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Dungeon Law [The Dom's Dungeon 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Cara Adams

  The Dom’s Dungeon 3

  Dungeon Law

  Construction worker Cam Armstrong wants Allegra Lee. He saw her once and can’t get her out of his mind. Allegra lost one potential career when, aged fifteen, she shattered her ankle and her hopes of becoming an Olympic gymnast. Now she’s working really hard to build another future as an attorney, mentored by the incredible Sierra Bond. Hammer, Harlan Hammersmith III, escaped from high society and his wealthy, autocratic, and controlling grandfather. He refuses to go back to that kind of life ever again.

  Hammer, a Dom at The Dom’s Dungeon BDSM club, agrees to a date with Allegra because his best friend Cam wants her so much. Allegra doesn’t seem like any of the women he’s known before, and physically he certainly wants her. But their lives are so totally different. Is there any hope they’ll find common ground? Can they ever be together?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 36,011 words


  The Dom’s Dungeon 3

  Cara Adams


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Cara Adams

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-568-4

  First E-book Publication: November 2014

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  About the Author


  The Dom’s Dungeon 3


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Allegra Lee stood on the balls of her feet, stretched her lithe body as straight as it would go, raised her arms over her head, and curved her hands gracefully into the swan position. The music began, and the crowd in the huge auditorium became silent. As the introduction finished, Allegra took flight, racing diagonally across the huge mat at full speed and leaping into the air in a splits position, holding it for two full beats of the music before landing lightly on her feet again.

  She flung her head back, twisted, and leaped sideways, ready to execute her first somersault—and crashed to the floor as a fierce pain burst through her body and her right ankle crumpled under her. The pain was so extreme Allegra almost lost consciousness, but her graying-out mind was aware of the total silence of the large crowd while the music played on.

  Allegra sprang up in bed, her body drenched in sweat, and her foot aching like a bitch at the memories of the night she’d shattered her dream of an Olympic gold medal in the same moment as she’d shattered her ankle. That fall had broken so many different tiny bones in her foot that even now, twelve years later, she still had to carry a letter from her doctor everywhere she went because the dozens of metal pins holding her foot together always set off the security alarms at courts and in airports.

  Carefully Allegra slid to the side of the bed and stood up, ready to let herself fall back onto the mattress if her foot didn’t support her. But it held, so she turned around and pulled the sweaty, damp sheets off her bed, dumping them and her drenched sleep shirt in the laundry hamper before getting into the shower.

  After her dramatic fall in front of thousands of gymnastics fans at the national competition, she’d woken up two days later in the hospital with a foot more metal than bone. The stern-faced doctor had told her to plan a different career path and to be grateful she’d even be able to walk again. She’d cried for a week, her fifteen-year-old self unwilling to give up on a dream that had been almost within reach. A dream of Olympic gold and the world at her feet.

  A month later she’d been back in school and her math teacher had told her she was damn smart and to use her brain to make a new plan for her future. She’d taken the words to heart, looked at job opportunities, and decided on law. She’d been incredibly fortunate that Sierra Bond, of Bailey and Bond Attorneys at Law, had agreed to mentor her.

  Allegra stepped out of the shower, hardly noticing that her wretched ankle was still aching, and grinned at the tumbled sheets in her laundry hamper. In among the bundle of pale pink linen was a hint of bright purple. She grabbed the purple, pulling her vibrator out of the hamper and putting it on the ledge above the sink.

  She shook her head at herself. “Wow. That was almost a disaster. With no man in my bed, the loss of my vibrator would be terrible.” Lester had been gone from her life for a year now, and she’d made no attempt to replace him. She’d thought they would be together forever, but he’d gotten tired of the hours she had to put in at her job. Young attorneys didn’t exactly work nine to five, and he wanted a woman waiting at home for him with a hot meal at the end of his busy day.
  Well, that was just too bad. She’d been prepared to rearrange her life a lot for him, but not to put her career completely on hold or only work the hours that suited him. No. She’d survived the destruction of her foot and her gymnastic dreams, and she’d survived the departure of Les from her heart after living with him for almost three years. Now her life was her work. One day she’d be as good at her job as Sierra was. And maybe one day she’d have a man who loved her. Hell, Sierra lived with two men. She ought to dream big. One day she’d have two! She grinned. Two men sharing a woman was permitted under shape-shifter law. The Supreme Alpha of North America himself had said so.

