Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel

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Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel Page 23

by Lexi Archer

  Only this time she wasn't getting it on with her husband. Which was a pretty major difference. And from the way she was screaming and moaning it was definitely one hell of an experience for her.

  I found myself wishing I was having a little bit of that experience. I turned and looked at my "date" for the evening. Not that he was much of a date. He wasn't even really my type. He looked like he'd been my type once upon a time. Muscular, fit. Only it also looked like this particular frat guy spent maybe a little too much time hitting the keg and not enough time hitting the gym. I sighed. Whatever. I was doing this for Dave. Doing this for Laura. I kept telling myself that.

  At least he'd passed out when we got back to the room. There'd been a moment when I was worried I might actually have to seal the deal to help seal the deal for Laura. Thankfully the same natural proclivity for the drink that made him soggy around the middle also seemed to do the trick for knocking him out.

  He snored and let out a quick snort. I looked over and tried not to roll my eyes in disgust. A little bit of drool was coming out of his mouth onto his pillow. He also had his shirt up halfway, one arm out and one arm still in where he'd started taking his shirt off thinking we were about to get it on. Thankfully he'd passed out when he tripped on the bed, fell back, and hit the soft sheets.

  I really hoped Dave appreciated everything I was doing for him. Not only had I pretended to be interested in this guy to act as wing woman for my best friend who thought she was acting as a wing woman for me, but this was the second night of my official "on the rebound" vacation and I still hadn't gotten any rebound sex! And tonight I couldn't even give myself a hand while I was listening in on the action on the other side of the wall because I wasn't sure if what's his name here would wake up and decide he wanted in on the action.

  But fuck was it turning me on listening to Laura getting that turned on! It was getting me turned on almost as much as thinking about how turned on Dave would be. And once again I found myself thinking crazy thoughts, maybe even crazier tonight because there was no way I could do anything about those thoughts. There was no way I could relieve any of my tension.

  I was imagining Dave pressing his lips against mine. I imagined Laura pressing her soft lips against mine. I was sent back to that night so many years ago when we'd had a little too much to drink and I'd felt an electric spark like I was being struck by lightning where her lips made contact with mine. It was a brief moment, but it had resonated with me for so very long.

  And I also thought of Dave. Nice Dave. Thoughtful Dave. Muscular Dave. Sexy Dave. And thinking about Dave had a naughty idea forming in my head. I decided if I didn't have anything to do in here, I spared another glance for my erstwhile partner for the night, I was going to have a little fun with Dave instead. I was going to poke the bear in a major way.

  So I started tapping into my phone. "Did I mention I was in my room last night?"

  The response was almost immediate. I giggled as I thought of him sitting beside his phone. I imagined he was sitting in the living room or leaning back in his own bed, waiting for any word. I imagined it was driving him crazy, and I got a perverse satisfaction out of driving him crazy. At least I'd found a way to drive him nuts in the same way he'd driven me crazy back when we first met.

  "What are you talking about?" he responded back.

  "I didn't go out with a guy last night. I went back to the hotel room. And let me tell you, the walls in there are paper thin."

  "Oh… You could hear that?"

  "You bet your ass I could hear that. Every moan from your beautiful wife…"

  "Go on…"

  I arched an eyebrow. That seemed almost flirtatious. Which definitely wasn't something I was expecting from David. Not after being so thoroughly friend zoned all those years ago. Not after being his wife's best friend for so many years. Well, if he wanted to flirt then I was going to drop one hell of a bomb on him.

  "I really think her moans are louder tonight. It's almost as though she's enjoying herself more…"

  The response was immediate. "What? What are you talking about?"

  "Wouldn't you like to know?"

  Damn it was so much fun thinking of him going crazy. I was thinking of how to compose the perfect message to drive him completely crazy when the noise on the other side of the wall stopped and I blinked and came back to reality.

