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Love in Troubled Times: MFM Alien Romance

Page 54

by Gayle Riley

  “Honest and true, they aren’t threatening you or bribing you to say that?”

  Linnea giggled. “Have I ever been able to lie to you, Cavan?” When her tried to find a situation and wound up with nothing, she assured. “I really am happy. I never thought that I would be, but everyone treats me well. I’m becoming comfortable here.”

  Linnea told him about how everyone had made her feel right at home and how she felt more powerful as a member of the Family Hawke then she did while being a princess of Laurelasa. She didn’t tell her older brother that this was because he could make the men who would someday rule this kingdom putty in her hands with tongue, fingers, and womanhood and he didn’t ask her about the Family Hawke’s strange relationship arrangement. He just assured her that everyone would be relieved to hear that she wasn’t being tortured. They’d once heard of a faraway king who liked to flay his people, including his queen. A sort of fetish. What the Family Hawke did was tame compared to that.

  “Lyra will be disappointed,” he said as he helped Linnea roll up the ancient scrolls. “She wanted me to rescue you if I saw that you were miserable. Why, you’re practically glowing.”

  Once more Linnea smiled at her fortune. It was like she didn’t know who she was until she was faced with the fate that was given to her. Now she was thriving.


  It was all too soon when Cavan and the people who had accompanied him headed back to Laurelasa. Linnea was sad to see him go. As much as was starting to love her new home, Cavan made her feel a bit homesick.

  “You will still write me, won’t you?” she asked as she went to see them off, Carter and Brendan not far behind.

  “I promise. I’ll make Mother, Father and Lyra do it too. You’ll never feel lonely because you will always be writing us.” He embraced his sister before he kissed the top of her head. “Get your northern husbands to take you south to visit your home land and their new subjects.” He said it in a joking tone, but Linnea could see in Cavan’s eyes that he didn’t want to this strange arrangement to have been in vain. He didn’t want the world that they lived in to be full of blood and suffering. One day he would rule his part of the world just like one day she would be queen of the Family Hawke.

  “I promise.” She assured.

  Linnea watched her brother and his people disembark and she watched them turn into tiny specks that were too small to make out before she decided to go back inside Hawkes’ Nest. Carter headed off toward the training chambers but Brendan stopped her, talking her hand in his.

  “Do you miss your home, my sweet princess?”

  “I find that I do not miss Laurelasa as much as I miss my family.” Linnea tried to smile at him but it was hard. She was truly happy here, but it was never easy to be away from them; she used to miss her father when he traveled without her.

  Brendan squeezed her hand tightly. “You will be seeing all of them soon. I’m sure that my father will want to visit his new conquest and I would like to learn more about you.” He leaned in and kissed her.

  It was moments like these that Linnea knew that she would eventually fall in love with the crown prince too. The princes were so different and yet she knew there was no way that she could only chose one of them. The thought was too much to bear. She followed Brendan toward his chambers, ready to have the comfortable feeling come over her once more. The way the brothers touched her made her forget about Laurelasa or if she was ever lonely in the first place.

  Chapter 7

  Six Months Later

  Linnea walked excited down the corridor of Hawkes’ Nest. She nearly tripped over the hem of her dress since she walked with such purpose. Not wanting to fall, she took the long train of the dress in her hands so she could walk faster.

  She found Brendan in the library, studying maps of the Family Hawke’s ever-growing empire. Every day that passed was one day closer to when he would inherit it. When he noticed her standing there, he stopped what he was doing and searched her face to see if she brought good news or bad.

  “I hope I haven’t interrupted you.”

  Brendan shook his head. “I was just trying busy myself. I knew you were seeing the doctor.”

  For the past few weeks Linnea had felt ill and when she wasn’t sleeping in her bedroom, she was vomiting everything that she tried to eat. Both princes had begged her to see the doctor and she finally agreed. The doctor had given her peace of mind, in fact, his prognosis had been the reason why she had a spring in her step.

  “Are you alright?” he pressed again.

  “I’m fantastic.” She grinned at him. “I’m not dying. I’m just pregnant.”

  When this strange arrangement started, she knew that she was going to be used to bring heirs to the dynasty. She hadn’t planned on enjoying sex so much. Linnea guessed she shouldn’t have been so surprised that they’d finally conceived. It was very rare that she did not spend the night in one of the prince’s bed. This was the longest time she’d slept in her own chamber since she arrived at her new home.

  Brendan closed the space between them and held her tightly. “This is incredible news. The Hawke dynasty will live on for another generation.” Brendan was more invested in the ancient tests of his ancestors than his younger brother and began to go on about how the higher power had a plan for everything and Linnea listened to him happily. It hadn’t take her long to be won over by the crown prince’s charm. She knew that he loved her wholeheartedly.

  Eventually, she left Brendan because there was one other person who needed to hear the news. She searched high and low for Carter before she finally resorted to walking around the top of castle where night kept their watch in the cold. Carter was standing on top of one of the towers looking apprehensive.

  “Carter?” she called to him.

