What the Heart Wants: An Opposites Attract Anthology

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What the Heart Wants: An Opposites Attract Anthology Page 17

by Jeanne McDonald

  “No, but I’d like to keep my job. I like my job. Most days. When my clients don’t give me grief.”

  “Damsel in distress, Mad.”

  “What does she need, sir?”

  “Can we get a car to take her home?”

  “Of course.”

  “I’d feel better if we went with her. You know, just to make sure she gets home okay.”

  Maddox’s lips twitched. “Of course, sir. Give me a few moments to work out the details and to let Val know that we’re leaving.”

  “Thank you. And have her extend my apologies to . . . whoever my date is.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Luke stepped back inside the restroom. Britt was leaning against the sink, holding up the front of her dress with her hand.

  “Maddox is getting us a car.”

  “You have a date? In the theater?”

  “You heard that?”

  “Yeah. You should be in there. I’m a big girl. I can get myself home.”

  “What if your dress falls again?”

  “It won’t fall as long as I hold it up. Which I can do all the way home, as long as someone doesn’t try to hold my hand again.”

  Luke grinned. “Maybe I liked holding your hand.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you did.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means you saw me naked.”

  “Not totally.”


  “How was I to know that you were holding up your dress?”

  “You should have respected my privacy and not followed me into the ladies’ room like some crazy stalker! But you did. And now you’ve seen me naked. Happy now?”

  Trick question. Because of course he was happy. But did he dare admit it?

  “I’m not happy. Not if I’ve embarrassed you in any way. I was just worried about you.”

  Britt’s face softened.

  “Good answer.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  “So, Luke Taylor—knight in shining armor—can I ask you a question?”


  “I appreciate the ride home. I really do. Especially when Jon can’t be bothered to check on me.”


  “But . . . why are you still standing in the ladies’ room?”

  It was a good question. He wished he had a good answer. The truth was he didn’t know why he was still in the ladies’ room. He didn’t know why he felt an indescribable need to stay right there, rooted to his spot. He didn’t know why he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  And he didn’t know how he was ever going to forget the image of that red dress pooled at her feet.

  Scene 4

  The Night Cap

  “Feel better?”

  Britt curled her legs beneath her as she sipped her wine.

  “Very much. Nothing beats yoga pants and hoodies.”

  Luke loosened his tie. “Can’t lie. I’m jealous of your comfort level there.”

  “You could go home and change.”

  “I could, but then I couldn’t finish my amazing wine.”

  “That would be tragic.”

  “Very much so.”

  “Because my ten-bucks-a-bottle wine is so amazing.”

  “Not really, but the company is.”

  Britt smiled, despite the fact that she tried very hard not to. It was becoming a problem, actually—Luke Taylor making her smile. She was still mortified about the events of the evening, but the fact that he’d downplayed seeing her naked made her feel comfortable enough to invite him in for a drink.

  “So, you ditched your date.”

  Luke nodded.

  “That wasn’t very polite.”

  “I know. I’ll send her flowers or something.”

  “You should call her.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “Because it was rude?”

  Luke shook his head. “It wasn’t a real date. It was a photo op. I don’t even remember her name.”

  Britt tilted her head. “Is that typical? The photo ops, I mean? Posing with women whose names you don’t even know?”

  “Sadly, yeah.”

  “I don’t know much about red carpet etiquette. Tonight was my first. I’m usually ushered in the back door, which is how I like it.” She suddenly frowned. “Could you imagine if my zipper had busted on the red carpet? Dress down around my ankles?”

  “The paparazzi would’ve been in heaven.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “You don’t believe me? Beautiful screenwriter’s dress falls on the red carpet? Trust me. Social media would go bonkers.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t think beautiful would’ve been in that headline.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “I’m honestly not fishing for a compliment. That dress? Size twelve. That’s practically obese according to Hollywood standards.”

  Luke knew she wasn’t wrong. His scrawny supermodel date tonight was proof of that.

  “Gorgeous, like I said. And I think the media would’ve loved it.”

  “Sure. For about a minute. Easily forgotten.”

  “I’ll never forget it.”

  Britt hid her smile by taking a long sip of her wine.

  “Well, I’m glad it happened where it happened,” Luke said.

  “Me, too. I would’ve been mortified. I was mortified enough, thanks to some crazy stalker.”

  “You keep calling me that. It hurts.”

  “Yeah, you really look devastated.”

  “I am. You can make it up to me by having dinner with me tomorrow night.”

  With a quiet sigh, Britt placed her empty glass on the end table.

  “Luke, I really appreciate you bringing me home.”

  “Happy to do it.”

  “But I can’t go out with you.”

  “May I ask why?”

  “Because you’re an actor.”

  “And you’re a writer.”

  “Natural enemies. Like cats and dogs. Vampires and werewolves. Harry Potter and Voldemort.”

