Forever Love (Circle of Ghadan Book 1)

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Forever Love (Circle of Ghadan Book 1) Page 15

by Kimberly Cummons

  Cass smiled. The woman was so nice, she had so few friends, and Kerry could never know what she’d become. Maybe now she could have at least one true friend. Until Sidney died. With her she wouldn’t have to worry about letting the truth about herself slip.

  The door opened and Keegan walked in. Surprise crossed his face before his dark eyes narrowed on Sidney. To Cass’ surprise Sidney just smiled and picked up Zephyr’s backpack. “Yeah, I know I don’t belong here. Don’t worry, I don’t tell my father anything I don’t have to, and I don’t have to tell him this. You know, you guys are surrounding her like vultures waiting for something drastic to happen to her. I thought she could use a little girl time.”

  “Sidney.” The warning in his voice would have made Cass flinch, but Sidney only smiled wider.

  Cass stood up and handed Zephyr back to her. Sidney promptly snuggled him in her arms before saying, “I’m going.”

  As she walked around Keegan to the door she looked back at Cass. “Give me a call at my father’s offices. You can get the number from the dangerous Drakōn here, and we’ll get you set up with a kitten of your own.”

  “Thank you, I’d like that.”

  Sidney nodded and walked out closing the door behind her.

  “What did you tell her?” Keegan asked, not even trying to hide his annoyance.

  Cass shrugged and went back to the table. Picking up the juice Hannah had brought, she took a drink, trying figure out how to defuse his anger. “I didn’t have to tell her anything. Have you ever thought it might not be easy to keep a secret from a telepath?”

  Oops, not the way to defuse his anger. He looked even more irritated, if that was possible. “We all keep our thoughts closed around her.”

  “Yeah, well apparently you didn’t, as soon as she walked in the house she read all your minds. I didn’t know she was telepathic. Even if I knew how to shield my thoughts, I didn’t have a reason to.”


  “Yeah, you were all too upset to shield yourselves.”

  “We didn’t know she was here and Hannah and Althea already know what’s goin’ on.”

  “Well if it’ll make you feel any better, you don’t have anything to worry about from her. She meant it when she said she keeps things from her father. And besides, I like her, she just wants to be my friend.”

  “And you can bloody well read minds, too, then lass?”

  Wow he was angry. “No, but I’ve always, always been good at reading people. It’s why my bookstore has done so well. I can tell within a short period of time just what a person likes and what kinds of books they enjoy reading. I’ve never failed, and I know when people are telling the truth.”

  “Interesting, then you’re a Daughter with multiple abilities. Why didn’t you mention your other abilities before?”

  “I am? I mean, I do? I couldn’t very well mention something I didn’t know I was, now could I?”

  He narrowed his eyes and shook his head before his expression cleared and he looked like he was fighting a smile. “Yes, you have multiple abilities. Can you always tell when someone’s lying, then? What someone likes?”

  Cass scratched her nose and hoped she wasn’t allergic to the cat. Could she even have allergies? Would she still suffer from any she’d had before? She shook her head, one more question to toss into the question box to deal with later. “I can hit or miss on the like that’s just intuition, but I always know when someone’s lying.”

  Keegan’s eyes narrowed and he got a look in his eyes that made Cass suddenly leery.

  “How’d you like to listen in on the meeting, Cassie luv?”

  “I thought I was supposed to stay up here where no one would see me.”

  Keegan approached her and pushed her hair back, resting his hand on her shoulder. “There’s probably a place you can look in on the dining room without anyone knowing. The kitchen perhaps.”

  His hand was warm on her shoulder and she resisted the urge to put her hand over it. The comfort she took from such a small gesture was ridiculous. As well as frightening. “Do you think my lie detector ability will work with Aeterni?”

  “Well, we could test it out.”

  “How?” Was he going to lie to her? Cass wasn’t so sure that’d really prove anything because when he let his guard down, his face could be expressive. “But really, Keegan, your lying to me wouldn’t prove anything because you just told me you were going to lie. I’m expecting the next thing you say to me is going to be a lie.”

