Hard to Resist: A Collection of Hard to Resist Romances

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Hard to Resist: A Collection of Hard to Resist Romances Page 28

by Landish, Lauren

  Liam senses my anger because suddenly he’s in front of me, pulling me into his arms. I use my hands to brace myself on his chest and I was right, just being in his arms soothes something in me.

  I still feel vulnerable, until he kisses the tip of my nose. “I’m sorry, Elle,” he apologizes. “I’ve just had a very long day.” I close my eyes, letting his touch calm me. “If you really wanna go out, we will.”

  “Are we okay?” I whisper. I hate that I sound weak, but I can’t help feeling like there’s tension between us. I don’t like it. I want it gone.

  “Of course we are,” he answers as I look up at him. There’s so much sincerity in his gaze that every insecurity vanishes. “I’m sorry, Elle. Of course we can get some popcorn for tonight.”

  I place a hand on his shoulder and gently rub it. “It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize. Since you’re so worn out, do you want me to drive?”

  He kisses me on the nose. “Nah. I’m fine. I’ll drive. Where do you want to go?”

  Chapter 20


  I should tell her, but I can’t do it.

  She’s gonna be pissed at me. She’s going to know what kind of a bastard I am. She’s going to question everything. Just knowing all that’s going to happen tears me apart. I wanna keep this from her. I need to keep all this shit away from her.

  I can’t help but feel anxious as I drive down to the convenience store.

  “Oh, shit!” My heart stills at Elle’s outburst. “I forgot my purse.” She sounds so upset. I close my eyes and try to contain my relief.

  “No problem.” I stop at a red light and dig in my back pocket for my wallet. I have time to pull out a couple of twenties and pass them to her.

  “I think one will do,” she says in a soft voice. “Thank you,” she says, a little uncomfortable. “I’ll pay you back.”

  A smile cracks on my face for the first time since this morning. The light turns green and we move forward as I place my hand on her thigh. “No you won’t. You’re my girl.” I pick her hand up and kiss her wrist, keeping my eyes on the road.

  I hear her soft sigh and feel her eyes on me. I take a look from the corner of my eyes and she looks beautiful. It makes my heart hurt.

  A small smile is playing on her lips. She’s so perfect. I keep rubbing soothing circles as we drive up and I pull in. Right at the front doors, where there's plenty of security and high visibility. I can see everything. I’ve got my gun in the glove box. We should be fine, but it won't hurt to stay vigilant. I put the car in park and Elle’s already moving. Her seat belt’s off and she starts to open her door and holds up one finger.

  “I’ll be in and out real quick.” She leans across the console and plants a kiss on my lips. “Promise.” Her words echo in my ears as she opens her door.

  My heart stops beating as I look past her. One of Ian’s men pulls in, and even with his sunglasses on, I recognize him. Stephen.

  It’s freezing outside, but his window’s down and I know why. He's going to shoot. It's a hit. My lungs refuse to fill. My blood spikes with fear as everything plays in slow motion.

  Before I can blink, he’s pulling his gun out of the window and aiming it right at Elle. I grab her shoulders and pull her down. The bullets fly out with a loud bang! One ricochets off the car, I think the hood, and she screams. Another hits the passenger side mirror. She’s still screaming, and her hands fly to her head. My heart’s pounding in my chest.

  “Stay down!” I yell at her, covering her with my body and struggling to close her door. Once I hear the click, I chance a look and peek up. Bang! He fires as I duck back down and she shrieks in fear.

  Her window shatters as a bullet hits my driver seat. Small shards of glass fall into the car by her feet. She scoots closer to me and I try my damndest to cover her. This is too close.

  I stay low. I just need to protect her. I reach up and unlatch the glove compartment to get my gun. I can feel it, but I fumble with it as my heart pounds. Finally, I’ve got it in my hand. The heavy weight does nothing to relieve my anxiety. She can’t be here. I can’t let anything happen to her. The car’s still running and I put it into reverse, desperate to get out of here. To get her on the other side of me.

