Checked Into Love (Bachelorette Party Book 2)

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Checked Into Love (Bachelorette Party Book 2) Page 9

by Rochelle Paige

  “Not even close to horrible.” I rolled over, snagging the phone off the bedside table and punching the zero button.

  Cecily rose to her knees, clenching the sheet in her hand right above her tits. She leaned against my chest, her eyes darting between my face and the phone. “What’re you doing?”

  “Getting us the time we need.”

  “Time for what?”

  I slid my hand up her thigh and cupped her ass. “For me to lose control.”

  She gasped, parting her pretty lips, and I couldn’t resist sneaking a taste. But just as my tongue stroked across them, the front desk answered my call. “Yes, I’m calling from room twelve thirty-two, and I’d like to add an extra night’s stay and have it charged to the following credit card.” I rattled off my American Express information from memory.

  “Wait! What are you doing?” Cecily hissed, trying to yank the phone away from my ear.

  “Hold on a second.” I placed my palm over the receiver and lifted an eyebrow at Cecily. “I told you; we need more time if I’m going to lose control with you. So I’m doing what needs to be done to make sure we’re not rushed out of here in a couple of hours.”

  Her expression was soft and sweet as she gently pulled the phone out of my hand. “Never mind. We’ll still be checking out today. Thank you.”

  After she set the phone back down, she crawled onto my lap and wound her free arm around my neck. “It doesn’t make sense for us to pay for another night when we both have perfectly good beds at our own homes.”

  “I guess you’re right,” I sighed, tugging her closer. It wasn’t just because of the reason she’d mentioned, either. As much as it sucked for my hard as nails cock, she deserved more for our first time together. We both did. “But if we’re not going to stay for another night, you at least have to spend the day with me.”

  “Another date, huh?”

  “Not just a date,” I corrected. “I want the whole day and evening.”

  “I guess I could do that.” She tried to sound nonchalant but wasn’t quite able to pull it off. The humor in her eyes gave her away.

  Even though I knew she was teasing, I wanted more from her. A commitment of sorts, even if it was only to spend the day with me. “Not could. Will.”

  “Twist my arm, why don’t you?” she giggled.

  I lowered my forehead until it rested against hers, needing her to see how much this meant to me. “Whatever it takes.”

  Her gaze scanned my face, and understanding filled her eyes. “Yes, Jason,” she finally said the three letter word I wanted to hear. “I’d love to spend the day with you.”

  I heaved a sigh of relief, squeezing her tight before I let her climb off my lap.

  “But we have to do breakfast with everyone first. Josie wanted to do something before she and Andrew headed off for their honeymoon,” she added. “And I really do mean everyone. My family will be there, too. They fly out around Noon, but I’m free after breakfast since my dad refused to hear anything about me driving to the airport. He booked a couple of town cars instead.”

  “I can handle breakfast with your family.” I flashed her a smug grin. “They like me.”

  “I’m still not sure how you managed that.”

  I shrugged innocently. “What can I say? I’m a likeable guy.”

  “Uh huh, don’t think for a second that my dad is going to buy the whole likeable act.”

  “Hey!” I complained. “He seemed to like me when we bonded over being morning people.”

  “I guess we’ll see who’s right at breakfast. But first, I want some much-needed caffeine and a nice, long, hot shower.”

  “Fuuuck,” I groaned, flopping back on the mattress. The thought of her naked and wet had my cock almost busting through the seam of my boxers. “Are you sure you don’t want me to call the front desk back and bump our departure date to like a week from now?”

  “You can call them back”—my heart raced as she paused strategically in the bathroom doorway, dropping the sheet as she disappeared inside—“to order up some coffee and ask where you can get some new clothes. Otherwise, you’re going to be stuck doing the walk of shame into the restaurant, and there won’t be a chance in hell of my dad liking you. My brothers will probably rethink their opinion of you, too.”

