Poison's Kiss (Book 2 Deadly Beauties)

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Poison's Kiss (Book 2 Deadly Beauties) Page 5

by C. M. Owens

  He's laughing, acting as though he's completely past us. I suppose that's easy to do when he just fell in love with me enough to break a damn bond.

  I slip off of Gage's bed, all the more thankful this isn't my room. With light steps, I make my way out, but a shrill pitch escapes my lips when I see Thad sitting at the bar in the kitchen.

  He's smiling as he shovels another bite of cereal in his mouth.

  "Good morning. How's the walk of shame feel?" he teases.

  My face floods red, and I frown as I think of how incredibly misleading this must look. Though we did do... a little bit of stuff, we never actually went all the way. Damn, that sounds so ridiculous. This is still a walk of shame because I'm a slut.

  "Why does it feel like I've got the hangover from hell when I only had one drink?" I ask to shift the conversation.

  He smiles bigger as he takes another bite. His devious grin isn't lost on me. I can tell he's savoring every second of my discomfort.

  "Because it is the hangover from hell. As a mortal, if you're subjected to the seductive release by the two lovely creatures who owned that home, you will wake up with one hellacious headache. That is, if you don't get sated. Obviously, the little dark bugger didn't come through last night."

  He sort of came through, though I was far from sated. This sucks.

  "Where is he?" I ask, my whole body shifting from side to side uncomfortably.

  Thad grins bigger, his eyes sizing me up.

  "He's taking a dip in the lake. It's his fifth one since the two of you got back."

  That's odd. "Isn't it a little too cold to be swimming this time of year?"

  Thad's laughter could deafen a town right now. He coughs on his mouthful of cereal and pounds his chest lightly as he tries to catch his breath. I'm a little confused by his seemingly odd outburst.

  "He said the shower wouldn't get cold enough," he coughs out before roaring out his laughter once more.

  Oh damn. Humiliation is just flowing in right now.

  "Ah. On that note, I think I should go get a shower of my own. I suddenly feel even dirtier than I did when I woke up."

  His cackles reach a near feminine pitch as he struggles to catch his breath. Just as I turn to leave, Gage materializes in the room with his back to me while drying off his hair.

  I stare at the perfect contours of his golden skin. His navy blue trunks hang low enough to reveal just enough to make my mouth water. His tattoos are just as sexy as they were before, though they shouldn't be.


  He turns to see me, and he bites back a shy grin as he drops the towel over a shoulder.

  "Glad to see you're awake. How's the head?"

  The lines of his stomach and chest look even better than the ones on his back. I stare, unable to look away or even blink as tiny trails of the lake run down his still damp body.

  Hurting even more now. How frigging awkward can this get?

  "Um... it hurts. Any aspirin?"

  Just ignore it happened, and it'll be like it never did.

  "I'm immortal. We don't usually have aspirin on hand, but I do have something that'll help."

  He doesn't acknowledge anything either, which makes Thad act all the more interested. His dorky grin is etched all the way across his face as his eyes go back and forth between Gage and me. I half expect him to grab a bag of popcorn to better enjoy the show.

  Gage grabs a cup and then he pours something in it before sticking it in the microwave. He keeps his back turned to me and watches the glass inside as though it's far more fascinating than the awkward tension in the room.

  Thad continues on with his cereal, his shit-eating grin never budging as he watches in silence.

  Finally, the microwave beeps its climax and Gage pulls out the piping hot contents. He crosses the distance between us, since I'm struggling to move. I can smell it from here, and my nose wrinkles up.

  "It's not as bad as it smells," he chuckles out.

  I sip it warily, hoping he's telling the truth, and I'm pleasantly surprised as the unknown nectar slides down my throat with a far less bitter taste than smell. Gage watches me, his body tensing from our close proximity, but I keep my eyes on the dark, tea-like liquid in front of me.

  "Oh," Thad chirps. "I forgot to mention I grabbed these on the way out."

  I glance up with Gage as Thad pulls out a silver pair of panties and starts waving them around like a lasso.

