Gone With the Nerd

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Gone With the Nerd Page 23

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  He gasped as her hand strayed toward his penis. His eyes flew open. This would never do. She'd bring him off in no time flat. Stern measures were called for.

  Grabbing her wrist, he pulled it away from the detonation zone. Then he straddled her and took hold of her other wrist for good measure. Lifting his mouth from hers, he pinned her to the bed and looked into those blue, blue eyes. "We're going to take it slow."

  Her reply was breathless but encouraging. "Okay."

  "You're probably used to being in charge, but this time—"

  "I'm not used to anything." Her breasts quivered with each shallow breath.

  That gave him pause. "Meaning?"

  "Meaning..." Her cheeks grew pinker. "I don't do this much."

  He stared at her in disbelief. "But you're Zoe Tarleton." "Sex symbol. I know."

  A combination of heat and tenderness washed over him. "But. . . why now?"

  "I can't seem to help it."

  He got that. He couldn't, either.

  "And I feel safe," she murmured. "I trust you, Flynn."

  He gulped. "I'm glad, but... I'm afraid I'll let you down."

  "Does that happen a lot, you letting women down in bed?"

  He thought about the women he'd made love to. "No." But they hadn't been Zoe. "Ever?"

  "No." But this was Zoe.

  She smiled at him. "Then I'll chance it. Kiss me, Flynn."

  With a groan he lowered his mouth to hers. It wasn't like he had a choice, even considering the potential for disaster. Kissing Zoe was a given.

  And once the kissing started, there was no stopping anything. His blood ran hot, and possibilities sparkled in his brain. He was inspired. He would do this.

  Releasing her wrists, he slid down her warm, supple body. With her allover tan she was like a golden river carrying him south to the glory land of natural redheads and Brazilian wax jobs.

  His weight forced her thighs apart, although they didn't seem to take much forcing. The condom packet fell and scratched against his chest, but he didn't have time to secure it now. She needed him to give her satisfaction, and he planned to do exactly that.

  She smelled glorious, and with the first lap of his tongue he confirmed that she tasted even better. He took a brief second to congratulate himself. After all, it wasn't every day that a guy like Flynn ended up with his head between the thighs of a world-famous goddess like Zoe.

  Then the importance of that factoid disappeared. They were no longer Flynn Granger, nerd, and Zoe Tarleton, superstar. Stripped of their roles, they were free to become lovers—a very eager man working to give pleasure to a more-man-willing woman. From the change in her breathing and her little cries of delight, he seemed to be succeeding.

  He didn't rush it. The forty-five-minute boast hung over his head, taunting him to make good on it. So he'd give it his best shot.

  If that meant hanging out here for a while, pacing himself, pacing her, that was okay with him. She hadn't started to beg yet, so he figured she was happy with the roller coaster he'd put her on. He switched from intense to lazy, taking her almost to the top, then easing off and letting her zoom back to earth.

  Maybe she'd forgotten about the forty-five minutes. He got excited thinking about that. If she had, then he could move faster. If she had, he needed to find the damned condom, which was somewhere in the bed with them, but he wasn't sure exatly where.

  He teased her some more, building the tension, waiting to see if she'd beg him to finish it. If she didn't, that was fine, too. He loved his work, loved making her wiggle and moan.

  She gasped for breath. "Flynn."

  "Mm?" He circled his tongue around her flash point.

  "Are you trying ... for... forty-five ... minutes?"

  So she hadn't forgotten. "Could be." He let his breath tickle her damp skin and she gasped again. She was so hot. Between the two of them, they could probably power a town the size of Long Shaft.

  "I don't... care about... that, anymore. Make ... me ... come."

  "Sure thing." And he settled into a task that was ridiculously easy. In no time her cries had escalated to wails, and he had to clutch her hips to keep her from thrashing around and dislodging him.

  Apparently she didn't want any disconnect, either, because she grabbed his head so that he wouldn't stray from the target. Her enthusiasm sent a surge of lust through him that resulted in an even more painful erection, but those were the breaks. His time would come, and soon. Assuming he could find the blasted condom.

