Sanctuary_Bloodlines_Book 1

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Sanctuary_Bloodlines_Book 1 Page 12

by C. L. Stevens

  She drank deeply from the pitcher and when she was done she took another large spoonful of the eggs just to show that it really wasn't that hot.

  Meilin’s parents seem nice. I am not too sure about the others though.

  That made her think about the old man and those red eyes. She shivered at the memory while simultaneously shaking her head at the strange feelings they gave her. Unusually aggressive feelings, especially for her. She reached over to the platter and grabbed a thick slice of the bread, adding a light coating of butter to it from the dish beside it and smiled broadly at the warm goodness of it but didn't even realize she had done so because her mind was someplace else.

  He was somehow reading my mind! That much I certainly remember. But I fought him off somehow. Got him out of my head.

  She smiled as she remembered the look on his face while grabbing another slice of bread. The look of utter surprise on his wrinkled features.

  This time she absently placed a couple pieces of sausages on the bread and sprinkled on some of the crumbly white cheese that she crushed in her palm before taking a bite and then washing it down with more apple juice. But then she recalled what happened just after that and her smile faded.

  It was like my mind shut off for a while. Like it got rebooted like a computer or something, only with a crap ton of errors!

  Her left eye fluttered involuntarily at the memory of what happened after that. Her head began to throb all over again at the mere thought of the scrambled voices and images, so she quickly focused on something else. For a good while, her thoughts had trouble coalescing. Abruptly they solidified as sharp as ever.

  I wonder how my dad is doing right now.

  Her mind began to jump all over the place, images and thoughts changing in rapid succession. It wasn't like the scrambled mess from before with the old vampire. She could see each memory clearly, in fact, much more clear and vivid than ever before. She thought of everything, from the mundane to the monumental, all flashing through her head quicker than she could flutter an eyelid. Her mind was in overdrive and it felt wonderful. The experience concluded with her thoughts at last settling on her time in the Army.

  I would be on my way to interpreter training right now I bet. Her hand froze with the fork full of omelet before her mouth, forgotten, the hot gooey cheese dripping down slowly like a spider extended from its web to land on her skirts.

  And then she was hit with an emotion so strongly that she dropped the fork she no longer felt in her hand. Nor did she feel it strike her thigh, further marring her clothing before it disappeared somewhere under the table.

  The feeling was regret. Regret so powerful that it brought tears to her eyes. Right then she regretted every bad choice she had ever made in her life. The emotion was so overwhelming that she wished she could just die. Then the feeling began to narrow. It began to focus. She no longer regretted everything, only the circumstances that brought her here, to this accursed house. She suddenly had the powerful, if somewhat irrational feeling that she was missing out on real life... her life by coming here. She could have been moving on with positive things. Finishing up with her training and getting a great job after she graduated.

  “Wouldn't your father be so very proud of you then?” A voice inside her said.

  But another voice was telling her that what she had here was special too. But the second voice was only a bare whisper, only an echo, an afterthought, while the other filled her mind to near bursting. It was like standing inside a large bell that had been suddenly rung by a giant's hand. It was not only nearly all she could hear, but the sound reverberated through her entire body. She felt it at least as much as she heard it.

  “Remember, you were going to marry a hot guy and have two beautiful babies.” The first voice insisted. “It was that Vampires fault! That bitch Meilin. She kidnapped you. You don't belong here. You should leave right now while no one is watching you. Now is your chance!”

  Yes, it was all Meilin’s fault! No, wait. She shook her head violently as if she could somehow shake the negative thoughts out of her head.

  “Run. Run Desiree. Run while you still have the chance.” The voice suddenly boomed and she found herself on her feet ready to do just that. She put her hand to her head and tried to think.

  “Meilin wants to be your blood friend.” The second, much calmer voice said suddenly. Its volume was much stronger now and she suddenly realized it had been speaking to her the whole time, only too low to be heard. There was something very soothing and familiar about it but she could not place where she had heard it before.