  I spew my drink through my lips and drench the floor as Thad cackles again. Gage covers his laughter with his hand as he walks off shaking his head.

  I glare at the taunting changer as he tosses my panties to the bar and gives me a wink. I rip my underwear away from his mocking gaze and close them in my fist before rushing away from the humiliating morning.

  Gage is sipping on a cup of coffee when I emerge from the safety of my room. I've hidden out for as long as I can, and now night has descended upon us. I have to face him sooner or later. We can't live in the same house if we let this hang over our heads.

  "Hey," he says as he looks up.

  "Hey, can I join you?"

  He motions to the open spot next to him, and I very slowly make my way to his side, my whole body tense with uncertainty.

  "I assumed this was coming," he murmurs softly, stifling a grin.

  "Um, I just wanted to apologize," I mumble while sitting down. "I know I sort of... Well, I didn't exactly-"

  "Hey, it's all good. It's not like I was in control either. It took more strength to stop it than I care to confess. Just forget about it."

  Seeing his lip ring makes me think of how good it felt in my mouth. His lips felt so good, and his tongue... oh, his blessed tongue. I don't even know where to start with that.

  His eyebrow cocks up as he catches my scandalous thoughts darkening my already jaded aura, and my eyes widen in realization.

  "Don't make me jump in the lake again. That water is like ice," he jokes while glancing back down to his tablet in his lap.

  My cheeks stain red, so I focus my attention on his screen as he shifts from page to page. I realize it's Sierra's journal, and the page he's reading draws my attention.

  Amy is struggling with adapting to our world. Her sire was apparently very strong, and his darkness is embedded deep within her. She only responds to Kane, and he's done helping her out.

  After losing Alyssa, he's been focused on one thing, and that's killing Castine before she can touch him. That foolish witch is good with trickery, I'll give her that. In all the many years I've known Kane, he has never been duped until now.

  Deke is worried what will happen with Amy if we don't keep stopping her rampages. The day she finally kills someone, we could possibly lose the sane girl we love. She'll never forgive herself, and he believes the darkness will consume her.

  The rest of us accepted our fate long ago, but Amy is still clinging to her mortal values. She doesn't realize we've all made terrible mistakes, and she's not in the frame of mind to handle such a thing.

  I pray Kane is successful in killing Castine soon. Maybe then, he'll resume helping us out with our wild little girl.

  I stop reading as Gage shuts off the screen. He leans back and wraps his arm around my shoulders when he sees a tear slip free from my eyes.

  "Hey, don't start all that. I suck at the emotional stuff."

  I let a small laugh free as a couple more tears drip out of my leaky eyes. I wipe them away, and before I know it, I'm leaning against the dark user who is pulling me against him. I curl into his lap, though I know it's a bad idea to be so close.

  I just ache for comfort. Whatever this weird bond is I have to Kane, I have to find a way to be rid of it. I almost wish Gage had just fucked me and freed me last night when it wasn't a conscious decision. I wouldn't have felt so guilty, and we could have resumed our friendship without it being as awkward.

  As sexy as Thad is, there's no way in hell I'm letting that man-whore help me out of this, and I shouldn't risk giving myself to a dark us
er. But I damn well ached for him last night.

  My head rests on his chest as he runs his fingers through my hair, and then his hand comes to rest on my side as his soft lips find the top of my head.

  "It's the bond. It's making it hurt more. It's only going to get worse if you don't do something about it."

  I feel so stupid right now. I'm crying over a broken heart given to me by my sworn enemy, and my other enemy is comforting me. I'm apparently a foolish mortal with a death wish.

  I realize all girls go through a "bad boy" phase, but this is ridiculously insane.

  "I'll figure it out. Until then, I just have to stay away from him. The sooner they have my house ready, the better. I want to go see my mom tomorrow, so that will be some bit of a reprieve."

  "Why not tonight? I can drive you, and we don't have anything else going on."

  "I don't think the light will be too crazy about me bringing in a dark."

