Poison's Kiss (Book 2 Deadly Beauties)

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Poison's Kiss (Book 2 Deadly Beauties) Page 12

by C. M. Owens

Before I can finish, Kane is barging through the door, breaking the lock.

  "You could have just knocked," Zee chuckles out.

  Kane glowers at him, ready to knock him out, but he shakes his head and curses under his breath instead.

  "You're a complete dick, you know," Kane gripes while pulling up a chair on the opposite side of the room from me.

  He can distance himself all he wants; it still kills me to be in his presence.

  "I know," Zee snickers out. "You got here faster than five minutes."

  "Why didn't you tell me you were on guard detail?"

  I tune them out, my pulse finding my ears, and I try to hold my breath to make the worst of it go away. Without looking back, I head into the bathroom and splash some cold water on my face.

  I kneel to the ground when it all becomes a little overwhelming - too intense for me to withstand.

  "Alyssa, we're calling for you," Zee says as he opens the door. "Shit. Are you okay?"

  Before I can swat him away, I'm being picked up, but it's not Zee. Kane's arms are around me, pulling me into his toxic perfection.

  "You need to get out of here. It's her proximity to you that seems to make it worse," Zee mutters, but my arms clutch tighter around Kane's neck, begging him to get closer.

  "I can't just leave her with you."

  "I'm not going to do anything. I was just fucking with you. Go. Get out before she gets sicker."

  Before Kane can speak, my lips are on his as I prop up and wrap my legs around his waist. He grips me tightly to him, kissing me back as I tug at his hair.

  "Or you could stay and take care of it that way," Zee says through a chuckle.

  The pain is almost unbearable as I tear myself away. It feels like someone has just filleted me with a dull knife, but I end it before I can let him break me more.

  "No. I need some air. Kane, please be gone when I get back," I shakily release, my legs wobbling beneath me as I head outside.

  "Fuck," he says in an angered, exasperated tone as I slink through the hallway of the hotel.

  I see a taxi without a fare, and I decide now's as good a time as any for a road trip. I have to get away from Kane, and I know he's not going to leave. I can't keep letting him break me like the sadistic bastard he is.

  Besides, there's someone I never thanked.

  Chapter 11

  Dirty Little Secrets

  "Are you sure this is the right place?" the taxi driver asks as he stares out at the dark woods we're stopping in front of.

  "Yeah. This is it."

  He nods warily, and I hand him my cash while climbing out of the car. Luckily, I was able to whip up a scent masker concoction on the way here with a few resources. I feel bad for using my power to steal money tonight, but I couldn't go back up to the room with Kane and Zee.

  My phone rings as I take the first step, feeling the magical barrier open for me, recognizing I'm not my father. With a sigh, I answer the ringing nuisance.

  "I'm only going to ask this one more fucking time, where the hell are you?" Kane blares through the phone.

  "I came to see my dad. I can't handle being around you, and it was obvious you weren't going to leave."

  He grows quiet for a second, probably thinking long and hard about what he's going to say. I've already hung up on him fifteen times on the drive over.

  "I didn't think you were on good terms with your father."

  His tone is calmer, more cautious, as he chooses his words carefully.

  "I'm not, but I needed to get away and to be honest, it feels like he's the only one who might give a damn about me right now. Believe me when I say that's screwed-up. But my mother's dealing with her own stuff and she's shutting me out. Frankie is trying to be there for her; and my dad... he's... I'm about to find out what he's doing."

  "Alyssa, I didn't mean to-"

  "Just stop. It's not like it's your fault. I didn't even tell you I was a virgin until you... well, you know. You were there after all."

  A laugh actually escapes from his mouth, and I idly imagine icicles falling off his lips.

  "Will you at least call me later? Let us know you're okay? You scared the hell out of Zee."

  Rolling my eyes, I mumble, "Yeah."

  With that, I simply hang up. I can see the house in the distance, and my stomach tenses up, dread filling me with each step.

  In an effort to keep from chickening out, I decide to distract myself by listening to what Kane is doing now. I wave my hand over the phone to ignite the sounds from the other side.