  “Shit!” I wanted to avoid destroying the headway I’d made with her family last night. Showing up in the same suit I’d worn to the wedding was bound to set me back quite a bit. Luckily, I had a solution to the problem since I’d used the valet last night when I’d driven over for the reception. After placing an order for coffee to be sent up to our room, I called down to the valet stand and requested they retrieve the bag I’d tossed into the trunk the night before. I hadn’t been lying when I’d told Cecily I hadn’t planned to spend the night with her last night, but I’d still wanted to be prepared just in case. It was a good thing, too, or else I’d have found myself up shit’s creek this morning.

  The downside, though, was that I couldn’t join Cecily in the shower. Room service was freakishly fast with the coffee, arriving in about five minutes, but it took almost another ten before a member of the hotel’s staff brought up my bag. Cecily had just turned off the water as I shut the door behind him. I’d barely resisted the urge to wander into the bathroom while she was in there because I knew I didn’t have the willpower to stop myself from doing more than just watch her. When I heard the knock on the door, I’d only been a couple of steps from the bathroom. If it had been even a minute later, it probably would have been too late.

  “I’m done, and I even left you some hot water. Not that it was too hard since we’re in a hotel with a virtually endless supply.”

  I turned and found her standing in the bathroom doorway. She had a towel wrapped around her hair and another encircling her body. The second one peeked out from the top of the white, fluffy robe she was wearing.

  “But did you leave me a towel?” I dropped my bag on the floor and stalked towards her. When I got close enough, I tugged at the place where she had the towel tucked into her cleavage. “Or am I going to have to take this one from you?”

  Her gaze darted to the clock on the bedside table, and what she saw there made her frown. “You’re going to have to make do with the two in the bathroom or else we’re going to be late for breakfast.”

  “See what being a good guy got me?” I slid my hand around her lower back and yanked her flush against my body so she could feel my hard on.

  She grinned up at me and wagged her eyebrows. “I guess you should have taken me up on my offer to help you out with that little problem last night.”

  “I think you meant to say big problem,” I corrected. I ground my hips against her to prove my point. “A huge one, actually.”

  “Get in the shower, big guy,” she laughed. “You can show me your huge problem later.”

  I sighed heavily and moved away from her, heading into the bathroom, stopping when she called my name.


  “Yeah?” I responded, looking over my shoulder at her.

  “I want you to know”—her gaze dropped to the floor as her cheeks flushed—“what you did last night? It means more to me than I can possibly explain.”

  “Cecily,” I said her name softly, pausing until she looked back up at me. “I’ve waited nine months for you, and I’ll continue to do so as long as it takes, until the time is right for both of us.”

  “But you didn’t just wait. You gave without taking, and I’ve never—”

  I held my hand up, stopping her flow of words. The last fucking thing I wanted to think about was what had happened between her and some other guy. “I wouldn’t say that I didn’t take something.” My cock twitched as I remembered how she’d looked and tasted. “I got a fuck of a lot of pleasure out of watching you explode, my little firecracker.”

  Her cheeks heated further, and she waved me into the bathroom. I left the door open, the same way she had earlier. My hope was that knowing I was naked
in the shower would drive her as crazy as I’d been when our roles were reversed.

  When the water heated up, I stepped inside. Lifting my left arm up, I pressed my hand to the tile wall and bent my neck to allow the water to beat down my back. I probably should have turned it to cold, though, because it did nothing to help my rock hard cock. Closing my eyes, I wrapped a fist around it and stroked up and down a few times.

  “Fuck,” I groaned. Tight tingles surged at the base, accompanied by the telltale swelling that warned me my climax wasn’t too far off. Cecily had me so wound up, it barely took anything for me to jerk myself off. I hadn’t planned to make myself come, not with her in the other room, but I needed the release too damn bad to stop. Giving myself three more pulls, I bit down hard on my lip to stop myself from moaning loudly as my cock jerked in my hand and my come splattered on the tile wall.