  Jeez, Louise! After all those golden opportunities to do it outside where I could watch, they choose the damned bedroom for their boinkathon. No imagination whatsoever, plus my viewing angle is terrible and I can't hear worth a shit.

  Flynn doesn't have a clue how dangerous that bedroom could get, either. He was better off sleeping in his own beddie-bye, but no, he has to take his throbbing manhood, as they used to say in the old romance novels, and park it in Zoe's bed.

  Those two idiots are such a cliché. She strips and he climbs in and starts his program. Where's the mystery, the intrigue, in that? Too easy. Make 'em beg for it, I say. Withhold, then give in a little. Then back off. Work on yourself for a while and make them watch.

  Wouldn't Flynn be surprised if he looked out this window right now. He won't, though, because his head is wedged between her legs for the duration. You 'd think she was serving hot fudge, the way he's going at it. But if he did happen to glance this way, he 'd get turned on by what he saw, no question. If things were different, we could make it a threesome.

  But things aren't different. They are what they are. And by tomorrow we couldn't make a threesome even if we tried, because Zoe will be indisposed. Or disposed of, I should say. I get hot thinking about that. Very hot.

  When Zoe climaxed, she nearly levitated. Had Flynn not been holding her down, he could imagine her flying around the room like a helium balloon as she cried out his name. His name. That fact wasn't lost on him. He wasn't just another talented tongue.

  As she sank back to the mattress, still panting, she whispered a word. It sounded like more. He could do that. But when he settled in for round two, she dug her fingers into his scalp and lifted him away from the target.

  She said something else, but unfortunately she had her hands covering his ears. Besides, his heart was beating so loud he had trouble hearing anyway. Sliding back up her body, he gazed down at her, prepared to read her lips, if necessary. He didn't want a communications glitch to ruin what was turning out to be an excellent episode.

  He was struck by how much more beautiful she was than he'd ever seen her before, and that was saying something. Her skin was flushed and her eyes glowed with satisfaction. "You look great," he said. "You should come more often."

  She nodded, a soft smile on her face.

  "I couldn't hear what you said before."

  Pulling his head down so that her mouth was right next to his ear, she murmured her very direct, very explicit request. It required only two words, and Flynn decided they were his two favorite words in the world.

  And he would do what she'd asked ... as soon as he found the condom. He started to ease back down between her thighs.

  She grabbed his head again. "Where are you going?"

  "To get the condom."

  "Where is it?"

  "I'm... not sure."

  "You lost it?"

  "Of course not." He hoped. Running back to his room for one at this critical juncture would not be smooth. "I'm sure it's right here." Wiggling back down between her legs, he began to search for the little foil packet, but he kept getting distracted by the beauty that surrounded him.

  Then there was the problem with his eyesight. Without his glasses he couldn't see all that well. And the covers had bunched down at the end of the bed. He felt under those. No luck.

  Zoe sat up. "I'll help." On her hands and knees, she searched the mattress. "Not here. Maybe it fell on the floor." She crawled to the far edge of the mattress and looked down.

/>   Flynn might have trouble seeing a small square package without his glasses, but he had no trouble at all noticing how great Zoe looked on all fours. He must have whimpered with longing, because she glanced back over her shoulder at him.

  "What?" she asked.

  He swallowed. "You look... wonderful like that." "Oh." Her eyes glowed with blue fire. "Would you like—" "Yes."

  "Just a minute." She dropped her shoulders to the edge of the mattress, which gave him an even more incredible view as she scooped something off the floor.

  Raising up on all fours again, she tossed a foil packet in his direction. "I made my request. The position is up to you.

  Zoe had never felt so free with a man. She was willing to try anything with Flynn, and the sooner the better. He brought out all the fantasies she'd kept locked away for so long.