  My phone was buzzing almost constantly in my hand now. All from Dave demanding more information that I had no intention of giving him. Yet. I'd given him just enough of a glimpse into what his wife was doing without revealing everything and I intended to keep it that way for now.

  Let his imagination run wild for a little while. I put my phone on silent so it wouldn't be obvious to Laura that her husband was texting me over and over. No, that reveal was going to wait until we got back to the hotel. Assuming he didn't text her in the meantime, but I didn't think he was that stupid.

  I stuffed my phone into my purse and made my way out of the room. Over to where Laura had been having so much fun with her gentleman up until a moment ago. I stood in the door for a moment and I was absolutely captivated by the sight on display there.

  The guy looked hot enough. He was everything I liked in a guy. Which shouldn't be a surprise since Laura and I definitely had a type and our types were so close as to almost be identical. He had nice muscles and an easy-going smile. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw me looking at him and he tried to cover up.

  A pity.

  But it wasn't much of a pity. Because I wasn't interested in him. No, I was far more interested in Laura. In how absolutely fucking gorgeous she looked. It took my breath away in a confusing rush of emotion that surged through my body and threatened to overpower me.

  It was weird. Not that there was anything about this vacation that wasn't weird. I'd seen her naked plenty of times. In changing rooms, locker rooms back in the day, when we were getting ready to go out. Casual nudity was just a thing with us, and it wasn't a big deal.

  Only looking at her basking in the afterglow of what she'd just done with this guy was somehow different. It was somehow more intense. It was somehow sexual in a way that I'd never seen her before.

  Of course it could also be that the confusing inner fantasy life I seemed to have developed regarding my best friend and her husband since we left on this vacation had something to do with it. Whatever it was, I was going to enjoy the view. And what a fucking view it was!

  Her hair was mussed in every direction. Usually she kept it so perfect, but there was something about that just fucked look that made me lick my lips. And her body. It was glistening with sweat. Her tits were heaving. Her nipples were pressing out. And all I could think about was how incredible it would be to lean down and take one of those breasts into my mouth. Run my hand along the other, maybe run down her stomach towards her freshly fucked pussy.

  It was odd. I'd seen plenty of pussies in my life. My own, friend's. Only this was the first time of I'd looked at one and immediately felt the urge to dive between her legs. It was particularly odd since this was my friend that we were talking about, and yet at the same time the fact that it was my friend somehow made it less weird even while it was ridiculously weird.

  I'd been in a bit of a fucked up headspace ever since Mike broke up with me and I talked to Dave about our little wing woman arrangement on the beach.

  Laura looked up and realized I was standing in the door staring at her. Her eyes went wide.


  "My," I said. "It certainly looks like somebody had some fun!"

  "It's not what it…"

  I held up a hand. "I'm going to stop you right there Laura. I heard everything on the other side of the wall. And this is exactly what it looks like."

  Laura's face fell and her shoulders slumped. She went from a sexy afterglow to terror and disappointment in an instant. It was amazing how quickly that transformation could take place. And yet even then she still looked so incredible. So fucking sexy!

sp; "Are you going to tell Dave?"

  I arched an eyebrow. "That depends."

  "It depends?"

  Of course I'd already told Dave, but she didn't know that. At least I figured she didn't know it if she was asking me that question. It seemed like Dave was still playing things close to the chest. He wasn't texting her and trying to find out what the hell was going on. Good. It was hard to be a good wing woman if the person you were trying to help was constantly fucking things up by sticking their nose in where it didn't belong!

  And looking at her like that. It suddenly had me thinking about that bet I made almost as a throwaway joke earlier in the evening. Only as I looked her up and down, as I saw how incredibly delicious she looked, I realized that my fantasy regarding my sexy best friend very much needed to become reality. And so that little joke was suddenly feeling very serious to me.

  "I seem to recall we had a bet?"

  Laura looked confused for a moment, and then her eyes went even wider. She looked positively shocked.

  "Kristi! Surely you weren't serious?"

