Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3)

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Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3) Page 21

by Praks, Alexia

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” the priest began, “we gather here to celebrate…”

  Alex felt Jayden’s hand over hers. She glanced up and saw him wink at her. Her heart missed a beat. Oh dear! As she turned back to watch Sam and Kelly, she couldn’t stop grinning.

  “Will you,” the priest said, “Sam Hunter, have Kelly McCartney to be your wife? Will you love her, comfort and keep her, and, forsaking all others, remain true to her as long as you both shall live?”

  Sam cleared his throat, and with a smile, he said, “I will.”

  The priest turned to Kelly, who was grinning behind her white veil. “Will you, Kelly McCartney, have Sam Hunter to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort and keep him, and, forsaking all others, remain true to him as long as you both shall live?”

  Kelly nodded as she said, “I will.”

  The priest turned to Sam. “Will you please repeat after me…”

  Once both Sam and Kelly had repeated after the priest, Sam put the ring on Kelly’s finger, and Kelly did the same to him. Sam said, “With this ring I thee wed, and all my worldly goods I thee endow. In sickness and in health, in poverty or in wealth, ‘til death do us part.”

  Gracie sniffed and padded her hanky about her cheeks. Beth was doing the same thing.

  The priest said, “You are now husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”

  A loud cheer erupted then, and Sam lifted Kelly’s veil and then kissed her. A loud applause followed, and then they signed their wedding certificates.

  “That was a wonderful wedding ceremony, Jayden,” Alex said.

  “Yeah, it was.” He agreed. “Time for some photos.” He winked at her.

  “Oh no. Must I be in them?”

  “Yes.” He stood. “Come on.”

  Alex groaned as he led her to the newlywed couple where they were surrounded by well-wishers, journalists, and paparazzi.

  “I didn’t know this would be so big,” Alex said, glancing up at Jayden, trying to slow their pace. She dreaded the thought of facing those people and the continuous flashing of the cameras.

  “Yes,” Jayden replied.

  Alex saw Kelly waved at her to come over.

  “Let’s have some family photos,” one of the cameramen shouted into the buzzing crowd.

  “Family photos,” Jayden said. “Come on.”

  “But I’m not family,” Alex whispered. “You go.”

  “No. You’re coming,” Jayden said.

  “Alex, come on,” Kelly shouted.

  “Alex, come stand by me,” Gracie called out, pulling her forward.

  And so Alex found herself wedged between Jayden, who had his hand around her waist, and Gracie. She smiled and laughed as the cameramen made jokes and demanded they repeat what they said. She suddenly forgot about the people and the rapid, continuous flashing lights from the cameras.

  Once the family and friend photos were done, and the well wishes died down, everyone started leaving the church. Jayden was just leading Alex toward the door when a middle-aged journalist and her cameraman appeared before them.

  “Hello, Mr. McCartney,” she said pleasantly. “My name is Janet Tallmark. I’m a journalist from Your Wedding Magazine.”

  “Yes?” Jayden said.

  “As you know, your sister’s wedding will be a feature article in our magazine. As part of it, I would like to ask you a few questions, if that’s all right with you and your girlfriend,” Janet said, smiling at Alex.

  Jayden glanced at Alex, who smiled up at him. He said, “Of course.”

  “Thank you. Much appreciated,” Janet said as she took out her recording device. She cleared her throat and began. “So you are one of the top ten youngest billionaires here in the States. How do you feel about that?”

  “Nothing out of the ordinary,” Jayden replied, shrugging his shoulders.

  She asked him more questions about his business. The picture that the journalist got on him was of a hard-working, down-to-earth man who enjoyed life to the fullest, which was exactly what Jayden was. Then Janet started asking him about his personal life.

  “How did you two meet?” she asked, glancing from Jayden to Alex.

  “In New Zealand,” Jayden said. “I kind of bumped into her.”

  Alex nodded in agreement.

  “And things got flying from there.” He continued.

  “When is the date for the wedding?”

  “Excuse me?” Alex asked, her brows rising, confused.

  “No, we’re not that far yet,” Jayden commented. “It’s going to be some time away.”

