Love in Troubled Times: MFM Alien Romance

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Love in Troubled Times: MFM Alien Romance Page 69

by Gayle Riley

  The two of them carried their food over to their seats near the guards, and Layla looked over at Orion while he began to eat. She tried to really study his features. He was a great looking man especially for an alien. He barely looked like one, and as far as humans went, he would beat most of them out on looks as well. So, yeah, when she first met him, she might have been alright with hopping into bed with him. But Layla didn’t exactly form attachments just from that. It was blowing her mind that she even cared about Kraordis at this point. It wasn't typical.

  Layla had to admit that she cared for Orion beyond him being a crew member; a very important one at that. She had seen him for a few months now as a friend and an ally. Despite the fact he seemed to always baby the crew and disagree with her, he was a great person to have around. But she wasn't sure that translated into anything more than friends. He was probably skillful at sex, and she would miss him when he was no longer a part of her crew, but that wasn't the definition of love, right?

  Layla focused back on her food and ate quietly, trying not to notice the way the Arkuns stared at them; even the other prisoners. Humans were, evidentially, not a common site on the planet.

  Layla was just trying to eat so they could get out of there and into Kraordis' room for the night, but then Orion slammed his fork down onto the table, causing the whole place to be on alert.

  "What is wrong with you?" she whispered through gritted teeth. "Everyone is staring."

  "Since when have you cared about that?" Orion asked, looking right at her with an air of frustration surrounding him. "Look, I can’t handle this anymore; pretending that nothing is going on between us. It's killing me, watching the two of you together. And he knows it. He looks right at me every time he kisses you. He says things to me behind your back; things about how I am chained to you all day, but only he gets you at night. It's torture, Layla."

  For the second time since ending up being caught by the Arkuns, Orion had shocked her with his feelings. How long had he had them, and how had she not known?

  "I don't know what you want me to do about it, Orion. I am sorry you are hurting, but I had no idea you felt this way until after I did what I did with Kraordis, and now he’s our only shot at making it through our trial. Please, don’t get us killed," she begged with her eyes, hoping her would understand. "You'll get over it one day when we're out of here."

  "It’s not so simple, Layla. I can't just stop loving someone. We don’t choose who we love; we choose who we express love too. Which is what I want you to do. I want you to give me a chance." Layla wasn’t sure what to think of the proposal, but it wasn't the time out there in public like that.

  "We can talk about this later, Orion. Right now, let’s get cleaned up and out of here," Layla suggested. The two cleaned up from their meal and were led to their rooms one-by-one, their chains removed. Orion shot Layla a knowing look. He would be in there later to finish their conversation. Then, they parted ways.

  Chapter 7

  Layla stepped into the room, feeling drained, both physically and emotionally. Part of their punishment was for her and Orion to complete various grunt tasks, which were usually labor intensive. She expected to either be alone, or for there to be more conflict between Kraordis and herself. Things had been tense since the kiss with Orion, and for good reason. But she felt the need to prove to him there was nothing going on. It really shouldn’t have mattered considering she was using him to save the both of them, but it grated at her nerves of some reason that he didn’t trust her anymore. Had she gone soft? She would need to do a lot of work once she got out of there to get back to the ruthless pirate she once was after all of these emotions that were swirling around in the current situation.

  Instead, she found Kraordis, splayed on the bed with nothing on but a sly smile. He wanted her. She could tell by the almost predatory look in his face. Even though she was exhausted and probably dirty, she couldn’t help but feel a sudden surge in the need for him as well. Her panties were wet at the sight of him and at the thought of sex with him. It was the perfect way to unwind from a tough day, and Kraordis was the best at sex in her book, and that was a lot to say in her long list of male conquests.

  She smiled at him and hopped into bed, all troubles forgotten as he had his hands all over her body, taking her clothes off so quickly it felt like a race.

  Kraordis laid over her body as she tasted the warm breath coming from his mouth. She felt his shaft sliding up to meet her groin just as the door flew open to reveal Orion, who had apparently come to finish their discussion. Instead, Layla and he stared at each other in awkward horror because of the scene he had just walked in on.

  "How nice of you to join us," Kraordis said, his hands still wandering over Layla's body. "Since you're so keen on interrupting us at this very intimate moment, why don’t you come over here and show her how much you love her." Layla looked at Kraordis and back to Orion in shock. Perhaps, he had been right about Kraordis's teasing, and this was taking it too far.

  "Please, don’t you want to know what it feels like to be with two men at once?" Kraordis asked, playing on her fantasies as his hands slowly spread her legs, probably giving Orion the view of a lifetime. She could see the frustration in the way Orion was sweating bullets, and his hands were clenched in fists.

  Layla was so turned on as Kraordis's fingers slipped inside of her slick flesh, and she rolled her neck back with a sigh. She knew if Orion gave into temptation that she would too. Her body loved the attention.

  Finally, the decision was made, and Orion stripped off his clothes, crawling into bed with the two of them. Layla had her answers about how far done the markings went as she saw they ended just below his hip bone. Layla reached out to trace the line with her fingertip as Kraordis turned her on her side so that she was facing Orion.