  The release was a much needed one after my blue balls from the night before. It also had the added benefit of leaving me a little less on edge before going to breakfast with her family. But none of that stopped me from shaking my head in disbelief that I’d actually masturbated one room away from Cecily with the fucking door open. “Forget a blow to the head during a game, she’s going to be the death of me.”

  I hurried through the rest of my shower and got ready quickly so we wouldn’t be late for breakfast. When we walked into the restaurant, I realized I hadn’t gone fast enough because everyone else was already there and their conversation stopped. All eyes were on us, and I resisted the urge to drop Cecily’s hand. I might not have been doing the walk of shame clothes-wise, but it was damn obvious to anyone with eyes that we’d arrived together. It wasn’t hard to guess that we’d come from the same place, too—her hotel room.

  “Shit,” I mumbled under my breath.

  “In hindsight, maybe we should have planned this better.”

  “Ya think?”

  Our little conversation was interrupted by Josie, who dragged Cecily away from me to go say hello to her dad. Cecily’s greeting of him seemed a bit distant, considering how long the women had known each other. I didn’t have time to wonder about it, though, because Cecily’s dad and brothers crowded around me.

  “I wasn’t expecting to see you again this morning.”

  Steven was subtle with his comment, but Noah got straight to the point. “Did you spend the night with our sister and then stroll into breakfast with us, holding her hand, and think we weren’t going to kick your ass?”

  “The boy’s got balls, I’ll give him that,” her dad added.

  “That’s enough from you,” her mom hissed, yanking on his arm and elbowing her way into the group. “All of you.” She glared at both of her sons before smiling at me. “Good morning, Jason. Please go grab a couple of seats for you and Cecily while I talk to these guys about how they’re supposed to behave in public.”

  “But Mom—”

  I heard one of the brothers complain as I made my escape. Cecily was still busy talking to Josie and her dad so I headed towards Andrew and Alec.

  “Dude, it looked like you had a close call with Cecily’s family. I was just about to go over there and save you.”

  “Yeah, sure you were.” I rolled my eyes at Alec and gestured towards his bloody mary. “Right after you slurped that down and found some popcorn to eat while you enjoyed the show.”

  “He’s got you there,” Andrew agreed.

  “Hey, it’s not my fault you guys are so damn entertaining when you’re busy getting all tied up in knots over a woman.”

  “Not a woman; the woman.”

  I nodded in agreement with Andrew, but Alec laughed while shaking his head.

  “I’ll remind you of this conversation, along with all the other times you mocked me about my reaction to Josie, when your time comes.”

  “Count me in on that action. I hope he goes down hard when it happens,” I added. “He deserves the payback for all the monk bullshit I’ve been dealing with from the guys.”

  Alec laughed harder. “Be prepared to wait a long fucking time. Like a decade. Maybe two.”

  “Wait for what?” Josie asked as she joined us.

  Andrew slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close. “It’s nothing, sweetheart. Just my brother being an idiot and tempting fate.”

  “He better be careful. He’s my brother too, now, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him.” She smiled up at him, her face glowing with happiness.

  “Indeed he is, Mrs. Rourke.” Andrew’s free hand drifted over her slightly rounded belly. “But don’t worry, if karma catches up with him in this instance, it will be a good thing.”

  “Enough with the mushy stuff, you two,” Alec grumbled. “We need to eat so you can head out for your European getaway, and you’re so fucking sweet together that I’m getting nauseous.”

  Their mom came over and slapped Alec upside the head before ushering us all to our seats. The meal went about the same as it began, with the men in Cecily’s family shooting me indignant glares while everyone else joked their way through breakfast. It wasn’t until we were all saying our goodbyes and Cecily had a private word with them that they finally lightened up. I was surprised when all three of them shook my hand without trying to break it before we helped them into the waiting town cars.

  “What’d you have to tell them to get them off my back?” I asked as they drove away.

  “I’ll tell you, but first I need you to understand that they’re a little crazy, and we tend to get into each other’s business a lot more than most other families.”

