Vengeful Seduction_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Vengeful Seduction_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 14

by Michelle Love

  “Damn,” Brent whispered beside me. Luckily, Kaye didn’t notice. She seemed somewhat lost in her own thoughts. Still, the fact was she was there and it touched me. She was here for me, and I knew it. She never would have come here if not for me wanting her to.

  She was interested, though. I could swear it. When I’d dressed her in the outfit she now wore, she had been aroused. I could pretty much smell it on her, and even though this was—as I constantly told myself—all just for the plan, I had to think it would also be a lot of fun.

  I shot Brent a bit of a look, but he didn’t seem to notice. He was too busy looking at Kaye—at the way her gorgeous body was displayed. Maybe it wouldn’t have bothered me so much, but I knew Brent was going to possess her body some day. He was going to make Kaye fall for him, and I thought he could do it.

  “Keep it in your pants,” I whispered back, just slightly irritated. I could try to tell myself—and I did—that my objection was just to keep him from flying off the handle and pushing too fast, but part of me knew better.

  I put my arm around my wife’s waist and stopped her just outside the door. In my hand, I held the collar and the leash, which I had shown her earlier. I hadn’t made her wear it right away, but I wanted her to remember it.

  “If you like what we see, I’ll put this on you,” I whispered, and I could swear I saw a flicker of interest in her brilliant green eyes.

  She nodded slowly, then actually shot me a spirited wink.

  “We’ll see,” she murmured, and I smirked. She hadn’t said no. She very definitely hadn’t.

  Kaye was sweet, but she knew her own mind. If she absolutely didn’t want any of this, she never would have come at all. Something about this, at the very least, intrigued her.

  Together, the three of us went inside. I stayed close to Kaye to watch her reaction, even the slightest ones she gave. She seemed fairly passive and calm—I was getting good at reading her.

  The room was lit, but only with low light. Everything could be seen, but there was an aura of mystery to the place that suited it.

  There wasn’t a lot in the way of actual equipment—not in the first room. There was a spanking bench, padded and comfortable, various restraints, and a table of basic implements like floggers, but not much more. It was just there to show people what was available in the private rooms. This was the room where newcomers were made comfortable—newcomers such as Kaye. It was the most public room, meant to give people a taste of what they could be getting into, hopefully without freaking them out.

  As Kaye, Brent, and I quietly took our places in the comfortable seats set around the perimeter of the room, none of us said so much as a word. I made sure Kaye sat beside Brent, but beside me, too, so she was between us.

  Maybe Brent was a talented Dom, but I knew Kaye, and I knew she would be far more comfortable if she was close to her new husband. She rested her hand on my leg and I could feel her fingers trembling just a little.

  Trembling with arousal or fear? Both, I thought, and I placed my hand on her slender one, comforting her. It seemed to work and she got brave enough to look into the center of the room.

  There, a pretty woman (though not as pretty as Kaye) was being tied to the spanking bench. Her knees were on the lower platform and her breasts, which were bare, were pressed against the upper level. Her ankles were tied to the corners, then her wrists, and she squirmed.

  It was obvious, though, that she was moving not to get away, but because she was so aroused she couldn’t hold her movements back. Everything about her screamed of arousal, from the arch of her back to the way she pressed her ass back, as though begging for someone to hit her.

  The Dom was a man I didn’t recognize, but who seemed pretty typical of the place—a rich businessman of some sort. He approached her fully clothed, whereas she was almost naked. Only a pair of bright red underpants shielded her modesty, and I heard Kaye gasp beside me at the wanton sight.

  My cock twitched in my pants, but not for the young sub on the stage. No, it was all for the woman beside me—my wife—who was so hot with arousal that I could actually feel her burning beside me. Her hand gripped my leg, squeezing it tightly.

  In the middle of the room, the Dom picked up a flogger—a relatively light, gentle one—meant to work his sub up for the more intense play to come.