  He lifted the corner of his mouth into a sideways smile as he leaned close to her and whispered, “I want to kiss you, a stóirín.”

  Speechless, Cass stared at him. He didn’t feel like he was lying, but he’d told her he was going to. Was she reading him wrong? Or was she just so desperate for his kiss she refused to acknowledge it was, indeed, a lie?

  Keegan leaned forward and his lips softly touched hers. Drawing back just enough to put a small space between them, he said, “No, Cassie, you’re quite correct, that was not the lie.”

  Before she could respond, his lips captured hers completely and he pulled her close. Melting into him, she slid her arms around his neck and stood on tiptoe to reach him better. Without thought about how right or how wrong it was, she slid her tongue against his lips, tasting whatever drink he’d had while he’d been downstairs talking. Most likely beer, knowing him, and she was beginning to know him, she realized with a satisfaction that was more dangerous than not.

  Keegan’s moan vibrated against her tongue as he opened his mouth and drew her in with a gentle pull of breath. Without releasing her from the kiss, he shifted his hold and lifted her, cradling her in his arms. Cass tilted her head to get better access to his mouth as she felt him walking. He sat and placed her across his lap.

  Drawing back, he whispered, “I don’t want to make love to you.”

  Matching his tone, she smiled just a little. “Lie.”

  “Mmm, yes, it is, a mhuirnín. You taste too damn good.” He cupped her cheek and took her lips, taking her breath away.

  He’d pulled back since the first morning, no more than a touch here, a small kiss there. She’d begun to think he didn’t want her, but as she felt his erection pushing against her hip, she had no doubt he wanted her as much as she wanted him. She couldn’t remember one of the reasons she’d come up with why touching him was a bad idea. Seemed like an excellent idea to her now.

  Time seemed to stand still as Cass ran her hands over his muscled back. He was hot, almost as hot as she was. The two of them could set the bed on fire just from kissing. What in the world would they do if they did make love slowly, really getting to know each other this time?

  Keegan’s hand slid down her side to rest on her ribs, just below her left breast. She wanted him to touch her, wanted his hand to raise just a little to caress her.

  He pulled back far enough to take a deep breath. Resting his forehead against hers, his breath moved across her lips as he quietly said, “Christ, I want nothin’ more than to lay you down on this bed and finish what we started yesterday but I can’t. The Circle is waiting and the others will be arriving soon. We must get you situated before they arrive.”

  Cass couldn’t open her eyes, she felt more drugged than she had with her kidnapper. She’d never felt this explosive from kissing. She tried to take his mouth back.

  “Cassie luv, I’m sorry I started this.”

  Irritated, she stared at him then smiled, and she was sure it was wicked. “No you’re not. But I would bet you’re sorry you can’t complete it.”

  “Ah shite, I’m sorry as bloody hell I can’t complete it.” He reached a shaky hand up and pushed her hair back from where it had fallen in her eyes. “But, there’re going to be fourteen Circle members down there very shortly, and they would not be amused. Not to mention, pet, we don’t want them to come lookin’ for me and find you. We certainly do not want them to find you under me.” This time his smiled reached his dark eyes and deepened his dimples. S
he was close enough to see the freckles sprinkling his nose and she wanted to kiss each of them.

  “Cassie, don’t you dare look at me like that.”

  “The timing just never seems to be right, does it? I’d be willing to bet if we do anything, Derian will be pounding on that door.”

  Keegan chuckled. “I wouldn’t take that bet because the man has an uncanny ability to know when to interrupt us. No, the timing’s not right. But much more than that, we need more time. We need all night and a couple of days just to ourselves. When this is over, we’re goin’ lock ourselves on my mountain. I’ve never wanted a woman like I want you, not even my wife—”

  He broke off, apparently not wanting to say more. Cass decided this time she was going to push the topic. Clearly he needed to talk. “You mentioned her before. Did she die of old age?”

  He shook his head. He cupped her cheek, his thumb absently brushing across her lips, stoking her desire even higher. Crap, she really wished the Circle wasn’t coming and they had more time.

