Vanguard Security_A Military Bodyguard Romance

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Vanguard Security_A Military Bodyguard Romance Page 20

by S. J. Bishop

Our faces gravitated together. My lips burned with the need to kiss her. I cupped her cheek in my hand, my thumb caressing her silky skin. I braced myself for a kiss, but just before our lips could collide, she pulled away.

  She was on her feet a second later, walking toward the window. “This is a nice place. How do you afford it?”

  “You’re still hung up on my job, aren’t you?”

  “Hunter says you’re a secret agent. If I remember anything about James Bond movies, it’s that Bond always seduces beautiful women so that he can use them. Sometimes, they even die for his sake.”

  “Trust me, I’m no James Bond.” I pressed her against the wall. Our eyes locked. “I might try to seduce you, but I would never use you.” My voice lowered to a sensual whisper as I leaned down, letting my lips gently brush against her collarbone. “Now, the question is, are you really the novelist you say you are, or is that just your cover story?”

  “Maybe…” She smirked, her lips so close to mine that I could feel her hot breath.

  My instincts bubbled. Everything about this moment made me want to pounce on her, but the logical part of my brain kept me in check. It was too soon. If I made a move now, I would scare her away.

  “You’ll just have to find out.” She pressed her hands to my chest, pushing me away. “Next time.” She winked, her body snaking further and further away from mine. With a clink, she tapped her glass against mine, downing the rest of her drink. “Because I really must be going.”

  And just like that, she was gone.



  I walked into the small café and inhaled the spicy scent of herbal tea. I had been living in London for about two weeks now, and I had yet to find myself a decent cup of coffee. God, I missed New York. I missed Starbucks.

  Still, I had a lot of research to do before I could feel comfortable enough to write my newest novel.

  I scanned the establishment, looking for Lela, but it seemed she hadn’t arrived yet. Typical. Back in college, I had bought her a watch, hoping that would aid with her punctuality, but it never had. Heidi and I used to get so frustrated with her.

  “How may I help you?” the barista asked.

  “Oh. Sorry, I’m still looking over the menu.” The chalkboard was filled with different options. Most of the teas sounded exotic and indigestible. In the end, I settled for a harmless Earl Gray. I took it to the back of the café, choosing a booth tucked away in the corner. Hopefully, Lela would still be able to find me.

  I plugged in my laptop and picked up my work from last night. I had been making a list of various museums and libraries that held any information on Jack the Ripper.

  “Order for Cruz!” I perked my head up, spotting Heidi’s brother at the counter. Hunter was standing beside him, looking around. He spotted me and started to point excitedly.

  It was too late to duck out now. I tried to act natural as he approached me. My cheeks flushed slightly as last night’s dream resurfaced in my mind. It had been so vivid and wild that I had woken up with a need for fresh panties.

  “Today must be my lucky day,” Cruz said as he slipped into the booth. “Not only did I find a four-leaf clover while we were at the park, but now I run into the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Hunter held up the clover as proof, twirling it between his fingers. “He let me keep it.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “They have some really good muffins here. Do you want some?” He pushed the pastry toward me.

  I shook my head. “No, thank you.”

  “Oh, come on, just one little bite. You won’t regret it.” He broke off a piece, guiding it toward my mouth.

  I found myself parting my lips for him. The muffin truly was delicious. I closed my eyes, savoring the sweet taste.

  “See, what did I tell you?”

  “Okay. I will admit, that was pretty good.”

  “Here, have half of my muffin.”

  “It’s fine, really.”

  “I won’t take no for an answer,” he insisted with a bright and charming smile.

  I relented, accepting the treat. I took another small bite before I wiped my hands and went back to work. Maybe if he saw that I was busy, he would leave me alone. It wasn’t that I didn’t like him. I did. I just didn’t want to be pulled into a relationship that wouldn’t be sustainable. I would be leaving London in a few weeks, and I had no idea what his occupational plans were. For all I knew, he could be leaving tomorrow for Brooklyn.

  “What are you working on?”

  “Some research on Jack the Ripper.”

  “So you really are writing a novel about him? Hasn’t that story been overdone by now?”

  “The goal of a good writer is to take the old and spin it into the new.”

  “I thought writers were supposed to be original.”

  “Yes, but you draw inspiration from a thousand different sources. Sometimes, rehashing something is the most original thing you can come up with.”

  Cruz didn’t look very convinced.

  “Don’t give me that look. You’re just a finance manager.”

  “You’re right. I’m stuck in a cubicle all day crunching numbers.”

  I rolled my eyes. “When are you going to tell me what you really do? There’s no way a guy like you is a finance manager.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  Before I answered, I took in his physique. He was wearing a tight dress shirt. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing his muscular forearms. They seemed to dance under his skin as he played with a napkin.

  “Why would a finance manager need to keep himself buff?”

  He chuckled. “Buff? I see your eyes have been wandering.”

  “I’m just pointing out an observation,” I said quickly.

  “Alright, maybe I have a home gym and that’s what I do after a long day at the office.”

  “I don’t believe it. There’s something you aren’t telling me. Like your first name.”