  He laughs a little, and then he nods.

  "I guess I temporarily forgot we were on opposing sides. I'll just drive you near there, and then you can take my car the rest of the way. I'll grab us a couple of hotel rooms, and you can meet me there when you're done."

  I look up, suddenly seeing him as something more than just forbidden fruit on the tainted tree.

  "You'd do that?"

  He shrugs, as if he's confused by my question.

  "Of course. Go grab a bag. We'll leave as soon as you're done."

  I smile, and without thinking, my lips find his, tasting the cool steel of his piercing once again. He grips my sides, and then I quickly pull back with my hand over my lips.

  "I'm so sorry. I didn't-"

  "It's fine. It's going to be that way until you get the night stalker out of your system. I think I can handle a few random hormones popping up. Just be careful around others."

  He laughs a little, and I sigh as I stand to my feet. I hope that's the only reason I just did that. I really, really hope that's why.

  Chapter 4


  My stomach tenses as I walk through the gates of the Light Council's chambers. No one has told me much about my mother's state, but then again, they're not usually the most helpful creatures.

  Thanks to Gage constantly pointing out their flaws, I'm starting to grow weary of all their foolish rules and hypocrisy. Everything we stand for seems to be a joke when it's all on the line.

  It took us hours to get here, and now the sunlight has returned. I'm exhausted, so tired my eyes keep trying to close, but I refuse to sleep before I see my mother. I have to see her. I have to know she's really safe again. I should have come sooner despite the protests of the council and Frankie.

  I push through the healing room to find my mother's supposed bed empty, crisp, and perfectly made. There's no sign of anyone being in here for a while.

  I glance around to find nothing to prove she has ever been here. With a growl in my throat, I get ready to start shaking some answers out of people when I suddenly slam into a body.

  "Lyss?" Frankie asks in disbelief as I stagger backwards. "What are you doing here?"

  "You knew I would be coming. Where's Mom?"

  I'm not backing down. She's my mother, and I should be here for her the way she's always been there for me.

  "She's in the courtyard. She's healed now. Hasn't she called you?"

  Since when doesn't Mom tell Frankie every detail of her daily activities. He's like her personal vent friend.

  "I haven't heard from her at all. That's why I'm here."

  He frowns, seeming disappointed by that. He nods and then moves out of my way as I head to the courtyard. Suspense builds in my stomach as the tears ready themselves to flow. When I reach the courtyard, they drop like a monsoon.

  My mother's blond hair whips in the wind as she works on the rose garden in front of her.

  "Mom," my hoarse voices releases in a near whisper.

  She turns around swiftly, and a soft smile graces her lips as she opens her arms for me to run to. I dart across the yard to close the distance between us, and she curls me to her as I dive into her arms.

  "Why the hell haven't you called?" I sob out, sniffling between breaths as I hold her tighter.

  "Oh, sweetheart. I'm so sorry. It's been a hell of a few weeks. I didn't know what to say to you. I was trying to wait until I could hold it together."

  I just cry that much harder as her firmer than usual lips stroke my forehead.

  "What happened?"

  She shakes her head, pulling back and wiping her eyes before the tears even start to fall.

  "I really don't want to talk about it. I've been grilled by the council for weeks. I've recounted every detail I can, but I have no idea who they were, what they were, or even what they needed me for."

  My lips tighten as I stare at the woman I thought to be unbreakable. Throughout her many centuries, she's dealt with more than any other being I know. She's had her share of heartache, pain, and unspeakable torture, but I've never seen her fragile... until now. Ordinarily, she'd be ready to go after these sons of bitches.

  "Let's talk about you instead. Frankie told me you had a boyfriend who turned out to be an immortal playing a trick on you."

  She says it so coldly, nothing like the ginger steps she would normally take around such a sore subject. I suppose it's selfish of me to even expect her to make room for my petty problems, given the magnitude of what she's just endured.

  I'm glad Frankie apparently omitted the part about Kane being a night stalker. Mom has enough on her.