  “My wife died in the early 80’s along with my daughter. They were killed in a car accident because I worked my bloody arse off to keep from getting too close to them.”

  Cass’ jaw dropped, he really believed that. She opened her mouth to argue the point, but he wasn’t waiting for a response as he lifted her off his lap and jumped from the bed. Pushing his hand through his hair, revealing his earrings, he began to pace. “I’d worked a thirty-six hour shift at the hospital doin’ emergency rotation.”

  He paused and she felt like she needed to prompt him to keep talking. Somehow Cass got the feeling this was not something he talked about very often, if ever. “You’re a doctor?”

  He stopped and looked in her direction, but his eyes were focused on the past. “Was. A surgeon. Life-threatening injuries, usually caused by serious accidents, was what I was best at. I was put in charge of the emergency room, and I practically lived there.” His eyes refocused on her as he continued, “My car was in the shop to be repaired.” He started pacing again, his long legs eating up the extra-large bedroom. “I was tired, I didn’t think I should be driving the rental I had. Susan and Angelina were in the city to do last minute shopping for Angie’s first year of university.”

  This time when he paused, Cass didn’t say anything. When he stopped walking, she moved up behind him and put her hand on his back, offering what comfort she could because she knew this was going to get much worse.

  “I was asleep in the backseat. Susan was driving. They’d just gotten on the two-way highway that would take us home when a drunk crossed the line and plowed into us at sixty.” His voice broke, his shoulders hunched and he ran his hands through his hair again, this time holding onto the back of his head like he could hold back the memory. “Angie died instantly, Susan died a few days later. The drunk died instantly. Lucky for him or I would’ve killed him. I was knocked unconscious. By the time I came to, the emergency crews had arrived and I was on the side of the road with oxygen on me. I was told I was alive because I was in the backseat and had been saved by the front seats. Bullshite, I was alive because I can’t fekkin’ die.”

  He turned and looked at Cass, his dark eyes haunted as he pulled her to him and held her tight. “All my skill, all my training, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do. They wouldn’t let me near Susan since I’d been in the accident and since I was too close to her. But it wouldn’t’ve made any difference. She had multiple broken bones and brain damage. She never woke from her coma. The only consolation I’ve ever had was that she never knew our daughter died too.”

  Cass felt tears pull at her throat and eyes. How did this man go on like this? How was she going to go on like this? How did you ever learn to deal with people you love dying around you? She had no idea, what to say.


  A knock on the door pulled Keegan from the dark place his memories had taken him, but this time it was different. The feel of Cassie’s arms around him, holding him, comforting him made the place seem just a little less dark.

  The door cracked open and Sidney stuck her head around the edge. How Bartholomew Dewhurst had such a cute daughter was beyond everyone’s comprehension.

  “Sorry guys, but the Circle’s starting to arrive and I don’t think you want to be found up here, Keegan.”

  “Damn.” He pulled back from Cassie’s arms, but she was already moving away. A blush spread across her cheeks. “The others know you came to see Cassie?”

  “Erm, yeah. Sorry, but Hannah saw me leaving earlier. I had to be scanned by Althea before they believed me, but now they’re okay with it.”

  “I’m glad you’re not in trouble, I enjoyed our talk. Thanks for warning us,” Cassie said with a watery smile.

  Keegan stared in disbelief. The tears glistening in her eyes were for his loss. Christ the woman was beyond beautiful, and had a heart a hundred times her size. They were right, good things, no, wonderful things, came in small packages.

  “You’re welcome, and I’m glad,” Sidney said. “I liked our talk, too. Listen, Althea sent me up here once she finished with me. My being able to read you so easily worried her and the others. She wants you to run some song through your head to keep the mind-readers out. She doesn’t trust the great and wonderful Oracle Phoibe, or May Zhao.”

  Sidney pulled Keegan’s attention away from Cassie. Good thing, too, because the more he was around her, the easier it was getting to forget everything but her. “I thought Althea said Li Zhao’s daughter couldn’t read minds.”

