517 ruled on the request: New York Times v. Department of Justice, and ACLU v. Department of Justice, 1:11-cv-09336-CM, “Corrected Opinion Granting the Government’s Motion for Summary Judgment and Denying Plaintiffs’ Cross Motion for Summary Judgment by Judge Colleen McMahon” (DCSNY January 3, 2013). The New York Times and the ACLU filed two distinct but similar suits in 2012 that were ultimately combined.
518 “winning or losing”: Donald Rumsfeld, memorandum for Gen. Richard Myers, Paul Wolfowitz, Gen. Peter Pace, and Douglas Feith, “Subject: The Global War on Terrorism,” October 16, 2003, published in full by USAToday.com, May 20, 2005.
519 “adverse strategic effects”: Boyle, “The Costs and Consequences of Drone Warfare.”
519 “there’s no country on Earth”: Transcript, “Remarks by President Obama and Prime Minister Shinawatra in a Joint Press Conference,” Government House, Bangkok, Thailand, November 18, 2012.
519 “If I had to summarize”: Jeh Charles Johnson, “The Conflict Against Al Qaeda and Its Affiliates: How Will It End?” speech at Oxford University, November 30, 2012, full text of remarks available via Lawfare (blog), www.lawfareblog.com/2012/11/jeh-johnson-speech-at-the-oxford-union/#_ftn1. All statements attributed to Jeh Johnson come from the speech.
519 “secondary parties to murder”: Ravi Somaiya, “Drone Strike Prompts Suit, Raising Fears for U.S. Allies,” New York Times, January 30, 2013.
519 UN commission: Owen Bowcott, “UN to Investigate Civilian Deaths from US Drone Strikes,” Guardian.co.uk, October 25, 2012.
520 “encouraging a new arms race”: Boyle, “The Costs and Consequences of Drone Warfare.”
520 “Western democracies”: Ben Emmerson, “Statement by UN Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights Concerning the Launch of an Inquiry into the Civilian Impact, and Human Rights Implications of the Use [of] Drones and Other Forms of Targeted Killing for the Purpose of Counter-Terrorism and Counter-Insurgency,” news release from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, January 1, 2012.
520 “We will defend our people”: Barack Obama, transcript, “Inaugural Address,” January 2013.
Abab, Adil al-, 460–461
Abbottabad compound. See under Bin Laden, Osama
Abdel-Aziz, Nayef bin, 278
Abdullah, Tariq (aka Talha al Sudani), 119, 127–128, 196
Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk (“Underwear Bomber”), 317–321, 359, 363, 369, 379, 400–401, 506
Abdulsalam, Ali Abdullah (aka Mullah Zabara), 318, 465–467
Abizaid, John, 111, 138, 207–208
Able Danger (code name), 139
Abrams, Elliott, 7
Abu Ghraib prisoner-abuse scandal, 146, 148, 157, 160, 163, 191
“Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Slaughters an American” (Zarqawi video), 163
ACCMs. See Alternative Compartmentalized Control Measures
Ackerman, Spencer, 162, 330
ACLU. See American Civil Liberties Union
the Activity. See Intelligence Support Activity
Adam, Jean and Scott, 482–483
Adamson, Sierra, 510
Addington, David, 7, 24, 29, 88–89
Addou, Ibrahim Hassan, 300
Advance Force Operations (AFOs), 92
Afghan Ministry of Interior, 337–338, 339
Afghanistan, 3, 15, 270
al Qaeda in, 6, 328
and Awlaki, Anwar, 34, 42–43, 47
Black Jail, 331
Blackwater in, 177
and civilian casualties, protests against, 347
clandestine action in, 282, 283
Copper Green in, 146
cruise missile attacks in, 6, 126
drone strikes in, 17
insurgency, 349
and Iraq, and unified task force, 138
ISAF in, 459
and JSOC, detainee operations in, 331
and JSOC, HVT list in, 331, 333
and JSOC, night raids in, 331, 334 (see also Gardez raid/massacre)
and mujahedeen-Soviet war, 34, 62, 215
and Obama/Obama administration, 258, 282, 284
secret US prisons in, 25–26
SOF night raids in, 347–348
and Special Ops/CIA reassigned to Iraq, 139