  "Your shakes are getting worse. Sierra said it could put your vamp side in overdrive if you don't do something about it soon. Have you talked to Alyssa?" Zee asks, and I stop walking, suddenly finding this conversation to be much more intriguing than my estranged father.

  "And tell her what? That her blood has left me craving more? I wouldn't give her the fucking satisfaction. She hates me enough as it is."

  My heart sinks as a tear stings my eye. He's the one driving me to hate him, but I love him too much to actually be capable of such an emotion. I knew he'd have a hard time getting off the high my too-powerful blood offers, but I hadn't expected it to cause his night stalker half to run awry.

  "There's more at stake than pride, Kane. If you don't ask for her help, you could end up losing it. You're too strong for us to hold back. The damage you could do... I don't even want to think about it."

  Kane's breath comes out in a drawn out, frustrated huff. "I'm not going to ask her to help me wean myself off her blood."

  "If you don't come down gradually, the option is losing it. Sierra swears using the blood in her concoction will help dismiss the urges. You shouldn't have used poison's kiss on her. It just ignites the addiction that much more when you use that shit on a witch. What were you thinking? You could have just slit her wrist and let it drain into your mouth."

  "She would have bled too much, and I wouldn't have been able to heal it. The venom sealed the wound. Not to mention, she was hurting... because of me. I wish I had known she was a virgin. I would have never done something so fucking stupid."

  It's nice to hear I gave my virginity to someone who thinks it was so fucking stupid. I almost hate myself right now. I'm ready to be done with him - ready to stop aching for a man who wants absolutely nothing to do with me.

  I have to stop thinking about him as the man I fell in love with and start seeing him as the enemy he really is.

  "Witch's blood is addictive, but it shouldn't be affecting you this badly so soon. Either she's really strong, or you have one hell of a low tolerance."

  "She's the first witch I've ever tasted, so it could very possibly be the latter of the two. I'm sure she's strong simply because of her mother, but Calypso is also a rarity. It's unlikely Alyssa is that strong. What I'm more curious about is how the hell is a daughter of Calypso Dubai involved with a changer, a dark user, and Drackus Devall. It's obvious Alyssa has practiced for the light her entire life because her hair can't get much blonder without going white, so how is she even affiliated with so many dark? And what the hell is up with her and Dray? He's warned me more than once to watch how I speak to her. He even threatened to lock me up with Amy if I said one more thing he felt was too harsh."

  I smile, silently thanking Dray for holding up to his word. It's almost comical to know that Kane is being treated like the kid he's been acting like.

  "I heard about that," Zee laughs out. "Dray is one harsh ass for threatening to leave you in a cage with that wild thing. I thought I was going to piss myself from holding in my laughter when Alyssa broke Amy's arm."

  Kane actually lets a small bit of laughter free again, and then Zee continues.

  "As far as the rest, I don't know. Whatever Dray's ties to her, they're strong. I didn't even know he knew her until he threatened Amy. My question is what are we going to do to find out all their secrets? I hate a mystery. That was the whole reason I agreed to come out here tonight. Obviously I'd like to keep her safe, too, but I
really want to know what's up with this chick."

  "Glad to see we agree. I've just got to-"

  The conversation cuts out, and it takes all my strength not to call him just so I can hang up and listen in again. It probably wouldn't do any good. They've most likely been distracted from the conversation, given the fact someone either just called him or sent him a text.

  As I head to the house once again, my mind is bogged down, wondering what the two will do to piece together my mystery. If they find out I'm the daughter of Drackus, they'll flip out. Not to mention, they'll be scared of me, just like the rest of the world would be.

  It's important I stay unknown to the world. My father's name puts a price tag on my head. His enemies would view me as his only weakness, though it couldn't be further from the truth.

  With a shaky hand, I knock, almost hoping he's not here. It's highly unlikely he'd be anywhere else though. I'd like to know his ulterior motives for that rescue, and I can't find out unless I see him.

  No one comes to the door, and I start wondering if it's been soundproofed. It wasn't soundproof when I lived here as a child. The windows look different though, nothing fancy, but thicker. It has been soundproofed.