  Sidney shrugged. “From my research, I agree, I don’t think she can, but that doesn’t mean she can’t feel an open mind here and get into Cass’ anyway.”

  Frowning, he nodded. It was entirely possible that Li Zhao kept his daughter’s true abilities a secret. It wasn’t as though they did tests on Daughters to learn exactly what powers they had. Perhaps it was time to make changes in their world. Not knowing what Daughters were capable of could become a danger to them if they didn’t succeed in finding out how Cassie was changed.

  “Anyway,” Sidney continued, “Althea’s off to intercept Phoibe before she gets to the house. She’s going to concentrate on blocking you from Phoibe, Hannah and Jasmine will get the rest of the Daughters in case someone has an ability that hasn’t been passed on to the Circle.”

  Keegan gave her half a smile and bowed his head in acknowledgment. “I was just considering that possibility myself.”

  “How do they plan to keep the others from knowing about me?” Cassie pushed her hand through her hair, shoving bangs out of her eyes.

  “They’re all three powerful mind manipulators, they’ll be able to block your presence, but Althea wants you to help by running a song through your head.”

  Keegan could see Cassie was trying to come up with something, but just ended up shaking her head. “I can’t think of anything.”

  Sidney smiled, “Do you know Moves Like Jagger?”

  “Oh my God, who doesn’t?”

  Keegan would have to agree with that since even he’d heard the song when he was in the mood for a pop station on the radio and not his usual playlists.

  “Great how much do you know?” Sidney asked.

  “The same as everyone, the chorus.”

  “Perfect, can you think of it?”

  “I can’t think of anything else, it’s now officially on a continuous loop in my head.”

  Keegan smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist. “If it makes a difference, Cassie luv, it’s in my head now, too.”

  She smiled at him, a wide, sunshine bright smile and moved away far enough to take his hand.

  “Keegan, Bastien told me to take you down the back stairs to the kitchen. He’ll keep everyone out of there and you can come out like that’s where you’ve been.”

  Keegan smiled, he had an idea that was perfect. “Listen, Sid, are you needed at the meetin’?”

  “Are you crazy? My father only has me here because the Circle says I have to a
ttend these things. This time, however, I understand none of the assistants are allowed in, just the bodyguards.”

  “Excellent. I want you and Cassie to stand in the kitchen and listen. Don’t come in. Don’t, whatever you do, say anything, don’t open the door but the barest crack. Just listen.”

  A crease formed in Cassie’s forehead. “Okay, do you want me to see if anyone’s lying?”

  “Yes, and you Sidney, I want you to open that head of yours and listen.”

  “Oh, like any Aeterni’s going to slip up when there are Oracles here.”

  “So you don’t think we trust Phoibe to behave the way she’s supposed to, then?”

  “Not if you guys have half a brain in your heads. Man does that woman thinks she’s a goddess and above all rules and regs. She’s the snottiest, nastiest Daughter I’ve ever met.”

  Keegan smiled, that did pretty much sum up Phoibe Chistakos.

  “Who’s Phoibe?” Cassie looked from one to the other.

  Sidney pulled the backpack around front to push back the flap and let her cat poke his head out before she scratched him behind his ears. “Just the biggest Oracle witch with a capital “B” you’ve ever seen. Her father is Andreas Chistakos, second oldest Aeterni alive.”

  Cass looked at him, her eyes round with understanding. “Oh, that’s right you did say there were two.”

  Sidney nodded. “First time in centuries from what I understand. My father says it’s a rare occurrence and in his spooky way he says it’s because things are happening and we need two Oracles to prepare for the changes.” She looked at Cassie and smiled. “I thought he was full of hooey, but with you here, maybe I need to rethink that.”

  “How does Dewhurst know about Cassie?”

  Sidney shook her head. “Oh, I don’t know what he was talking about. Certainly not Cass since he was mumbling about changes almost a year ago.”

  Keegan shook his head. “Not the same thing, then.” Sidney somehow managed to make an art out of changing a subject. “Sid, back to the Circle meetin’. Maybe we’ll get lucky and the discussion alone will make someone forget.”


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