suicide bombers/bombings in, 412
Taliban in, 328
US counterinsurgency and covert war in, escalation of, 330–331
US counterinsurgency in, 328–331
US dead in, 348
US Field Detention Sites in, 331
US global kill list doctrine/night raids/snatch operations in, 330, 332–334
US surge in, 328–329
See also Bagram Air Base
AFOs. See Advance Force Operations
African Security Research Project, 298
African Union forces, US-backed, and al Shabab in Somalia, 272–273, 277
African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), 227, 272–273, 396–397, 477
and al Shabab, 475–476, 488, 490, 491
and al Shabab, and base bombing, 298–299
and Burundian-led force in Daynile, against al Shabab, 492
CIA support for, 475
and civilian casualties, 474
and private security companies, 485, 486
and Saracen International, 485
AFRICOM (United States Africa Command), 236, 298, 483
Afridi, Shakil, 436, 459
Aftergood, Steven, 99
Ahadi, Shahyesta Jan, 338–339
Ahdal, Muhammad Hamdi al-, 130
Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama (ASWJ), 478–480, 488
Ahmar, Ali Mohsin al-, 431
Ahmed, Shirwa, 271
AIAI. See Al Itihaad al Islamiya
Aidid, Mohamed Farrah, 55, 125
Akbar, Hasan, 240
Al-Aulaqi v. Obama, 391–392
Al Hazmi, Nawaf, 37, 40
Al Itihaad al Islamiya (AIAI), 121–122, 196, 199
Al Mohaya housing compound, Laban Valley, 130
Al Qaeda, 3, 13–14, 284, 471
in Afghanistan, 6, 328
in Africa, 139
and Al Mohaya housing compound, Laban Valley, bombing, 130
and al Shabab, 196–197, 199–200, 223
and al Shabab, alliance between, in Somalia, 393–394
and attacks in Marib Province, 230–231
and Awlaki, Anwar, 67, 361–363
and covert action, expansion of, 259–260
and covert action, oversight of, 16–17
in East Africa, 125, 295, 487, 491
and Ethiopian occupation of Somalia, 225–226
expansion of, 281
and Fazul, 198–200
and Houthi rebellion, 131–132
and ICU, 207, 209
and JSOC, 53
and lethal authority, 5, 18, 22–23
in Liberia, 139
and Majalah massacre rally, hijacking of, 311
in Mesopotamia, 113
and Nairobi bombings, 198, 199
and Obama, 248, 255–257, 320–321
in Pakistan, 114, 217–218, 255–256
and post-Iraq invasion presence, 141–142
and recruitment, and jihad in Somalia, 228–229
and recruitment, and US targeted killings/drone strikes, 494
and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, bombing, 130
and Saleh, Ali Abdullah, alliance between, 62, 210–214
in Saudi Arabia, 130, 278–279
and Siad, Yusuf Mohammed, 192, 224
in Somalia, 122–123, 139, 223, 255–256
Somalia-based cell (see Al Shabab)
and US-backed Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, and ICU, 205, 209
in Yemen, 62, 64, 65, 66, 210–214, 235–237, 255–256, 257, 268, 269, 304–305
in Yemen, recruitment of, 358
in Yemen, resurgence of, 130–133
See also Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection; Militant organizations
Al Q
aeda in Iraq (AQI), 113, 143–144
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), 210
and Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk, 318, 319–320
and Ansar al Sharia, 460–461, 462, 464
and bomb plot against US, 389–391
formal designation as “Foreign Terrorist Organization,” 324
and Inspire magazine, 377–381
and Khan, Samir, 375–381
and Obama administration, 321
retaliatory attacks, 356, 359
and Saleh and Kappes, meeting between, 259–260
Saudi and Yemeni members of, 254–255
support for, and drone strikes, 467–468
support for, and US strikes in Yemen, 464
threat posed by, 468
in Yemen, 214, 258–260, 262–263, 269, 281, 284, 298, 323–324, 386–389
and Yemeni Special Operations, 387–389
and Yemeni tribal system, 465–467
See also Militant organizations
Al Qaeda leaders, 298
hunt for, 139, 167 (see also Assassination operations)
location of, 114
See also individual leaders; Terrorist leaders
