nora herself.

  “Finn, I have to ask. You brought me here to your house, you’ve been very kind to me, you’ve asked me to make the house comfortable for both of us… What is it that you want to get out of this?”

  Finn looked up at her, thoughtful.

  "I guess... I mean, this is it for us. We only get one mate, and now we belong to each other. I want to make that as good as we can, despite how we started things. I want to be comfortable and happy. I guess... I want what Noah and Charlotte have."

  Nora sucked in a deep breath. Of course. Of course he wanted what Noah had... because Finn wanted Charlotte. Nora's shoulders hunched, disappointment filling her chest, weighing down her heart.

  "I see," she replied. Putting on a bright smile, she changed the subject before they could delve any deeper, before she could ask any more stupid questions. "Maybe we should head back to the house."

  Finn gave her a troubled glance, but he didn't protest when she rose and left the waterfall. Nor did he make conversation on the way back to the house, leaving Nora to her thoughts.

  Namely, the fact that she felt completely let down. She'd hoped that there was some chance that Finn found her attractive, beautiful even. That Finn would look at her the way she'd always imagined her mate would, as if she was the most important thing in the world, the only woman he could ever desire.

  But no. Nora's mateship was a paper marriage, a political trade, a forced agreement between strangers. There was no getting around it, no changing it. Not if he was in love with someone else, someone who would be in his life forever.

  Nora considered the best way to move forward, and she could only think that she needed to widen her social circle, make friends outside the farm. She needed to make herself independent from Finn, something she'd never managed to do with her father. But how? She didn't know anyone outside Eugene, and she'd never spent much time in the city. The idea of going to Portland alone and trying to make friends terrified her.

  She thought of Wyatt, how he visited here often. Much as she disliked him, he might be able to show her around Portland, help her meet some new people. The bastard owed her that much, didn't he?

  As they reached the house, Nora worked up the nerve to ask Finn about his brother.

  "Do you know when Wyatt might come visit?"

  Finn shot her a hard look, his disapproval evident. Clearly Finn was still furious about being tricked into this situation, and Wyatt was on his shit list. That was fair enough, Nora thought.

  "Why would you want to see him?" Finn demanded.

  Nora shrugged.

  "I thought he might be able to take me into Portland, introduce me to some people. Maybe even some possible design clients," she bluffed.

  Finn's expression turned stormy. Nora realized that he was far angrier about the whole situation than she'd known. Being mated to Nora when he loved another must seem like a terrible sort of punishment, she reflected.

  "In a few days, I'm sure he'll turn up," Finn snapped. He pushed open the front door and stalked inside, leaving Nora to follow, sighing.

  "I just thought--" she started.

  "I'm tired," Finn said, cutting her off. "Let's talk in the morning."

  Finn left her standing in the doorway, staring at his retreating back. Biting her lip, she heard his office door shut with a loud bang. She'd pushed his buttons in a major way, and had managed to destroy their fragile truce.

  "Great job, Nora," she told herself. "Way to alienate your new mate."

  She spotted her journal lying on the couch. Closing the front door, she walked over and picked up the notebook and pen. Where her heart had been numb and empty before, now it overflowed with emotion, a thousand whirling thoughts.

  Settling on the couch and toeing her shoes off, Nora opened the journal to a blank page and started to bleed out all her hurt, confusion, and sadness.



  When Nora woke late the next morning, her heart sank. The house was completely silent, the only sign of Finn was a note on the counter.


  I left early to catch a flight to Minneapolis. I’ll be at a brewers’ conference through the week, returning Sunday morning. I hoped to talk to you, but you were still asleep by the time I had to leave. Maybe this week will give us both some space and time to think about what we really want and need.

  For safety’s sake, until I get back, I would prefer that you do not contact your father or other family members. That’s a request, not a demand.

  I’ve left a sheet of phone numbers on the fridge, including Noah and the rest of my family. My hotel information is also there. Call me if you need me, for anything at all. Please start on the renovation plans, if you like.

  See you Sunday.

  — Finn

  Nora sighed and laid the note down, leaning on the counter to press her face into her hands. Things were going very wrong between her and her new mate, very quickly.



  “You sure you don’t want to come up to my room for a nightcap?”

  Finn squinted as he peered down at the slender redhead he’d met earlier in the week, a sexy, British beer-brewing aficionado named Candace. She bit her full lower lip and arched a brow, making the meaning of nightcap perfectly clear. They’d been talking and drinking at the fancy hotel bar for hours now, and Candace had apparently had enough of the chit chat.

  “Uhhh…” Finn mumbled. He was tempted, he’d admit that much. He was also drunk, having tasted countless beers on Sample Saturday, the final day of the conference. The two double shots of Pappy van Winkle bourbon hadn’t helped his situation either, he supposed.

