Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel

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Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel Page 14

by Lexi Archer

  Okay, so I needed to make a few more bad decisions. Mike had been the latest in a long string of bad decisions. A fun decision, to be sure, and a real hellcat in the sack, but ultimately a bad decision considering how things worked out.

  I sighed. Why was it all the good ones were taken?

  "So what did you have in mind?" Dave asked.

  I turned to him and smiled. And incidentally I saw Laura coming back from the beach bar with a couple more drinks in her hand. Damn. She was really hitting the stuff and it was early. I couldn't wait to see how sloshed she'd be by the time we decided to go out and have some fun when the sun went down. The first day and already this was shaping up to be one hell of a wild time. Just like the old days when we all went to spring break together, though I'd had a different guy with me back then.

  Like I said, lots of bad decisions. For a moment it occurred to me that meddling might be a bad decision as well, but I stomped down that thought as soon as it hit. Helping Dave and Laura was one area where I always got it right, and that wasn't going to change now.

  "I have no fucking clue how I'm going to help Dave," I said. "But when the opportunity comes I just wanted you to know that you have one hell of a wing woman helping you out."

  He reached out and clinked his glass to mine. Our fingers briefly brushed together sending a spark running through me. Though I'm sure he didn't feel anything approaching that spark. I was more thoroughly in the friend zone now than I'd been back in college. Which was a good thing. Wasn't it?

  "You could be my wing woman any day Kristi."

  I grinned at the stupid joke and leaned back on my towel as Laura came up and set down her drinks. Yeah, we'd barely been on vacation for a few hours at this point, not counting that hell of a plane trip yesterday, and already this was shaping up to be one hell of an interesting vacation.

  4: Plans

  "So what do we do now?" Kristi asked.

  I thought about that for a moment. If we were back home and we'd just finished eating dinner at this hour then I'd say it was time to go home. Time to rest. After all, we'd have to be back at work the next day or maybe in a couple of days if it was on a weekend. Basically work made for boring decisions.

  Only that's not what this vacation was about. This was all about letting Kristi and Laura relive some of their college days. It was particularly about letting Kristi have a good time now considering all the breakup crap. Laura had been clear about that. We were supposed to help her recover from her heartbreak, though from the way she was acting she didn't seem too heartbroken.

  And I couldn't help but run that conversation we had on the beach through my head over and over. That had been the last place I thought our conversation would go when she caught me sneaking a peek while she was putting suntan lotion on.

  And I figured why shouldn't I enjoy a little glimpse from time to time as long as I was discreet about it? She might be one of my best friends, she might be my wife's best friend, but damn was she still an attractive woman! Of course I'd never think of actually acting on that attraction, I hadn't considered anything like that since we first met back in our college days and things had been moved to the friend zone pretty quickly, but I could still enjoy the view.

  As long as I wasn't too obvious about it, and apparently from the way she'd easily caught me I was being ridiculously obvious.

  Oh well. She hadn't bitten my head off and she hadn't told Laura, so I suppose everything was cool.

  "We could go out to a club," I said.

  Laura fixed me with a stare. It was a flat stare, but I wasn't sure how much of that was because of what she thought of the idea of going out to a club and how much of that was because of where she figured I was going by suggesting we go out to a club.

  "Yeah, I bet you'd like to go out to someplace where I'm out on the dance floor with a bunch of guys!"

  Okay, so I guess that answered that. She knew exactly what I was thinking. And she was right, but the conversation I'd had with Kristi earlier in the day made me a little more bold. It made me more willing to press forward with the idea.

  "I don't know, that sounds like fun!" Kristi said.

  I breathed a sigh of relief I didn't even realize I was holding in. I'd been seriously wondering if Kristi was going to come to my rescue, but here she was riding in like a knight in a skimpy bikini. Now the question was would Laura go along with it?

  "I don't know Kristi," Laura said. "That sort of place is really more for the singles crowd, and that's definitely not what I am considering…"

  She punctuated that next bit by jerking her eyes towards me. I decided to hang back and let things play out. I'd already made the suggestion. Now it was time to see how good of a wing woman Kristi really was.

  "Come on Laura," Kristi said. "Don't be a buzz kill! I want to have some fun on this vacation, having some fun on this vacation means going out to a dance club where there are a bunch of hot sweaty single guys who might be willing to fuck a girl on the rebound, and I'm not going to one of those clubs in a strange city all on my own!"

  "Damn Kristi," I said, my eyes going wide. She'd always been forward, but this was setting a new record. Now instead of worrying that she wouldn't be good enough in her wing woman role I was worrying that she'd lay it on too thick and scare Laura away, but I glanced over to my wife and she seemed to be considering it at least which was more than I would've gotten.

  Glancing at Laura had me momentarily distracted by the sexy. Damn did she look good tonight. She'd been having a steady series of drinks and I think that had a little bit to do with her wavering on going out to a club, and she was already dressed to kill. At least she was dressed to kill as far as a beach club went.