  I moved into the room, suddenly feeling emboldened. I figured if I played my cards right, if I did this perfectly, then I might be able to have my cake and eat it too. I might be able to be the perfect wing woman and get one hell of a rebound night that fulfilled two fantasies that had been developing for me at the same time.

  Of course there was also a very real danger that the next morning it would result in our friendship exploding. Only right now I didn't care about that. I wasn't thinking with my rational mind. No, I was thinking with the brain of a woman who was on the rebound, slightly tipsy, and dealing with a confusing jumble of emotions where it came to my two best friends. A confusing jumble of emotions that had been buried so deep that I didn't even realize they were there until this vacation with no boyfriend to distract me brought all of those buried issues bubbling to the surface whether I liked it or not.

  And so I became a temptress. A seductress. I'd done this before with plenty of guys, but this was the first time I was trying it on a girl. This was the first time I was trying it on someone I truly cared about. And that surprised me. But it was true. All the other times I'd tried something like this had been with guys I couldn't care less about. Or guys I was in a relationship with but painfully aware that the relationship probably wouldn't last.

  Maybe that really was my problem. Whatever. I needed to concentrate on the moment. I needed to concentrate on what was happening right in front of me. And what was right in front of me was my sexy best friend. The most beautiful girl in the world. Present company excluded.

  I completely ignored the guy in her bed. He had a goofy grin on his face as though he'd just won the lottery. I'm sure he was expecting one hell of a fun time as he saw me advancing on the bed. As I started crawling over it towards Laura. I suppose if I was in his place and I thought I was about to get the holy grail for frat jocks like him, two girls at the same time, then I'd have that same goofy grin on my face. Only he wasn't about to get the prize. He just didn't know it yet.

  "Think about that night all those years ago Laura," I whispered as I moved my face just inches from hers. She took in a sharp breath and her eyes closed for a moment. She shivered. Either she was still dealing with a hell of a lot of residual arousal from the fun she had with this guy, or she was getting turned on by me being so close to her.

  "Do you ever think about that night?"


  I leaned forward until my lips were almost brushing hers. God I was so fucking turned on! I couldn't believe I was doing this. I couldn't believe I was risking our friendship, and yet I knew that I couldn't not try this. I knew that it was something that I had to do. Had to try. Had to see where Laura stood because otherwise our friendship was doomed just the same.

  "I can tell when you're lying," I whispered.

  She shivered again. "Fuck Kristi…"

  "You've thought about it, haven't you?"

  She licked her lips again. "Once in a while…"

  "So I think you want me to collect on my winnings. Don't you?"

  She looked me in the eyes. She was still uncertain, but she also looked so fucking turned on. And she looked so fucking sexy too. Her body pressing against mine felt exquisite. I still couldn't believe I was doing this, but at the same time it was something that I couldn't not do, if you'll forgive the double negative.

  "Why don't we go back to our hotel? Let me collect my winnings in a more private spot?"

  "Hey!" the guy, Alex I think his name was, said.

  I turned and smiled at him. "Sorry. But you served your purpose."

  "My purpose?"

  "His purpose?" Laura asked.

  Shit. She sounded a little annoyed there. Was she starting to suspect? I was walking a knife's edge, and I needed to be so careful. So careful.

  So I did what I always did when I wanted to pull something sneaky. When I wanted to get Laura to do something that was for her own good but she was reluctant to do it because she was always the last one to let loose and have a good time.

  Though I guess she had good reason in this instance.

  Whatever. I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her up off the bed. And I also had a delicious moment of her body pressing against mine. Her nipples brushing against my body and I closed my eyes and shuddered at that touch. Then I was back in reality.

  "Get your clothes on," I said. "We're going back to our hotel!"

  "But what about Dave? He'll be waiting there?"