  “She wants to bond with you, to be your sister. She wants to share her life with you and show you more than you could ever imagine.”

  Yes. She is nice to me. We have a bond she and I. We look out for one another.

  She wanted desperately to believe that voice. It made her feel so comfortable just hearing it. But the other voice refused to relinquish the hold it held. And it too made sense, so much sense.

  “She only wants to use you. She will suck you dry and leave your pitiful bones for the crows.” The first voice snarled and she began to grow angry, feeding off its ferocity and malice.

  “Deep down you know that Meilin cares about you.” Came the sweet and familiar voice. She began to nod her assent. Her mind started to ache as the two voices battled for purchase and for a moment she couldn't make out anything either had to say.

  “She tried to murder your father!” Came the booming words that silenced the other and made her shut her eyes in pain. “You know nothing about that woman. She is a liar. A LIAR! She is no woman. She is not human at all, but a vampire! Who knows how many people it has killed… dozens, hundreds? But you know someone whom she tried to kill… your father!”

  The voice, those words took hold of her hand and danced with her in dizzying turns. She became lost in their conviction, in their undeniable truth and it resonated with her, with her soul. Her eyes focused akin to a predator on the hunt. She no longer had the slightest interest in running. She wanted death and destruction. She wanted to kill that lying bitch Meilin. Images of her snatching the heart out of her chest, snatching the very life from her and watching her turn to dust before her very eyes filled her mind and her lips peeled back from her teeth. It was far from a smile. It was more like a sickening rictus of abhorrence.

  All the Uvarii would die. She imagined creeping from room to room, dispatching them all for what they had done to her and her family. Her hands clenched and then unclenched in anticipation. Her breath came in ragged gasps and her vision filled with red. Blood, blood everywhere. It would flow in rivers before she was done. She would bathe in it's hot, viscous glory. Then she would turn to the humans. She would turn to the humans and feast.

  She imagined the cook, Ronald. He cowered before her power, begging for mercy, begging to serve. She opened his skull with a single blow. The blood sprayed across the wall and she laughed maniacally. Humans scurried for cover like insects but she sought them out. She cornered a child and grabbed him by the throat as he tried to dart passed her. She lifted him into the air so that she could look into his eyes. She wanted to see the life leave those eyes. Peter squirmed in her grip and the smell of his fear washed over her and it was nothing short of intoxicating. She began to squeeze and his big, panic-stricken eyes met hers and she… froze.

  Desiree recoiled in horror and revulsion both in the vision and in real life. Her knees buckled and she took hold of the table and her hold on it was the only thing keeping her on her feet. A flash of sheer agony suddenly sparked in her skull but the pain left as quickly as it had come and with the absence of pain came clarity.

  With her mind now clear, she understood why the second voice seemed so familiar. The voice was her own. At that realization, all the lies were brought to the light of day with crystal clarity. She would not be in interpreter training if none of this had happened, she had failed that test by 2 percentage points. Her contract dictated that she would work in human resour
ces for the army. And besides, she wouldn't have left under either scenario. She would be lying in the gimp recovering from a broken leg, bored out of her mind.

  If Meilin had wanted her father killed, he would have been just that. She could have ended his life at will but had spared him on her behalf. She was nothing compared to Meilin, she knew that but in the time they had spent together she had earned the vampire's respect and they had formed a bond, the two of them. She could feel it even now. She could feel it as strongly as her own heartbeat. She felt it as if their bond were a physical, living thing instead of just an emotion. Deep down she knew that Meilin would fight for her, would protect her from anything. And she would do the same for her. She hadn't realized that she would until just now but it was true. She would fight for her no matter the odds.

  All the negative feelings were gone now. Even those she wasn't even conscious of having. They faded away like morning dew, leaving her happier and more carefree than she had been in a long time. She felt at peace.

