Poison's Kiss (Book 2 Deadly Beauties)

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Poison's Kiss (Book 2 Deadly Beauties) Page 17

by C. M. Owens

  I simmer down slightly, but Kane refuses to lose his hold on me.

  "I'm not Drackus's concubine, you perverted son of a bitch!"

  Dray can't hold back his laughter anymore. It roars free, considering he knows how truly gross that accusation was. The others seem confused by the reaction they warrant as overkill.

  "Just remember I'm here to help," Dice says with a grin. "Anything at all you need, I'll be at your service. How about we start with your delicious scent?"

  "My scent?" I ask, instantly regretting opening the door for an answer.

  "You smell like honey and sex. It's the scent of a woman who needs to be sated. I could have you smelling like an exhausted-"

  Before I even realize it, I've used my magic to launch him through the door, splintering it into numerous pieces as the immortal crashes into the yard. He groans as he rolls around, gasping for air. The force I used could have crushed a younger immortal - one not at full strength yet.

  Dray grips his head, knowing my neighbors are probably curious about the scene I just caused, but I shrug in response - proving I don't give a damn.

  "You just said I couldn't touch him."

  Kane lets a laugh escape, along with Zee, as I start to walk away. Dray accidentally lets his smile perk up, but he walks out, shaking his head, preparing to dust the memories of my neighbors before they call the cops.

  Just as I grab a glass to pour some strong liquor, Kane's phone rings. He glances down and quickly answers. I can't help but be nosy, so I listen in.

  "Hey, Deke. What's-"

  "Kane, it's Amy. She was just attacked."

  Chapter 16


  I don't know what I was thinking when I told Kane I'd ride with him. He's as fast behind the wheel as Gage. My knuckles have turned white.

  A three-hour drive to Pine Shore has turned into a forty-five-minute drive in his Mercedes.

  He skids to a halt in front of his house, hauling ass out of the car, leaving me far behind when the door to the front shuts before I've even fully made it out of the passenger seat. When I make it inside, I cover my mouth to hide my gasp.

  Amy is a bloody mess from head to toe. Her eyes are weak, showing death's closeness, as her labored breaths come out in wheezes. Sierra coos to her, trying to calm her down, as she strokes her tangled, matted hair that has been splattered by her own scarlet stains.

  Her wrists are bandaged, but the blood is seeping through the once white strips. Her throat is bandaged as well, though it's not bleeding as badly her wrists. A blanket covers her as she shivers, acting as though she's freezing.

  Suddenly, Dray's in the room, kneeling beside her and pressing his hand to her head.

  "I won't be able to heal all of this in one sitting, but I'll be able to save her life. Kane, get her some blood. She's going to need it."

  He nods and rushes over to the art room door. My stomach twists as he disappears into it. Apparently, they have a secret fridge I overlooked in the dungeon. I could have figured all of this out a little sooner had I been more persistent in my exploration that night.

  He returns almost as quickly, and I watch as the bleeding from her wrists seems to stop. Her breaths become more natural and easier as she sucks in air.

  Dray staggers back, proving he's just exerted too much energy to have not exhausted him. Amy is still weak, but she's able to sit up with a slight wince. Sierra almost cries as she keeps her arms around her, making sure Amy feels cared for.

  Kane hands her a glass full of blood that she sips appreciatively. He then moves over to sit down next to a weary Dray.

  "Start at the beginning," Zee says from behind me, his jaw clenching as he comes to take a place at my side.

  I never even heard him come in. I notice Dice is with him, though he's fortunately keeping his perverted humor on mute.

  "I never saw anything much. It was all so... unexpected. I was walking through the house after having gone to the mall. Nothing seemed out of place, everything smelled clean - no unusual scents - and I didn't sense any presence here at all. I walked down the steps to the underground room, still not sensing, smelling, or noticing anything out of the ordinary.

  "Just as I reached the bottom, a slight sound startled me enough to force me to whip my head around, but I was met with a powerful slam. It wasn't physical, but it felt like a punch from a damn Cyclops or something.