  “Okay,” I replied, wondering where the hell she was going with this.

  “In order to put an end to all their blustering, I told them we haven’t had sex yet.”

  I rocked back on my heels, surprised by her answer.

  “I also mentioned that I had a little too much to drink last night and not enough to eat. And that you made sure I got up to my room okay, fed me pancakes, and put me to bed without taking advantage of the situation.” Her pretty green eyes widened as she gave me an apologetic smile. “So now my mom loves you for helping me, my dad and brothers don’t want to shoot you, and my sisters-in-law were nagging my brothers about not ordering them room service last night.”

  “Then I guess it’s a good thing you left out the part where I went down on you.” It sounded like it was the only thing she hadn’t shared with her family.

  “I’m pretty sure my sisters-in-law guessed something else happened since they wagged their eyebrows at me while flashing me the thumbs up sign behind my brothers’ backs.”

  “I think I need a drink.”

  Cecily laughed at my wheezed out words and dragged me towards the elevator. “Then how about we grab my stuff, check out of my room, and find somewhere that serves alcohol for the first part of our date?”

  It sounded like a damn good plan to me.



  When my alarm went off on Monday morning, the first thing I did after turning it off was roll over to grab the strips of photos off my bedside table. Jason had gotten what he’d wanted. We’d spent the whole day together, and he’d ordered his much-needed drink at our first stop. The bar we’d gone to had one of those photo booths you could put money or your credit card into to have your picture taken. After a couple of beers for him and ciders for me, we’d decided to squeeze into it to have a set taken of us.

  One thing had led to another, and by the end of the evening we’d taxied our way around the city to stop at five different bars with photo booths. We’d had a drink and a snack at each place, many of them non-alcoholic since neither of us wanted to stumble home completely trashed. Neither of us had realized so many hours had passed until we were at the last place and they’d let us know they were changing over to their bar menu because it was after eleven. We’d decided to end our night and head home at that point.

  I had work in the morning and Jason was leaving for almost a week since his team had three away games in a r
ow. I’d thought for sure he was going to ask to come up to my apartment when he’d dropped me off. I’d expected him to want to pick up where we’d left off the night before, but he’d surprised me when he’d given me a kiss and pushed the photos into my hand instead. Damn responsibilities had gotten in the way and postponed our first real night together. Again.

  It was probably for the best since we’d only been dating for a little more than a week, though. Something I had to keep reminding myself since it felt like it’d been so much longer. Staring down at the photos of us together, it appeared like we’d been together a long time, too. We looked comfortable with each other, as though we fit as a couple. As if we’d come together so many times before that we knew each other inside and out.

  “If only,” I sighed. I’d gone to bed horny after spending so many hours flirting with Jason, and my condition hadn’t changed while I was sleeping. I’d gone for more than a year, making do with my battery operated boyfriend as my only source of satisfaction. All that time, it had been enough for me. Except for the night when I’d met Jason, I hadn’t been tempted to seek out a man instead. But after having his mouth and hands on my body, I hungered for him, and only him. My vibrator wasn’t going to cut it any more. He’d ruined it for me with a single orgasm.

  The ringing of my buzzer pulled me out of my musings. I climbed out of bed and headed over to the intercom. “Hello?”

  “There’s a delivery for you again this morning, Miss Thompson.”

  “If you won’t give Cee-Cee a chance, what about Cecily?”

  “Shall I send her up, Miss Thompson?”

  “Yes, please,” I sighed, knowing darn well he wasn’t going to cave when it came to my name.

  “Consider it done.”

  I waited impatiently, excited to find out what Jason might have sent to me this time around. I left my door slightly ajar so I’d hear the sound of the elevator as soon as it reached my floor. When I heard the sound, I opened it wider and stepped out to find Shayla walking my way with a to-go cup in one hand and a glass vase holding a bouquet of roses in the other. The blooms were a deep orange with dark red on the very tip of the petals. They were stunning, but when she got closer I gasped at the realization that they weren’t flowers.


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