Keegan stopped, keeping Cassie close to his side as he reached for his Glock since his blade was buried in Dewhurst’s black heart. Keegan had no idea who the man was, but he looked familiar. He was sure he didn’t know him, but he resembled someone.
The man wore his wealth like he’d carried it all his life, however long that was. The six foot plus man didn’t look any older than Keegan, but the sense of intense power he got from him told Keegan he was a very ancient Aeterni. His close-cropped black hair set off his aristocratic features taking away some of the sharpness. His blue eyes seemed aware of everything around him, not just Keegan, but what was happening in the hanger as well.
“Do I know you?” Keegan asked, pointing his gun at the man, and sliding Cassie to stand a little behind him.
“No, I am afraid we have never met, but—”
Keegan turned to see Bastien striding across the tarmac with the others coming up behind him. Yes, that was why he looked familiar.
“Bastien, how are you, mon fils?” Keegan should have known, he sounded like Bastien, only his French accent was much stronger than his son’s, more like he’d spent his life speaking the language and English wasn’t as familiar to him as it was to other Aeterni.
“Confused. Why have you led me to believe you were dead?” He might have chosen confused as his answer, but in reality, it was pretty clear he was barely containing his anger. Which Keegan could understand, Bastien’s father had been believed dead for more than two thousand years.
“Well, I’ll be damned, Thales!” Derian said as he came to a stop beside Bastien standing a few feet from the limo. Since he was Bastien’s father, Keegan wondered if he were friend or foe, but didn’t think the man was friend. If he were, he’d have no reason to have remained dead to the Aeterni world. Nor would he have any reason to be here.
The man turned to Derian with a cold smile that belied the friendliness of his words. “Gaderian, it is good to see you too, mon frère. I do believe, however, it is time for me to go. Family reunions will have to wait.”
Brother? Why didn’t Keegan know that?
Bastien narrowed his eyes, the pale blue colder than ice. “Why are you here, Father?”
Thales’ expression lightened as he looked at his son. “I am here merely to see that Bartholomew is stopped. I do not enjoy having my wishes ignored, and that is precisely what the man has done.”
He looked toward the hanger to see Dewhurst being brought out. He’d been bound and it was clear Micah and Gideon had him well in hand. Another car was entering the lot, and they were heading towards it. Keegan was relieved to see they weren’t going to put Cassie in the same vehicle as Dewhurst.
Thales’ chauffeur left the limo and came around to open the passenger door. Thales thanked him, but as he was stepping in, he turned back to the men who’d surrounded Keegan and Cassie.
“I will let you keep Bartholomew. I have no need for someone who cannot follow the simplest of directions, but not the drug. I have worked for centuries to find just the right formula.”
“Why, Thales?” Derian asked.
“Because Aeterni are not meant to live alone forever. Our father should have realized that.”
“Our creation was just a happenstance. Our father had no say, any more than we do, who will be Aeterni. Granted all of his sons were born Aeterni, but I doubt seriously that was in any way planned. Just like him, we just happened,” Derian answered with more venom in his voice than Keegan had ever heard.
There was more going on here than was evident on the surface. Clearly, Derian, Thales and Bastien were all related, but what that meant was beyond him. And at the moment, family dramas were the least of his concerns. He just wanted to get Cassie back to his mountain and love her as she deserved to be loved.
Thales shrugged a very Gaelic shrug. “No matter, I have now corrected Father’s oversight.”
He turned to Keegan and smiled in genuine appreciation. “Thank you, Mr. Fitzgerald, you discovered the missing element. We never tried to kill our subject. Apparently that was needed to jump-start the process.”
His driver caught his attention and whispered in his ear. When he finished, he stepped back a respectful distance and Thales turned back to them. “Good day, gentlemen.” He entered the limo with a grace that told of ages long gone and they watched as the man closed Thales’ door.
Walking around the front of the car, the driver opened his door and got behind the wheel. Putting the limo in gear, he waited just long enough for Will and another of Micah’s men to come around the back of the office carrying automatic rifles and hop in the back seat.