  Someone runs from the store and ducks behind a car. A few other people are screaming from inside the store as another wild spray of bullets hits the car. Elle’s shrill cry pierces my ears as her fingers dig into my leg. She’s staying down though and the door is closed. She’s as safe as possible for now, but she could still get hit.

  I only lift my head up enough to barely see that fucker and quickly shoot my gun, aiming right at his head. He ducks to avoid the first shot and then the second. I don’t need to hit him. I just need to get him to stop firing so I can get her out of here. That’s what matters. My heart races and my blood pumps with the fear of losing her.

  I’m driving in reverse with one hand, my grip tight on the leather steering wheel. My other hand is still holding the gun while pushing down on her back, keeping her down. I hit the gas pedal and turn the wheel as sharp and fast as possible. The back of my car smacks against a lamppost, jolting our bodies. Elle screams again and tries to cover her head, curling into a small ball on the seat.

  I put the car into drive and take off. The tires squeal as two more bullets hit the back of the car, each one making her jump and ripping a sob from her throat. She’s shaking, and I’m doing everything I can to take care of her and get us out of here.

  I look in my rearview expecting him to follow us, but he’s turning out of the lot in the other direction. My heart's racing and she’s clawing against my arm, trying to get out of my hold and sit up.

  I release a breath I didn’t know I was holding and let go of her. The light ahead turns yellow and I slam on the gas to get through the intersection. I’m not stopping. I’m taking her to my place in the city until these fuckers are dead. I don’t trust going back to her place. I need my guns and my security system. I focus on my breathing; I need to get my shit together. She needs me, now more than ever. My heart’s still racing like crazy, but it’s starting to calm slightly.

  “Oh my God.” Tears fall down Elle’s face. “Are you okay?” she screeches. Her breathing is frantic and she’s looking around, the wind from her open window blows her hair into her face. The glass crunches beneath her feet as she moves slightly and then looks out of the back window like she’s expecting to see him. She doesn’t even know what she’s looking for.

  “It’s okay, he's gone.” I sound cold and devoid of emotion. But this is the most emotion I’ve ever felt. And it’s not one I welcome. Fear. They almost took her from me.

  “Did you see him?” Her wide eyes are filled with worry. “We need to call the cops.” She searches the floor for her phone and picks it up. I’m quick to snatch it out of her hands, dropping the gun.

  “No cops.” My words are hard. But I can’t let her do that. I’m killing these fuckers. As soon as I can get her safe, they’re dead. They’ve been in hiding, but you can only hide so long. We know where they hang around and now we have their paper work, I know where they live and where their families live. I’m not giving them a chance to run. I’ll find those fuckers. “They’re all dead.”

  It’s then that Elle sees the gun and puts two and two together. Her eyes widen, and the fear in them changes. She’s scared of me now. It makes my heart clench in my chest. It fucking hurts, but I knew this would happen. She pushes away from me and leans against the car door. Like she’s desperate to get out.

  “Why do you have a gun?” she asks; her voice is hollow. I press my lips into a firm line and stare straight ahead. “Why were they shooting at us?” Her voice cracks, and I can see she’s shaking again.

  “Elle--” I start to speak, but she screams out, “Tell me!”

  “'Cause they have a hit out on me.” I grip the wheel tighter and add, “On us.” Her lips part with disbelief. It fucking hurts me to say that.

  “Why?” she as

  I take in a deep breath before looking at her and answering, “I told you I was a bad man.”

  “Stay away from me!” she screams. My heart shatters in my chest. I loosen my grip on the wheel and look out of the driver side window.

  “That’s not an option now.” I finally tell her the truth, “I’m sorry, Elle. But you have to come with me.”

  Her mouth opens, and she struggles to breathe. I wish I could comfort her and that she’d believe me when I say I’ll take care of this. But I can tell just from the look in her eyes, everything between us is broken.

