Ora's Gold

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Ora's Gold Page 25

by Charlotte Young

  I hand Dione my cup and head for the cabin.

  A powerful gust of wind ushers me down the steps to my baby. I smile … It feels like Dragon’s wings.

  Dear Dad

  I am a mother! I still can’t believe it. And you are the grandfather of a gorgeous, healthy boy.

  I’m still calling him Gumnut. But his other name is Josh Holly, Joshy for short. I’m sitting next to him right now. He’s got the most beautiful, ancient eyes. Do you remember once putting an acorn in my hand and telling me I was holding an oak tree? It’s like that with Joshy. I can already see who he’s going to grow into.

  But I don’t want him to grow up here.

  I used to think I could never leave this country, because of Mum and Holly, but I see now that’s not true. The only thing left for me here is you, Dad, and I hope we’ll be together again one day. I’m so sorry for all the pain and anguish of these past few years. Losing Mum and Holly and all the SIF stuff has ripped us apart, but we don’t have to live the rest of our lives in that story. I think that’s one thing I’ve learnt … there is always another way.

  I was so against Dione’s birth stuff when I found out—and just for the record, she never wanted me involved in any of it—but when I got pregnant I began to understand where she was coming from. Suddenly, I had to face all these decisions. I felt so trapped, and I couldn’t even think where or how, right up until the birth. I couldn’t decide anything … the only thing I knew for sure was that I wanted Gumnut, and no-one was going to take him away. Not for one minute. So HE was my choice. Just as he is now.

  We’re sailing to New Zealand, Dad. We all know how dangerous this is. Stupid, even. But it’s what we have to do. I’ve lived through two nightmares already and I will not live through a third. I know in every fibre of my body, if we go back, we’ll eventually be caught and they’ll take Gumnut. It’s ironic, because life is more precious now than ever, but I need to be able to live without looking over my shoulder in fear.

  The journalist, Keith Waterhouse, filmed my birth. He plans to broadcast it for thousands to see. I feel like he stole something from me. And Gumnut. This is not my war, Dad, but I keep getting sucked into it. I don’t know what will happen. Keith says there’s a chance it will help change things. Who knows? I hope it will, but it’s another reason to leave.

  Jake is an amazing sailor. I trust him, and Dione’s pretty good too, now. She doesn’t want us to go, but I’ve persuaded her. I believe that we’ll get across the Tasman, if the sea is kind to us. I’m sorry that I stopped trusting you, Dad. It was such a horrible time and I thought you believed in your doctor’s oath and the SIF more than me. But I know now, you were just doing what you thought was best … I guess that’s what parents do!

  I hope you understand.

  I love you

  Ora xxx


  I would like to offer heartfelt gratitude to my writing group the Welcome Swallows. Elizabeth Vercoe and Jenny Heslop helped midwife this book into being, with their encouragement, fine fare and support.

  Sincere gratitude to: Rhea Dempsey and Jane Hardwicke Collings for teaching me so much of what I know about birth and holding space for women. Also, to the birthing mamas who I’ve had the privilege of attending.

  There have been many important readers who I am profoundly grateful to: Mum for her time and love. Maria Lerch, Melinda Whyman and Jennie Teskey for their wise words and support. Lorraine Brusch for sharing so openly (and for her generosity and patience in all things web related). Catharine Boothroyd, Sarah Miller and Felicia Pinchen-Hogg for their respected literary insights. Jasmine Varrasso, Kian Mckinnon-Lerch, Ibby Brusch and Calleisha Gregg-Rowan for their thoughtful responses. Anna Foletta and Rachel Watts for their Barefoot love. Jacinta Cross, Grit Opperman, Victoria Cornick, Susan Stark, Susan Pleasant, Kat Worth, Jane Hardwicke Collings, Rhea Dempsey, Eloise Fisher, Alison Priestley and Tanya Strusberg for their time, energy and positive feedback. To intrepid travellers Jonathan Pooley and Dawn Reid for sharing their sailing experience and expertise.

  I would also like to thank the 2014 Year 10 English students of Preshil School: Celine, Emma, Zac, Ainslee, Charlie, Katherine, Caleb, Oliver, Tove, Ruby, Ricardo, Zoe, Neeve, Laura, Jack and Charles. Big time thanks to their fantastic English teacher Marisa Lawlor for saying yes and letting me workshop the manuscript with them. Terrifying and edifying all at once!

  I would like to acknowledge that the waves of music described in the dance scene in Chapter 17 are based on Gabrielle Roth's 5Rhythms®.

  Hearty thanks to Dad and Rena for all their love and time, particularly in the childcare department.

  I am extremely grateful to Emily Gale and Vanessa Lanaway for their professional literary advice.

  Finally, I would like to thank my family for their support and love, especially Jonathan whose unwavering belief and encouragement has been such a gift.


  Charlotte Young grew up in southwest London and went to all sorts of educational establishments, from religious to free-thinking, to right-wing to left. At twenty, she fell in love in a sea-side town, lived in France and Sweden for a while and settled in Australia a quarter of a century ago. She lives in Melbourne with her husband and three children. ORA’S GOLD is her first novel.


  First published in Australia 2016

  Copyright © 2016 by Charlotte Young

  The moral rights of the author have been asserted.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of Australia.

  ISBN: 978-0-9923286-3-4

  For enquiries about this book please visit: www.charlotteyoung.com.au

  With thanks to:

  Damonza.com for cover design and interior design

  Yvette Harbinson for advice with interior design




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