“Damn, we’re going to have to do some serious housekeeping to find out just who we can trust,” Derian said with disgust.
“And who all the players frigging work for,” Nilos added.
“Isn’t anyone going to go after him?” Cassie asked breaking the stunned silence that had followed Nilos’ remark. She stepped from behind Keegan and hugged him close.
Derian shook his head. “No, you probably didn’t see because you were stuck behind Keegan, but the reason Thales got in the front of the limo was because there was an AK47 pointed at us from the back window.” His smile was rueful, as he finished. “Between Will, his friend and the guy in the back, we’d have been plowed down before we moved. Even if Keegan shot my bastard brother, his driver would’ve just loaded him into the car and we’d be a lot of blood that would have to be cleaned off the tarmac.” Turning away, he said, “Son of a bitch would have gotten away regardless.”
Cass stood in the doorway to Cassandra’s Bookworld, watching Kerry as she helped two women purchase an e-book. Her childhood friend was a willowy blond who remained almost too thin despite eating healthy portions of food. Her height would have put her in good standing with the Aeterni, but her looks tended more towards cute than exotic.
Cass smiled as the older lady handed Kerry the cash for the book, while her daughter turned on the e-reader to download the new purchase. They’d only recently started the service to purchase an e-book using the store account and gifting the book to their customer. Cass had been surprised by how eager their customers were to embrace the service. Many of them wanted the books for their e-readers, but they didn’t want to use their own credit card at all the sites available, so they were happy to pay Bookworld a nominal fee for the service.
Before she’d been kidnapped, Cass’d only had one customer use the service. Since Keegan dropped her off at her house two weeks ago, she’d had the chance to see how popular it’d become in her absence. Kerry had done a wonderful job keeping everything running smoothly. So much so, Cass had very little to do when she came back. A few of the financial matters only she could handle and some legal matters had kept her busy, more or less. But not much else. Passing the management over to Kerry was going to be easier than she thought. She’d still retain fifty-one percent of the business, she would never completely sell her grandparents’ love, but she knew she had to pass the running of it on to someone else.
Except for Nilos, who was her constant companion and bodyguard any time she was away from her house, her life had pretty much returned to normal. At the home where she’d grown up, she could easily forget she was immortal, and then something would happen to remind her. Just that morning she’d dropped a glass and managed to cut the bottom of her foot. In just a matter of seconds, she’d watched the cut heal, pushing the glass out as it did.
For the most part, she didn’t feel any different. The only exception being she seemed to have more energy and overall felt better. But since she’d returned to the familiarity of her world, sometimes the days she’d spent away almost seemed a dream. It was times like that morning when she watched herself heal that she was reminded of the crazy world she was now part of.
Or when she caught a glimpse of her left shoulder blade. The ouroboros circling the beautifully intricate long-stem red rose was her official Aeterni
tattoo. Derian told her Josef Grande’s family had used a black rose, but everyone agreed Cass had to have a red one.
Of course, talking to Keegan daily reminded her how lucky she was to have him forever.
Kerry looked up as Cass approached the counter. “‘Bout time you got here, you have phone messages on your desk. I don’t know exactly where you went on vacation, but you met guys with the sexiest accents I’ve ever heard.” She whistled and fanned herself. “And they’re not even the same accents.”
Good thing Nilos had stopped in the pastry shop down the street on his way in, she could just imagine the smart-mouthed remark he would have made. When Keegan had dropped her off at her house, they’d decided it was best for Kerry to continue to think she’d gone on vacation. She hated deceiving her friend, they’d never kept anything from one another, but despite the fact she trusted Kerry, this wasn’t just her secret to keep.
The customers thanked Kerry before turning toward Cass.
“Morning, Cass, it’s nice to have you back. We looked at the postcard you sent; it seems you had such a lovely time.”
If you call being kidnapped and almost killed, well killed actually, a lovely time.
