Vengeful Seduction_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Vengeful Seduction_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 57

by Michelle Love

  “No, thank you. I like butter only.” He smiles at me, and it makes my heart skip a beat.

  He’s happy with what I’ve done and, as silly as it is, it makes me happy too.

  I take the plates to the small dining table and turn back to him. “Would you like milk to drink with this or something else?”

  “Milk is fine.” He stays where he is, still leaning against the bar as I pour the two glasses of cold milk.

  Placing them next to our plates, I go to get silverware and napkins and place them next to the plates. “Care to join me, Pierce?”

  “Thank you, I’d love to,” he says, then comes to the table, pulling out a chair and gesturing for me to take the seat.

  I do and find him leaving a kiss on top of my head. “This looks great, baby.”

  With a sigh, I say, “Thank you.”

  Before he takes his seat, he goes to the cabinet next to the stove and pulls out salt and pepper shakers. “You only forgot this. But all in all, not a bad job.”

  I’m reminded of the book I read where the sub forgot salt, earning her a spanking. I giggle a little as he sits down. “I suppose that’s earned me a punishment.”

  “Not today. If you forget tomorrow, it might.” He puts his finger on the tip of my nose. Today is a learning day. No punishments. But try to listen and grasp what I like, so things will go easier.”

  With a nod, I pick up the bacon and take a bite. “Yum. I did good.”

  He takes a bite of the eggs and nods. “You did. I’ll make a respectable cook out of you yet, Jade.”

  As we sit and eat, I notice how content I feel. It’s such a little thing, and yet I feel great for being able to do it. Odd!

  “Do you think we could go for a walk after breakfast? It looks lovely outside.” I jerk my head to the window over the sink where the sun is shining through a cluster of tall trees.

  “I think that’s a great idea. And there’s a lake not too far away, where we can take a nice long swim. I’m dying to see you in the red bikini I bought for you.”

  My lips cock up to one side as I think about him buying me clothes. “Did you put a lot of thought into what you bought me?”

  He drinks some milk as he nods. “Every piece has thought that went into it. The color of your hair and eyes and the creaminess of your skin all were always in my mind as I found the things I wanted to see you in. It was one long day of shopping, but I found it more enjoyable than I thought it’d be.”

  Again, I’m reminded of how thoughtful he is. It’s a shame he doesn’t want a real girlfriend. He’d make a great boyfriend.


  The afternoon sun glistens off the blue water that laps at the rocky shoreline. Jade shimmies out of blue jean shorts and pulls the little white tank top off, revealing the red bikini I got her. My mouth waters as I look her over then let out a wolf-whistle. Her cheeks turn to a color that matches her bathing suit.

  Spying a high rock we can jump off of, I run up and pick her up, then start making the trek up the slope. Her arms wrap around my neck as she giggles. “And we’re going where?”

  “You’ll find out. You’re going to have to trust me, Jade.” I nip at her lower lip, making her yelp.

  Higher we go, until we’re at the peak of the boulder that hovers over the lake’s edge. “Oh, no, Pierce!”

  “Oh yes, Jade.” I kiss her lips for only a moment. “Hang on tight.”

  She closes her eyes tightly and hangs on as she buries her head in my chest. “Oh, Lord, please don’t let us die!”

  And off the rock I jump. Soaring through the air, then falling to the water below, I howl and Jade screams. We hit the water feet first, and I quickly kick us back up to the surface. Jade gasps as the air hits us.

  I shout, “That was awesome! Let’s do it again!”

  Jade lets me go, breaking away from me as she swims for the shore. “No way!”

  I swim after her. “You’re right; let’s don’t do that again. Look, there’s a rope swing!”

  She speeds up, trying to get away from me, but I catch her easily and laugh at her as she sniffles. “Water went straight up my nose!”

  “So, hold it next time. We’re going off the rope swing, Tarzan-style.”

  “No!” she shouts as I carry her out of the water.

  “Yes!” I say and throw her over my shoulder, taking her to the pieces of wood that serve as a ladder up to the rope that’s tied to a sturdy limb.

  Up I go, carrying her fireman-style as she pounds her small fists on my back and screams, “Do it without me! I’m scared, Pierce!”