  The first voice tried to speak again and she now recognized it for what it was. It was foreign, an interloper, another will attempting to invade her mind. With all the disgust and horror and desperation she felt fueling her will, she stifled it so fiercely that it seemed to vibrate and then explode into a myriad of tiny glass-like shards. The pieces shot it all directions, yet each jagged projectile managed to find her brain and bite deeply, eviscerating her mind as they faded away into nothingness. It left her mind numb and empty of all memory of the encounter. She stared around in confusion, wondering why she was just standing there.

  Chapter 11

  The sound of footsteps approaching put her back in her seat. A young man glided in, seeming to half walk and half dance as he sang some tune under his breath. When he saw her sitting there he stopped cold. He stared at her in confusion as if wondering what she was.

  “Uh, hi,” She said into the awkward silence.

  As if the sound of her voice released him from some spell, he shook himself and smiled broadly. It was the confident smile of a man that knew he was handsome and used to getting his way with the ladies.

  “Well, uh, hi right back,” He replied magnanimously and sauntered closer. “And who might you be?”

  “I'm Desiree.” She replied. “I just arrived here today.”

  “That is quite obvious.” He said matter a factly but not unkindly. He brushed the dark hair from his eyes as he leaned over the table closer to her and mock whispered.

  “Because I know every pretty face in this house, and alas I don't know you.”

  Desiree smiled at the compliment but decided not to acknowledge it. She stared up into those blue eyes and saw the sparkle of mischief. He was enjoying himself that was for sure.

  “Have a seat and feast with me.” She said, giggling at herself as she made her voice sound as if she was a queen addressing a royal suitor.

  Again, that look of confusion covered his face as he looked at the table but the look was gone in an instant. His smile returned two-fold.

  “Ah, I must say, I love a girl with a bit of wit. One that does not take everything so seriously.” He gestured with one hand. “My mother always said… a woman who does not jest, even in strife, surely has no zest for life.”

  She had no idea what he was talking about until she looked at the table. Her jaw dropped open in surprise. The only thing left on the tray was the burnt end of a sausage link, half an omelet, and breadcrumbs.

  He did take a seat however and moved the tray and pitchers out of the way so that there was nothing between them. He leaned over the table, his tall frame nearly reaching her on the other side. He sniffed exaggeratedly slow and deep.

  “Oh, you do smell lovely, don't you my little dove?” He said in a heady voice. And then his eyes looked her over familiarly.

  In one smooth motion, he slid himself over the table and was standing right next to her. She jumped up in surprise. She tried to pull away from him but he grabbed her hand and pulled her close, too close. His body was warm against the exposed portions of her outfit. No, not warm, it was hot, burning hot. He smelled of a mix of clean perspiration and some sort of male body wash. She started to protest but he twirled her in his arms making her lose concentration. When he stopped he was smiling that roguish grin of his and his blue eyes sparkled like sapphires.

  “What are you doing? Let me go.” She told him, but her voice sounded weak, unsure. “Let me go.” She said again and this time there was more conviction in the proclamation. She managed to free herself several times but he just grabbed her again.

  “I promise I will not hurt you my little dove.” He whispered into her ear as he pulled her to him again.

  “If you don't let me go, I am going to hurt YOU.” She warned and tried to put on a mask of anger but when she saw his goofy grin it was so infectious she found herself smiling right back. The boy certainly does have more than his fair share of charm.

  “Just one bite my dear.” He begged. “Just one taste.”

  His mouth came down on her neck and she was so surprised by the move that she hesitated. Before she could gather herself and fling him away, he let go of his own accord, his lips only brushing the skin of her neck. He had his back to her, doubled over and shaking and for a moment she thought that maybe she had done something to him without realizing it. Oh my god, I have to get a hold of this strength before I end up killing someone.

  But then she realized that he was only laughing. He turned around to face her, his entire body still shaking with mirth.

  “I had you going there.” He claimed triumphantly. “I'm not a vampire, but I sure had you thinking I was.”