Smiling she said, “Morning Mrs. Collins, Sarah. It was most certainly interesting. I see you’ve gotten yourselves an e-reader. I hope you haven’t given up on print books completely.”
“Oh, no, dear, we’ll continue to scour through your books as always. Nice as an e-reader is it can’t compare to the companionship of snuggling up with a good book in front of a fire.”
Cass’ smile faltered as she got a mental picture of Keegan sitting by the fireplace in his bedroom reading the ancient book she’d found there. She’d been away from him too long. Swallowing disappointment that he hadn’t been able to get free of his Drakōn duties, Cass wished them a good day before heading to her office in back.
She picked up the stack of pink slips Kerry had set on her desk and shuffled through the messages. No wonder Kerry had commented on sexy accents. She had a call from Bastien regarding a first edition he was looking for. Hopefully she had this one, since she hadn’t been able to help him with the email she’d gotten from St. Clair Treasures before she was kidnapped. She’d check in the case as soon as she went through the rest of her messages. She smiled, before she’d met him only his assistant ever contacted her, now he was doing it directly.
There was a call from Derian wanting to know how she was doing, and a call from Tomas asking the same thing. There were other messages, all business related.
She felt a stab of disappointment. Nothing from Keegan. She’d heard from him over the past two weeks, daily, but only quick calls that lasted no more than a half an hour. He repeatedly said he missed her, he was sorry he couldn’t visit, he was tied up with Circle business. Everything had gone crazy after he’d dropped her off and he just couldn’t get away.
He never said he loved her. She shook her head, telling herself there was no reason to get morose. He might not say the words, but she heard it in his voice when he talked of seeing her again, when he told her how much he missed her. He did miss her, the truth she heard in his words was probably far greater and stronger than Keegan thought they were.
She set the messages down. Before she could call Bastien back, she was going to have to go upstairs to the locked cabinets where she kept the first editions and other old, out of print books.
Returning to the front of the store, Cass saw Nilos and Kerry eating a couple of chocolate turnovers he’d gotten from the pastry shop. The pastries looked delicious, but she’d have to wait until after she finished looking through the delicate books. As she walked by them, she realized Nilos was arguing, no surprise there, about the merits of James Clavell’s Shōgun with Kerry.
She shook her head, he was purposely taking a negative stand about one of Kerry’s favorite books. He loved to push Kerry’s buttons. Fortunately, Kerry knew he was doing it, and pushed him back. They’d developed the strangest friendship.
Cass kept her books well organized, and she found the book Bastien was looking for quickly. Unlocking the glass fronted case she moved it to another locked cabinet where she kept books that weren’t for sale. Heading downstairs to call Bastien, she smiled. She hoped he came to get the book, but he might send Caiden, which would be good, too. She’d like to see either of them. She’d heard Sidney was living with them and wondered how she was doing. With that thought, she realized she could have called Sidney as easily as the woman could have called her. She would, too, that evening. It was past time to become part of her new world.
Downstairs, Kerry was in the back of the store helping a customer and Nilos was still sitting behind the counter watching her. Cass approached him. “Arguments based on firsthand knowledge?”
Nilos looked affronted. “Mais non, chère, I don’t be that old. However, you might want to ask Keegan. I understand he was in Japan around that time.”
“Ask me about what, pet?” Keegan’s sexy voice flowed over her. She must have jumped a foot and Nilos started laughing.
“Oh, sugar, if you could see your face.” Standing he turned toward her office. “I believe I’ll just go back and wash my hands. It’s good to see you again, Keegan.”
Cass watched as Nilos went into the back room. Scared to turn around, afraid he wasn’t really there, she stood glued to the spot. She felt his hands slide around her waist, and his spicy scent engulfed her as he bent and kissed her neck.
“Ah, Cassie luv, I’ve missed every moment I haven’t been able to touch you. Talkin’ on the phone isn’t enough.”
