Las Vegas Sidewinders: Toli & Tessa (Book 6)

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Las Vegas Sidewinders: Toli & Tessa (Book 6) Page 1

by Kat Mizera



  By Kat Mizera

  Copyright @2017 by Kat Mizera, all rights reserved

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including internet usage, without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  These are works of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design: Dar Albert, Wicked Smart Designs

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18



  August, 2014

  Wedding Day

  Tessa Barber hadn’t felt anything but love, joy and excitement from the moment her fiancé had proposed on a beach in Maui. Anatoli Petrov was everything she’d never known she wanted in a man, and she loved him so much it was sometimes frightening. Today was the big day and though she hadn’t thought having a huge, ostentatious wedding was necessary, it was what Toli wanted and she was willing to do almost anything to make him happy. She hadn’t been nervous until right this moment, and she had to take a deep breath to get herself to relax.

  Brought in through a private back entrance, guests were being seated in a room that was characterized by more elegance and beauty than Tessa had ever seen. Though she’d been privy to all the planning, Toli had been the one who’d worked with the wedding planner to make this happen, and she hadn’t expected it to be this stunning. Flowers, tiny white lights, large stained glass windows and huge chandeliers gave the room the distinct aura of romance. There was also the aromatic fragrance of roses that mingled with ladies’ perfume and the unmistakable scent of money. Everything about this event was first class and you could practically smell it.

  In a waiting room just 500 feet from where the wedding would be held, Tessa peeked out the door as friends and family were being escorted to their seats, and finally succumbed to nerves. Pacing the room as she tried to still her trembling hands, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.

  “Hey, you’ve done this before.” Kate Martensson hugged her friend gently. “It’s going to be great. Toli is so excited.” They’d been friends since college and she’d never seen Tessa nervous like this.

  “Have you seen him?” Tessa asked worriedly. She and Toli hadn’t spoken since yesterday afternoon, and it was driving her crazy.

  “Yes, and he’s his usual bundle of energy.”

  Tessa closed her eyes. “I can’t wait for him to see me. You think he’ll like this? I mean, the dress cost—”

  “We are not thinking about any of that today!” Tessa’s matron of honor, Tiffany Marcus, said firmly. “He did this because he wanted to—it was all him, remember? You wanted the courthouse.”

  Tessa smiled. “You’re right. I’m just so nervous all of a sudden.”

  “You want me to get your dad?” her other best friend from college, Erin Riser, asked quietly.

  “How much time do we have?”

  “Ten minutes.”

  “Not yet.” Tessa looked to where her daughter, Raina, was spinning in her dress, as she’d been doing pretty much all day. “Baby girl, do you remember what you’re supposed to do?”

  Raina looked up with a grin. “Throw flowers!”

  They all chuckled.

  “You’re going to hold CJ’s hand, right?” Tessa reminded her.

  “I know, Mommy!” Just two and a half, Raina was already a little diva as she rolled her eyes.

  “Okay, baby.” Tessa grinned at her.

  “It looks gorgeous out there,” Molly said, coming back in. “I just peeked and I think everyone is here and seated.”

  “Oh, God.” Tessa sank into the nearest chair, her dress popping up all around her. She had a hoop skirt on underneath and the boning didn’t do well when she was sitting down.

  “You need to get up,” Tiff laughed.

  Tessa sighed, doing as she was told and letting them get the skirt and train in position again. There was an attendant from the dress shop there specifically for the purpose of making sure the ridiculously long train was spread out evenly so that it would drag behind her as she walked the 100-foot aisle.

  “Your dad is ready and they just motioned that we should get started,” Suzanne Armstrong said, her eyes sparkling. “Are you ready? The guys just lined up to walk down to the front.”

  “Yes.” Tessa nodded and smiled at her dad, who’d come in and leaned over to kiss her cheek.

  The girls lined up to walk with their partners, and then it was just Tessa, her father and the ring bearer, CJ, holding Raina’s hand. She watched from the doorway as her friends walked down the aisle, and glanced at her dad.

  “Don’t be nervous,” he grinned. “This guy loves you way more than your ex-husband ever did!”

  “I know,” she admitted. “That’s part of what scares me—if anything ever happened between us I don’t think I’d get over it the way I did with Bobby.”

  “Nothing is going to happen,” he said gently. “You guys are perfect together—I couldn’t ask for a better man for you.”

  “Thanks, Dad!” she hugged him tightly. Then she reached for her bouquet, a beautiful creation of pink, white and red exotic wildflowers that cost more than a small car.

  Her father offered her his arm and they walked slowly to the outer room as the last of the girls went down the aisle. Tiff flashed a smile before she went, and the attendant ushered CJ and Raina to the archway that led to the main room. CJ obligingly led the little girl on their way out, with Raina throwing flowers in every direction, making the audience laugh.

  “Holy crap,” Tessa whispered to herself. “This is it.”