  Luke frowned. “Seriously?”

  “I don’t know. I’m tired. And maybe a little tipsy.”

  He glanced at the bottle. “You only had two glasses of wine.”

  “Yeah, but I rarely drink. And I haven’t eaten.”

  “I could have Maddox order some food.”

  “Your poor bodyguard that you made stand outside for the past two hours?” Britt said with a smirk. “That’s okay. I have food. Or I’ll just go to bed. I should probably do that since I have to be at the office early tomorrow.”

  Luke knew she was politely asking him to leave. But he just couldn’t. Not without some promise that he’d see her again.

  “So, dinner?”

  Britt grinned. “I don’t date actors.”


  “Not anymore.”

  Sounds like there’s a story there.

  Britt rose from the couch. Sighing heavily, Luke placed his glass on the table and grabbed his jacket before following her to the door.

  “Thank you for bringing me home, Luke. I really do appreciate it.”

  “But no date.”

  “No date. Sorry.”

  He wasn’t quite ready to accept defeat, but he decided to let it go. For tonight, anyway.

  “It was very nice to meet you, Britt.”

  “You, too. Goodnight.”


  Scene 5

  The Morning

  When she walked into her office the next morning, the first thing Britt noticed was the massive bouquet of red roses on her desk. Three dozen, long-stemmed, red roses.

  The second thing she’d noticed was the card.

  The card she still hadn’t opened.

  Instead, she sat slumped her in chair while she stared at the beautiful arrangement, wondering why Luke Taylor would’ve gone to so much trouble after she’d shot him down last night. She thought she’d made herself clear. She didn’t date a
ctors. She wouldn’t date an actor. No matter how many roses he sent.

  And no matter how much she kind of wanted to.

  She was tempted, no doubt. Despite the fact that he’d practically seen her naked, Luke had been nothing but a gentleman last night. After introducing her to his bodyguard, the guys had ushered her out the back of the theater and into a long black limo that took her home. Britt still wasn’t sure what possessed her to invite him in, but she did, and he hadn’t hesitated. They’d talked for nearly two hours about . . . really nothing at all. She’d enjoyed talking with him—far more than she probably should have. So much that, somehow, Luke Taylor had weaved his way into her dreams.

  Amazing dreams. Dreams that still made her heart pound whenever she thought of them.

  But now she had an even bigger issue to deal with—namely, the three dozen absolutely gorgeous roses on her desk.

  They had to go.

  Britt had just picked up the vase when Jon rushed through the door.

  “Oh, they’re here! Aren’t they beautiful? Am I forgiven?”

  Britt frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I know flowers aren’t your thing, but I wanted to apologize and you wouldn’t answer your phone or one of the ten thousand texts I sent you—”

  “Wait! These are from you?”

  “Yes. Didn’t you read the card?”

  Britt closed her eyes. How stupid am I?

  “The flowers are gorgeous, Jon. Thank you.”

  “And I’m forgiven?”

  “Not yet. You will be eventually.”

  “I can deal with eventually.”

  Jon smiled at his best friend and sat down with his laptop. Britt opened hers, too. Maybe she could lose herself in a scene and forget about her crazy night.

  “I really am sorry, Britt. I meant to come check on you, but then I ran into an old friend in the theater.”

  “You mean an old boyfriend.”

  Jon grinned and started typing.

  “Didn’t miss me at all. I see how it is.”

  “I did, but when I went back to the ladies’ room, I ran into one of the security guys and they said you left with Luke Taylor. But I said that couldn’t be true because you don’t date actors.”

  “It wasn’t a date.”

  Jon’s fingers froze on his keyboard.

  “It’s true?”

  Britt shrugged.

  “Brittany Daniels, I want every single detail—”

  “Sorry. That’s your punishment for deserting me and my busted zipper last night. You’ll get no details from me.”

  Jon pouted for ten seconds before a wide smile flashed across his face. He grabbed his phone.

  “That’s fine. I’ll get the details from Luke.”

  “There’s no way you have Luke Taylor’s number in your contacts.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  Britt watched in morbid fascination as Jon typed out a text. And then another.

  “How do you know Luke Taylor?”

  “We’re hiking buddies.”

  “You are not.”

  Jon scrolled through his phone until he found the photo he needed. He flashed it in her face.

  “See? Me and Luke Taylor in Runyon Canyon. The man is a beast on the trail.”

  Britt stared in disbelief at the two guys on the screen. Even with sunglasses hiding his eyes and sweat rolling down his face, Luke Taylor made her heart beat just a little faster.

  “So cute,” she muttered.


  “Not you.”

  “Why not me?”

  “Because you’re not my type. Because you deserted me. Because you didn’t take me home last night.”

  Jon groaned and leaned back in his chair. “It’s cruel of you to torture me like this. I need details.”