  That might be all tied in with his excellence at oral sex. In her estimation, any man who gave that subject his full attention had established the necessary credentials to do whatever he wanted with her. She didn't know whether Flynn read a lot, practiced a lot, or had a natural gift, but he obviously gave a woman's satisfaction top priority. That was exactly what she needed to shed her inhibitions.

  She glanced over her shoulder and noticed that progress had been made. He nearly had the raincoat covering that bad boy of his. With any other man she'd be afraid to be this vulnerable, to present her backside and invite him to take what he wanted. But even though Flynn was well-endowed, she knew he'd never hurt her.

  His chest heaved as he moved closer and put his hands on her hips. "You're sure?"

  She was more than sure. "I can hardly wait."

  "Spread ... spread your legs a little more."

  She did. And loved that he was giving her directions. "Anything else?"

  "Lift up a little. Like that. Right there. Oh, God. I'm trembling like a leaf."

  "Me, too." Anticipation made the blood pound in her ears. "I want you, Flynn. I want you bad."

  "Then here goes." He eased forward, finding her easily, sliding in with a sweet, slow motion.

  If he could patent that technique, he'd make a fortune. She closed her eyes to better savor the sensation. Pure wonderfulness.

  He groaned. "Ah, Zoe."

  "Mm." Eyes still closed, she let her head hang as she gripped the edge of the mattress. The room was quiet except for the sound of labored breathing, both his and hers.

  He groaned again. "This feels so . . . good. Are you .. . ?"

  "Yes. Good." Her vocabulary wasn't up to the task of describing how she felt, but having Flynn glide deep inside her was now on her list of peak experiences. He managed to rub against everything that was worth rubbing against.

  "I'm ... I should warn you. I don't how long I can ... last."

  "That's okay." His mere presence there was almost enough to do the job. He wouldn't have to move much to hand over a helping of paradise. A little friction would be all she required.

  And then he started giving her that necessary friction. His movements were gentle, but oh, so effective. He pushed forward with enough force to make the magic connection, but not so much that he threw them both off-balance. The bedsprings squeaked in an easy tempo. They were making beautiful music together.

  "Stop me if you need to," he murmured.

  "Don't... stop." She met his steady rhythm with a rocking motion of her own. Her breasts jiggled with each contact, and the vibration felt deliciously wicked. "I'm happy." And her G-spot was extremely happy.

  He managed to keep the same rhythm for a little longer, but then he moaned and picked up speed, rocketing her into serious climax mode. She tightened her grip on the mattress and braced herself for the rush.

  His thighs slapped against hers ever faster, and her body shuddered with each thrust as he powered her closer to nirvana. Little yelps of pleasure rose in her throat, marking time with his pistonlike movements. As her cries grew louder, he matched her with groans of pleasure.

  Her orgasm crashed upon her, taking her breath away with its force. Through it all he continued to stroke, hitting the crest of every wave. Then with a deep moan, he plunged into her one last time and stayed there, gasping and quivering, as he pulsed to the tune of his own climax.

  Once her body stopped quivering and her brain started to work again, she marveled at what had happened so far in this bed. She didn't have enough experience to know for sure, but it looked like she was in the hands of an incredible lover. Talk about lucky. Talk about totally satisfied. Talk about anticipation for more of the same.

  But not right now. She was dizzy with all that pleasure. How nice it would be to plop down on the mattress and take a siesta to rest up in preparation for more thrills. But she and Flynn were still connected, and although she liked that feeling a lot, she didn't think they could fall over in unison with much success. If she fell without warning him, she might injure the precious equipment that had just given her the best orgasm of her life.

  She wasn't about to let that happen. "Flynn?"

  "Hmm?" He sounded completely zoned out.

  "I'm about to fall over." Not the most tender thing to say after such an amazing sexual experience, but she'd be hard-pressed to find words powerful enough to describe how he'd made her feel.

  His grip tightened. "I've got you."

  "But I want to fall over."

  "Oh." He sounded disappointed.

  "I love this hookup, but I don't think we can maintain it and get horizontal at the same time."