  “Remember your safe word,” the man murmured, but loud enough for all of us to hear. I felt Kaye turn to look at me, but I just placed a finger to my lips. If we went further, and I fully intended to make it happen, I would explain then.

  “I remember, master,” the sub murmured, her voice low and slightly hoarse with desire. “Please hit me. I’ve been such a bad girl.”

  She looked around, and I could see, even from a couple of feet away, that she was excited. Her eyes shone and she was definitely an exhibitionist. She was obviously feeding off of the attention of the small crowd.

  Her Dom didn’t make her wait. He smirked and then he started to hit her. Just lightly, at first, but soon enough a flush of red broke out over her tight, round little ass.

  She hissed and arched toward the sensation, and the temperature in the room actually seemed to raise a little. Yes, she was showing off for the crowd, but this was also an incredibly intimate thing for the two of them to be doing.

  They were linked in a very intimate way, and I stared, fascinated. I wanted it. I wanted the same relationship these two clearly had.

  “Please,” she was soon begging, turning her plaintive gaze toward her Dom. “Please, master.”

  “You know you have to ask for what you want more clearly,” he chastised, his hand rubbing over the abused skin of her ass. “You know what I want, slave. Beg for me.”

  When I pulled my gaze away from the scene in front of us, I saw Kaye staring, utterly rapt. I couldn’t be positive, but I was fairly sure the look on her face wasn’t disgust or revulsion.

  She seemed completely fascinated. I caught Brent’s eye, and he smirked and nodded at me. Yes, my little saint of a wife was not as sweet and innocent as she might have thought. Her tastes weren’t quite as pure when a little digging was done.

  “Master! Please, fuck me,” the girl begged, and I turned my attention back to them. The man slapped his partner’s ass once more, the sound of it echoing through the room and making my cock twitch.

  I wanted to do the same things, but to Kaye.

  Right in front of us, the Dom pushed inside his slave, and she—bound as she was—could only be still and enjoy it. She loved it, if her cries of pleasure were any indication at all.

  Had Kaye ever even watched porn before? Here she had a live show playing out for her pleasure. It was a hot scene, too, between the bound young woman and her master. But my attention was mostly on Kaye.

  When they were done, another couple took over, but I had had enough. Looking over at Brent, I saw he was in the same place. It was fun to watch, but I’d always been much more interested in the doing rather than the watching.

  “Kaye,” I murmured quietly in her ear, so as to not interrupt the couple on stage. “I want to take you to a private room. Will you come with me?”

  It was a risk, and she might say no, but given her heaving breasts and shimmering eyes, I at least had a shot.

  Chapter 13


  Never in my life had I seen anything like what had played out before me. Never had I thought I’d want to. Until David, I’d barely been interested in sex at all. If anyone had told me I would be watching a girl getting spanked until her ass was red and then being taken right up in front of a group of people, I would have called them insane without hesitation.

  However, there I sat between two strong, handsome men, watching as two strangers played with each other in ways I’d never dreamed of. I was soon squirming just a little, trying to relieve some of the pressure building between my legs.

  When David murmured to me, I hesitated. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go anywhere—not in the shape I was in. I was far too su
ggestible when I was aroused, and David brought me to that state far too easily.

  “Will he come?” I murmured back, my voice too quiet to be heard by anyone but David. I indicated Brent with a subtle flick of my eyes. I needed to know what to expect before I agreed to anything.

  “I would like it if he did,” David admitted, and I frowned. I didn’t have anything at all against Brent, but this was new territory for me. It was a little bit freaky to get into this with someone I barely knew.

  For a moment I examined my distaste for the idea, and then I realized what my issue was. I took a deep breath and then figured the only way to get past it was to ask the question.

  “If we go with him,” I kept my voice down. “Is he going to be allowed to have me? To …fuck me?” I wasn’t used to saying curse words out loud and I blushed a little bit as I did, much to my annoyance.