Turning, she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him close. “I’ve missed you, too.” His lips on hers were heaven sent and for the first time in weeks she felt whole again.
“Is tú mo ghrá, Cassie. I can’t stand another moment without you by my side. Please, tell me you’ll marry me.”
Eyes wide, Cass stared at him. Well, that wasn’t exactly the most romantic proposal she’d ever heard of, but it was probably the most heartfelt. Smiling, she wanted to tease him, just a little, for leaving her here alone for two weeks. “I’ll think about it if you translate what you just said.”
He smiled his dimple-revealing smile and chuckled. “Ah, you want me to repeat it in a language you’ll be understandin’, but not nearly as beautiful. I love you, Cassie luv, with all my heart.”
She’d never been so happy in her life. Smiling and hugging him tight, she wished they weren’t standing in the middle of her bookstore in the middle of the day. “I love you, too, with all my heart. I want nothing more than to spend eternity with you.”
“Eternity, pet? You don’t want to grow old, then?”
She kissed his lips. She could see the doubt in his eyes and she couldn’t blame him, she had wanted nothing more than her mortality back when she’d first met him. “Eternity. With you I never want to grow old. I want to see the 45th Century. Do you think we can book a trip to Alpha Centauri for our anniversary?”
Keegan chuckled. “I’ll start savin’ today. I’ve a feeling even I don’t have enough money for that.”
“Keegan, I’ve been meaning to ask, how’s your home?” The last time she’d seen it, it was on fire. He hadn’t said anything about it over the past two weeks and she’d had other things to think about when she talked to him.
“We’ve had more on our minds when we talk than that, haven’t we, luv?” He smiled and picked up a strand of her hair hanging over her shoulder and rubbed it between his fingers, playing with it. “The sprinklers kicked in in time. There was water and smoke damage, but most everything was saved. We had to dry everything out and I’ve replaced the new stuff. Bastien and Sidney sent experts in to help with the books and paintings. Everything’s good as new, almost.”
“Good, so we can still live there?”
He kissed her nose. “It’s our home if you want it to be.”
“Very much. Now, tell me what’s been happening. Last I talked to you, Dewhurst wasn�
��t talking. Have you found the Daughter who came here and messed with Kerry’s head?”
Keegan chuckled. “From proposal to business. Ah, Cassie luv, there’s no one like you. Nothing’s changed since I talked with you yesterday. And no, we’ve still no idea who the Daughter was, but Micah’s looking, he’ll find her eventually.”
“So, everything’s still up in the air, and I’m probably still in danger.”
“I’m afraid so, luv, which is another reason why we’re returnin’ to the mountain. Micah has improved the security, and this time, no one will be able to get to you. Ever.” He caressed her cheek. “Now tell me, when can we marry and when can we move back?”
Cass smiled, no matter what, she saw nothing but the best for their future. “I’m done, the transfer of the business is completed. We can marry as soon as you want to. We can worry about my house whenever. There’s no hurry to pack it up or sell it.”
Cass heard a small meow come from somewhere nearby and her eyes grew wide. “What in the world?”
Keegan smiled. “Oops, seein’ you I forgot.” He picked up a backpack, identical to the one Sidney carried, from where it leaned against a bookshelf and opened it. A small orange tabby stuck his head out and looked at her with the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. “My wedding gift. Sid’s been training him for the past two weeks. She says he’s ready for you.”
Cass pulled the bundle of fur out and hugged him close as he purred up a storm. “What’s his name?”
“She didn’t give him one, she wanted you to do that.”
“I don’t know I’ll have to think about it. I want him to have a name that fits him perfectly.”
“I don’t think he’ll mind if you don’t name him immediately. He’ll learn it soon enough when you do.”
He reached in the front pocket of his jeans saying, “I almost forgot.” He pulled out her grandmother’s diamond ring and put it back on her finger. “They found this when they searched Ryan’s home. Don’t let it get away from you again, pet.”
Forever Love (Circle of Ghadan Book 1) Page 24