  When she stepped between the massive columns that led into the room that had been transformed just for them and their 350 guests, her eyes instantly sought out the man she loved. Toli was standing at the front of the room with his son and best man, Anton, at his side. He looked incredibly handsome in his white-on-white tuxedo, champagne colored ties being the only color worn by the men. It was so nice to see the people he cared about most standing beside him; his brother Sergei was behind Anton, followed by his friends from the team: Cody Armstrong, Dom Gianni, Drake Riser, Zakk Cloutier, Vladimir Kolnikov and Karl Martensson.

  Tessa knew the moment Toli saw her, as his face softened and his eyes glittered with something akin to adoration. No one had ever looked at her like that and she felt her nerves melt away. This man was everything she’d ever wanted and then some. As she took the first step towards him, he smiled, his eyes never leaving hers.

  She walked slowly, one step at a time, managing to look around the room a few times and see the joy on the faces of their friends and family. This was truly the greatest moment of her life, and when she finally reached Toli, she felt tears brimming in her eyes. He took her hand and pulled her to his side, silently mouthing, “I love you,” as the first tear ran down her cheek.

  Without hesi
tation, he used his thumb to brush it away and whispered something in Russian that made her smile.

  “I love you more,” she mouthed back.

  Thirty minutes later, Toli kissed his bride, long and deep, as the crowd cheered and laughed.

  “You are the most beautiful woman in the world,” he whispered to her.

  “Thank you for making this day amazing,” she whispered back.

  “Sweetheart, it’s just beginning!”

  They walked down the aisle hand in hand and out into the waiting area where everyone surrounded them. Though concerned about security, they still wanted the celebration to be lighthearted and for their guests not to feel alienated from them since there were so many people that wanted to talk to them. They were immediately bombarded with hugs, kisses and congratulations, exactly the way they’d wanted it. A receiving line would have been more efficient, but they wanted this to be informal and a little chaotic. Eventually, staff members moved the guests in the direction of the reception while the wedding party was rounded up so the photographers could take formal photographs.

  Pictures seemed to go on forever, but finally it was over and while the wedding party went ahead to the reception, Tessa and Toli were shown to a private room where she could change into her second of three dresses bought for the day’s events and they could relax for a few minutes.

  “This dress is spectacular,” he said softly. “You are stunning.”

  “You’re pretty hot yourself!” she said, running her hands up his arms.

  “So, how much did I pay for this dress that you’re taking off after two hours?” he teased.

  She rolled her eyes. “This was your idea, Mr. I-want-the-biggest-wedding-ever—I don’t want to hear it!”

  “I know.” He brushed his lips across hers. “I paid every bill with a smile.”

  “So help me change my dress and then we’ll make our grand entrance as husband and wife.”

  He brought her fingers to his lips and kissed them lingeringly. “Anything you want.”

  “What I wanted was a quick trip to the courthouse and then a party,” she snorted. “Now you suddenly care about what I want?!” She was only kidding and they both knew it.

  “I forced you to have what you didn’t want to admit you wanted,” he chuckled.

  She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  He grabbed her and sought her lips with his. Though it had only been a little more than 24 hours since they’d seen each other, it felt much longer. In the 10 months they’d been together, they hadn’t gone more than a few hours without talking, so being apart since yesterday morning had been torture in its purest form for both of them. The kiss they shared now was so heated it was like they hadn’t seen each other in weeks instead of a day. He couldn’t seem to control the erection that tented the pants of his tuxedo and she ran a hand over it gently.

  “I’m going to make this up to you,” she whispered with a smile.

  “You’re damn right you will!” he grunted. It hadn’t been his idea to abstain from any and all sexual relations for the 30 days prior to the wedding, but she’d insisted it would add romance to the event.

  “Think of how much fun tonight is going to be,” she teased, her blue eyes sparkling with love and mischief.

  “You’re lucky I don’t take you right here,” he muttered, reaching for her again. His tongue snaked out to find hers and she leaned against him heavily, chest rising and falling as his hands roamed up and down her back. He slowly unzipped the back of the dress, letting it fall away from her body, fingers trailing along her silky smooth ass and thighs.

  “Do you have a condom?” she asked.

  He frowned. “Why would I have a condom? We haven’t used them in months!”

  “Because if you had one, we could have had a quickie, but I am not going to drip your junk all night at my reception!” She gave him a look that was both teasing and serious.

  He blanched. “That would be bad.” He held her hand while she stepped out of the dress, his eyes never leaving her beautiful body. He watched appreciatively as she slipped into a slinky creation of lace and chiffon, also strapless, with a removable skirt that she would take off after their first dance. The gown she’d worn for the ceremony had been absolutely stunning, but he really liked the flexibility this dress afforded her, since it was almost like two dresses in one, bringing her total number of dresses to four.