  Chapter 21


  I open the car door for her and she storms out. She doesn’t touch me; she completely avoids me. She’s fucking pissed. Her arms are crossed, and she’s not speaking. That’s fine if she doesn’t want to talk right now. I’ll wait for her to calm down and figure out how to make this up to her. She’s walking the wrong fucking direction though. And that’s not going to happen. I’m not letting her leave.

  “Elle, get your ass inside!” I yell out as I follow her down the driveway. We’re a good distance away from the other houses, but they’re within view, and I’m not letting her get close enough to them to cause a scene. My heart’s trying to climb out of my throat. I need to get her ass inside. Right. Fucking. Now.

  “Elizabeth!” I scream out her name.

  She turns on her heels, the crunch of the gravel and my heartbeat the only sounds I can hear as she stares back at my house with anger. “I’m not going anywhere with you,” she says with a shaky voice, finally looking at me. Her eyes are glassy. She’s a mix of emotions and looks like she’s ready to crack

  “Elle,” I say and put my hands up as though I’m approaching a wounded animal. That’s what she is. I hurt her. I fucked up. I know I did. But I’m going to make this right.

  She shakes her head and lets out a sarcastic laugh.

  “Don’t fucking call me that, and don’t put your hands on me.” She throws her finger out, pointing at me and looking at me with disgust. She walks backward down the driveway with every step I take to get closer to her. The ground's uneven, and I don’t need her falling and hurting herself.

  “I can’t let you go, I’m sorry.” I know she’s pissed at me. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to let her go. I have security here at least. It’s something. And now that I know they’re coming, she’s not leaving my house until they’re both dead.

  “You can’t make me stay here,” she says with wide, unbelieving eyes. They’re red and swollen from the threat of tears, but she's holding them back. She shakes with anger and sadness, and shouts, “I wanna go home!”

  “You’re in danger--”

  “I can call the police--” she starts to say, cutting me off, but I nip that in the bud.

  “No, you can’t.” I shake my head and take another step closer. She takes one back and her ankle nearly rolls as she kicks out the gravel under her feet. I need her to understand. I don’t want to even say this shit out loud. But she needs to know how much danger she’s in. “They’ll come for you--”

  “Because of you!” she shrieks at me, bending at her waist and practically spitting as she yells. I know it had to have hurt her throat. There are a few houses at the end of the drive and then nothing but the woods around the city park. I look over to see if anyone’s there. She needs to knock this shit off.

  “You need to get inside and stay there.” She doesn’t answer me. Her skin is bright pink from the freezing air. The wind’s blowing harder now, and I know it’s gotta be getting to her. Shit, I’m cold, too. “Come inside. And we can talk about this later.”

  Her eyes whip to mine. “Talk about this?” she asks incredulously, and raises her brows.

  “I’ll tell you everything you want to know. But right now, you need to go inside.”

  “What the fuck do you do?” she says and finally looks up at me. She waits for an answer, but I’m not ready to talk.

  “You don’t need to know right now.” I don’t want to get into this shit. I need to get her inside and take care of this problem.

  She mutters under her breath, “I knew you were no good.” It pisses me off to hear her say that. But mostly it fucking hurts.

  “Yeah, I’m a real bad man,” I admit, “but other bad men are after you.”

  “It’s your fault,” she says. And she’s right.

  “I’m sorry.” I can’t say anything else. She finally lets me take a step closer to her without moving away from me. “You just have to stay here until I deal with them.”

  “Kill them?” she asks hysterically.

  “It’s either you or them, Elle.” Her breathing comes in pants, and she glances down the driveway like she’s considering running and then looks back up to me.

  She glares at me like she hates me. Like she regrets everything, and it makes my stomach churn.

  “I trusted you,” she says in a small voice.

  “I promise I’ll take care of you.” She shivers and grips onto her arms, looking defeated but still closed off. I walk behind her as she concedes and slowly makes her way to the door.

  “I don’t want you to,” she says with a coldness I’ve never heard from her. I swear my heart stops beating and sinks in my hollow chest.

  “You don’t have a choice.”

  Chapter 22


  What have I gotten myself into?

