44 Ernest L. Martin, The Birth of Christ Recalculated, Pasadena Foundation for Biblical Research, 1980.
45 E.W. Bullinger, The Companion Bible. See App. 12.
46 Gordon J. Wenham, Word Biblical Commentary, Word Books, Waco, Texas, 1987, page 140.
47 J. Karst Eusebus-Werke, Vol 5, Die Chronik, Leipzig, 1911.
48 E.W. Bullinger, The Companion Bible. See App. 124.
49 Universal Dictionary, Reader’s Digest Association, London, 1987.
50 Graham Hancock εt Santha Faiia, Heaven’s Mirror, Penguin Books.
51 Ron Wyatt, Cup of Trembling (video), Bethel Communications, PO Box 459, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1997.
52 Graham Hancock εt Santha Faiia, Heaven’s Mirror.
53 Sources: Givonna Magi, All of Egypt, Casa Editrice Bonechi, Florence, Italy, 1996; Life in the Land of the Pharaohs, Reader’s Digest, London, 1995; Jo Forty, Mythology: A Visual Encyclopedia, Parkgate Books, London, 1999.
54 E.W. Bullinger, Witness of the Stars.
55 Graham Hancock εt Santha Faiia, Heaven’s Mirror.
56 Ibid.
57 Ibid.
58 Life Among the Incas, Reader’s Digest, London, 1995.
59 Graham Hancock εt Santha Faiia, Heaven’s Mirror.
60 Ibid
61 These quotes are taken from The Book of Enoch, translated by R.A. Charles. First published in 1917, SPCK, London.
62 E.W. Bullinger, The Companion Bible. See note on Genesis 5:29.
63 David Pawson, When Jesus Returns, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1995.
64 Clarence Larkin, Dispensational Truth.
65 Grant R. Jeffrey, Armageddon: Appointment with Destiny, Bantam Books, New York, 1988.
66 Hal Lindsey, Planet Earth – 2000 AD.
67 Barney, Blewett and Barney, Global 2000 Revisited: What Shall We Do? Millennium Institute, New York, 1993.
68 Clarence Larkin, Dispensational Truth.
69 Arthur Cotterell, Rachel Storm, The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology, Lorenz Books, London, 1999.
70 Gordon J. Wenhem, Word Biblical Commentary. Word Books, Waco, Texas, 1987.
71 Ibid.
72 E.W. Bullinger, The Companion Bible. See note on Psalm 75:6.
73 Barry Smith, The Eye in the Triangle (video), International Support Ministries, Marlborough, New Zealand.
Based on the Chronology of Archbishop Usher
Source: Companion Bible: E.W. Bullinger
4004 Adam created
3874 Seth b. “Adam begat a son in his own likeness” (Gen.5.3).
3769 Enos born.
3679 Cainan b.
3609 Mahaleel b.
3544 Jared b.
3382 Enoch b. “seventh from Adam” (Jude 14).
3317 Methuselah b.
3194 Adam’s “day of grace” begins when he is 810 (Genesis. 6.3).
3130 Lamech b.
3074 Adam d. (930)
3017 Enoch translated, 57 years after the death of Adam.
2962 Seth d. (912).
2948 Noah b.
2864 Enos d. (905).
2769 Cainan d. (910).
2714 Mahaleel d. (895).
2582 Jared d. (962).
2448 Japheth b.
2447 Ham b.
2446 Shem b. (Noah 502).
2353 Lamech d. (777).
2348 Methusaleh d. (969) in the first month of the Flood year.
2348 } Flood year (600th year of Noah’s life; see Gen.
2347 } 7.6, 11).
2346 Arphaxad b. “two years after the Flood”.
2311 Salah b.
2281 Eber b.
2247 Peleg b. “In his days the Earth was divided” (Gen. 10.26).
2217 Reu b.
2185 Serug b.
2155 Nahor b.
2126 Terah b.
2056 Terah’s “generations” begin with birth of Haran.
2057 Peleg d. (239).
2007 Nahor d. (148).
1998 Noah d. (950).
1996 Abraham b. (1,992 years from the Nativity).
1978 Reu d. (239).
1955 Serug d. (230).
1946 Abraham’s frst “call”, in Ur of the Chaldees (Acts 7. 2-4).
1921 Terah d. (205). Abraham’s second “call” (Haran).
The 430 years of the sojourning begin (See note on Genesis 12.1 and App. 50 iii).
1920 } Abraham goes down into Egypt. Attempted
to } destruction of the Seed (See note on Gen. 12. 10
1912 } ∈t App. 23).
1911 Abraham (85) marries Hagar (Gen. 16.3).
1910 Ishmael b. (Abraham 86).
1897 Covenant of Circumcision (Abraham 99).
1896 Isaac b. (Abraham 100).
1891 Isaac becomes the “Seed” (Gen. 21, 10; 12.7); Ishmael is “cast out”. The 400 years of Acts 7.6 begin.
1878 Salah d. (433).
1863 Isaac (33) offered up.
1859 Sarah d. (127). She is the only woman whose age appears in the Scriptures. For the significance of this cp. Galatians 4. In Sarah’s age we have, allegorically, the period of duration of the Old Covenant.
1856 Isaac (40) marries Rebekah.
1846 Shem (Melchizedek) d. (600); Abraham (150) marries Keturah.
1836 Jacob b. (Isaac 60).
1821 Abraham d. (Isaac 75, Jacob 15).
1817 Eber d. (464); he outlives Abraham by four years.
1812 The Famine of Genesis 26.1. The cause of sale of birthright?
1796 Esau (40) marries Hittite wives.
1773 Ishmael d. 137 (Jacob 15).
1759 Jacob (77) flees to Padan-aram.
1758 His “servitude” begins.
1752 His marriages.
1751 Reuben b.
1750 The chronology continues with the birth of Moses.
1571 Moses b.
1544 Joshua b. (Moses 27).
1529 Caleb b.
1491 The Exodus.
1490 The Tabernacle set up.
1452 Miriam, Aaron and Moses d.
1451 Entry into the Promised Land.
1444 The “Wars of the Lord”.
1444 First Sabbatic Year. BC
1000 The Kingdom. Saul, 40 years.
990 David b.
974 David’s first anointing (16).
960 David’s second anointing came at 30.
961 David’s third anointing.
962 Solomon reaches 40 years.
917 The Temple is begun, 573 years after the Exodus (cp. Acts 13. 20-23).
910 The Temple is completed.
Patrick Heron was born in Dublin in 1952. When he was 24, he had a “Saul on the road to Damascus” type of epiphany while reading the Bible. Thus began his Christian walk. He became interested in Bible prophecy concerning the “end times” around 1996. He had an earnest desire to make this known to the general public. In 1997, his first book Apocalypse Soon was published and became a best-seller in Ireland.
Patrick has a B.Sc. and M.A. in Business Studies from Trinity College, Dublin, and a Bachelor of Theology degree from The College of Biblical Research, Rome City, Indiana.
Patrick owns and runs his own business in Dublin where he lives with his wife, Catherine, and his daughters, Emily, Leah, and Klara. He is not associated with any particular church or denomination.
CITADEL PRESS BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
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Copyright © 2004 Patrick Heron
The Nephlm and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse was originally published by Ashfield Press, Dublin, Ireland. Aside from slight changes in pagination that result from a smaller size, and some minor revisions by the author, this is an unaltered reprint.
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Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version and New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Hodder and Stoughton Limited, London. All rights reserved. “NIV” is a registered trademark of International Bible Society. UK trademark number 1448790. Format may differ from original.
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ISBN: 978-0-8065-2810-6
The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse Page 25