Al Qaeda Network Execute Order (AQN ExOrd), 170, 283
Al Shabab in Somalia (Harakat al Shabab al Mujahideen, or The Youth), 204–205, 298, 474
and African Union forces, US-backed, 272–273
and al Qaeda, 196–197, 199–200, 223
and al Qaeda, alliance between, 393–394
American Muslims as members of, 270–272
and AMISOM, 475–476, 488, 490, 491
and AMISOM base bombing, 298–299
assassinations by, 200
and ASWJ, 479–480, 488
and Burundian-led AMISOM force in Daynile, 492
cemetery desecrations by, 200
and Djibouti Agreement, 227
as dominant group in Somalia, 270
and Ethiopian occupation of Somalia, 224, 225, 226
and funding and fighters from US, 396
and Hammami, 270–271
and ICU, 196, 209
and JSOC, 276–277, 490
and Madobe, 394–395
and Mogadishu, 277
and Mogadishu, massive strike in, 491–492
and piracy, 482, 483
political efforts of, 492–493
and Ramadan offensive, 396–397
and Salahuddin Center, 200
and Shamo Hotel bombing, 300–301
and Siad, Yusuf Mohammed, 196–197, 224
and Somalia, control in, 227–229
and Somalia, insurgency in, 224–226, 227
and suicide bombers/bombings, 206, 223, 225, 271, 272, 277, 294, 299, 397, 474, 488
support for, and US strikes, 393, 493, 494
tactical retreat of, 491
and Uganda, World Cup fan bombings in, 395
underground operations of, 489–490
and US-backed Ethiopian invasion, 209, 298
and US citizens, recruitment of, 297
and US designation as terrorist organization, 226
and US strikes against, 475
weakened state of, 487–488, 490–491
See also Militant organizations
Al Shabab leaders, 298. See also individual leaders
Al Shifa factory bombing, in Sudan, 126
Albright, Madeleine, 126
Alec Station, 176
Ali, Abdirahman “Aynte,” 471, 472–473, 474
and al Shabab, 200, 229, 489
and Djibouti Agreement, 227
and Ethiopian occupation of Somalia, 225, 226
and ICU, and US-backed Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, 208
and ICU, in Somalia, 203, 204–205
and warlords, Somali, 194–195, 196
Ali, F. B., 417–418, 428
Ali, Qamar Aden, 300
Ali, Zine El Abidine Ben, 430
Alimi, Rashad al-, 312, 313, 323
Allawi, Ayad, 165
Allen, Charles, 18, 238
Allende, Salvador, 10
Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counterterrorism, 120, 193
Almasmari, Hakim, 324
Alternative Compartmentalized Control Measures (ACCMs), 251
Ambinder, Marc, 176, 275
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
and targeted assassinations against US citizen, and Awlaki lawsuit against Obama, 368–373, 392
and targeted killings/drone strikes, legality of, 517
American Enterprise Institute, 12, 261
American Muslims, 270–272. See also Awlaki, Anwar; Hasan, Nidal Malik; Khan, Samir
American suicide bombers, 271, 396
AMISOM. See African Union Mission in Somalia
Ammerman, Wade, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74
Amnesty International
and bin Laden, killing of, 451–452
and drone strike, in Yemen, 77
and Ethiopian occupation of Somalia, 224
and Majalah massacre, 312
See also Human rights groups
Anbari, Jamil al-, 356
Anderson, Jon Lee, 202
Ansar al Sharia, 460–465
Anzalone, Christopher, 492
AQAP. See Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
AQI. See Al Qaeda in Iraq
AQN ExOrd. See Al Qaeda Network Execute Order
Arab Spring, 430–432, 460
Arabian Peninsula, 114, 270
See also AQAP
Arkin, William, 105, 217, 351
Arms for hostages scandal, 49
Army Criminal Investigations Division (CID), 159
Arnett, Peter, 33
Asiri, Abdullah Hasan Tali al-, 278–279
Asiri, Ibrahim Hassan al-, 278, 279, 318
Assassination ban, 5–7, 20. See also Lethal authority
Assassination operations, 24-25, 29
by al Shabab, 200
and national sovereignty, 169
and Obama, 253
See also Cruise missile attacks; Drone strikes; High value targets; Kill/capture operations; Lethal authority; Targeted killings/drone strikes