  “Come on. Hot guy like you, hot girl like me…” Candace licked her lips. “I foresee fireworks.”

  She leaned forward and placed a hand on his knee, sliding it up his denim-clad thigh. He squinted at her again, his drunk mind wondering just what she’d look like if she had short, dark hair… maybe a lot curvier… and a pair of beautiful lavender eyes wouldn’t hurt…

  “Damn,” Finn muttered. He grabbed Candace’s hand and returned it to her lap, giving her an apologetic glance.

  “What’s your deal?” Candace asked, looking surprised. “We’ve been flirting for the past hour.”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have… I have someone waiting for me at home,” Finn explained. An image of Nora flashed in his mind, of the moment just before he’d kissed her at the waterfall. She’d stared up at him, her lips parting, inviting him…

  “Way to waste my time,” Candace grumbled.

  “I got the check. I’m done for the night, anyway,” Finn said, pulling out his wallet and tossing two hundreds on the bar.

  “Okay,” Candace shrugged. Her gaze had already turned down the bar, to a handsome blond guy sitting alone.

  Finn didn’t waste any time getting out of there. He hauled himself up and headed for the elevators, guilt riding him all the way up to his room on the fourth floor. Once the door to his room shut behind him, he kicked off his shoes and stripped down. If he went to bed this drunk, he’d have a hell of a hangover tomorrow morning. He had to get up early to catch his flight, and he wanted to be coherent when he got home.

  When I see Nora, he corrected himself, rolling his eyes.

  It was true, he thought as he padded barefoot into the colossal bathroom and turned on the shower. The first day he’d arrived at the conference, he’d felt relieved for a little space from his new mate. Things weren’t going as well as he’d hoped, not even a tenth as well really.

  But on day two, he’d walked into a conference event at an elaborately-styled Minneapolis bar and thought, Nora would probably think this place is cool. The bar was done up like a slick 1920’s speakeasy, all red brocade fabric and swinging beaded chandeliers and row after row of shining brass beer taps. It was an interior designer’s dream.

  His second thought was, Yeah, like she wants to talk to you, idiot. He had made a coward’s exit the day before, choosing not to wake her before he left. The conference had been scheduled for months, but Nora didn’t know that.

  So he’d pushed his way through the rest of the conference, making several lucrative business deals and learning a lot about what brewers wanted from small hops farmers. All the while, Nora was in the back of his mind. Finn had even called Noah, using the excuse of checking in on Max, and asked for advice.

  “Honestly, Finny,” Noah had told him. “We don’t know her as well as you do. Just be honest, and do what feels good for you both. What more can I tell you?”

  Noah was right, as usual. Finn was looking for answers from everyone but Nora, and they didn’t exist. He was being a fool, but damn if he knew what to do about it. Jealousy was eating at him, as was his growing appetite for tiny, curvy brunettes with gorgeous amethyst eyes.

  Finn stepped into the steamy shower, giving a low moan at the water’s intense heat and pressure. He washed his hair and face quickly, then unwrapped a miniature bar of soap and began to lather his body. As his hand passed over his groin, his erection sprang to life, perky for the first time in hours.

  He thought about Nora again, that magical moment at the waterfall. The way she’d leaned into him, her eyelids fluttering down as her lips parted, giving him a flash of pink tongue. He thought of how she’d tasted, sweet with an undertone of musk.

  Though he’d resisted pleasuring himself all week, Finn closed his hand around his erection now. The soap made him slick, his skin hot and soft under his fingers. He throbbed as he thought again of Nora, of the quiet noise she’d made when Finn had cupped her full breast.

  Smoothing his fist down his length in long, hard strokes, Finn gritted his teeth. He was already so on edge after a frustrated week of longing and several prior months without touching any woman, it wouldn’t take much to set him off.

  He imagined Nora sprawled out on his bed, wearing nothing but one of his oversized t-shirts. Maybe Nora was every bit as lonely and horny as he was. Finn pictured her spreading her pale thighs, trailing two fingers down her rounded stomach, closing her eyes and biting her lip as she teased her plump pink sex.

  She was probably so tight, so wet, Finn thought. He could imagine how it would be to fill her for the first time, to squeeze her big, soft tits and thrust deep into her body. He’d make her cry out, call his name as she came, her body tightening around his cock…

  Finn leaned one arm against the shower wall, stroking himself furiously as the images of his mate assaulted him. Nora riding his cock, Finn sucking and licking her bare pink pussy, Finn taking Nora from behind hard and wild, a bear truly claiming his mate.

  Finn came with a shout, the orgasm pounding through his blood, making his vision falter. He didn’t move for a long moment, letting the hot water pour down over his body as he tried to regain his breath. Until this moment, he hadn’t realized just how much he actually wanted Nora, how much he needed her to want him back.