  “You two look great together,” Janet said. “Would you mind if we take some photos of the two of you?”

  Alex shook her head. At the same time, Jayden said, “Go for it.”

  Jayden pulled Alex closer to him and wrapped his arm around her waist. They smiled as the camera flashed continuously.

  Janet said, “Thank you both for the interview. It’s been a pleasure.”

  * * * * *

  Alex glanced up at the chandeliers and the ornate ceiling above her as she sipped her red wine. The wedding reception, being held in one of the main halls at the McCartney’s Hotel, of which Jayden proudly told her he owned half the shares, was truly beautiful and elegant. She couldn’t believe she was there, attending one of the biggest weddings in New York, sitting in a five-star hotel, and enjoying a high-class meal. She was stoked and thoroughly enjoying herself.

  She glanced at the man beside her, the man who made it all possible for her.

  Jayden leaned to her and whispered, “Aren’t you going to go up?”

  Alex was confused. “Why?”

  “Don’t you want the bouquet?”

  “Is Kelly going to throw it now?”

  Jayden nodded. “Go on.”

  “I don’t think—”

  She was interrupted by Stephanie, who was pulling her by the arm to her feet and then dragging her toward the area near the stage. “This is exciting.”

  “Yeah,” Alex responded, trying to keep up with Stephanie’s fast pace.

  They begged their way through the girls and stopped right in the middle of the crowd. The girls shoved and pushed in excitement, shouting, “Give it to me! Give it to me!”

  Kelly, who was on the stage, laughed and then turned around so her back was to them. The men cheered and urged Kelly to get it going.

  Kelly said, “All right. Here we go.” She threw the bouquet up high. The girls screamed and shoved, their hands in the air as they tried to catch the beautiful bunch of flowers. Alex got shoved back in the process. She was laughing and thought she’d better get out of the way before she got stampeded by excited young women competing for a bouquet. Before she knew what was happening, however, the flower bouquet flew straight at her and landed in her arms.

  Stephanie shrieked, “Alex got it! Alex got it!”

  Another cheer went up. Alex rushed back to her seat, her heart pumping loud and fast.

  “Well done,” Jayden chuckled, clapping loudly. “So who’s the lucky guy? When’s the wedding?”

  Alex slapped his arm in annoyance. He only laughed back in response. Then the music started, and Sam and Kelly walked to the center of the dance floor. It was the song “Oh, My Love.” All eyes were on the newlyweds, who were slowly dancing and swirling around the floor. Suddenly, Tom and Gracie joined in and then Sam’s parents.

  Jayden moved to Alex, who was enjoying the show. He said, “Come on.”

  He took her hand, pulled her to her feet, and led her to the dance floor.

  “Jayden,” she hissed. “It’s only for couples.”

  “We are one, aren’t we?”

  “Well, I suppose.”

  On the dance floor, he wrapped his arms around her waist and told her to put her arms around his neck. She obeyed and bit her lip nervously. Then he led her along with the slow music. Alex started to relax as she closed her eyes and listened to the beat and lyric of the song.

  “Why are you cl
osing your eyes?”

  “Because I can understand it better that way. I get myself lost in the song, and I can feel it through my body.”

  “Right.” He closed his eyes, too. A moment later, he opened them and said, “It’s true.”

  Alex laughed. They danced along, and Alex closed her eyes again. Jayden couldn’t help himself and moved his face to her. Then he kissed her on the lips.

  Alex gasped and opened her eyes. When she was about to stop the kiss by moving her head back, Jayden had his hand behind her neck, forcing her to stay still. Then he deepened the kiss. His mouth was sweet and warm against hers, and Alex found it hard to resist. She responded to him and tightened her arms about his neck.

  Suddenly, the music stopped. A loud applause followed. Alex flashed her eyes open and moved her head back. She saw indeed all eyes were on them. She flushed in embarrassment as Jayden, grinning from ear to ear, led her back to their seats.

  “I need to go to the ladies’ room,” she said to him breathlessly and rushed away.

  Once she was safely inside, she sighed and took a deep breath. She started washing her hands, grinning.

  So this is love, then? This wonderful feeling she was having right now?