  “You didn't have shit.” She retorted. “I knew perfectly well what you were, a big horn dog.”

  “It that so my little dove?” He asked knowingly.

  “It is. And it wasn't funny so you can wipe that cheesy grin off your face… and stop calling me that.” She added in annoyance.

  “But you couldn't see your face!” He said, laughing all the more. “Desiree, come now, tell the truth. I had you going there and you know it.”

  “I admit nothing. Though it was a marvelous try.” She said to him smiling mischievously herself. “There was only one problem.”

  “And what was that my LD.”

  “The problem was that I seriously doubted vampires go around poking their victims repeatedly with their boner.” She said and pointed at his bulging pants and laughed.

  He looked down and his face turned red as a beet. But then he laughed too.

  “It was your fault,” He accused.

  “What was her fault?” Came a deep voice. “And what's so funny?”

  They both turned to see another young man come in. He was tall, with light brown hair on his head and chin, both trimmed neatly. His hazel eyes watched the two of them with polite curiosity.

  “Oh, you would have had to be here to get the joke.” The would-be vampire replied, sitting down hurriedly. The newcomer seemed to take him at his word and let it go.

  “Hi. I'm Kennedy, but my friends just call me Ken.” He said to Desiree as he extended his hand. She took it and shook it lightly.

  “Hi Ken, I'm Desiree.” She said to him and they exchanged smiles.

  “I see you have already had the unpleasure of meeting Eric,” Ken said as he sat down.

  “Unpleasure…” Eric said, seeming to taste the word.

  “Is that even a real word?” Desiree asked.

  “I think so,” Kennedy replied. “When describing him it most certainly is.” he added and all three chuckled at that.

  “Believe it or not, he never actually gave me his name.” She said, looking at the dark-haired boy accusingly.

  “And yet you know more about me than most people will ever know, don't you, my LD?” He retorted with a wink.

  “LD?” Ken asked, looking completely lost.

  Desiree ignored the question and hurriedly changed the subject, but not before giving Eric a warning glan

  “What do you guys do here?” She asked, looked at them both curiously.

  “You mean, how did we end up here?” Ken asked.

  “Yes. That too, but also, what do you guys do now that you ARE here?”

  Kennedy looked genuinely perplexed by the question. He glanced at the other boy before answering.

  “Well, I assume we got here same as you,” He began. “Through a patron. That is how any human gets here.”

  Patron. She tasted the word and then nodded slowly. She sort of figured that but her curiosity was far from satiated.

  “How did you guys set this all up? How did you meet your patron? I mean, you didn't call Vampires R Us.”

  “I was recruited by someone at the UCLA admissions office,” Kennedy said. “I lost my scholarship and had no way to pay for school. They made me an offer and I took it.”

  “Offer? What offer?”

  Kennedy looked at her curiously. He then looked at Eric who shrugged.

  “These are kind of weird questions,” He said. “Why are YOU here?” He asked her, one eyebrow raising suspiciously.

  “No, seriously. What offer did they give you?” She asked again. “I really want to know.”

  “Who is your patron Desiree?” Eric asked after a long pause.

  “Meilin.” She told them when it was obvious they were not going to tell her anymore unless she shared as well.

  Eyebrows started climbing so high on the two young men that they threatened to disappear into hairlines. They shared a long look and both shook their heads.

  “What?” She asked suspiciously, ready to defend her friend. “What's wrong with having her as my patron?” There was heat in her tone she realized in embarrassment.

  “Nothing. Nothing is wrong with her.” Kennedy said soothingly. “It's just that, well…”

  “I call bullshit,” Eric announced at twice the volume they had been talking before.

  She stared at him vexedly. She looked to Kennedy for support but he only stared at her, the mark of disapproval clear on his freckled face. She didn't know what to think, let alone what to say right then. She had to settle for gesturing her annoyance with her hands.


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