  When I get to the top, I pull her off my shoulder and hold her by the waist. “It’s not fun without you, baby. Now hold onto my neck with one arm, and I guess you should hold your nose with your left hand and take a deep breath just before we hit the water.”

  “Oh, Pierce, please don’t make me,” she whines, making me laugh.

  I point at the way back down, that looks a hell of a lot more treacherous than the jump into the peaceful azure water below us. “You really want to go back down that way, baby?”

  Her eyes grow large as she looks down. “Shit!”

  “Does that mean you’ll be joining me?” I ask with a grin.

  Her arm goes around my neck; her hand goes to her nose; and she gives me a nod. “I guess so.”

  Looking down, I say, “I think we’re high enough we might be able to do a turn or two before hitting the water. You game?”

  “Hell, no!”

  “That’s what I thought. Okay, just a simple straight jump, feet first, just like before, only we’ll be swinging from a rope.” I grip her tightly and pull back on the rope, then we fly out over the water as she screams bloody murder.

  I’m almost out of breath when we come up to the surface, and her little wet head pops up just after mine does. She’s hanging on to me as the water’s deep and I can’t touch the bottom. I tread water as I hold her and then I have the urge to kiss her.

  The tension leaves her body, and she kisses me back. My cock stirs, and I swim toward the shore until my feet touch. Holding her, I feel her legs go around me as our kiss grows more passionate. I’m more than a bit surprised to find her hands pushing at the elastic waistband of my swimming trunks, freeing my erection.

  I push her bikini bottoms to one side and shove my cock into her tight pussy, making her gasp with the sudden intrusion. “Pierce, what you do to me is so damn odd.” Her eyes search mine. “Is this how it feels with everyone?”

  “I’d be lying if I told you it was. You and I seem to have some great chemistry, Jade. To be honest, I’ve never felt like this.” I brush back her dark hair and find myself being more open with her than I planned to be. “I hope you find this again when our time is done. But the fact is, you may have to kiss a lot of frogs to get what we have.”

  With a nod, she puts her head on my shoulder and moves her body to stroke my cock. I take her by the waist, moving her back and forth, and feel something trickling down my back. She sniffles, and I know she’s crying.

  She’s falling in love me with. I know she is. I should stop this. We have two months, and that’s all. That’s all I ever wanted. A nice long taste of her, and then I can move on to the next thing.

  I’ll give her this day and night, but tomorrow I’ll change. I’ll be demanding, turn on the Dom inside me, and that should help her to see me as the real man I am. This isn’t me at all. Not that I’m faking, exactly. It’s just that I know I can’t keep this up.

  I move her body until I feel her breathing go shallow and her heart pounds against my chest. Her walls squeeze my cock, taking us both over the edge. Then she pulls back and looks at me. The tell-tell signs of the tears are still on her face. “I love you, Pierce.”

  With a gulp, I say, “I love you, Jade. You wanna go back to the cabin now?”

  She shakes her head. “No, I want to jump off that rock with you again. And then I want you to teach me how to do flips off the rope swing.”

nbsp; I laugh as we head out of the water and can’t ignore the fact that with her simple gesture she’s made a chip in the armor that’s shielded my heart for the last few years.

  “After this, we can go back and make some lunch. I’m dying to find out if you can actually make a sandwich,” I tell her, then smack her ass as she runs out of the water ahead of me.

  “Ow!” she shouts as she grabs her ass. “I can make a sandwich, Pierce. You’ll see. Now come on, hurry up. It’s cold when we’re out of the water.”

  “I can see that by how hard your nipples are getting,” I say, then run up and grab her, tossing her over my shoulder. “I’ll give you a lift.”

  Her laughter fills my head and my heart. And now I’m the one who’s afraid.


  Crisp evening air moves in as a breeze ushers in the night through the tall trees that dance with the wind. Pierce and I lie in the hammock that hangs between a couple of trees. Lying on his chest as we begin to swing with the rush of air, I sigh, as it’s time to go inside and make dinner.

