Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel

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Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel Page 17

by Lexi Archer

  Only from the sounds of things she'd never told him anything of the sort, and rather than being pissed off at the deception it sounded like he was more pissed off that she'd never told him. I wondered why she hadn't, but that idle curiosity fled my mind as I heard them start to groan and gasp again.

  I figured this was it. It was probably now or never. I moved my own fingers down into my shorts and ran it along my pussy. I was already so turned on. I was already so close to the edge just from the sheer perverted naughtiness of what I was doing, God I was listening in on my best friend and her husband fucking for Christ's sake! That simple touch was enough to finally push me over the edge. It was enough to set off an explosion in between my legs that quickly moved to the rest of my body.

  And so the three of us were exploding in unison. Sure we were separated by a wall, sure it was the world's most fucked up threesome if it even rose to that description, but fuck was it hot. I could hear them gasping on the other side and I had to bite my lip to keep myself from letting out my own gasp. To keep myself from giving away exactly what was going on in my room.

  God I'd be so fucking embarrassed if they heard me. Not only would I have to explain what had been going on, but I'd also have to deal with both of them thinking I was getting off to Dave when in reality I was getting off thinking about both of them but it's not like I could explain that without things getting even weirder so I did my best to keep fucking quiet despite how fucking hot this whole situation was.

  Maybe it was because I was on the rebound. Maybe it was because of the alcohol. Maybe it was because I had some deeper issues that I really needed to work out. Whatever the reason, I was experiencing the most intense fucking orgasm of my life and it was so ridiculously fucking hard to keep it under wraps. To keep myself from crying out from the sheer overwhelming sensation that was coursing through my body!

  And yet somehow I managed to keep it under control as my body shuddered. As I took in deep shuddering breaths to go along with the shaking and vibrating in my body. As I felt warm slick wetness gush out on my finger as they moved in and out of my pussy.

  And then it was done. I stared up at the ceiling and wondered what the fuck was wrong with me.

  Yet at the same time I couldn't deny how intrigued I was. I couldn't deny that something odd was happening on this vacation, but I liked it.

  Then I realized that I was stuck in my room. I couldn't go out without revealing that I was home. Without revealing that I'd just been listening in on everything they'd done. Even if they didn't realize that I'd given myself one hell of a treat in here while I was creeping on them it would definitely lead to some embarrassment if they knew I was sitting in here listening while they were fucking like rabbits in the next room over.

  Oh well. It was late and I needed to get some sleep anyways. So I rolled over and dozed off with visions of my sexy married friends dancing in my head as I moved into dreamland.

  9: The Cold Piercing Light of Day

  A dull roar. Impossibly bright light. I opened my eyes, blinked, and immediately regretted opening them. Because it turned out that dull roar was a mixture of ocean waves crashing against the beach off in the distance and blood pumping angrily and painfully behind my temples.

  It felt like I was going to have one hell of a hangover this morning if I didn't get a little bit of water and some painkillers in me. And fast. God, how much did I have to drink last night?

  Then everything that happened last night came crashing down and I squeezed my eyes shut once more. Only this time I was trying to close out the world. I was squeezing my eyes shut from embarrassment. Embarrassment at everything I'd done. At dancing with that guy. At coming back to the hotel with Dave then having some pretty fucking incredible sex.

  Okay, so maybe I didn't regret the incredible sex. I was starting to regret everything that led up to it though, no matter how much fun it had been.

  I rolled over and blinked. Dave was lying there smiling at me.

  "Good morning," he said.

  "Good morning yourself," I replied.

  He had a stupid goofy grin on his face. I'd caught him looking at me like this when I woke up in the morning on more than one occasion. His eyes ran up and down my body and then he came back to my face, and the look on his face clearly said he thought I was the most gorgeous woman in the world. Which was far from the truth, but as long as he thought that I figured I was good to go considering he was my husband and all.

  My husband. Not some random guy I met at a bar and had a little drunken fun with. I needed to keep that in mind. I needed to remember that fun on the dance floor was fleeting but what I had with Dave was forever. And I didn't want to endanger that.

  "You ready for breakfast babe?" he asked.

  "I'm ready for some water and a painkiller," I said.

  "I'm sure they have some in the kitchen."

  I held up my hand. "No, let's just go down to a drugstore or something. I don't want to pay an arm and a leg to get something out of the suite's kitchen."

  Dave shrugged. "It was all-inclusive. Might as well use it since we're paying for it."

  And so I followed him into the kitchen. Kristi was nowhere in to be seen though I didn't remember if she'd come home with us or not. Everything that happened last night was a little fuzzy in my mind. I wasn't quite sure what was reality and what I was imagining. I made a resolution not to drink that much for the rest of the vacation. I needed to be in control of my faculties. Particularly if drinking too much meant putting myself in a situation like last night where I got a little carried away.

  I did seem to recall Kristi hadn't come home with us. Right. She didn't walk home with us. I'd sent her a text but she never responded. Of course that wasn't too out of the ordinary. Maybe she texted me in the night, but my phone was back in the bedroom and I didn't feel like going back in there to grab it even if it was only a short walk.

