Brothers- Clan Special- Landon (Book Five)

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Brothers- Clan Special- Landon (Book Five) Page 1

by M. L. Briers






  Copyright © 2016, M L Briers

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced whatsoever without written permission of the author, except for brief exerts in reviews. Any unauthorised reproduction or distribution of the material herein is illegal and may result in criminal proceedings. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to the internet or distributed via electronic or print without prior consent.

  Note from the Author;

  All names, places, and incidents contained herein are purely fictional and have no basis in actual events or linked to actual Humans, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Lycans, Werebears or persons living, dead or undead.

  Copyright © 2016; Cover Design; Daniela

  Table of Contents



























  Landon sat by the side of the river that ran through clan land. With his trusty fishing rod by the side of him – his hat pulled down to shade his eyes from the last of the days sunshine as it hung low in the autumn skyline – it didn’t really matter to him that there were no fish in the river – what mattered was that he was getting some alone time to just not have to think about anyone or anything in his life.

  Silence was golden, and he’d even un-tuned his ears to the sounds of nature that were going on all around him. Those damn, pesky, little squirrels were collecting the last of the harvest from the trees and storing them for winter, and his bear had grumbled and growled at the sound of them scurrying around.

  Now he sat in perfect peace and just watched the sun reflecting on the water as it travelled on its way up towards the falls on pack land. Today had been his day – something for himself in the midst of clan life – and he’d enjoyed the hell out of the peace and quiet of not having to deal with the drama of everyone else’s life.

  “What the hell kind of crap is that and who craps in the woods?” Her voice hit his ears and grated on his nerves.

  Female. Blunt and to the point. And as annoying as hell when he was trying to get some peace.

  How he hated the tourists encroaching on his lands, but what could he do besides build a giant fence around the property, and that wouldn’t be good for anyone, especially the bears. Bears needed freedom to roam – his clan especially – hiding what they were from the humans around them was enough of a damn cage.

  Still, he couldn’t help the chuckle that went through him at her words. He knew exactly who had crapped in the woods, because he was guilty as charged.

  To him it was just nature. His bear did. Other animals did it, and from the beginning of time humans did it…. she’d just been unlucky enough to step in it.

  Landon tossed a look back over his shoulder and saw the bushes moving one after the other in a line as she made her presence known. Hell, if his bear had been stalking her then she would have been dead already.

  Whoever she was, she wasn’t exactly stealthy.

  “Ah crap… Geez… really? Get off my damn boot. Do you know how much these damn heels cost?” She ground out, and he had to chuckle again.

  There was another reason that it served her right. If the woman had been wearing walking boots then it wouldn’t have mattered much what she’d stepped it.

  Heels in the wilderness…? Idiot.

  “Damn tourists.” He muttered. Reaching for a beer and springing the cap loose with his thumb nail as those bushes continued to rustle behind him.

  “Hey!” She snapped out, and he groaned inwardly. He was kind of hoping that she’d miss him completely and walk on by.

  “You talking to me?” Landon shot a look back over his shoulders and his eyebrows shot up towards his hairline. She certainly wasn’t what he was expecting.

  She looked to be about five foot five of damn trouble. His length hardened at the sight of her ample breasts as they practically spilled from the low cut neckline of the top of her shirt.

  The black lace of her bra was sneaking out of the deep V as she bent forward to unhook a silver buckle on the side of one of her calf high black leather boots from where it gotten snagged on a bush, and that made him want to growl…

  Landon caught his breath and held it in anticipation of her breasts spilling right out there for his viewing pleasure, and was kind of disappointed when they didn’t. As she started to straighten up again; he noted the way her faded jeans clung tightly to her legs and nicely rounded hips, and he kind of wanted her to turn around so that he could get a look at the whole package…

  If he was a betting man then he’d bet that she had a nice rounded backside to go with those hips…

  “Wow, the woman has boobs, who’d have guessed it?” She said, raising her hands in front of her breast and waving them about to get his attention.

  “If you don’t want them looked at I suggest you put them away.” Landon offered back. His tone was gruff, but he kept his bear in check, even if they did both feel like growling aloud at the sight of her luscious body.

  “Thanks, I’ll take that under advisement.” She bit out, unimpressed.

  “Here’s some more advice for free. You might wanna get some extra scaffolding for those puppies.” He chuckled to himself before he raised the cool beer to his lips and drank it down thirstily.

  He felt hotter all of a sudden, and he didn’t have to wonder the hell why with her goodies on parade. The woman was a honey trap and it wasn’t just him that was interested – his beast liked what it saw.

  “You’re a real… champ. Thanks. You wanna do me another solid and point me in the direction of the rental cabins? I was told they were here but I can’t find them.”