  "Yeah. I felt like an idiot, but I'm okay," I lie, making light of the heavy situation.

  She smiles, though it's not the warm, make-me-feel-all-better smile she usually bears.

  "Sweetie, you will get over him. I swear."

  Sweetie? She knows I hate that term of endearment. It's what the night stalker called me before sinking his teeth into my flesh when I was seventeen.

  Once again, I'm expecting her to focus solely on me, and that's too selfish. With all she's had going on, it's fine if she slips up and calls me the wrong name.

  "I know I will. It's just, now I'm bonded to him apparently, since he was my first."

  "Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot about that."

  I guess Frankie already told her. Great. She had better not mention socks.

  "Next time I'll be a little more careful and definitely more suspicious," I add, still not showing her the pain I'm in.

  I literally found a room full of immortally crafted toys - a dark dungeon full of tainted proof - and I overlooked it. How stupid am I?

  "Next time just use your mark, dear. That's what it's for."

  I stop speaking at that moment. She knows I can't do that.

  Before I can pipe up, a woman cloaked in white walks in and tugs at her blond strands of hair as she crosses through the path of roses.

  "Calypso, you're needed in the chambers now. Sorry to interrupt."

  Mom smiles at her, a gracious, completely fake smile I've never seen her use before. Then she turns to me with that same phony smile.

  "I love you, sweetie. I'll talk to you later."

  With that, she's gone, vaporized into thin air.

  Frankie is nowhere to be seen, but he wouldn't believe me if I told him. Instead of searching for him, I run full speed out of the council headquarters. I never slow down as I head to Gage’s car.

  I pound on the hotel room, and Gage swings the door open, catching me as I almost collapse.

  "What the hell, Alyssa?"

  "It's not her, Gage. It's not my mom."

  "What?" His confusion is genuine as he helps me into the room. He wraps me up in his arms as he pulls me into his lap, and we both fall to the sofa. "Why are you saying she's not your mom?"

  "She called me sweetie. Twice. I've told you before why I'd break your face if you ever called me that."

  He seems confused by this. Apparently, that's not enough proof. "O...kay. Alyssa, your mom just went through
a traumatic ordeal. It's going to take a while-"

  "She told me I should have shown Kane my mark. Other than me, three people know that it's deadly to a human. You, my father, and my mother. This imposter didn't know that or she wouldn't have said it."

  This time I've got his attention.

  "Alright, but that's obviously not something you can take to the council."

  "I know it's flimsy at best, but I swear something's wrong. My mother would never say that. She was there when I killed that guy."

  I shiver as the memories flood back to me, and then I banish them with the small chant Mom taught me long ago.

  He tightens his lips, seeming uncertain about whether or not he should say anything else.

  "Okay, so you think a changer is there in her place?"

  "No, she vaporized, so it has to be a witch or warlock."

  He starts to shake his head, and I realize he doesn’t believe me at all.

  "Alyssa, I've seen guys forget their children's names after an ordeal like your mother just faced. It's her, babe. She's just a little lost right now. It's impossible for a witch or warlock to change their identity for more than a few hours at a time. Not to mention, after they've done it once, the spell essentially has to reboot for at least a couple of weeks after they use it.

  "The symbols and spells protecting that place could hold out anyone. It'd be impossible for an imposter to make it through there. I know this is tough, but it's her. She's just not herself yet. Maybe that's why she was waiting to speak to you. Physically, her body is healed. Mentally... that could take a while."

  I lean back, soaking in his words. Maybe he's right. I don't know what she went through, but there's no magical way that's not her. I can't believe I acted so crazy.

  "Do you want to stay here for a couple of days?" he asks as he reclines back on the sofa.

  I'm still in his lap, and now I realize that's probably inappropriate.

  "Yeah. I'm going to see my Aunt Hilly while I'm here. Since the whole incident with my mother, she's been regarding the light council as assholes. She's still staying close by for the sake of my mother, but she's not doing their bidding any longer. She was their number one undercover... and I shouldn't be sharing that information with a dark user."


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