  “I see you’re enjoying yourself, bitch,” Britney said at the door.

  Alex gasped and turned to look at the sexy woman advancing toward her in a threatening manner.

  “I am,” Alex said, squaring her shoulders.

  Britney came to stand in front of her and sneered. “Enjoy it all while you can. It won’t last. Jayden’s not over Sarah yet. He’s going to go back to her. You and I both know that. He knew her and dated her for five years. And you? You’ve just met him for what, a month or two?”

  Alex gritted her teeth. “I think this is none of your business.”

  Britney raised her hand in a defensive manner. “Hey, I know this is none of my business. But I’m just warning you before you get your heart broken because you don’t look like the kind who can handle such a nasty thing.”

  Alex folded her arms across her chest and said sarcastically, “Well, thank you for your advice. Now, if you’d excuse me.” She headed toward the door.

  Britney grabbed her arm and swung her back. “Admit it! Admit you’re only trying to get Jayden’s money. Admit it’s because he’s rich. Admit it now.”

  Alex thrust her arm free. “You think I’d stoop that low? Listen here, Britney. I’m not that kind of girl. I don’t go for a guy just because he has money to throw away. I’m a big girl. I can look after myself. And FYI, I happen to love Jayden for the man he is.” She faked a smile at the woman and turned on her heel.

  “Go back to your slum, bitch, and leave us alone,” Britney growled.

  Alex swirled around and slapped Britney in the face, hard. She felt satisfied indeed to see red finger marks on the woman’s flawless cheek. “I’m not a bitch, not like you, Britney. And I happen to live in New Zealand, a clean country that’s hardly a slum.” Then with her head high, she marched off.

  Along the corridor, still breathing heavily from the unexpected encounter, Alex could hear Britney shouting, “I’ve warned you, Alexandra. You’ll see. He’ll go back to Sarah. He’s still in love with Sarah. He will never love the likes of you, you slum bitch!”

  Alex gritted her teeth, holding back tears. God, how she wished she could go back and slap that silly woman again. As she got closer to the hall, however, she wondered if perhaps Britney was right. Perhaps Jayden still had feelings for Sarah. Perhaps he—


  Alex turned to see a handsome receptionist before her. “Yes?”

  “Are you Miss Alexandra Stewart?”

  “Yes, I am,” she replied, wondering what this was about.

  “This is for you.”

  Alex took the little card he handed her. She glanced down and saw it had the name Jayden at the bottom. “Thanks.”

  The young man nodded and left her. Alex read the contents of the note.

  Alexandra, meet me at 11 p.m. exactly in room 879.


  She was curious. What could this mean? Why would Jay ask her to meet up with him alone?

  When she got back to her seat, Jayden was nowhere in sight. Perhaps he had already gone up to room 879?

  * * * * *

  Jayden glanced down at the note he received from a pretty receptionist only a few minutes ago.

  What is Sarah doing here in the hotel? Why does she want to see me?

  He came to stand in front of room 879 and then hesitantly knocked on the door. A few seconds later, it flung open, and Sarah stood there, extraordinarily beautiful and sexy in a short, flimsy nightdress.

  “Jayden, you came,” she said, smiling, her eyes shining. “I was beginning to think you had backed out. That you wouldn’t come after—” She broke off dramatically. Her face appeared to have gone terribly sad. “But please do come in.”

  The living area was elegant and comfortable, and Jayden noted Sarah had her back to him as she poured two glasses of wine. Of course, he didn’t see that Sarah had dropped a small tablet into one of the glasses. She swirled it about until the tablet dissolved entirely.

  “A drink?” she asked softly as she turned around, holding up the glasses.

  “No, thanks. Why did you want to see me?”

  “Jayden,” Sarah said, striding to him, her voice seductive and sad at the same time. “Why are you talking to me like this? We used to be so close. We used to be in love.”

  “Things changed, Sarah. You’ve chosen your path, and I want to know why.”

  Sarah gritted her teeth at the reminder. Sure, she chose Kyle over Jayden simply because she thought Kyle was better-looking and had better prospects in terms of money and status, but she wasn’t going to tell him that.