  Gemma had been walking around in something of a daze for a while. She’d followed the instructions that they’d given her down in town to the letter, and yet, even when she’d ventured off on foot down the beaten track as they’d described, because her car had gotten stuck in the mud, she still hadn’t found any signs of life until now.

  “Who told you that?” He asked, turning his attention back towards the water and pretending to be more interested in his fishing than he was in just how horny she was making him feel.

  “Townies down the mountain.” She offered.

  “Well they told you wrong.” He shot back, risking a look back over his shoulder at her again, and noting the slightly worried look upon her face.

  He’d have to say that she was about his age, maybe a little younger. She looked like she kept herself fit, and she certainly had a body for sin, but even without all of that, it was her mop of red hair that was pulled up haphazardly on her head and sending spirals of curls tumbling downwards around her face, reminding him of a log fire that was spitting out flames, and those damn green eyes that caught his attention the most…

  He had a thing for green eyes, and he thought hers would be especially welcoming to him as he held above her, thrusting deep, and watching them flare
when his cock hit home. Yeah, she was the kind of woman that a man could lose himself in for a night or two, maybe more…

  Gemma cursed and muttered. She folded her arms and her breasts hitched upwards and made his eyes flick back down to them once more as she sighed in defeat.

  “You wanna tell me where I went wrong so I can backtrack and not make the same mistake twice?” She asked, sounding slightly irritated, and he could understand why.

  His river was well off the beaten track. Even if she had a car around there somewhere – which he guessed that she did, then she was still a good mile, maybe a mile and a half from it. Even further from the cabins that she was looking for.

  “You leave a trail of breadcrumbs back to your car?” He asked, eyeing her over his shoulder and watching her frown.

  “Not exactly.” She said and heard him sigh.

  “You thirsty?” He reached into his backpack and pulled out another beer, holding it out at arms length from his body.

  “Hell yes.” She sighed again, and he turned his attention back towards the river so as not to worry her about getting closer to him.

  He was a big man, and some women were drawn to that, but some were nervous. In a situation like this; out in the middle of nowhere, just the two of them, well, she’d be right to be a little worried.

  Gemma had more than enough of today. She might have even cancelled tomorrow and maybe the day after that if she could.

  Her feet hurt. Her ankles were probably swelling in her boots… if she’d known that she was going to have to hike around some damn woods then she would have worn proper walking boots… and she was tired.

  That beer looked like heaven in a bottle. It was just a shame that the guy offering it to her looked like a brick outhouse with a bad mood temperament.

  “I don’t do silver service. If you want it you’d better come get it.” Landon said.

  He knew that it was all about trust. Right now, she was lost and he was going to have to ruin the rest of his day getting her to where she needed to be. If she didn’t trust him then that wasn’t going to work out well between them.

  He allowed a small smile to pull at his lips when he heard the sound of her feet crunching over the dead leaves on the ground between them. Then… she stopped and his ears twitched, listening harder for what had caused her to pause and think twice.

  “Just my damn luck to get lost in the woods and find a shifter.” She groaned out, and Landon’s head snapped around on his neck as his eyes took her in, narrowing on her as she eyed him right back.

  Suspicion on both sides.

  “Witch.” He didn’t take her scent. He didn’t need to.

  She didn’t look like any female shifter that he’d ever met – too nicely rounded – not enough muscle – and she certainly wasn’t a vampire. That left witch, and he really didn’t want to be dealing with one of those…

  Landon slowly pulled his body up to his full height and watched her watching him for any sudden movements.

  Those pretty green eyes of hers were now fully on him and only him, and he kind of liked it at the same time as being wary of her intentions.

  He didn’t want to spook her, but he didn’t want to leave himself open for an attack either. If push came to shove – he’d protect himself.

  “I don’t think I’ll be having that beer after all.” Gemma went to take a step backwards and that same damn buckle on her boot got snagged on another thin twig from the bush – she started to pitch sideways…

  Landon wasn’t entirely sure why he did what he did – there was something about seeing the woman starting to fall that shocked his bear into pushing forwards, urging him to go to save her, like some natural instinct had taken him over, and he started towards her on fast feet with a grunt that brought her attention right back on him once more…

  Gemma’s heart had hit her ribs the first time when she’d almost fallen over her own feet as the stupid bush got tangled around her boots again, and it practically leapt from her chest the second time from the sound of a loud grunt that brought her eyes up to the sight of that big shifter coming at her at speed…

  Without thought or consequence for what might happen then or next – she lifted her arms, showed him her palms, and blasted out her magic towards that solid chest of his…