  "I guess not." Still he didn't move.

  She had a hunch she understood the problem. He'd found his favorite spot and didn't want to give it up. He needed some serious motivation to get moving again.

  She had the answer, though, for both of them. Oh, did she ever. "I think we need more condoms."

  "You do?" He sounded more cheerful. Even his penis gave a happy twitch.

  "Definitely. Unless ... you're worn out." She sure hoped not.

  "Nope. Not worn out. But... what about working on your script?"

  She'd rationalized that, too. Incredible sex with a man who knew what he was doing made rationalizing a breeze. "My goal is to find out how you operate. Don't you think this qualifies?"

  He laughed. "If it works for you, it works for me." Slowly he eased away from her. Still holding her hips, he guided her down to the mattress. Then he leaned over and nuzzled behind her ear, giving her a quick kiss there. "Don't go away. I'll be right back with more tips on being a nerd in bed."

  "I'll be waiting." As she lay curled on the mattress imagining a whole afternoon of sex with her designated nerd, she smiled. Who would have guessed that preparing for an audition would be so much fun?

  When the phone rang in the kitchen, she hoped he'd ignore it. After all, if it had rung earlier, he definitely wouldn't have answered. Then she remembered that it could be Margo with news of Kristen. If Kristen actually came to Long Shaft...

  Flynn picked up the phone and Zoe could hear him talking to someone, but she couldn't make out what he was saying. She had a bad feeling that the conversation was about Kristen, though.

  Zoe was convinced that Flynn didn't love Kristen, at least not enough to commit to marriage. Otherwise he never would have climbed into this bed today. And Rob hadn't loved Margo that much, either, come to think of it.

  But without Zoe in the picture, would that love have eventually blossomed in either case? That was the part that nagged at her. She didn't like to think that she was a spoiler, but it was possible.

  Her dad had a term for anything that tempted people to do things they shouldn't. He called those objects an attractive nuisance. Diving boards in backyard pools fit her dad's criteria, plus climbable sculptures in public places. Zoe hadn't thought that people could be called attractive nuisances. Yet maybe that's exactly what she was.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Flynn hung up the phone and stared out the window, although the view was fuzzy without his glasses. He shouldn't be standing here naked in the ki
tchen with the curtains open and an incriminating box of condoms in his hand. It wasn't like him at all.

  But he had the illogical feeling that if he couldn't see outside that clearly, no one could see inside that clearly, either. Besides, even if they could, he couldn't bring himself to care. From the time Zoe had requested more condoms, life as he knew it had changed.

  If a woman like Zoe thought he was worth rounding up more condoms, then he'd seriously underestimated himself. With that knowledge, something had shifted deep in his psyche. Her validation had rocketed him from conservative to risk taker, and he knew the transformation was permanent.

  Two days ago his life had been organized and predictable. He'd had a workable plan for the future. Now the whole carefully constructed scenario seemed naive. He was, to his great surprise, more complicated than that. "Flynn?"

  It was the voice of his new obsession, a voice with the power to send his blood racing through his body and then heading, with great precision, to his dick. He couldn't imagine how he'd lived without her.

  "Be right there!" he called back. Their recent activity had made him both hungry and thirsty. As long as he was standing in the kitchen; he might as well get lemonade, plus the cheese and a knife to cut it with.

  He used the breadboard as a tray to carry two glasses of lemonade, a couple of paper napkins, a wedge of cheese, a knife, and—in center stage on the breadboard— the box of condoms.

  She was sitting cross-legged on the bed, and when she saw the presentation she laughed. "I've never seen a box of condoms presented on a tray with cheese and lemonade before, let alone by a naked waiter."

  "And yet what else would a naked waiter be bringing you? The condoms should be sitting in the middle of a silver tray, considering the significance."

  "No doubt. Who was that on the phone?"

  "Your friend Margo. If you'll take the glasses, I'll put the rest of this on the mattress." He walked around the bed and held out the breadboard so she could grab the lemonade.


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