  “That’s a mystery you might never figure out.” He grinned, placing a tiny paper crane on the table. “But if you want to know more about me, meet me after work tonight.”


  “How about the London Eye? You can ask me anything you’d like, as long as I get a kiss at the top.”

  I contemplated his offer for a moment before I nodded my head. After all, I had always wanted to ride the oversized Ferris Wheel. I would have preferred to ride it with a boyfriend, but a handsome stranger would work just as well.

  “Great, I’ll see you then.” Cruz winked before he got up and left. Seconds later, Lela walked into the café, waving at me.

  Once she joined me, she cocked her head to the side. “You ordered a muffin? I thought you hated muffins.”

  “I do…”



  I have to leave you here so I can go to work, okay? It’ll be a lot of fun. There are other kids for you to play with, and there’s a lot of toys,” I told Hunter as I dropped him off at the daycare.

  “You’ll come back, right?”

  “Of course,” I said, kissing the top of his head. “I’ll be back in a few hours, okay?”

  He rubbed his fingers against the ear of his newest stuffed animal, unsure. “You’ll be back?” he asked again.

  “Yes, I promise.” I held out my pinky.

  He hooked his with mine and smiled. “You can’t break a pinky promise.”

  “Nope,” I agreed, patting him on the head.

  The caretaker took him by the hand and guided him toward the play room. Hopefully, Hunter would like it here.

  Once outside, I nearly turned back around, feeling bad for the little boy. His mother had just passed away, and now his legal guardian was leaving him in some strange new place.

  Ring! Ring!

  My phone vibrated against my thigh.

  A restricted number flashed across my screen.


a gruff voice answered through the line.


  “This is Rodney Robison, your boss.” His voice was firm and level, as if everything he said were being written into stone. “And I was expecting you to report to work a week ago. Where have you been?”

  “A week ago? My first day of work was scheduled for the 18th.”

  “No, your first day of work was supposed to be the 10th. I’ll have you know that I do not tolerate this sort of behavior. Your only saving grace is the good word put in by the Commander. But this is your first and final warning. Any other slip ups from you, and you will no longer be Head of the VanGuard International Division.”

  “Yes, sir.” I hadn’t even met my boss, and I already had a feeling I wouldn’t like him.

  “Now, I expect you at this office on the double.”

  I couldn’t say another word before he hung up. I sighed, shoving the phone back in my pocket. When I’d accepted the promotion, I’d thought I’d be moving up in the world, but from the looks of it, I was just going to be Mr. Robison’s lackey. Great, just great…

  The drive to headquarters was slow and uneventful. I was already beginning to miss the empty back roads of my hometown. There was nothing like going sixty in a thirty, the car winding along the dangerous curves. It caused a surge of adrenaline like nothing else.

  Feeling a little homesick, I decided to call Martin. After all, VanGuard would pick up the tab of an international call.

  Ring… ring… ring…

  As I waited for him to pick up, I made a right, following the command of my GPS. Doing so, I momentarily forgot I was in the UK and that everything was backward. The next thing I knew, there was a car driving right toward me. It beeped loudly, causing me to swerve into the correct lane, nearly colliding with another car. Another slew of angry beeping.

  I sunk deeper into my seat, trying to hide my embarrassment.

  “Hello?” Martin’s deep voice filled the interior of my car.

  “Martin! Boy, am I glad to hear you.”

  He chuckled. “Already sick of the London rain?” In the background, I could hear little Rosy babbling. She squealed suddenly, followed by a loud clattering sound.

  “Everything alright over there?”

  “Rosy is just being a little fussy. She doesn’t want to eat her vegetables.”

  I laughed. “Takes after her Uncle Cruz.”

  “Well, let’s hope that her diet doesn’t consist of only burgers and fries. That would definitely stunt her growth.”

  “With a father like you? She’s going to be a hearty girl.”

  “That she is. Already up to twenty pounds,” Martin proclaimed proudly. “She’s looking more and more like her mother every day.”

  I smiled, hearing the love in my mentor’s voice. Martin had always been my role model. I hoped that one day I could have a family as happy as his. “So, I have some news.”

  “Let’s hear it.”

  “First, I’m a dad.”


  I waited, but Martin still didn’t say anything.


  “Did I hear you correctly? You’re a dad? You’ve been in London for a week, and you’ve already managed to get someone pregnant?” Martin had an edge to his voice, like a reprimanding father.

  “No. No. Who do you think I am?”

  “Then explain.”

  I took in a deep breath, trying to figure out where I should begin. “Well… when I touched down in London, I got a phone call that my sister had passed away.”


  I nodded, even though Martin could not see me. “Yeah…”

  “I’m so sorry… you should have called me sooner.”

  “Things have just been so crazy…” I shook my head, running my fingers through my hair. “Anyway, she had a son. A five-year-old named Hunter. I decided to become his legal guardian.”

  “That’s a lot of responsibility. Are you sure you’re ready for that?” Martin asked. “Rosy. No. Don’t do that.” The little girl started to cry.

  “She has her mother’s temper tantrums, huh?”