  “Do I look okay?” She turned her back so he could zip her up and he gently ran a finger down her spine before kissing the spot behind her neck. He finally zipped her up and turned her around.

  “The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “I’m already putting out tonight,” she giggled. “You can tell me the truth!”

  “I will always tell you the truth.” He bent his head to kiss her again and she moved against him lovingly but turned her head.

  “We have to go,” she whispered against his mouth. “And I don’t want to have to fix my makeup again.”

  “I know, but you’re pretty irresistible.” He smiled and watched her for a moment before reaching for her hand. They followed the waiting attendants back to the reception, fingers laced together. So far, this had been the best day ever.

  “…Mr. and Mrs. Anatoli Petrov!” The DJ announced the bride and groom and the guests went wild, cheering and hooting as if it was a hockey game. Toli held up their linked hands as they walked through the reception hall. It was bathed in soft candlelight, everything done in shades of pink and champagne. He’d managed every detail of the wedding except the dresses and the color scheme, and was pleased with how it looked. When Tessa admitted she wanted pink to be one of the main colors, he’d been secretly horrified, but he’d given in to her only request other than picking her dress. Now, he was glad he did. There was nothing girlie or overly feminine about the colors or the decorations. The room was stunning and the pink and champagne with splashes of black exuded pure elegance.

  They found their way to their table at the front of the room, where they sat on a raised dais for just the two of them, and she was thankful to toe off her high heels.

  “My feet are killing me,” she murmured, looking over at him.

  “You brought the flat ones, yes?” he asked.

  She nodded. “But I don’t want to put those on until after we’ve had our first dance.”

  “Whatever you want, love.” He was still holding her hand under the table and she smiled at him.

  “This has been so amazing,” she whispered. “I’m really glad you made me have a wedding.”

  “Me too.” He leaned over and nuzzled her lips without smearing her lipstick.

  “Are you sad your parents aren’t here?” she asked softly.

  He looked away. “You know how complicated everything is with my father. It’s easier this way, but we’ll go after our trip to China and I’ll be able to spend time with everyone.”

  “I’m kind of nervous about meeting them,” she admitted.

  “My mother will love you,” he smiled. “My father, well, there’s no way to know. He loved Tatiana when I dated her, but my mother said he was furious when Sergei married her. He hasn’t spoken to him since.”

  “Have they met Nikolai?” Tessa asked, referring to Sergei and Tatiana’s little boy.

  “Yes, but my father didn’t speak to Sergei or Tatiana the whole time they were there. I guess they left Nikolai with them every afternoon but my father ignored Sergei and Tatiana completely.” He sighed. “The family dynamic is not what I’d like it to be, but it doesn’t matter—it doesn’t affect us.”

  “What about when we have kids?” she asked sadly. “Aren’t they going to have a relationship with your parents?”

  “I don’t know,” he admitted. “Honestly, I’d prefer they weren’t very close to my father. His past affiliation with the KGB worries me.”

  She frowned. “Has he said anything since you talked to him about coming to the wedding?”

  “No.” He ran gentle f
ingers along her cheek. “Let’s not talk about this tonight, okay? Let’s just enjoy.”

  “Okay.” She leaned over to kiss him and their eyes met for a deep, meaningful gaze that spoke volumes more than words ever could. She loved him so much; she’d never imagined being so happy.

  She looked out at the tables where their friends and family were talking, eating and laughing. This had been one of the best days of her life so far, so much better than her first wedding. Of course, Toli made her life better than it had ever been. Every single day with him was fantastic; it was almost embarrassing sometimes. When she looked into his clear blue eyes, she forgot almost everything. Even when Raina was cranky or he had a bad day on the ice, everything melted away once they were together. She was still having trouble believing she was already his wife; a year ago on this date they didn’t even know each other.

  Tessa was so lost in thought, she almost missed something out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head, wondering why there seemed to be a scuffle near the doors that led to the kitchen. Trying to figure out what was happening, she looked from a security guard she didn’t recognize on one end of the wall to an area further down where several of the waiters were huddled together whispering. They appeared upset, and just as she was about to say something, one of them let out a little shriek. Tessa squeezed Toli’s hand hard, her heart suddenly beating double time.

  “Toli, what’s going on over there?” she whispered with concern.

  “Where?” He turned his head just as they heard a loud pop followed by the shattering of glass. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her as he pulled her to the floor; it had been a long time since his brief stint in the military, but he recognized the sound of gunshots when he heard them.

  Chapter 1

  Four Days Before the Wedding…

  Tessa Barber never imagined having a fairy-tale wedding. Especially not for her second wedding. Her first wedding had been small and sweet, with the wedding taking place at the local church and the reception at a nearby community center. It probably didn’t cost more than $5,000, total, including her dress and all the extras. Their honeymoon had been four days in Niagara Falls—that was all they could afford. They’d come back and moved into their tiny little apartment outside of Chicago and started what she’d thought would be the rest of their lives.


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