  Allegra laughed at herself in the mirror. Two men who were interested in her? That was about as likely to happen as her winning a gold medal with a smashed foot.

  * * * *

  It had been more than a month ago since he’d seen her, but Cameron Armstrong couldn’t get the image of attorney Allegra Lee out of his mind. Nelson’s Building and Home Maintenance, for whom he worked, had almost finished renovating an office block in the city. It’d taken a hell of a lot longer than they’d expected because Barbie, a lady with big boobs who had the building manager besotted with her, had insisted on them installing an infinity swimming pool on the third floor balcony. The inclusion of such a difficult and expensive item had required the rewriting of the contract, and that was when Allegra had turned up on the building site to see what was involved.

  Cam had worked for Darcy Nelson for years and had heard Darcy mention Allegra before, but she’d just been a name until the moment he saw her. And then his dick had instantly gone hard as he took in her delightful body and sharp, intelligent face. She might only be small, but determination was written in every line of her dainty frame. Darcy had said she was a damn good attorney, and even Cam had heard of Sierra Bond, for whom she worked, so determination was likely expected in such a career.

  Unfortunately no smart attorney would ever be interested in a man like Cam, whose days consisted of hammering, nailing, and sawing. He came home filthy dirty every night, but he loved working with his entire body, creating order and beauty out of old, run-down buildings. It was just that he wasn’t the kind of partner a smartly dressed young attorney would want.

  However, that didn’t stop him from jacking off in the shower almost every day to memories of her bright blue eyes, long dark hair, and perky breasts hidden under a boring navy blue suit. He had to see her again but had no idea how to do that. He didn’t even know where her office was, but turning up there was likely to be a waste of time anyway. He had no reason to book an appointment with her and likely she didn’t talk to strangers who just walked in off the street. Besides, in all the TV crime shows he’d watched, attorneys were mostly in court or meeting with clients, not sitting in their offices. So even if he did find out where her office was, likely she wouldn’t be there. No, he needed some kind of a plan to get to know her. One that didn’t involve him getting sent to jail first. But how was he going to do that?

  “Hey, Cam, we haven’t been to the BDSM club in ages. Want to go there for a meal and to watch a show tonight?”

  Cam turned to answer his best friend, Hammer. Harlan Hammersmith III refused to answer to any name but Hammer. If Cam had been stuck with such a god-awful name, likely he’d have done the same. “Going to The Dom’s Dungeon sounds good. It’s time we had some fun. What time were you thinking of? Arriving there around seven?”

  “Seven sounds good.” Hammer punched Cam’s shoulder lightly. “It’s time you got your head on straight about me finding a new sub as well. Look around tonight. Open your mind to the possibilities.”

  Cam nodded, but he wasn’t convinced. He knew his thoughts of Allegra were not only destroying his own peace and harmony, but also his best friend’s. From time to time he and Hammer had shared a woman. Hammer was a true Dom in the dungeon, needing to be in control all the time. Cam was a lot more laid back. He was no sub. He wasn’t and never had been anyone’s sub, but he was more content to let events unfold as they wanted to. Not having a sub wasn’t such a big deal for him as it was for Hammer. But since he couldn’t get Allegra out of his head, he’d been unwilling to replace their previous sub and look for another woman. The only woman he wanted to fuck was Allegra, and The Dom’s Dungeon had very strict rules about fucking subs.

  That meant that until he got over his desire for her he wasn’t just suffering celibacy himself, but he was forcing Hammer either to be celibate as well or to find a sub—or a girlfriend—of his own instead of them being together as was their usual pattern.

  I can’t continue to ignore Hammer’s needs. Either I meet up with Allegra and talk to her to find out if she really is the person I want, or else I have to forget about her completely. Tonight will be the test. I’ll make a proper decision tonight.