  "Before I knew what was going on, my eyes were covered, my hands were bound, and then I felt the pain of the knife slicing through my wrists. What kind of knife slices through our skin?"

  Her sobs threaten to creep up on her, but she chokes them back, trying her best to hold it together.

  "There are several different forms of blessed weapons," Dray offers, thinking deeply about it as though he's looking for answers.

  Amy takes a steadying breath before continuing. "I could hear an echoed whisper as she chanted-"

  "She?" Kane interrupts. "Did you recognize her voice or see her face?"

  Amy shakes her head, preparing herself to continue once more. "Like I said, it was an echoed whisper, almost as if there was more than one voice, but only one person was there. It's hard to explain. I thought I was going to die, but then the door burst open, and I heard Sierra calling. She smelled my blood, and she knew I was in trouble."

  Kane looks to Sierra in that instant. "Did you see her?"

  For a brief second, Sierra's death glare flashes to me before her softer look finds Kane.

  "Just a glimpse from the back. She ran out of here, and I couldn't chase her because Amy was bleeding to death. I had to save her. All I saw was long blond hair, almost the same length as Alyssa's. Almost the same shade, too. Same build, same height, same weight-"

  "I get it," Kane growls. "Alyssa was with me, so stop dropping your unhelpful hints."

  Sierra narrows her eyes at him, but his glower doesn't waver. It almost feels like he's standing up for me, but I've been standing up for him since all of this started. I suppose he feels as though he owes me that much.

  "So they're setting me up now? Like they tried to do with you when it came to Heath and Thad?" I ask curiously, pointing my questions at Kane. "They're tired of failing with you, so they want to take a stab at me and see if they can provoke action that way?"

  Kane grips his head as he leans over. "Fuck."

  Sierra seems confused now. "That was a human witch with a nasty spell that fucked Amy up enough to give her some leverage. Her heart was beating too fast when she was running. I heard it clear as day. Amy is still young to her powers, but Thad was old. I could smell it in his blood when he was in changed form. There's no way this is related."

  I guess Kane hasn't been looping the guys in on the details, just the basics. I'm sure he was trying to protect them by not involving them. Zee was involved already, refusing to leave when Kane basically begged him to.

  Kane pulls out his phone and hands it to her. I can see by the horror on her face that it's pictures from Thad's murder. I cringe as think back to that gruesome day. The police still haven't released his body for burial - a burial I'll make sure gets done properly.

  "A human witch did do that. This is dangerous. If she can kill a changer as old and strong as Thad, she can kill Amy or Zee without a problem. The younger the fey, the easier death can come," Kane murmurs through strain, and then he turns to Zee. "I want you back here. Alyssa can cast a protection spell."

  I nod when his eyes turn to me, but Zee shakes his head at Kane.

  "You saved me from the worst part of my life. I'm with you. Besides, Alyssa has sort of grown on me."

  He gives me a wink, making me smile as he pokes at Kane a little. I may not be bonded to him, but he's still possessive as far as his friends go. Kane just grips his head tighter, not finding any humor right now.

  "We want to help, too," Deke chimes in, sliding to the edge of the couch. "Sierra and I can drop Amy off with Clyde's coven. They'll keep her safe."

  "Hell no," Amy barks. "I want r
evenge. This bitch planned on killing me."

  Kane slides back, trying to find a way around letting them help.

  "Fine. If you want to help, go speak to some of the local covens... human covens. They're mostly harmless. This all started in Pine Shore. There's someone here who knows something. In the meantime, no parties. Alyssa is still going to cast a spell."

  I nod and head over to the corner to practice in silence. I'm about to start when I hear the conversation take a turn.

  "You're going back to Edgebrook?" Sierra almost growls. "Amy was just attacked, and you're going to stay with the witch who tricked you into falling in love?"

  Kane glances to me, and then his eyes narrow at her. "This is about Alyssa and me. The two of us are being targeted. We're in this together, and I'm not going to leave her."

  "I was attacked, Kane," Amy cries, poking herself in the chest with her finger to emphasize her point. "Me. Not her. I'm the one who needs you right now."