  Up above she had on a sheer white T-shirt that clung to her in all the right places. It was see-through revealing her black bikini underneath. A black bikini that showed off everything. I'd gotten a stiffy out on the beach just knowing that guys would be watching my wife in that thing.

  And of course now I was getting even more of a hard on thinking about guys watching her in that outfit in a club. Thinking about some guy coming up behind my wife and wrapping his arms around her. Maybe moving his hands up and cupping one of her tits through the sheer material of that shirt and bikini combo. I shivered and Kristi fixed me with a grin. I had a feeling she knew exactly what was running through my head.

  Then Laura fixed me with a stare as well. Judging from the way she was looking at me she also knew exactly what was running through my head.

  "Okay, I suppose we can go to one of those clubs for a little bit," Laura said. "But if you think you're going to drag me out on the dance floor you have another think coming!"

  Kristi's reaction was immediate and explosive. She squealed and started clapping, and then she enveloped Laura in a hug.

  "Thanks! It's going to be just like old times when we went to the clubs together!"

  I figured that last bit was more for my benefit than anything else. Because she turned to look at me just as she said it. And she winked. She actually winked. If this was her idea of coming up with something on the fly I was more than happy with it. Even if I could just get Laura to the dance club, maybe get her out there dancing, that would leave me with enough fantasy material to last a good long while!

  As we were making our way out of the restaurant Laura sidled up to me and bumped me. I looked down and saw she was grinning up at me. Now that was interesting.

  "What's up honey?" I asked.

  "If I didn't know it was impossible I almost would've thought you and Kristi work that up between the two of you," she said.

  I gave her my best wide-eyed innocent stare. It was amazing sometimes how she was able to figure out I was up to something even when I had nothing to do with it. And it really had been Kristi who'd come up with this particular plan, so it was with a clear conscience that I could look down at Laura and say what I was about to say.

  "I swear I had nothing to do with whatever Kristi has planned for tonight," I said.<
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  It wasn't a lie. Not exactly. She still fixed me with a strange look and a smile, then she shook her head and looked over to Kristi who also had a completely innocent look on her face. Then we were out on the street and it was time to find a nice bar with some dancing just like it was old times back when we were in college.

  I remembered the way Laura used to dance when we were out at the clubs. Some of those memories had kept me going when I realized I had this fantasy of her with another guy, though at the time I'd been insanely jealous of anyone who came up and tried to dance with her.

  Now I felt like a kid who was looking forward to Christmas though. My cock was rock hard and I was constantly having to adjust it as we made our way down the street. I couldn't wait to see what the night held. Especially now that Kristi was working with me.

  And as I walked slightly behind Laura and Kristi, as I watched both of them in their impossibly tight shorts looking absolutely fucking incredible, I realized that I maybe was looking forward to seeing Kristi out on the dance floor getting close to another guy almost as much as I was looking forward to seeing Laura.

  I shook my head. Now that was definitely weird. Even weirder than having a fantasy about watching my wife with another guy. This whole fantasy was about watching my woman with someone else, so why would I have that same sort of fucked up possessive turned on feeling when I thought about watching Kristi?

  Whatever. We were going to a dance club and with a little luck I was going to get to watch Laura get up close and personal with some hot body who was down here for spring break.

  I just hoped that all the alcohol she'd been having throughout the day would be enough to break through some of her reluctance about using her hall pass when she was out on the dance floor.

  5: Beach Bar

  Stepping onto the beach bar was like stepping back in time to spring break in college. There were people wearing next to nothing, swimsuits and bikinis as far as the eye could see, and there was nothing but the ocean in the distance and a dance floor on a wooden deck that was lit by tiki torches all around.

  "Damn this brings back memories!" I said.

  "Yeah I do," Laura said as she looked around.

  It was obvious from the way she was surveying the scene around us that she wasn't getting the same blast of nostalgia that I was, but then again she'd always gone home with Dave when we used to go to these sorts of places. She'd never felt the mystery of the hunt back in the day.

  So I could forgive her just a little for not getting quite as nostalgic as I was feeling in the moment. Still, I wasn't going to let that ruin this. I was going to have a damn good time tonight, and if I had anything to do with it then Laura was also going to have a damn good time tonight! She just didn't know it yet.

  The "bar" really was little more than a deck that had been built right on the beach. There was an enclosed area behind us, but nobody was in there and it wasn't that big to begin with. Just big enough to hold the bartender. In short it was exactly the kind of place where a bunch of college kids on a budget would congregate to get drunk and have a little fun, maybe find somebody to go home with for the night.

  As I surveyed what was on offer I liked those odds. There were plenty of muscular hunks who were working it out on the dance floor. Of course there were also some less than muscular hunks, though those sorts could be fun as well if you went into it with an open mind. But I was looking for the sexy studs tonight. Not only for myself, but for Laura as well. And Dave, I guess, considering this was his fantasy. Laura just didn't know it yet.