  The four-story mansion is hardly a prison. Though the house is deep in the dark woods, it's actually not creepy.

  I'm sure most people would expect the home of Drackus Devall to look like something out of a haunted film - an old, dilapidated house where the wind howls through the cracks to add to the ominous feel. Instead, Drackus lives in a home nicer than the president.

  Everything looks pristine, light, and even inviting. The crisp white paint and black shutters match the all American dream. The only thing missing is the white picket fence. This was once my home. I remember running through the hallways, laughing and playing with the man so many fear, but it was a small girl's illusion of happiness.

  In the end, he never really wanted to be a father. A man as dark as he can't understand how to love a child... even his own.

  Instead of pounding on the door again, I ring the doorbell instead. This time, it swings open, but it's not Drackus waiting on the other side.

  Dray stands in front of me with wide eyes and mouth agape, shock drizzling from his deep brown eyes.

  "Alyssa," he gushes out in surprise, quickly checking his phone immediately after as it rings.

  "Dray," I murmur softly, enjoying the shock on his face. But why is he here?

  "Zee, I assume you're calling to tell me Alyssa is gone," Dray murmurs into the phone.

  I hold back a snicker, and Dray scowls as if Zee can see him.

  "Yeah. She took off to see her dad. How did you know she was gone?" The suspicion in Zee's tone is comical.

  I'm actually enjoying the night stalker duo sifting through the mess of mysterious pieces. I decide to add a little more mystery.

  "Because I'm standing right in front of him," I say with a smile, making Dray smirk involuntarily.

  "Why is she-"

  "Don't worry about it, Zee. I need to speak with the little light girl about running off in the middle of the night."

  Dray hangs up, smiling as he does so, and then he crosses his arms in front of his chest.

  "You realize you just caused me a mess, don't you?" I shrug, feeling proud of my deceitful quest, and he lets a chuckle free. "You're delighting in his intrigue?"

  "Not just his. Kane is with him. The two of them are going crazy trying to figure this all out. Right now, I'm here to see Drackus."

  He seems surprised, like he hadn't expected me to say that. Surely he didn't think I actually came to see him.

  "You're here for the engagement party?" he asks.

  "Engagement party?"

  Before he can answer, the smooth, silky voice of my father sounds out as he calls for his dark angel friend.

  "Dray? What are you-"

  He stops, his eyes falling on me, but no shock or surprise is there. He's so good at controlling every emotion he possesses. It's unnerving actually.

  "Airis, this is a pleasant surprise. What brings you by this neck of the woods?"

  Did Drackus Devall just try to use humor? If so, it was a sad attempt.

  "I came to say thank you for your help the other day, and I go by Alyssa now. Everyone knows Airis Devall is your daughter, but no one knows Alyssa Coldwell. Well, except for those you tell," I murmur while using my eyes to point to Dray.

  Drackus sighs, holding back his anger most likely. He hates to feel defied, and I love defying him. Okay... so maybe I do have some daddy issues.

  "Of course, Alyssa. Airis isn't exactly supposed to be alive." It's not hard to fake your death when few people know what you look like. "As for thanking me, a girl should never feel it necessary to thank her father for saving her life. It should be expected," he adds, seeming calm in tone, but offended in gaze.

  Yeah right. What's the catch, Drackus?

  The chatter nearby seems to grow louder, making it noticeable there really is a party going on. I didn't realize Drackus could party out here. Who in their right mind would come?

  "Well, thank you nevertheless. I didn't realize I was interrupting something. Dray mentioned an engagement party? I'll just be on my way. Maybe we can speak some other time."

  I turn to leave, but he quickly calls for me.

  "Airis... I mean, Alyssa, I'd like it if you stayed. I'll only introduce you as Calypso's daughter, and no one here will be the wiser."

  He almost sounds rattled for a change. If I didn't know better, I'd say he really wanted me here. Good thing I know better.

  I turn back around, my eyes fully soaking in Dray's flashy suit along with my father's gem of a designer suit, and then my lips tighten.

  "It looks a little more formal than I'm dressed for. It's fine, Drackus. We'll speak later."