  Zee steps in and relieves Kane from the bad-guy role. "Alyssa is the mortal. She needs more protection. This wouldn't have happened at all if we had just let her cast the protection spell the first time she offered. We have to go back to Edgebrook. It started here, but it's moved there."

  Kane stands up, walking toward the door, turning his back on the seething women. Deke seems to understand, considering he's not worried about Amy the way he is Kane.

  "I can't believe you!" Sierra blares, lashing out at Kane again.

  "Enough!" Dray yells, slamming his fist on the coffee table in front of him. "Kane is doing all he can to find this fucking murderer. Amy can't contain her wild half yet. She can't control her urges to change, and she can't control herself around Alyssa either. This is not up for debate. You care for Amy - keep her safe, keep her sane, and keep her away from this damn witch. We have to find her. We have to stop her before she finishes her rituals. All she needs is the blood and sacrifice of two more immortals to resurrect who knows what spirit.

  "This isn't a time to be sloshing around guilt like it's a glass of champagne. We have to focus on the bigger issue. You don't. Amy's life is too precious to lose simply because she can't control herself. If she changes, kills, and makes a mess, they'll send the Somage to clean her up. Until she can learn discretion with her shifts, she needs to stay put. You need to stay put with her, Sierra."

  Dray stands, shaking his head in complete frustration. Sierra slinks back like a scolded child, and Amy sniffles while looking away. This whole time I thought Kane was in charge, but it's apparent this is really Dray's coven. Kane is just the second man in command.

  While the tension grows, I silently cast the spell and mark the mirror in front of me with my blood. I clear it from vision and from smell, feeling the barricade work as I start making it possible for them to all pass through.

  Dice breaks the uncomfortable silence, sounding more helpful than annoying this time. "We should go. There's a party going on near here. I know the witch covens like to play at such events. I can persuade someone to talk."

  I give him an appreciative glance, and he gives me a knowing nod. I walk out first, but Kane is right behind me, following me down the stairs. My phone rings, and I smile when I see Gage's name.

  "I need to grab some clothes," Kane says as he touches my elbow.

  The contact draws my eyes in, and then I look up, wondering why he followed me out to tell me that.


  Then it dawns on me. I rode with him, so he's letting me know he'll be a minute.

  He heads back in, and I answer the sweet dark user on the other end.

  "I hope your day has been less dramatic and more productive than mine," I say, bypassing a simple hello.

  "What's going on?"

  "I'll explain later. When are you coming back?"

  I hear loud music in the background. It's barely nine, but it feels like midnight right now with this dark, quiet sky. It makes me curious what he's up to that sounds like so much more fun.

  "I'm looking for some leads. I should be back in a day or so. Drackus said he sent someone to help out, but he didn't say who."

  I glance through the glass at the incubus staring down at me. I hadn't been expecting him to be studying me so intently.

  "Yeah. His name's Dice. Know him?" I ask while casting my eyes back to the lake.

  "Really? Drackus is worried about someone touching you, so he sends an incubus? Unbelievable." I'll take that as a yes. "Has he done anything?"

  I cringe, thinking about the full on attack of a kiss I gave Kane.

  "Yeah, but not what you think. He used his magic on me, and I kissed Kane. I'm so sorry."

  "I'm going to kick his ass," he growls.

  "Whose? Kane's or Dice's?"

  "I'll decide that later. It's not your fault, so don't be sorry. Incubus power is impossible for a mortal like you to resist. It's odd he made you kiss Kane."

  "Well, it was definitely awkward." Something has been irking me, and now seems as good a time as any to bring it up. "What are we?"

  I hadn't meant for that to sound so random or blurted out, but I'm glad I finally asked.

  "What do you mean?" he asks, sounding confused.

  "I mean, are we... I don't know... You know what I mean."

  He laughs a little, making me feel like a fool for my stammering attempt to acquire clarification.

  "We're two fey creatures enjoying each other's company. Or at least I'm enjoying it. How about you?"

  I smile, but it feels weighted. "I'm enjoying it, but I'd like to know what exactly I'm enjoying."