  Orion shivered at her touch, and her hand landed instinctively on his shaft, already standing at attention for her. He gasped, his eyes going wide as if this were the touch he had been waiting for his whole life.

  Layla began to stroke him as her leg was lifted just enough for Kraordis to slip his own cock inside of her, whispering sweet nothing into her ear in his own language. He had a way of making it sound more beautiful than it did coming from anyone else’s mouth.

  Kraordis thrust into her, causing her to arch her back and moan. Orion’s shaft grew even longer with her reaction as he dared to begin exploring her body.

  Layla looked into his eyes, seeing what it was doing to him to be so close to her.

  It was so obvious now, as she stroked him so that a creamy liquid began to drip from the tip of his shaft, that he loved her. That kind of adoration was hard to ignore now that it was out there in the open.

  Layla reached out with her lips to kiss him as his hands massaged her breasts. Kraordis was still thrusting, hitting her G-spot with ease. She was overwhelmed with pleasurable sensations, just as Kraordis pulled out his long, blue member, leaving her aching and wanting.

  Kraordis lifted her leg up, sliding it over Orion’s body so that they both had access. It was an odd invitation, but she found herself wanting it; wanting more.

  Orion slid his cock into her, and it went easy with the slick surface of her flesh. He began to thrust slowly, his eyes closed tightly as he moaned at the sensation her body was giving him. Giving pleasure to someone else lended itself to its own unique high.

  But then, she was bombarded by a pleasurable pain as Kraordis slipped back inside of her, thrusting with the same rhythm of Orion. Layla had two cocks, filling her up and bringing her to a planet-shattering climax.

  Chapter 8

  Layla understood now why Kraordis had allowed that to happen. They were cuffed the very next morning and sent straight to trial. So, here they were, chained together in front of the high council and the leader, awaiting judgment to come down upon them.

  Braunis was an interesting character. He was not fit and muscular like the rest of the Arkun men, but instead he seemed to have surrounded himself
with food and drink to gorge on, and he was dripping with jewels that were worth a pretty penny. He reminded her of a raj. If things got ugly, she just might find herself ripping those off so she could get some cash to get to her ship, wherever it was.

  That was when the shutters around the meeting room were dropped to reveal exactly what Layla had just been thinking about; her ship. Orion glanced at her in fear, and she knew just what he was thinking about; the crew. Were they on there?

  "We have given you chances to prove your worthiness for forgiveness here on the Arkun planet, and we feel you have spit in our faces. However, my commander, whom I trust with my life, tells me of your redeeming qualities and your usefulness." Braunis stood judge over them, his extra chin flapping with each deep word. Layla stood there, trying to be respectful as she began to panic inside. Anything could happen at that point and she didn’t feel as powerful to stop it as she usually did, being surrounded by Arkuns with no weapons or tools.

  "So, I present to you an offer of sorts. We have captured the ship that we believe held the crew that was working with you to transport our resources to another planet illegally. They were caught still attempting to make the trade with the Zulas that you initiated. They have completed their crime, but you never did. I want you to denounce the action your crew took and say goodbye to the life of a pirate forever. Then, we can negotiate a place for you on our planet that we can all be happy with."

  Braunis stared Layla and Orion down hard, looking more intimidating than Layla would have suspected from first glance.

  Layla looked to Kraordis and breathed, finding a way to keep it together. There was going to be no way out of there this time. Either she convinced them they were all worth saving or it was the end of it. She opened her mouth, hoping something diplomatic would come out. "I appreciate all the second chances you have been giving to us, Lord. I know that it takes a lot of mercy to allow for this. However, I would like to speak on behalf of the crew that they were following orders just as your soldiers might, without question. I have to take the fault for giving the order and I am sure that they can be turned into useful citizens as well. If not, then I can no longer speak for them." She bowed her head to him and Braunis looked as if he was considering this. She prayed that Orion would follow suit and save them all, but she should have known better.

  "Are you serious?" he asked in an explosion, looking at Layla as if she had just killed the crew herself. "I am tired of you spouting crap out of your mouth to make these people happy. They have done nothing but play games with us like we're mice and they are cats." Layla watched in utter horror as he flew off the handle, making the council and the guards tense. Kraordis shot him a deadly warning glance. Layla knew that if Orion did not calm down, it would be the end for him.

  "Please, Orion, they have given us more respect than we deserve. We are criminals. Please, put things into perspective," Layla begged, trying to appease him. But that just made it worse.

  "You are not the woman I thought you were. So, I am going to do what you should have done." Orion walked right up to Braunis but was immediately blocked by a line of sharp swords and staffs. He fell to the hard floor in front of the leader and pointed to his chest. "I will die either for my crew or with it. They would not want to live half a life here."

  "No!" Layla screamed, but Kraordis rushed to her side to hold her, begging her to close her eyes. But she just couldn’t as she watched a staff plunge deep into and through Orion, blood covering his clothes and the floor. When she pulled free and crawled over to his body with tears streaming down her face, she could see the light was already gone from his eyes.

  In that same moment, the nod of Braunis' head sent the signal. She watched as her ship and her crew burned alive.