Assassination policy, 352, 353–354
Association to Revive the Way of the Messenger. See JIMAS
Aswadi, Ahmed al-, 323
ASWJ. See Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama
Atta, Mohammed, 84
AUMF. See Authorization for Use of Military Force
Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), 19–20, 24
“Avocado,” 282 See also Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force
Aweys, Hassan Dahir, 196, 199, 206, 226, 227
Awfi, Abu Hareth Muhammad, as detainee at Guantánamo, 254
Awlaki, Abdulrahman al, 184, 517
and father, death of, 501
and father, search for, 495–497, 499
killing of, 507–511
Awlaki, Anwar al
and Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk, 318–319
and Afghanistan, war in, 34, 42–43, 47
and Al-Aulaqi v. Obama, 391–392
and al Qaeda, 67, 361–363
and American Muslim and Arab communities, government harassment of, 43–44
and AQAP leaders, meeting with, 314, 315
and Arab Spring, 430–431
arrest of, by US-backed Yemeni forces, 185
and bin Fareed, 361–362
on bin Laden and Taliban, 43, 44
as chaplain at Dar Al Hijrah, in Virginia, 38, 39, 40–41
and detention at JFK Airport, 69–70
education of, 32–33, 35, 38, 68, 184
evidence against, 360
false death reports of, 314, 315
and FBI, 36, 37–38, 40–41, 44, 45–46, 46–47, 185
and FBI, as possible informant, 71–74
and FBI, as potential collaborator, 38, 46
and FBI arrest warrant for passport fraud, 68–69, 69–70
and FBI interrogation, 187
nbsp; and FBI raids on Muslim organizations and private homes, 45–46
and Fort Hood shooting, 315–316
and Gulf War, 33, 43
and Hasan, Nidal Malik, 266–267, 285–287, 315–316, 319
hunt for, 364–366, 398, 400–402, 432–433
on HVT kill/capture list, 325–327
as imam at Denver Islamic Society, 35
as imam at Masjid al Ribat al Islami, in San Diego, 35–38
imprisonment of, 184–190, 185–190
and Inspire magazine, 379–381
and Iraq, war in, 47
and Islamic activities, 34
and Jihad against US, 268–269
and Khan, Samir, 289, 291, 380–381
and lectures, in Yemen, 184–185
life story, 31–47
and life underground, preparation for, 267–268
as media star, 41–44
and Muslim Brotherhood, 188
and 9/11 attacks, response to, 39–40, 41–42, 43
and 9/11 hijackers, connection between, 40, 67, 68
and 9/11 investigation, 37
and Obama, 237–238, 243, 354
and Operation Green Quest, 46
at Pentagon luncheon, 45
and presidential campaign 2000, 36
and prison release, 190, 231
and Qutb, Sayyid, 188–189
on scholarship program for foreign students, 34
and sermon at prayer service in US Capitol, 45
and Shaye, Abdulelah Haider, interviews with, 307, 315–316, 318–319, 360–363
as “Specially Designated Global Terrorist,” 369
and Storm, Morten, 291–293
and strikes against, failure of, 314–316, 453–457
and suicide bombers/bombings, 264, 267, 318
targeted killing of, 498–506, 511
as top terrorist, 269
in United Kingdom, and JIMAS conference speech, 67–68
in United Kingdom, and militant speeches, 134–137
and US, praising terrorist attacks on, 361
as US citizen, and targeted killings/drone strikes, 314–316, 325–327, 367–369
as US citizen, and targeted killings/drone strikes, and lawsuit against Obama, 369–374, 391–392
and US election campaign 2008, 237–238
and US government, criticism of, 42–43, 47
and US intelligence, 233, 234–235, 238, 239–241
and US military base massacre, connection between, 41
as vice president of Charitable Society for Social Welfare, 36
and web sermon on Saleh/US relationship, 359–360
and web sermons, 231–235, 237–243, 286–287
and web sermons against US, 264–266, 268–269
and website, US takedown of, 287, 361
Yemeni indictment against, 391
and Yemeni surveillance, 184–185, 187
on Yemeni government/US relationship, 360–361
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