  I needed to say it, though. I would never, not ever, be okay with another man having me. No way was it going to happen. That was off the table for me. If either David or Brent thought it could ever happen, I would never go into a private room with both of them and let them both fuck me.

  David was the man for me, and I was a one-man kind of woman. I never wanted to have anyone else deep up inside of me. It was too intimate, and I could never share myself like that with another man.

  “No,” David started, then shook his head. “Brent, excuse us for a second, please.” Brent nodded with an easygoing smile, and David pulled me to my feet. He put his arm around me and together we went back out into the hallway so we could talk without interrupting anyone. “No, Kaye,” David repeated. “No man will ever have you. Not Brent, Not anyone. You belong to me and only me. I’d kill any man who tried.”

  His very fierceness actually soothed me a little. I nodded, relieved, looking at my husband. The very air in this place felt warm and sexually charged, and I didn’t even know what to do with all of the erotic energy I had.

  “Okay, good,” I murmured, my eyes caught by my husband’s handsome face, his strong jaw, and high cheekbones. In this place, somehow, he looked even more gorgeous than normal, which was definitely saying something.

  “The thing is, Brent is a lot more experienced at this sort of thing than I am,” David admitted. He had this way of showing just the tiniest bit of vulnerability, and as always, it touched my heart. I knew he didn’t show it to just anyone. “He’s a very experienced Dom, and I want him to teach me how to give you the most pleasure through pain. Just like that girl we were just watching.”



  If he put it that way, it suddenly sounded a lot more appealing.

  The fact was, I had never considered whether I would want to be spanked or not. I had never given it any thought at all, either positive or negative. Having seen what had happened to the girl, though, I was suddenly much more interested. What would it be like to have it done to me?

  “Then let’s go,” I whispered, and it was strange to think about it. It had only been a very short time since I’d truly been an innocent, but bit by bit it was being stripped from me.

  And the worst part was, I wasn’t even sure I minded.

  A tall, muscular man with salt and pepper hair and dark blue eyes came up behind David. “Mr. B., it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you here.”

  David turned around and smiled, then shook the man’s hand. “Mr. J., how’s it going?”

  Mr. J., as my husband had called him, looked me up and down. “It’s been going well. Are those wedding rings I see you guys sporting?” He winked at me, then extended his hand. “Grant Jamison, Mrs. Black?”

  “I am Mrs. Black. Kaye Black to be exact. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jamison.” He let my hand go, and I found David taking it in a possessive hold.

  “You gave her your real name,” David said with a quizzical expression.

  “She seems like the kind of woman a man can trust,” Grant said as he looked me over. “I can read people rather well.”

  “I consider myself trustworthy.” I was impressed with the man. He had an air about him that was dominating, but in the best possible way. “Are you married?”

  He shook his head. “Not me. Not in my future. You’re new here, and I want to be sure you know all the rules. Has your husband told you about them?” Grant looked me square in the eyes. He seemed like he was genuinely concerned about me.

  “I have not. But my buddy, who’s much more practiced than I am, is about to join us in a private room and he’ll tell her all the rules.” David ran his arm around my shoulders and kissed the side of my head. “I would never harm a hair on this woman’s head. I only want to please her and show her new and exciting things. And we’ll be under guidance from a man I trust implicitly.”

  “Good to know,” Grant said as he looked at me once again. “You see, I’m one of the founding fathers of this club. I make it my personal mission to see that everyone here knows they’re safe. There are cameras all over the place and our staff monitors everyone. If you call out the safe word and your partner doesn’t take heed, we will come in and end things. All you have to do is call that out and anything that’s happening will stop. Do you understand that?”

  I nodded my answer, then gave the man a smile. “I do. Thank you so much. You’ve actually made me feel much better about things. I want to be able to see to my husband’s every want, need, and desire. Of course, I want to feel safe while doing that, though.”

  Grant nodded, then left us, as he had spotted another seemingly innocent couple coming into the hallway. David took my hand and led me away.