  We moved around to an open table along the edge that faced the large open dance floor. Dave sat down and leaned against the railing, glancing out to the ocean and then back to the dance floor. I'm sure his eyes were catching some of the younger college hotties who were out there shaking what they had, though none of those girls had anything on Laura or me even if they were a few years younger than us. It's not like any of them were that much younger than us to begin with, and I figured there was something to be said for experience even if that "experience" really only amounted to a few more years on the dating scene. And most of those years had been spent with Mike, damn it.

  That was a depressing line of thought. It was time to think about all the fun I was going to have and not about all the time I wasted with that asshole!

  I stopped just long enough to put my purse down on a chair and then I was turning towards the dance floor. I looked over to Laura and I wasn't surprised to see that she was moving to have a seat rather than putting her stuff down.

  I arched an eyebrow when she looked at me. It was a quick hunted look, almost how I imagined some small furry woodland creature would look when it was searching around for a giant bird of prey hovering around waiting to make it into a tasty meal.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked.

  "Sitting down to have a rest? It's been a long day?" Laura said.

  I shook my head. "No way. You're not getting away that easily!"

  Laura looked at me, out to the dance floor, and then over to Dave who was doing his best to sit back and look as completely disinterested as possible. I had a feeling I knew exactly where he wanted this to go. He wanted his wife out on the dance floor with some of those hard bodies.

  I wanted to help him out, but I'd also been telling the truth when I said more than anything I wanted to get out on the dance floor and have some fun just like old times. And Laura coming out to dance with me while Dave sat back and guarded our stuff was about as old times as you could get. It brought back so many good memories of college. There wasn't a chance I'd letting her get away with no dancing even if I wasn't trying to help the Dave out just a little bit.

  I held a hand out and reluctantly Laura took it.

  "You're not getting out of this that easily! Now come on, we have some dancing to do!"

  "What about Dave?" Laura asked.

  I looked over to him and he smiled at me, but that smile immediately disappeared when Laura turned to look at him.

  "Is he supposed to just sit here like a lump and watch our stuff while we go out and have fun?"

  "Come on Laura," I said. "If you're going to come up with an excuse then you should at least try to come up with a good excuse! How many times did Dave do just that when we were in college?"

  Dave shrugged. "She has a point babe."

  Laura looked between the two of us and I saw a suspicious look cross her face. She was really damn perceptive, and it seemed like she could always tell when I was up to something. Not that it mattered if she could tell when I was up to something. I usually pulled her along whether or not she could see it coming from a mile away.

  Only now it was almost as though she suspected something was going on with me and Dave. Almost as though she suspected I was plotting to at least give him some fantasy material.

  Whatever. I always dragged her into having a good time and I saw no need to start changing that now. So I gave her hand a yank and then we were out on the dance floor.

  6: Slightly Forbidden Dance

  I wanted to growl in frustration as Kristi dragged me out onto the dance floor, but I knew it wasn't going to do a damn bit of good. When Kristi got into a mood like this she always got what she wanted, and the best I could hope for was to go along with the ride and hope I didn't wind up in too much of a compromising situation.

  Besides, it's not like things would get too terribly bad anyways. It was a dance floor in a public area. Out on the beach. My husband was right over there watching everything that was going on. Sure there were some attractive guys out here, but I was married and nothing was going to happen. No matter how much Dave might enjoy it if something did happen.

  And I was also starting to have a sneaking suspicion about Kristi and some of her motives. If I didn't know any better I'd say she was working together with Dave, but that was impossible. They were friends, maybe almost as good a friendship as what I shared with her, but they weren't that devious. They wouldn't collude
with each other and betray me like that.

  So I decided to just to go with it. I let the music wash over me and enjoyed the feel of the bass thumping through my body. In particular I was enjoying the feeling of the bass thumping in between my legs. There was just something about loud music and the vibration it caused that always drove me absolutely wild!

  I opened my eyes and looked around. There was also something about the people out on the dance floor that was getting me worked up. There were plenty of hot bodies on display tonight. Sure I was still in damn good shape. Sure most people would have trouble telling just from looking at me that I was a few years older than any of the girls out on the dance floor around us. I kept in damn good shape and I was proud of it.

  Only I'd discovered there was a whole different world out there once I graduated from college and started my regular job. A world where people didn't care about going to the gym or they didn't have time to go to the gym. A world where people got older. Where people got a little soft around the edges.

  Not that there was anything wrong with that. It was inevitable that sort of thing was going to happen to me eventually too even if I didn't like to think about it, even if I planned on holding it off for as long as possible, but there was something about being out on a dance floor in the middle of a bunch of college kids even if they were just a few years younger than me that made me feel young in a way that I hadn't for a couple of years. It made me forget all about my boring office job or the fact that I was going to have to go back to it while all these kids were probably going to go back to more partying and fun back at whatever school they came from.

  I felt something brush against my ass and I turned with my hand half raised. I was going to give holy hell to whatever asshole decided he was going to try to cop a feel in the middle of the dance floor.

  Only when I turned around I just saw Kristi standing there with a huge wide grin on her face.


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