  His phone chimed again. Jon looked down at the text and grinned.

  “Well, look at that. Luke just invited me to lunch. Today. Must be important. I wonder . . . whatever could he possibly—”

  “Luke Taylor saw me naked.”

  Jon’s eyes widened in disbelief.

  “Kind of saw me naked.”

  “Just kind of?”


  He smiled mischievously and put down his phone.

  “Do I get to hear the story now?”

  Britt sighed heavily and closed her laptop.

  There would be no writing today.

  Scene 6

  The Texts

  You and my best friend? I need details. Britt won’t talk.

  The next time we go hiking, I’m gonna throw you over a cliff.

  What did I do?

  Britt’s amazing.

  I know.

  How dare you keep her from me?

  She won’t date actors.

  I’m gonna try to convince her. I need your help. Let’s have lunch. Today.

  **One hour later**

  Jon? What about lunch?


  Why are you laughing?


  I take it she told you.

  This is the best day of my life. I cannot stop laughing.

  She’s gonna punch you in the face.

  She has. Twice. Still can’t stop laughing.

  Give me her number.

  No can do.

  You can do.

  Can’t. She made me promise.

  A very high cliff, Jon. I’m gonna kick your ass right over it.

  Dude, she’s my best friend.

  Is she there?

  Sitting right beside me.

  How is she?


  Stop that.


  Seriously, how is she?

  She’s fine. Punched me again.

  You deserve it. Give me her number.

  Can’t. But I can tell you this.


  She thinks you’re amazing, too.

  Scene 7

  The Afternoon

  “I sent flowers to Sasha Lund, with your heartfelt apology.”

  Luke placed his phone on silent.

  “Thanks for doing that, Val.”

  “I live to clean up your messes, Lucas.”

  “And you get paid well to do so.”

  “That’s true.” Val grinned and sat down in the empty make-up chair next to him. “Do you like this photographer?”

  “I don’t like that he’s an hour behind schedule.”

  “I know. Good thing your afternoon was free.”

  Luke frowned. Now that he was stuck at this shoot, he supposed it was good that Jon had refused to meet him for lunch. He still wasn’t happy about it, though.

  “While we have a minute, we need to talk about the Oscars,” Val said.

  “What about it?”

  “It’s next week. You’ve been invited to present.”

  “I remember.”

  “That means you need a date.”

  Luke sighed. “I can’t attend the Academy Awards by myself?”

  “You can. But it’s the perfect opportunity—”

  “For a photo op. I know.”

  “So? I’m assuming Sasha’s out?”

  “No more Sashas.”

  “Okay. So who do you have in mind?”

  His mind immediately flashed to a green-eyed brunette in a long red gown.

  She looked hot in that gown. She looked hotter out of it.

  Try as he might, the image was forever burned into his memory. Britt hadn’t been completely naked, of course, but the strapless bra and panties had left very little to the imagination.

  Luke shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  “What about Britt Daniels?”

  Hearing her name was like an electric shock to his heart.

  Val grinned. “I know it’s none of my business, but I am curious. What happened between you two last night?”

  “Damsel in distress. That’s all.”


  Val was a fantastic publicist, a
nd she knew how to play the game. But Luke also knew that Val would sell her own mother for good publicity. If she had a clue that he was attracted to the pretty screenwriter, Val wouldn’t waste a minute in finding some way to use it to advance his career.

  Still, he needed to get her off his back, so he decided to give her something.

  “Could I take my mom to the Oscars? People do that, don’t they?”

  “They do,” Val said with a slow nod. “The press would certainly eat it up.”

  “Then let’s plan on that.”

  “Good. Maybe you won’t forget her name on the red carpet.”

  Luke grinned.

  The rest of the afternoon was spent smiling for the camera. He couldn’t remember the name of the magazine, but it didn’t matter. He posed and grinned and followed the directions of the photographer. Luke did his job, but his heart wasn’t in it.

  All he could think about was Britt.

  As Luke and Val rode back to her office, he decided to pick her brain.

  “Val, what do you know about Britt Daniels?”

  “Your damsel in distress?”


  Val continued scrolling through her phone. “Dynamite screenwriter. She and Jon Reynolds are becoming quite the Hollywood darlings. Everyone is dying to work with them. I wish they’d write something for you.”

  “You and me both.”

  “That’s why—if you’d like to take her to the Oscars—I could make it happen. I could even snag Jon a ticket if you don’t want him to feel left out.”

  “What do you mean you could make it happen?”

  “I’d get their studio involved. Having their hottest screenwriter on the arm of the hottest actor in town is win-win for everyone involved. A definite PR dream. The girl would be crazy to say no. And the studio probably wouldn’t let her.”

  Luke frowned. He didn’t want to force her to go out with him. Besides, if she was uncomfortable at a movie premiere, she’d really hate walking the red carpet at the Oscars.


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