  “You can say that again. You should see the amount of white hair on my head.”

  “Martin, I hate to tell you this, but you had white hair even before she was born.”

  “I did not,” Martin huffed.

  “Anyway, there’s so much I want to tell you, but I just got to work, and I need to run. I’m already under heat from the boss…”

  “Who is it?”

  “Rodney Robison.”

  Martin groaned.

  “Do you know him?”

  “Know him? We were in the same unit when I was a SEAL. When Kirk left, he was my replacement partner. He’s a crook, Cruz; watch out. He only cares about himself. Could never count on him to watch my back.”

  “Crook? How so?”

  “I don’t know exactly. He never got caught, but I have this gut feeling.”

  I nodded. Martin’s gut was often the best judge of character. I would have to tiptoe my way around my new boss.



  I leaned on the railing overlooking the river. Again, my dream resurfaced.

  Cruz swam through the water, his movements intoxicatingly elegant. I felt like I could watch him forever. Slowly, he emerged, his clothes melting off his body.

  My cheeks turned red as his chiseled body came into view. His six pack was rock hard and well defined. His torso tapered slightly, culminating into a sexy V that led all the way down to his well-hung member.

  I couldn’t help but stare at it, my hormones surging through my every vein, causing my skin to tingle. By its own accord, my body ventured forward, unable to stay away. I wanted this man. I needed him.

  As soon as I was close enough, he folded me into his arms. His fingers ran through my hair. I smiled, resting my head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart. I felt safe here, like nothing would ever be able to hurt me again.

  He gazed into my eyes and smiled, mouthing something I could not understand. His hands dropped to my hips before he pulled me into the water.

  I held my breath, but my lungs didn’t burn. The water was filled with the purest oxygen I had ever tasted.

  Cruz grinned, diving to the bottom of the river and guiding me toward a hidden crevice. I followed him blindly, trusting him.

  We emerged in a small alcove. Strange mushrooms glowed with a faint blue light. The air shimmered with it, looking magical. I smiled brightly, admiring the various drawings on the wall. They came to life in a splash of color that bounced from one place to another.

  Suddenly, he took me into his arms, carrying me bridal style to the back of the cave, where a bed had materialized. Even though it looked like it was made of dried seaweed, it was the softest bed I had ever laid on.

  Cruz crawled on top of me, pinning my wrists above my head, a mischievous glint in his eye. His head lowered to my bosom, letting his lips linger along the soft flesh. He took his time with me, making sure that his every movement caused me tremendous pleasure.

  “Cotton Candy!” A street vendor broke me from my trance.

  I shook my head and fanned my cheeks. I still couldn’t understand why I’d had such a naughty dream about a man I didn’t know. The way we’d interacted had made it seem like we were deeply intimate with one another, but I hadn’t even seen him with his shirt off. It didn’t make any sense…

  “There you are!” Cruz appeared out of nowhere, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. “I was starting to think you were going to stand me up.” He squeezed me tight before easing his grip and peering into my face. “Hey, is everything okay? You’re looking a little red.”

  “Yeah. I’m fine,” I said quickly. “It’s just… warm.”

  “Hey, but at least it isn’t raining anymore,” he said cheerfully. “When people told me that it always rained in London, I thought they were exaggerating.”

  “Yeah…” I answere
d, subtly fanning my face, trying to get the blush to die down.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You seem off…?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine,” I said, looking around and trying to find a way to change the topic of conversation. “Where’s Hunter?”

  “Oh, as it so happens, one of my old army buddies works at the same financing firm. We caught up a little, and he happens to have a little girl that’s the same age as Hunter. He agreed to baby sit for the night.”

  “That’s nice of him.”

  “Yeah, it was good to see him again.”

  “It’s pretty coincidental that your old army buddy would be working at the same financing company, don’t you think?”

  He chuckled. “You can start questioning me all you want once we get on the Ferris Wheel, but don’t forget about our kiss at the top.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “I promise I’m a pretty good kisser.”

  “Don’t talk the talk if you can’t walk the walk,” I teased, starting ahead.

  Cruz quickly caught up to me, reaching for my hand. Our fingers naturally locked together. I thought about pulling away, but his warm palm felt so nice that I let it slide. Hand holding was rather harmless, after all.

  We walked hand in hand toward the ride, getting in line with all of the other couples. Some of them were just teenagers, giggling every time they kissed. Others were older, simply enjoying each other’s company. I felt a little out of place, like I was being a fraud. I pulled my hand away and hugged myself as a nippy breeze rolled through.

  “Cold?” he asked, looking down at me.


  Nonetheless, he took off his thin windbreaker and draped it around my shoulders.

  I blushed softly at his gesture. I’d thought guys only did that in movies. My heart thumped loudly, echoing through my eardrums. My palms were becoming hot and sweaty. My ears burned as I tried to keep my thoughts in check. There was just something about this man that caused a fire to erupt in my soul.

  Soon, we were at the front of the line. Butterflies fluttered through my stomach as I craned my head, gazing at the top of the large edifice. “It’s bigger than I’d thought…”


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