  I was about to see what all the fuss about this BDSM scene was all about.

  Was I really ready for this?

  Before I knew it, I was in a private room—one much more intimidating than the one I’d started in. There were all sorts of pieces of furniture around, most of which I hadn’t the slightest clue about, and it tended to make my imagination run a little bit wild.

  “You’re only here as long as you wish to be here,” David murmured to me as I looked around the room in somewhat of a panic. “The moment you want this to stop, it will.”

  It was the exact right thing to say and I relaxed quite a bit. I even let David put the leather collar around my neck and stood still as he handed the leash over to Brent.

  “Now it’s time for us to play.” Brent grinned at me, comforting me further. Whatever happened here, I was safe. “If you want me to stop whatever I’m doing, say red. If you just need a break, say yellow.”

  I nodded my understanding, and Brent led me over to a set of chains that dangled from the wall with thick, silvery links attached to shackles on the end. In seconds, I was firmly chained to the wall and I moaned softly and closed my eyes.

  It was almost embarrassing how aroused I was by this. I tugged lightly on the cuffs, not trying to get away but simply testing them, and found them firm. I really was bound, hopelessly stuck right where I was, and part of me loved it.

  Closing my eyes, I let myself revel in my helplessness. So often, I had to be the strong one. At work, I had to be the one in control, for the health of my patients.

  It was somehow highly intriguing to give the control over to someone else.

  Even without my eyes closed, I couldn’t have seen what was happening. I was facing the wall, so my vulnerable ass was displayed to the two men. I heard movements behind me, and I waited in something approaching agony to see what would happen next.

  The first touch was light. It felt smooth and slightly cool, and I recognized it as leather. One of those floggers, I realized, as the tails dragged softly over my skin. I shivered, and slowly, slowly, Brent started to up the intensity.

  It never hurt. It never did much more than sting, but it was a fascinating sensation. I was being hit. Not hard—and not against my will—but I was bound and somewhat helpless as a big, strong man struck me with the flogger.

  My panties were soaking wet. My juices had gone right through them and drippe
d down my legs, drenching them. Something about the whole situation got to me, making me moan and writhe. Soon enough I was pressing back toward the lashes of the flogger.

  “She’s ready,” I heard Brent murmur. I did hear the words, but they didn’t seem particularly important to me. In my state of arousal, I was in a sort of daze, and I just moaned as I was unchained from the wall and moved.

  A soft, cloth blindfold was tied over my eyes and I whimpered. If it had happened any sooner—before I’d gotten so worked up—it probably would have scared me. As it was, it just excited me more and made me feel more helpless for them.

  “Bend over, Kaye,” David told me, and it was pretty much sheer instinct that had me obeying him. I bent over and recognized my husband’s scent, even if I couldn’t see him, as he eased me into place.

  Something padded pressed against my neck, and then my wrists were raised too. I was in a sort of stockade, I realized, as the other part of the wooden structure closed on top of me, trapping my head and my hands with no hope of escape.

  Bent over, utterly vulnerable, and unable to even see anything, I waited. It felt like an eternity to my overstimulated body, but it was probably only a second or two until one of them spanked me for the first time.

  I could sense them, somehow, even if I couldn’t feel them. One of them stood on my left, the other one on my right, and they took turns spanking my tender ass. Soon it was actually stinging, and for some reason, I only got wetter and more desperate.

  Being spanked and being used by these two men was turning me on. I’d never suspected myself of being very kinky, but I was being proven wrong in a rather spectacular way as I was held captive for these two strong, handsome men.

  Even so, I somehow knew something important. I wouldn’t enjoy this at all if I didn’t know David was right there. It was definitely hot, but without him, it would be terrifying—not something I would want at all.

  How long it lasted, I couldn’t have said. They spanked me until I lost myself completely in the rhythm, in the hints of pain, and in the overwhelming pleasure their hands brought me.


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