  I got some ibuprofen from the medicine cabinet. At least I assumed it was the medicine cabinet, though there wasn't much in there beyond the basics for first aid. A quick glass of water later and I was starting to feel a little better as I sat down at the table. Not good enough that I actually wanted to eat breakfast, but Dave apparently had no reservations. He had some cereal out. Apparently that was provided by the hotel as well.

  This really was a nice place. Plus I figured that "all-inclusive" stuff he was talking about cost far more than just going out and buying some supplies, so we might as well take advantage of it.

  "So last night was pretty intense," Dave said.

  I sighed. This wasn't the conversation that I wanted to have a right now. Especially considering how happy and chirpy his voice was. That was a tone of voice that told me he was a little too excited about what had happened last night. Had I had fun? Sure. Would I maybe be open to trying it again? Maybe. Only I didn't want to go too fast. Baby steps were what was needed in a situation like this. I needed to keep Dave from getting too carried away. Manage his expectations. I definitely needed to keep myself from getting too carried away considering how I'd done exactly that the night before.

  "It was interesting," I said.

  He grinned. "It was so fucking hot watching you with that guy!"

  I sighed and put my head in my hands. Partly because I was so frustrated and annoyed that this conversation wasn't going the way I wanted it to. Mostly, though, I was just trying to avoid looking out the windows that ran the length of the kitchen. The bright Florida Sun was waiting for me out there and my eyes weren't quite ready to deal with anything like bright light.

  "It was fun," I said. "But I think we should…"

  "Definitely go out to another club tonight. Maybe see if someone wants to dance a little close with you again! Hell, maybe we could even get them to come back to our hotel or something!"

  "Yeah, like that guy trying to get me to go back to his hotel last night," I muttered.

  I immediately regretted it. A piece of silverware clattered against the table. When I looked up
I realized that was the last thing I should've said. The look on Dave's face, like a kid who'd just discovered a giant candy store where everything was free. Like a kid coming downstairs and seeing all their presents under the Christmas tree for the first time. He looked like he'd just discovered a whole forbidden world, and it was a forbidden world I still wasn't quite sure I was ready to explore yet no matter how fun last night had been. No matter how undeniably hot the fun I had with Dave when we got back to the hotel had been.

  "Really? Damn Laura! Why didn't you mention that last night?"

  Well I probably didn't mention it last night because I was too busy dancing with that guy and then being manhandled by my husband. Though I couldn't help but think that part of the reason why I didn't mention it, even if it was just on a subconscious level, was because I knew my husband would react just like this. I knew he'd probably be going up to the guy and offering me up like a sacrificial lamb. And the way I'd been feeling last night I might've gone along with it which intrigued me, terrified me, and annoyed me just a little.

  I wish I knew exactly what it was that annoyed me so much when he got overeager like this. Last night proved I was at least open to the idea even if I hadn't realized it until I was in the moment. I could at least enjoy myself with this fantasy he insisted on indulging, but there was something about the way he was constantly pressing. Something about the way he was constantly trying to push me past the boundaries I was comfortable with. That pushing pissed me off.

  And it didn't help that I had one hell of a headache that was starting to rage just behind my temples. It certainly didn't help that the ibuprofen didn't seem to be doing its job quite yet.

  "Dave, I think we need to…"

  "I wonder if we could find that guy again? He had his hands all over you, it was so fucking hot! Maybe if we went back to that bar tonight?"

  I surprised myself by slamming my hand down on the table. Once more his silverware rattled and he looked at me wide-eyed, surprise plain on his face.

  "We are not going back to that club," I said. "What I'm going to do right now is go back to the bedroom and try to sleep off this hangover. After that we're going to go and have fun as a married couple. Try to enjoy our vacation."


  "Don't you "babe" me," I said. "I went along with your thing last night. And I'll admit I had some fun. More fun than I thought I would. But you're always pushing!"

  "Laura, I'm so sorry," he started. "I just get so excited. Especially when you've been so reluctant for so long…"

  "And you never thought that maybe my reluctance to participate in this might mean you should take things fucking slow? You're talking about jumping into something that could sink our relationship, and you're ready to dive in headfirst. Well I want to wade around in the kiddie pool first, but I don't think even that's happening on this fucking vacation if you keep acting like this!"

  I'd wanted to do a hell of a lot more than wade into the kiddie pool last night. I'd wanted to go back to that hotel room. The only thing that stopped me was knowing that Dave was right there watching me. I think part of the reason I was slamming on the brakes so hard was because I was worried I'd get carried away and go right over a cliff if I didn't.

  And that scared me even as it turned me on. When I got scared I lashed out.

  I was yelling. I was mad. Both of those were bad. Both because of the hurt puppy dog look that crossed Dave's face every time I screamed, damn I hated how he flinched away from me, but also because of the massive headache that was turning into a full on pounding headache rather than just threatening and grumbling around the edges of my head. Damn it. That really didn't help my already souring mood.

  "I need to go take a nap," I said. "I'm sorry for yelling, but we really need to be careful about this and I feel like you're thinking with your little head!"