  Chapter 9

  Layla was in hysterics over the loss of everyone she knew. Her heart was broken in a way she never thought possible. The saying about not knowing what she had until it was gone was in full swing right now as her tears blurred her vision. She didn’t know what to do to live through the pain as they carried Orion’s body away like it was a piece of trash. She knew it had been his choice to defy the Arkuns, but it still felt like it was all her fault.

  "Now, you will suffer the same fate as the crew you commanded," Braunis announced with hatred dripping off his tongue. She was lifted off the floor by the guards placed in front of the same man who just ran Orion through, but then Kraordis came between her and the sharp staff that still had fresh blood on the tip.

  "You dare defy me?" Braunis yelled at his commander. "Move or you will die with her."

  "I will die fighting and you will lose half of your army," Kraordis warned, and Layla was shocked at how willing Kraordis was to betray his own kind to keep her safe. He had never said he loved her, but it was that moment that she knew he did. He truly loved her, and she was certain now that she loved him back.

  "You would kill your own men for this criminal?" Braunis asked looking disgusted and baffled.

  "She is no criminal. I love her. She tried to make peace and be respectful to both her crew and to the Arkuns. She does not speak for Orion, and he does not speak for her. He made his own choice. She could do great things for us; negotiate new treaties. And I doubt you will find another commander as skilled as I." Layla almost laughed at his last threat, knowing it was the truth but unsure why he dared to go there. Kraordis was deadly. She had known it from the moment they met.

  "Very well, but keep her out of my sight until I decide what to do with her." Braunis shooed them away with his hands, and Layla felt herself being lifted up into Kraordis' strong arms as he carried her back to their room.

  Laying her on the bed, he kissed her on the forehead. "It’s going to be alright," he soothed. "I won’t let a single soul harm you."

  Chapter 10

  Three months later...

  Layla stood proudly before the high council as well as the Zulas and her own people, watching them come up to place their names on the treaty she had helped to draft.

  It had taken some time to gain the trust of the Arkuns after what had happened, and she had taken time to get over the loss of not just her crew and Orion, but also of her past life. She had been sure she would be a space pirate until she was old and grey, but she had found a more noble place among the Arkuns, making free intergalactic trade possible. She could still help planets lacking in resources this way, but she could do it with Kraordis by her side; the man she was certain she loved.

  The Zulas clapped as their leader placed his signature on the parchment and then the same with the humans. Clean water and blood would make it to where it was needed most, and it was because of her and the man that believed in her.

  "Braunis," Kraordis spoke up, catching Layla's attention. "before we dismiss, I would like to ask something of your grace," he said, coming forward to the foot of the throne.

  "Speak," Braunis told him, waiting to hear what he had to say in front of everyone.

  "The woman I love, Layla, is the reason we are gathered here today to embark on this new alliance. I feel it is the perfect time to ask of you, Lord Braunis, to allow, if she will accept me, for us to be married in the ways of the Arkuns; joined forever. I do not ever wish to leave her side." Kraordis bowed low as Layla felt her jaw drop to the ground. He was asking to marry her? A wife was not something she thought she would ever be, but she found that the idea of belonging to Kraordis forever; being linked to him in an unbreakable bond, warmed her heart like nothing else.

  "Layla, do you wish to join with Commander Kraordis in marriage?" Braunis asked, looking to Layla in curiosity. The answer was clear.

  Layla looked right at Kraordis with tears welling up in her eyes; this time of joy. "I do."


  Bonus 23 of 30

  Heaven Sent, Hell Bred


  Ambriel, the May Angel, the Queen of Cups, had a simple job to do. But when two demons are sent to challenge her, her divinely assigned task becomes far more complicat

  As the cocky, confident and blatantly sexual demon Crowley begins to take a special interest in Ambriel, temptation lurks around every corner. Sensual promises whispered from demonic lips threatens to pull her away from everything she has ever known. More than just an angel, she discovers she is also a woman, with newly discovered needs burning inside her.

  Outnumbered by Crowley and his Earth demon accomplice, will Ambriel even want to resist temptation?

  Chapter 1

  As the human moaned and writhed, Ambriel reflected on how little angels were truly prepared to enter the mortal realm before they did so.

  It was a topic that the Seraphim had grappled with at length, she knew. Entering into a world filled with temptations known to exert a hold on the soul should require some degree of training to restrain one against them, but even broaching such topics in order to learn about them would not be possible in Paradise. Knowledge of sin could not be allowed in a realm specifically designed to exclude it, after all.

  Thus, the angels tasked with Descending for whatever reason did so with the uncomfortable, unspoken agreement that they would see things down there that they were not permitted to bring back, that work on the material plane was to be left at the gates of Paradise upon re-entry. Whether such a thing was possible was, itself, a debate. Ambriel had seen more than one of the messenger angels awkwardly dancing around the topic of what they had seen and done Below when in conversation Above, and the Fates and Norns were almost entirely tight-lipped for the same reason. But the uneasy state of affairs it engendered had held for, well, the entirety of time, even if it was an imperfect solution.

  Which left Ambriel with a mission she could no longer complete, and a head filled with thoughts she was not equipped to deal with.


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