  The day was perfect. We swam and played, and I’ve never felt so comfortable with anyone in my life. We made love several times, when the urge hit either of us. I felt like we were castaways on a deserted island, a place I couldn’t imagine wanting to leave.

  “I’ll go in and start dinner. I have that video to watch so I can see how to make ratatouille,” I say as I place my hand on Pierce’s chest to push myself up.

  His lips press against the side of my head. “I have a couple of steaks in the fridge. I tell you what. You pop a couple of big potatoes in the microwave for twenty minutes. Wash them first, then poke holes in them with a fork. I’ll fire up the grill and make the steaks on it. And there’s a package of pre-made salad you can toss into a bowl. How about that, baby?”

  I have to fight the tears back that threaten me. “I think that sounds lovely, sweetie. I’ll get to that, then.”

  Before I can climb off the hammock, he pulls me back and kisses me with a sweet kiss. “I love you, Jade.”

  I melt into him and whisper, “And I love you.”

  Once he lets me go, I quickly walk away, keeping my back to him as tears run down my cheeks. Perhaps the start of the BDSM stuff will harden my heart against him. One can hope.

  The way I feel now has me left with little doubt that leaving him at the end of two months will be hard to do. But he seems set on that being the end of it all. I can’t allow myself to get in too deeply. It’s going to be hard enough as it is.

  I wipe the tears away and feel his hands on my hips. “I love the way your hair looks when it dries naturally. It’s all wavy and soft. You’re naturally sexy, Jade.”

  With a sigh, I reply, “Is that so?”

  “It is so, my little Brit.” He pulls me up, carrying me once again. He seems to love to do that.

  Into the house we go, and he plants my feet in the kitchen. “Thanks for the ride, Pierce. I’ll get to work.”

  “You do that. And so will I.” He pulls a long-handled lighter from one of the drawers. “I’ll be back for the steaks shortly.”

  Moving about the kitchen, I find the bag of potatoes and pull out a couple of nice-sized ones. Washing them, I find a small microwave-safe dish to put them in and poke holes in them the way he told me to. Setting them in the microwave, I catch a glimpse of Pierce as he starts the fire in a propane bar-b-que pit on the porch.

  A huge burst of flames comes out of the pit, and I see Pierce’s shirt sleeve is on fire. Grabbing a kitchen towel, I hurry out to him, finding him running. “Roll, Pierce!”

  He’s actually fanning the flame in his panic, making it even bigger. I haul ass to get to him as he’s running in crazy circles. Managing to catch him, I push him to the ground somehow and put the flames out with the kitchen towel as he shouts curse words and looks wild-eyed.

  We look at one another as we both catch our breath. “Thanks.”

  I laugh and smile as we sit up. Pushing up what’s left of the sleeve, I see Pierce’s skin is only slightly pink. “Come on. Let’s get some of that antibiotic cream on this.”

  I get up and offer him a hand, which he takes. “You sure did think quickly. How’d you know I’d caught myself on fire, baby?”

  “I was watching you out the window. Some luck, huh? The way you were headed, I think you might’ve caught the forest on fire if I hadn’t tackled you.” I laugh, but see him looking at me with wonder in his eyes.

  “Yeah, I wonder how the hell you managed that.”

  “I don’t know. My adrenaline kicked in. Call me the Hulk if you want to,” I say as I continue to laugh.

  “My little angel. My strong little angel,” he mutters as I lead him into the house and to the bathroom.

  “I’m sure you were thrown off by being so panic-stricken,” I offer him as an excuse as to why I knocked him down so easily. “Sit on the toilet, and I’ll tend to your burn.” I put the lid down, and he takes a seat.

  “Panic-stricken?” he asks. “I don’t think I was all that panicked.”

  “No, of course you weren’t,” I say with a soft voice as I rub an alcohol wipe over his pink-tinged skin.

  “Ow! Damn, baby!”

  “Sorry, I know it burns.” I blow across the surface of his poor pink skin. “Is that better?”

  He nods, and I put the cream on it, sure the burn will stop hurting with the painkiller in it. I turn to find some gauze and wrap it loosely around his forearm. “I bet that’ll be better in a couple of days. Don’t you?” I ask him.