  After a quick once-over with soap and water, Finn got out of the shower and toweled off on shaky legs. He’d come so hard that his brain wasn’t working entirely right, but he knew one thing.

  He was going to fix things with Nora, hell or high water. And then he was going to claim his mate.



  Finn pounded the remainder of a liter bottle of water as he drove down the driveway to the farm house. His hangover was nearly gone, but he wanted to be in top shape when he saw Nora. After his little realization last night, he’d determined to start fresh with her. He was going to be open about his desire for her, for one thing. Also he’d talk to her more, find out what she liked, what she wanted, what she needed from him.

  A determined smile played over his lips until he pulled up at the house. The very first thing he saw was Wyatt’s car parked out front. Finn’s optimism disappeared in a flash, replaced by anger and irritation. He had a plan, damn it, and Wyatt was only getting in the way of it. Wyatt had backed Finn into a corner, practically dumped Nora in Finn’s lap. Now Finn was going to take the reins and make his own happiness, and Wyatt would get the hell out of his way if he had half a brain in his head.

  Finn got out of the car with a scowl, grabbing his suitcase and storming up to the house. He dropped his suitcase inside the front door.

  “Hello?” he called out. Silence. “Nora, are you home?”

  More silence. Finn rushed into the back hallway, finding the bedrooms and bathroom empty. Instead of feeling relieved that he hadn’t found his mate in bed with his scumbag of a brother, he actually felt worried. Where could they be?

  Walking back out, he checked the kitchen and living room again. No note or indication where Nora might be, but she had spread out several large sheets of paper that contained detailed renovation designs. She’d even clipped color and fabric swatches to some of the sheets. Finn was no design expert, but he found her work impressive. After flipping through the first few pages, he set them aside. He needed to focus on locating his mate first.

  Even as he turned toward the front door, he heard the soft rumble of a deep male voice. Wyatt.

  Finn flung open the front door as he stepped outside, spotting Nora and Wyatt coming around the side of the house. Wyatt looked tense, and Nora looked downright stormy, scowling and crossing her arms.

  The second they noticed Finn, Wyatt’s face split into a nasty grin. The expression turned Finn’s stomach to lead. No good could come of that look.

  Nora, on the other hand, looked relieved.

  “You’re back!” she said, speeding up to cross the yard. She half-flew up the steps and threw her arms around Finn’s neck, surprising him with a tight hug.

  “Yeah. I want to explain…” he said softly, but Nora shook her head.

  Later, she mouthed, pulling back and jerking her head at Wyatt. Finn narrowed his gaze at his brother as Wyatt climbed the porch steps.

  “Awww, ain’t this sweet,” Wyatt drawled. “You’re back just in time. Nora’s about to go get dressed up for a night on the town.”

  “Is that all you have to say to us?” Finn snapped, aggravated at Wyatt’s casual tone.

  “Hey, now. Looks like everything worked out just fine here,” Wyatt said, eyeing Nora’s hand where it lay against Finn’s chest. “Right, Nora?”

  Nora scowled at Wyatt and then shot Finn a pleading look.

  “Wyatt has agreed to introduce me to a potential client. He knows someone who’s opening a bed n breakfast tourist ranch, and the client will be out tonight. I want to try to make a connection, if I
can,” Nora explained.

  “Alright,” Finn agreed, sliding his brother a suspicious look. “That’s nice of him to do.”

  “Damn right,” Wyatt said, clapping Finn on the shoulder. “Now go get changed. You look like shit.”

  Finn sighed and headed for his bedroom, Nora close on his heels.

  “Just need to get some clothes,” he told her.

  “It’s your room. You don’t have to leave because of me,” she said shyly. Her cheeks pinked as she spoke, and Finn’s body stirred with interest. Finn gave her a lazy grin.

  “I’ll be a gentleman… for now,” he said. Going to the closet, he pulled out a fresh pair of jeans and a red plaid button-up. “See you in a few.”

  Finn showered and changed in record time. The bedroom door was still closed when he came out of the bathroom, and he could hear Nora moving around, dressing and primping. Finn sauntered to the kitchen and opened a cabinet, pulling out a bottle of High West whiskey that he kept for settling his nerves.

  He poured himself a healthy measure, taking a long sip and releasing a sigh. It occurred to him that he didn’t want to go out in the least; he wanted Wyatt to leave so that Finn and Nora could spend some quality time together… alone.

  “What, you’re not even going to offer me some?” Wyatt asked, walking into the kitchen.

  Finn took another sip and watched Wyatt carefully, noting the traces of concern and lack of sleep on his brother’s face.

  “What’s going on with you, Wy?” Finn asked. “You seem… off.”

  Wyatt’s bright blue eyes flared, and his smile vanished.


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