  He steps out, his eyes falling on me, and he smirks before rubbing his fingers along the side of my sleeve. I feel the magic, and I cringe inwardly as my jeans and sweater turn into a dress and my tennis shoes transform into heels.

  Great. Now Drackus is a fairy godmother.

  The shimmering blue falls down to my ankles, a small split leads up to my thigh, and the thin straps on the shoulders only add to the elegance. With his wink, my hair falls from the ponytail and into elegant curls. I guess I sort of have to stay now.

  "Okay, Drackus, you win. So who's getting engaged?"

  Dray bites back a grin and steps to the side as I walk in. Drackus holds an enigmatic smirk as he offers his arm to take. I stare at the gentlemanly gesture with a wary eye, but after a deep breath, I take his proffered arm.

  It feels odd being so close to him when he's been absent from my life since I was ten - not even so much as a phone call on my birthdays.

  He doesn't answer right away. Instead, we round the corner where hoards of people are congregated. I can feel the buzz of their auras as they leave their intoxicating powers unguarded, completely open to be seen and felt. These are some of the most powerful people from our world... and they're here.

  I knew Drackus had friends, but I didn't realize they were all littered with unfathomable power. I also didn't know the light and dark mingled so freely with each other in the home of their sworn enemy.

  Dusters and light users laugh and drink amongst dark users and changers. I can see their eyes and their aura's shining brightly without fear of someone realizing their inner secrets. Absolutely no one is capping off their auras? Really? This doesn't happen.

  It's as though the friction of opposing sides doesn't matter here. The rules of our world that force us to keep the magic portion of our auras guarded don't apply right now. I do well to keep my magic sealed from sight, but the colors of my emotions dangle out there for all to see. I'll be glad when I master that.

  A dark-haired woman looks glamorously detailed with flashy jewels, a decadent dress, but a wicked glaze in her eyes. She heads toward us, intrigue and darkness tainting her familiar blue eyes.

  Her long locks dan
ce against the air, stirred by her brisk pace. Her eyes sweep up and down me as she combs over every inch of my body. I'm feeling very uncomfortable with her scrutinizing appraisal, especially since I have no clue who she is.

  "Drackus, darling, I wasn't aware you invited guests without telling me."

  Darling? Great. Dad has a deadly beauty. That shouldn't be surprising. Apparently his taste in women is as abhorrent as my mother's taste in men. Maybe the two of them were more perfect for each other than I thought.

  "That's because Alyssa showed up as a surprise. She's-"

  "A friend of mine," Dray interjects, keeping Drackus from having to mention my mother's name to his new girlfriend.

  Dray steps up, relieving Drackus of his hold on me. It's obvious he doesn't want to relinquish me just yet, but he does so. It worries me slightly that he hasn't told his girlfriend about me, but not because I'm offended. It worries me because I can almost see her black heart, and I wonder what he fears she might do if she knew.

  "Ah. How nice. I wasn't aware you were close with any light users. She's mortal, is she not? I can hear her quickly beating heart."

  A devious sparkle glistens in her eye. I really hope Drackus keeps his silence about his true ties to me.

  "Indeed she is, but she's very well acquainted with our world already," Dray murmurs, pulling me a little closer to him.

  Drackus gauges our connection, not seeming thrilled with the dark angel touching me. It's not the dark angel he should fear. It's the dark user and night stalker that drive me crazy... literally.

  "Well, should we move on to the dinner table?" Dray asks, trying to peel Cruella's eyes off me.

  "Certainly," she says coolly, her impeccable posture too poised. "I'd love to get our party underway."

  I glance to Drackus, and he thins his lips as if he feels uncomfortable, which is highly unusual. Normally, he's a rock - his emotions undecipherable.

  "By the way, Alyssa, this is Amari. My bride-to-be," Drackus says, his tone steady and emotionless once again.

  I suddenly feel a little sick.

  I officially just got a hell of a lot more than I came for. First he flips my rags into a rich dress, and now he's giving me a wicked stepmother. I can't even begin to fathom how morbid this Cinderella story just became.


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