  He looked surprised to see her. “Linnea what are you doing out of bed? It’s too cold for you to be out here.”

  He dashed over to her and guided her into the closest doorway and Linnea found herself both shocked and amused over his behavior. She knew that he lusted over her and in his strange sort of way loved her dearly, but she’d never seen him so worrisome or protective. She tried to hide her smile as she admitted that she liked it.

  “I went to the doctor,” she explained. “I wanted to find you and let you know before you heard it from someone else.” Carter looked like he knew what she was going to say, but waited for her to say it anyway. “I’m pregnant. The doctor thinks that’s why I’ve been so tired and sick to my stomach.”

  Carter’s face fell. “Oh…”

  Linnea knew why he looked like this. He was reminded of his mother. She was once shared by two brothers but eventually she picked only one. Even if he was the one to impregnate her, the child would be Brendan’s son or daughter by default. The tragedy of being the second born.

  “It will not change anything,” Linnea assured. “I still want to be with you just as I am with him. He’s not king yet and even when he is, who says that I have to only be with one of you?”

  Carter still looked disappointed. “Won’t it confuse your children?”

  Linnea studied him not sure of how to answer. “I’m still learning your customs. How did you learn about this?”

  “The day the hawk was placed on my arm, I was considered a man. I learned the truth of our kind. The rest was kept hidden or made to make a naive child forget.” Linnea could tell that he questioned the past more than his older brother did and that sometimes he wished things were more traditional.

  “Then we will do just the same.” she assured. “I will not give you up.”

  Carter pulled her close to him and after he kissed her intensely like he always did, he held her at arm's length and looked at her like he didn’t deserve her. “I love you, Linnea.”

  “I love you too,” she replied. “And I promise that I always will.”


  Linnea gave birth to a son nine months later and she learned to love yet another prince. This was in an entirely different way.
Linnea never thought her life would turn out like this nearly a year ago when her father suggested that they meet the Family Hawke in ‘no man’s land’. The child had Family Hawke features, but his hair was red like his mother’s. She had managed to leave a lasting imprint on their clan as the child share her genes.

  Linnea ended up having three more children, all who were raised as the sons and daughters of Brendan. But she never knew for sure if he was the one to truly sire them all. She had kept her promise to Carter that she would not give him up and for most of her life as princess and eventually queen she still made love to him whenever she could.

  The abandoned chamber with the large bed was seldom used, but once every so often, maybe on a night they’d had too much to drink, or during a time when they felt it was time to try for another child, the three would return, giving into pleasure and fulfilling the wishes of their god.

  The Family Hawke fulfilled what was prophesied in the ancient texts and continue to ascend to greatness. Their empire was colossal, and their subjects were too many to count. Linnea couldn’t believe that she had once been a nineteen-year-old girl who knew nothing of the world. Now she and her family were limitless.


  Bonus 18 of 30

  Red wolf


  Kiera knew that going into the forest alone was a bad idea, but as she walks around, she gets lost, then attacked by a mysterious creature. Knowing that death is near, she braces for the worst, but is soon saved by two mysterious creatures, the rumored red wolf she’s heard about.

  However, when she wakes up, she’s certainly not around wolves anymore, but instead two attractive men. Immediately, the sparks begin to fly, and she soon begins to realize her thoughts are driving her both to her curiosity about these men and a need for something more. But of course, these two are hiding a secret, and with the legend of the red wolf at the helm of her thoughts, Kiera knows there is a connection to that legend and these two men. But will they let her know the truth before it’s too late, and will they let her in on what’s going on?

  Chapter 1

  “Where am I?” I asked myself as I stepped along the pathway. I could’ve sworn that this was the correct path. I mean, it’s not like I was going in circles or anything, but something about this felt like it was off. I looked around, the moonlight of the night showing the pathway. It was the only light that I had, one that wasn’t going to do me a lot of justice unless I got out of here soon.

  This was what I got for being a nature photographer it seemed. I should have known by now to have headed back, but I really wanted to see if the red wolf rumor was true. Then again, maybe it was just some stupid pipe dream, something I followed simply because it was the right thing to do. I continued trudging forward, the cold night air chilling my bones. I needed to find something, anything to help me get back on the right path.

  I heard a rustling in the bushes. When I looked about, there was nothing, absolutely nothing there. I began to wonder if I was imagining things, and soon, I started to shake my head.

  “I can’t be imaging it. There is something out there,” I muttered to myself. Was it the red wolf, or was it something else? As I continued forward, I heard it again, whipping around to potentially get a view of whatever it was. I hoped it was some small animal that found its way here, but there was that part of me that knew it wasn’t the case.

  However, what happened next stunned me. I was immediately attacked from behind, claws digging into my skin. I cried out, feeling the trickle of blood already. Damn he got deep. I fell to the ground, my golden blonde hair in front of my face. I tried to scramble forward, but it was no use. The creature had me and I was stuck here. Would this be the end? Or was it going to be the beginning of whatever would happen next? I didn’t sense anyone about and I knew that calling out for help was only going to make matters worse.