  I almost wanted to dance with joy as she said that. Sure asking about Dave meant she was still thinking about her husband. She was worrying about what he might think. But more importantly she was worrying that he'd be back at the hotel. It was a single sentence, and I was reading a hell of a lot into it, but it sounded to me like she was already accepting the idea of me collecting my winnings from our little bet that I'd made half in jest but I was so fucking glad I did now. She was fully expecting me to go back and collect, and from the way she was looking me up and down with the same hunger that I was already feeling it seemed like she was looking forward to me collecting on that bet.

  "Don't worry," I said. "Dave won't be a problem."

  "Kristi…" Her voice had a warning tone to it, but I ignored it. I always did. I didn't see any reason to start worrying about her getting pissed off at me now.

  We needed to get back to the hotel room. She was primed and ready to go. Dave had to be going crazy by now. I was sure if I pulled out my phone I'd see a hundred text messages from him frantically trying to figure out what was going on.

  This was the opportune moment, and I was going to seize it. Dave had already had his fantasy of his wife with another guy fulfilled. Now I fully planned on fulfilling his wife watching fantasy again, just maybe not in a way he'd ever imagined.

  18: Fantasies Old and New

  I sat back on the couch facing the door into the suite. I hated waiting. I hated it so much. And it felt like it was all I'd been doing tonight.

  Sure there was that brief flurry of status updates from Kristi, and then silence. Complete, utter, absolute silence. It was driving me nuts thinking about what might be happening while I was sitting on the couch in the mostly dark hotel room. The only light was coming from a tiny light over the stove in the kitchen area, and that was barely enough to illuminate the kitchen and part of the living room, let alone reaching to where I was on the other side of the living room.

  A clock ticked steadily in the background. I wasn't sure where the hell it was. I hadn't really paid close attention to my surroundings when we arrived and I'd only really noticed the clock once I was sitting in the dark silence. The smell of hotel cleaning fluids that had been applied liberally but still weren't quite strong enough to overpower the odor of hundreds of college students having hundreds of parties over who knew how many years filled my nostrils as I took in a deep breath and tried to keep control.

  My cock twitched and pulsed as I thought about Laura with that gu
y. As I thought of him grinding against her with nothing separating them. His cock pressing inside her.

  At first I dismissed the idea. At first I thought it was impossible. It would never happen. Given how reluctant Laura had been about this fantasy, even if she had warmed up to it in the past couple of days, there just wasn't a chance she'd take things that far.

  Only then I got those messages from Kristi while she was supposedly in a hotel room. Messages about my wife doing the impossible things I'd been imagining all night. Followed by more silence.

  And as I sat in the darkness, as I went over the strange series of events that led me to this place sitting in the darkness while my wife was potentially having sex with another man somewhere out there, I found my mind also filled with thoughts of Kristi. Thoughts of the guy she was hanging out with the tonight. I figured there had to be a guy for her too, though she hadn't actually mentioned it. Whether or not she had a guy, my mind was filled with thoughts of them going at it. Of his cock sliding up inside her.

  That wasn't surprising. Kristi was an attractive woman, even if she had been completely off-limits for so many years due to her relationship with my wife. Even if there was no chance of us getting together before she became off-limits because of that little friend zone incident back when we met in college.

  No, it wasn't surprising at all that I'd be fantasizing about Kristi. She was a regular in the spank bank. The real surprise was that I was starting to feel the same way about her that I felt about Laura. She was starting to occupy the same fantasy real estate my wife did when it came to this whole watching fantasy. Which meant I was starting to feel the same sort of possessiveness towards Kristi that I felt towards my wife. I was having the same strong feelings for Kristi that I had for my wife.

  And thinking about her having sex with another guy, even when she'd never even had sex with me before, was making my cock throb. The combined fantasy of my wife and Kristi both in a hotel room together with two strange guys, both of them getting railed, was driving me insane. It was driving one of the most painful and long-lasting erections of my life. We're talking about the kind of hard on that would require a doctor's attention if I'd taken a Viagra to create it in the first place. It was the kind of hard on that begged for me to reach down and jerk off. I was sure it would only take one touch and then I'd be exploding all over the inside of my pants.


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