  I look to find him gazing at me. “Huh? Oh, yeah, a couple of days.” He pushes my hair back as it’s fallen into my face. “Thanks, Jade. Really.”

  “Not a big deal, sweetie. I’m sure if I were on fire you’d help me too.” I kiss his cheek. “How about you rest on the sofa and read a bit while I figure out how to make the dinner? I can YouTube it or something. I think you just left the propane on too long. I’ll shut it off and let it air out before I try to light it again.” I pull his hand, and he gets up, allowing me to lead him to the living room.

  “No, I’m not that hurt, Jade. I can still do it. I think you’re right. I left the propane on too long. I can deal with that. Let’s get back to the way I planned things in the first place. Fiasco over. Back to business as usual,” he says then, laughs.

  “You sure, sweetheart? I can figure it out while you drink a beer. I saw the fridge that’s out in the garage; it’s filled with them.”

  “It is?” I guess the owner left it. “I could use one. But bring it to me outside. I’m not about to turn into a big baby over a little burn. Even though I did see my life flash before my eyes.”

  With a nod, I head to the kitchen and out the door that goes off it that leads to the garage. Grabbing him a beer, I make my way back out to him, finding him being very careful as he makes a second attempt at lighting the fire. When he gets it done easily this time, we both breathe sighs of relief.

  Handing him the beer, I say, “You know what? You told me I’d like serving and doing things for someone if I cared about them. You were right about that. What kind of salad dressing would you like?”

  “Ranch,” he says, then winks at me. “Tomorrow we’ll start your training. Testing your limits. What do you think about that?”

  “I think I’m getting excited about it. I want to start working on small parts of the scene you wrote for me. Maybe you can tie me up the way you planned.”

  “And give you a small dose of what the flogger can do for you?” he asks with raised brows.

  “I like that idea. And tonight, when we go to bed, get a little rough with me, if you’d like to. I kind of like it when you smack my ass.” I shake it as I walk back inside to deal with the rest of dinner.

  His growl follows me and sends a shiver down my spine. I’ve just signed up for a little rough play tonight. I hope I’m not moving too fast. But damn it, his hand on my ass drives me crazy. In a good way.

  Starting the potatoes in the microwa
ve, I turn around to find Pierce standing on the other side of the bar, staring at me. “Are you real, Jade?”

  With a giggle, I say, “Are you high, Pierce?”

  “I am,” he says with a nod. “I’m high on you.”

  And I see it there, twinkling in the depths of his bright eyes. It’s a bit more than interest; it’s curiosity mixed with something much deeper than that.

  Could this go past the two-month mark? Would that be a thing he’d allow?


  Moonlight is all we have lighting up the bedroom where Jade waits for me, writing away in one of the notebooks I brought for her. As I walk out of the bathroom, she puts it away in the drawer of the nightstand and pushes the blanket off her bare breasts. Her golden eyes sparkle as she holds out her arms to me.

  Climbing into bed after a quick shower, I rest my head on the pillows. “Reading in this low light is bad for your eyes, baby.”

  She moves her hand over the tattoo that’s on my left pec and says, “I wasn’t reading; I was writing. Now, about this lovely piece of art on your chest. I know this is a tribal tat, but the small letters along this one line, I can’t read. What’s written there, Pierce?”

  “That’s my grandfather’s name, Archie. He passed away a couple of years ago, from a heart attack. It was sudden and shocking. I had it added a few months after that.” I put my hand over hers as she caresses my chest.

  She nods at the tattoo on my right bicep. “And why’d you get that one?”

  It’s a dragon, and the story isn’t great behind that one, but I share it anyway. “I was eighteen, drunk at the time, and I liked dragons.”

  She laughs and moves her free hand over it. “I’m too afraid to get a tattoo.”

  “If you want one, I could go with you and hold your hand to help you get through it,” I offer.

  She shakes her head. “My parents would flip. I couldn’t do that.”

  “Jade, you’re almost twenty-four. Don’t you think the time where your parents call all the shots should be over?”

  A weak smile moves over her plump lips as she nods. “It should, shouldn’t it? I’m their only child, and sometimes it feels as if I’ll always be their kid, not their adult daughter who has a mind of her own.”


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