  The only place around was some billionaire’s mansion. I didn’t know who it was, but if he had this hanging as close as he did to me, then I didn’t want to take my chances.

  I felt the mouth of this mysterious creature right against my own. It was a bear. I noticed it finally after coming to. The daze I felt when I got bit seemed to loom over me and I could feel my body growing hazy as my consciousness slipped away. I began to hope for something, anything that could save me from whatever the hell was going to happen next.

  That mouth was right near my neck. It was dangerously close to biting there, snapping the tendons and killing me. I wondered if I’d make it out alive, but I doubted it. I guess this was my way to go. I knew being a nature photographer did pose quite the heavy risk, but this was insane. This was completely and utterly insane.

  I started to feel my consciousness slip away as I felt my body lose all of its strength. This was it. At least I’d be unconscious when this beast decided to devour me. I then felt something hit right up against the bear, startling my body from its clutches. I felt my body thump to the ground, causing me to let out a hiss of pain, but then, unconsciousness screamed against every single tendon, making it hard for me to even pull my head forward.

  However, my ears still worked. I heard screams, almost as if the beast was being torn apart by whatever it was that saved me. But I wondered if this person was friend or foe? I wasn’t totally sure. When I heard the sound of the beast’s dying wail, I struggled to get up, to thank whoever it was that saved me. Of course, was it worth it to thank them? They could be here to kill me in the same light, but there was something within me that spoke otherwise, especially regarding that. However, I couldn’t keep my eyes open, or my body up, so I passed out.

  Maybe I would die here. I don’t want to think so, but that’s what was at the forefront of my mind as I lay there, unconscious and unsure of where I would end up. There was a presence near me, and I struggled to flutter my eyes open, but it was no use. I prepared for the sweet release of death, and soon, the creature grabbed me. I braced myself, knowing this could be the end of it all. Instead of it killing me, I was pulled somewhere, almost dragged to a new location. I was then carried almost in a bridal-style by whoever it was that did this. I mean, deep down I did thank them for what they did, but I also had no idea just what this person or creature was capable of. Would it kill me? Or would I live to tell the tale.

  The only thing I did know was that when I did open my eyes, a gasp emitted from my mouth. This was what I was looking for, the creature that I had yearned to spot, only to avoid it up until this time.

  I was being carried by the red wolf, whatever this creature was. I knew this would be quite the story, if I did manage to get out of this alive and with all of my limbs intact. There wasn’t much I could do, as the darkness of my consciousness seeped away, leaving me almost dead to the world in this mysterious creature’s arms.

  Chapter 2

  I woke up shortly after my rest, or at least that’s what I called it. I thought I was dead, or at least that’s what I expected. I realized I was in a perfectly made room, with velvety sheets, a beautiful high ceiling and furniture that looked more expensive than the type I was used to.

  “Where the hell am I?” I asked.

  “You’re awake. That’s relieving. I didn’t think you would make it, especially with how close to death you were,” a voice said.

  I looked, seeing that it was a mysterious man. He was about my age, with sandy blonde hair, green eyes and he wore a perfectly pressed tux. I looked at him, my face contorted into that of confusion more than anything.

  “Where am I?” I asked.

  “You’re at Master Richard’s home. I’m Spencer, his head butler and servant,” he said.

  I extended my hand, awkwardly looking at him. Damn he was cute. “Kiera,” I told him.

  “Well Kiera, I’m glad you’re alive. I made sure that you were taken care of. Seems you got attacked by a bear and the wounds were deep,” he said.

  I tried to move, noticing that it didn’t hurt. “Yeah, but it doesn’t hurt,” I said.

p; “I’m an apothecary, along with being the head butler here. For master, I make a variety of concoctions, some of them including healing ones,” he said to me.

  I listened to this, but in all honesty, I felt like there was something more.

  “Where is your master? I have a few questions,” I said.

  “About what? He is still sleeping, so I don’t assume he’ll be up for a while,” he told me.

  I blushed, trying my hardest to figure out what to say.

  “About what I saw last night. I could’ve sworn I was taken in by a red wolf,” I told him.

  He looked at me, his face almost changing on instinct. Was there something he knew that I didn’t. Finally, he shook his head, looking at me directly.

  “You’re making that up. You know that’s a legend just as well as I do,” he said.

  “Right. But I could’ve sworn I saw it,” I said.

  “You probably were just seeing things since you were right at death’s door. Don’t think any more of it, for it’s probably that,” he insisted.

  I wanted to believe that, but in all honesty, something about that seemed very wrong. However, I didn’t question it.

  “So you’re his butler. This is that rich dude that lives right along the edge of the forest, right? Doesn’t he worry about the animals?” I asked.

  “I do, but I have quite the security as well in case something happens,” a voice said.

  I looked up, and Spencer immediately smiled.

  “There you are master,” he said.

  “Hello Spencer. It seems our little guest is up,” he said.

  “Yeah. Sorry about that. I’m Kiera,” I said to him.

  “Richard. But I’m sure he informed you of that,” he told me.


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