  Landon’s face was a picture that she didn’t think she would ever forget – not even if she got old timers disease. As the blast wave from her magic hit him in the chest, his eyes snapped wide, his lower jaw dropped downwards, and there was a questioning, accusing look to him that pinged her guilt complex just a little…

  Gemma didn’t wait around to see where he landed. She knew well enough that she’d poked the bear as she turned and dashed back into the woods, and then the sound of a loud splash pinged her guilt button just a little more…

  There was no time to second guess herself. If he’d meant to do her harm then she was still in danger. A little dip into the cold waters wasn’t going to stop him, just delay his advance a few more minutes. If he hadn’t meant her harm then he probably would now…

  “You owe me a damn beer!” The hard growled out words echoed through the trees, pinging off each bough, each thick trunk, and she couldn’t help but chuckle somewhere deep inside of her.

  “Guess you should have let it go, you dumbass.” She tossed back, picking her way through the undergrowth with as much care as she would allow herself.

  Stupid damn boots!




  Landon swam to the edge of the water growling, grumbling, and cursing the whole way. He told himself; that was what you got for showing someone kindness – for trying to do the right thing – as he dragged his sorry backside, up and out of the water, bringing a lot of it with him as it cascaded from his clothes.

  He huffed a breath down his nose. Anger bubbled deep within his soul.

  Witches were a damn menace, and he thought that he should know that well enough. He had a whole gaggle of them in his clan, and that didn’t even account for the ones that were in Justice’s wolf pack.

  “Too many damn witches…” He growled out, flicking his arms in a useless effort to rid himself of some of the water.

  He was soaked to the damn skin. At any other time he would have shucked off his clothes and gone naked, but right then there was only one thing on his mind… payback.

  His beast grumbled and growled within him. The bear tried to push forward, to burst from deep inside, but Landon wasn’t having any of it.

  Sure, he might have been just one more misfit in a clan full of them, but he’d lived with that sour old bear long enough to know how to keep hold of the damn thing when it wanted out – even if that meant headbutting a tree trunk until he was almost unconscious.

  “I should just let my damn bear eat her!” He growled.

  Taking a step; he shook off his leg, before he took another step and did the same thing again. Grumbling under his breath and shaking the water from his hair…

  Funny, but his bear didn’t seem to like that idea much. But then again, he didn’t much give a damn right then what his beast thought.

  That woman was a whole lot of curvy trouble…

  “High heeled damn boots to walk in the woods… Pah!” He shook his head fast and a million tiny droplets of water showered the area around him, and then he stuck his index fingers into his ears to get the water out.

  “Stupid is as stupid does, and that witch…” He stopped and bit down on another growl. “That witch is…” He grumbled and groaned. “That witch is one fine piece of tail… that’s what that damn woman is.”

  The right side of his mouth went up in a sly smile. Sure, he might have been getting a little long in the fang for schoolboy crushes, but he wouldn’t have minded crushing on her for a night or three…

  He didn’t have to think too hard to recall the sight of those nice ample breasts trying to spill out of her shirt. He wouldn’t mind nibb
ling and sucking on those for a few hours…

  Those curvy hips… damn, he could just feel his fingers gripping the flesh as he drove into her wet heat from behind…

  “Ah, damn it…” He growled out. A sour taste on his tongue as he thought about her being lost in those damn woods…

  His fingers twitched until he fisted them at his sides. He screwed his face up and turned towards the sun – it was getting lower in the sky as night started to close in… Getting colder…

  A growl rumbled within his chest, but this time it wasn’t from his bear, and the animal seemed to be holding fast, waiting for him to react, and then he took in a long deep breath to steady himself – his nose up in the air, knowing that if he was going to track her then he’d need a helping hand, and there it was on the cold breeze – her scent…

  Every muscle within his body tensed to painful, and that half smile died upon his lips. His length, even frozen as it was from his dip into the icy river, hardened beyond all reason… and finally his beast roared…


  Landon didn’t move.

  He couldn’t breathe in.

  He couldn’t really think about anything other than what his bear had said…

  A claim.

  A mate.

  After all of those damn years of longing, of hoping, of searching… when he’d finally given up and decided that he’d missed his window of opportunity – his chance to be happy and settled with a mate of his own – there she was…

  His mate.

  The love of his life.

  The woman that he would die to protect…

  And she was getting away!




  “Holy hell! Crap… Shit…!” Landon growled out every curse word that he’d ever heard and more that he considered should have been, as he took off after his mate’s scent…

  He had to pull up short as the vampire, Connor, appeared in front of him without warning. His beast rallied inside of him, more than eager to take a bite out of someone’s backside, and a vampire that regenerated easier than sin would be the perfect target right then.


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