  I stare blankly up at the high ceilings, wondering how I’m going to get out of this mess. It doesn't seem real.

  Liam’s forced me to stay in his bedroom, a prisoner against my will. The bedroom is comfortable and all, beautiful actually, with a gorgeous view of the skyline and crown molding running along the walls painted a soft shade of cream, but it’s still a prison nonetheless.

  I shouldn’t be here, I think to myself. I don’t belong here, or in this mess. How did I let it come to this?

  It’s crazy how close I came to being killed. I was shot at! Never have I been in such fear for my life. Just remembering the bullets whizzing by causes me to hyperventilate. Out of nowhere, I become dizzy and the room begins to spin in front of my eyes. Then my heart starts racing so fast I think I’m having a heart attack.

  Jesus, Lizzie, calm down!

  It takes a few minutes of calm steady breaths, before I feel like I’m in control although I’m still shaking. After a moment, I sit up and notice I’m covered with sweat, my palms clammy.

  I'm not okay. That is the only truth I know. I am not fucking okay.

  I knew I never should’ve gotten involved with Liam, considering the murky details surrounding my inheritance. I should have just sued him and contested the will. No, I had to go fall for him when I should’ve known better.

  Anger burns my cheeks. I’m so mad. Mad at myself.

  I gave myself to him! I rage. I let him eat me out on our first date. I swallow back the fury in my throat. I feel so humiliated, cheap and worthless. He so played me for a fool.

  Can my life be any more fucked? My daddy died, leaving me to fall in love with a man he left everything to. I’m so mad at him. I feel guilty for feeling anything but love for my father. But I do. I’m so pissed he died and stuck me with this asshole.

  I grind my teeth remembering how I thought Liam practically stole that money from my father. All that anger comes back full force. He’s a fucking liar!

  I slowly turn my head as I hear the sound of the door opening.

  “Elle?” Liam asks with concern.

  I ignore him and try to calm my racing heart. I watch from the corner of my eye as he walks towards the bed. I feel the bed dip as Liam sits next to me. Strong arms enclose me, but I push him away. “Don’t fucking touch me!”

  Liam looks struck by the venom in my voice. In my heart I feel a twinge of pain at the hurt look on his face. I’m mad I even feel that much. He doesn’t deserve anything from me but scorn and suspicion.

  They were trying to kill me. Because of him! He lied to me. How
much has he lied? It hurts. Knowing he lied hurts so much. My chest feels like it’s collapsing on itself. And what about daddy? I need to know right now. He better tell me everything. Like a slap to my face I realize he could just keep lying. And I’d have no way of knowing if he was telling the truth or not. I don’t care though. I need to ask. I need to know what the hell is going on.

  “Who were they?” I demand through my cries. After what I’ve been through, I deserve to know that much. “Who were those people?”

  “You don’t need to know their names,” Liam says firmly, though I can hear the pain in his voice. “It won’t change what happened.”

  I stare at him incredulously. I don’t need to know their names? I almost got killed, and I don’t need to know their names? What. The. Fuck. “You can’t be serious!” I snap. “They tried to kill me because of you!”

  Liam stares at me. “Yeah, and trust me, Elle, I’m going to make them fucking pay for it.” He searches my grief-stricken face. I can tell he feels uncomfortable, but I don’t give a fuck. He’s the one that put me in this situation. “But you need to understand, sometimes in my line of business, things get violent. And I’m deeply sorry that you had to witness that today.”

  “Line of business?” I demand. “You’re a restaurant owner!” I yell. “What kind of restaurant owner gets in shootouts with thugs?”

  “I’m a bookie,” Liam corrects. My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. How many lies has he told me? My breathing comes in faster, and my blood heats with anger and betrayal.

  “You’re a fucking criminal!” I shout.

  Liam swallows and clenches his jaw. I can tell I’m pissing him off. Good. He deserves it for all the shit he’s put me through. “I’m not. What I do, it’s not really illegal. There are some situations where I push the boundaries of the law... but it’s still legal.”


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