  * * * *

  Harlan Hammersmith Jr. had wooed and married Missy Beaudine for one reason only. To stop Harlan Hammersmith Sr. from endlessly lecturing him about “family duty.” He and Missy had fucked like bunnies on their month-long honeymoon in the Greek islands, and he’d been incredibly pleased when just a little over nine months later, Missy had presented him with Harlan Hammersmith III. Junior had opened lavish bank accounts for them both and then, duty done, had gone back to his bachelor life and pleasures.

  Hammer knew all this because his daddy had told him all the details on his eighteenth birthday. Junior had been blind drunk at the end of the night, whereas Hammer was stone-cold sober. But at least he’d finally understood why his dad had almost never bothered to watch him play baseball, or take him camping, or do most of the other things his friends’ fathers did.

  Hammer had decided right then and there he was not going to work in granddaddy’s finance company, nor was he ever going to father Harlan Hammersmith IV. Instead, he’d gotten himself apprenticed to a carpenter, achieved his trade certificate, and delighted in horrifying his father and grandfather’s friends by telling them he worked in construction.

  He loved the physical side of his work. He enjoyed lifting heavy loads, sweating and straining to make a wall straight, and hammering and sawing until his muscles burned from the hard work. And to relax, he got out his whips and chains and headed to The Dom’s Dungeon. Inside the dungeon he was in complete control. Every tiny detail was exactly as he planned it to be. He reveled in planning scenes that would bring his sub to the edge of pleasure and hold her there until she was screaming, crying, begging for a release that only he could give her. And then he’d watch the woman come so hard her teeth rattled and she understood that everything had been designed just for her.

  He and Cam had been working for Darcy for several years now, and right from the beginning they’d been closer than brothers. Cam had started coming into the dungeon with him, watching, helping, and then they’d moved to sharing a woman from time to time.

  Cam was excellent in the dungeon. Hammer and Cam understood each other, and Cam enhanced the scenes by always being in the right place at the right time to help him. Add to that the sheer bliss of double-fucking a woman, and Hammer’s dick was in a very happy place indeed.

  But ever since the attorney, Allegra Lee, had turned up on their building site over the installation of an infinity swimming pool on the third floor balcony, Cam’s head had been up his ass. Or more likely, up her ass. Cam wanted that woman so much he couldn’t think past her. Well, maybe tonight he’d finally get over her and they could both get fucked again.

  Not that Hammer didn’t think Allegra was worth salivating over. She sure as hell was. She wasn’t very tall, and unlike most shorter women, she hadn’t been wearing six-inch heels, but likely that was just because she was visiting a construction zone. She had huge bright blue eyes, long dark brown hair in one of those intricate braid things, and a razor-sharp tongue that had cut through the manager’s blithering like a knife through butter.

  The problem was she reminded him of the kind of women his family wanted him to marry. And he wasn’t going
there. Hell no. No, no, never. He wasn’t signing up to produce Harlan Hammersmith IV just to ensure Granddaddy continued to shower them all with his money. He could earn whatever he needed to live on himself, and that meant he didn’t have to sell his soul to do it.

  He’d made himself a nice life just like he wanted it. A job he really enjoyed doing and times in the dungeon that fulfilled his Dom side. Cam just needed a slap upside the head to get him back onside, and then they’d both find a nice sub to pleasure in the dungeon and in bed. Hopefully tonight.

  * * * *

  Allegra managed not to roll her eyes at her clients, but it was only years of practice at putting up with idiots that kept her from telling them exactly what she thought of them. They wouldn’t have needed an attorney if they’d kept their mouths shut and their five-hundred-dollar Armani pants zipped up.

  “I ought to be in the office working on your case. If I go out to dinner with you, I’ll be billing you for my time. Do you understand?”

  “Sure, sugar. You’re working too hard. Besides, everyone has to eat, don’t they?”

  Allegra mentally added an extra ten minutes to their account to pay him back for calling her sugar.

  When the clients told the taxi driver to take them to the BDSM club, she changed the extra ten minutes she’d planned to bill them to an extra half hour. If they thought they could shock her or frighten her, they were very wrong. BDSM intrigued her, although she’d never tried it personally. Besides, she’d been here to a bachelorette party in one of the upstairs rooms, and it’d been a hell of a lot of fun.


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