  “Jayden,” she moaned, forcing tears to brew in her eyes. “I’ve made mistakes. I now know that. I don’t love Kyle after all. I thought I did.”

  She sat on the sofa and put the glass down on the table. She shook her head as she continued, “He’s having an affair with Britney. I just found out. What can I do, Jay?” She looked up at him, her eyes large and glistening with fake tears.

  Jayden couldn’t believe Kyle was having an affair with Britney. And all while he was dating Sarah? This was beyond his comprehension.

  Suddenly, Sarah started crying so hard her shoulders were shaking. She reached her hand out for him, begging him to come to her. Jayden reluctantly complied and sat beside her. She wrapped her arms around him, her head resting against his chest as she sobbed gently.

  “I can’t believe it, Jay. I can’t believe it. But you know, in a way I am glad because I now know what he’s like. I now know I don’t love him.” She gazed at him then, moving her face to him. “I realize I still love you, Jay. Sweetheart, won’t you forgive me?”

  Jayden snorted. “Sarah, I don’t—”

  “Oh, Jay, please,” she begged. “I love you. Don’t leave me. Please.” She pulled him to her and started kissing him. Jayden tried to push himself back up, but she only held on to him tighter.

  The door flung open. There was a loud gasp.

  Jayden glanced up in shock to see Alex standing there staring at them in confusion.


  Alex, trembling, shook her head and murmured, “No. No. No.”

  “Jay,” Sarah said seductively, tightening her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. “Come on, babe, tell me you want me. Tell me you love me.”

  Alex felt the world spinning around her mercilessly. Her ears were deafened by the noise of her thumping heartbeat. She was having difficulty breathing. Oh God! She stepped back, her knees barely holding her. She turned on her heel and started to run down the corridor.

  “Alex!” Jayden shouted.

  “Jay,” Sarah purred.

  “Alex!” Jayden yelled. He shoved Sarah from him and headed to the door. “Alex!” he shouted, racing after her. “It’s not like what you see.”
  “You liar! You’ve always lied to me, Jayden!” Alex shouted, tears in her eyes. She ran into the elevator and pushed the ground floor button. She watched as Jayden got closer. The door shut just moments before he reached it.

  Jayden pushed the down button a couple of times in frustration. The elevator door, however, didn’t open. He swore under his breath and headed to the stairs. He ran down two steps at a time and headed to the elevator on the lower floor. He pushed the down button and the door opened. But not the one Alex was in. He quickly got in.

  Down on the ground floor, he raced through the main lobby to the entrance. Outside, he saw Alex getting into a taxi.

  “Alex!” he shouted. “Alex, wait!”

  Alex closed the door and told the taxi driver to go.

  Jayden ran after the taxi. Once he knew he couldn’t catch up, he stopped, standing in the middle of traffic. He swore under his breath and then growled loudly.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 26

  With a murderous expression on his face, Jayden burst the door open. He wasn’t surprised to see Kyle and Britney there with Sarah. They were sipping champagne—a toast, no doubt—to congratulate themselves at pulling off such a splendid show.

  The three people looked at him in shocked surprise. Jay didn’t give a shit that he was interrupting their little party as he stalked to Kyle, his chest heaving and his hands fisted tightly.

  “Shit!” Britney muttered under her breath.

  “Jay!” Sarah said, rushing toward him. “I thought—”

  She didn’t finish. He shoved her aside and flung his fist forward, smashing Kyle’s handsome face, hitting him against the wall.

  Sarah and Britney stared at the scene before them in shocked silence. Neither of them dared to move as they watched Jay knock Kyle’s face again.

  Kyle groaned and touched his bleeding nose and lips. “Shit, man!”

  Jayden turned to face the two women, his eyes dark with disgust. “Stay out of my life. If any of you interfere again, I swear I’ll make your life a living hell.” He turned to Kyle, rage contorting his face. “We’ve never been friends, Kyle. Like I warned you before, I can do more damage than bashing your face.” Then he marched to the door. Just as he was about to leave, he said to Sarah, “It really is over, Sarah, you and me. I don’t care why you left me, and I’m glad you did. You and Kyle deserve each other.” Then he slammed the door shut.


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