  I turned towards the bedroom and stopped. Blinked. Kristi was standing there leaning against the wall staring between the two of us, her eyes wide. Damn it. I really didn't want her to witness that. I figured she was off at some random guy's hotel room doing the whole rebound thing with some random guy. I definitely didn't want her to be in the hotel while I was yelling at my husband like that.

  Only I didn't know what to say. So I just shouldered past her back to the bedroom. Had I been a little harsh? Maybe. But Dave needed to understand, once and for all, that even if I was willing to indulge in this fantasy just a little bit, and that was one hell of a big step from where I'd been even a week ago, then we needed to take baby steps. We needed to be careful or this thing would blow up in our face, and it would be an even bigger blow up than what just happened out there in the kitchen.

  Whatever. I needed to take a nap. Hopefully things would be a little better when I woke up. Hopefully I'd feel better. Hopefully Dave would have time to think about maybe being a little less pushy.

  I flopped down on the bed and closed my eyes. Tried to shut out the light that was still managing to make it into the bedroom even after I'd close the blinds and drawn the curtains. The last thing I thought about before going to sleep was that guy. It really would be nice to go back to that club and see if he was still there, but I'd never tell Dave that. Especially when he was acting the way he was.

  Still, that thought made me think that maybe that door wasn't completely closed for this vacation. But I wasn't going tell my husband that. Not yet. Not until he'd shown that he could behave himself and maybe control his urges.

  I just hoped I could behave myself and control my urges in the meantime.

  10: Hall Pass

  "Come on, the night is still young and I need to get drunk," Kristi said.

  To be perfectly honest, it already looked like Kristi was more than a little drunk. Our dinner at one of the numerous theme restaurants that dotted the beach had included several drinks over the course of our overpriced meal. But I couldn't fault her for wanting to have a good time on her vacation, especially considering what happened with Mike just before we left.

  "I don't know," Laura said. "We went out last night. Don't you want to just call it a night and get some rest?"

  Kristi fixed Laura with a flat stare and I took a step back. Laura had been in a progressively better mood as the day went on. I'd stayed out of her way at the outset but we'd warmed up until it felt like the hostility from this morning was a memory.

  Still, some of that hostility was back as soon as Kristi mentioned getting drunk.

  Not that I'd mind Laura out all alone with her drunk friend even if that line of thinking was dangerous right now. Considering what happened last night I figured things could get very interesting if it was just the two of them out together like old times acting like a couple of drunk single college girls instead of a married woman a couple of years out of college and her recently dumped best friend.

  Only it looked like I wasn't going to have to do much to make that scenario become a reality. Kristi gave me a wink before she turned to Laura with a long-suffering look plastered on her face. It looked like my wing woman was stepping up again.

  "I know that look," Kristi said. She smacked her hands together and scrunched up her face in a begging and pleading look I knew oh so well. "Please Laura. You can't leave me hanging here."

  Laura turned to me and I shrugged. I had to act like I didn't care whether or not they went out even though I'm sure she had her suspicions. The last thing I wanted was for her to realize that Kristi and I were working together.

  "You are on vacation," I said. "Why don't you and Kristi try another bar and then head back to the suite when you're done?"

  That was simple enough. Make it seem like I was just making a casual suggestion. Make it sound like I didn't really care. And above all I figured it was important to make it seem like she had an out even though I knew and she probably knew there wasn't a chance that Kristi would let her go once she got my wife out.

  Laura sighed. “Fine. We’ll have a couple of drinks and head back to the hotel. And that's all that's happ

  She looked at me so pointedly with that last sentence that I knew she was sending me a message. There was to be no hanky panky wile she was out with Kristi tonight. She might even still have a little left over annoyance from earlier. I figured now was probably as good a time as any to have the conversation I was pretty sure both of us had been avoiding since she blew up at me earlier in the day.

  I turned to Kristi. “Mind if I have a quick word with my wife before the two of you head back out on the town?”

  Kristi waved her hand and stumbled slightly as the motion threw her off balance. She really had overdone it a bit with the frozen drinks at the restaurant. I wondered how she’d be after some time at one of the bars that dotted the beachfront.

  “Sure,” she slurred. “You two lovebirds take your time!”

  I pulled Laura over to an old fashioned light stand made to look like a gas lamp. They dotted the touristy parts of town along the ocean and glowed with steady electric light even though I’m pretty sure this tourist trap wasn’t even founded until well after electric streetlights were a thing.

  “I know what you’re doing,” she whispered, though at least it was with a smile and not a glare. I figured that was progress.

  “What am I doing?” I asked.

  “If you think getting me to go off with Kristi like we’re a couple of single girls is going to get you any closer to fulfilling that fantasy then you have another thing coming mister,” she said, punctuating that last bit by poking me in the chest. Playfully. Again, progress from the blowup this morning.

  "Hey, I've been thinking about what you said this morning and I think you're right," I said.

  She blinked. Apparently that was the last thing she was expecting. And then suspicion crossed her face as though she thought I was up to something and was trying to figure out how I was pulling a fast one on her. Only I was being the genuine article right now. I really had thought about what she said. A lot. There was truth to her words even if the delivery left something to be desired.


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