  He sighs, his playfulness gone. "I don't like labels. It puts too much pressure on the couple involved. Let's just let it evolve naturally. We'll see how it goes, and maybe our defining term will be revealed when we're ready."

  That's something I would have expected from Kane, Zee, or even Thad. I never expected that answer from Gage. Are all men this way?

  Kane was quick to define us, but he had ulterior motives. Do all men act so skittish about relationships?

  "Yeah," I finally murmur, a dryness to my tone.

  "We can talk about this later. I have to get back to work. I'll call you later tonight, okay?"


  I hang up, not giving him the chance to say more. I really regret asking now.

  I turn around, and a squeal slips through my lips when I see the incubus standing directly in front of me, his hands behind his back and seriousness etched in his face.

  "Sheesh. Personal space, please," I say nervously while taking two steps back.

  "I didn't force you to kiss the night stalker," he says, seeming more random than I just sounded with Gage.


  "Earlier, when I used my magic, I wasn't forcing you into the arms of another. I was drawing you to me. I wouldn't have actually done anything, but you shouldn't have gone to him. It's been bugging the piss out of me since then. How did you do it? It's like you channeled my power and guided it to one you trusted instead of me. I've never seen that done before."

  I'm a little taken aback by his close proximity and grilling demeanor. After distancing myself to present an even more feasible gap between us, I try not to laugh.

  "I don't trust Kane. He's a night stalker. I'm a witch."

  "You trust him. I can see it, feel it, and almost taste it. It's sort of my thing. You might not want to admit it, but you trust him more than any person here. All I want to know is how you channeled my power. I've been around for a long, long time, so very few things surprise me."

  I shrug, not sure what answer he wants. "I didn't do anything. I thought you did that. When I attended a party hosted by an incubus and succubus, there were apparently a lot of people channeling, because they were all over each other."

  He lets a laugh slip free and shakes his head. "They would have been projecting, not drawing. There's a difference. We feed off sexual energy by exerting our own, and then we soak in what you put back off and fuel ourselves with it. It doesn't
cause harm, just hormonal overdrive. When we draw you in, you want us, not someone else."

  This is awkward, and I'm ready to go. I'm almost excited when Zee comes to interrupt us.

  "Let's go. Kane said you could ride with him again. I'll be driving Stud over here."

  "I'd rather ride the pretty blond," Dice says, his eyes dancing with menace.

  "You better mean ride with. Kane is pissed enough as it is," Zee growls. "Sierra's a bitch for guilt-tripping him like that. She knows how devoted he is to this coven. She had no right."

  I pat his arm. He's more protective of Kane than I realized.

  "So you're with the night stalker? Yet you try to claim you don't trust him?" Dice asks, his head tilting to emphasize his confusion.

  "I'm not with him, I'm with-"

  I stop, instantly remembering I can't let someone working for Drackus know I'm... enjoying Gage's company. I can't believe I can't refer to him as anything. I suppose I'm not omitting any facts, since there aren't any to omit.

  "With?" Dice prompts.

  "No one. Let's get out of here."

  "Gage?" Dice asks, his dark smile spreading larger. "I was wondering why he was hanging around down here. I kept hearing Mr. Powerful was sticking around in Pine Shore instead of out on the road - where he prefers to be. It makes sense now."

  "You can't tell Drackus," I quickly counter, hearing the pleading tone in my voice.

  "Why is that?" Zee asks, now teaming up with the pushy incubus.

  "Because... I'm... Calypso's daughter and everyone remembers how close Drackus was with her."

  That'll do.

  Zee purses his lips, weighing my explanation and finding it feasible enough to head on to his car without further interrogation.

  "Well then, light one, let's find out who's trying to get to you before Drackus turns me into a pin cushion for failing," Dice chirps, a suspicious gaze in his eyes as he slowly walks away.

  I have to work on my lying skills. This is starting to give me a headache.

  Kane has driven us here in silence, not making any attempt to start a conversation. His hands are shaking more frequently, and I'm starting to worry he's in pain. He refuses to let me help him though, and it's starting to piss me off.


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