Club 738 - Model Slave (Part One)

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Club 738 - Model Slave (Part One) Page 1

by Vittoria Lima

  Club 738 - Model Slave (Part One)

  Title Page

  Part One

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Club 738: A Model Slave

  Part One

  Vittoria Lima

  Copyright© 2016 Vittoria Lima. All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without prior permission of the publisher and author.


  Chapter One

  Boss closed in behind the attractive young blonde model, and unlocked her wrists from the collar. Moving her shoulders around, Gina winced at the discomfort, while he removed her blindfold. She blinked several times, adjusting her eyes to the bright stage lights inside the large room.

  The first things she saw, was she was on a huge round bed, which dominated the room. Quickly, she turned her head to see her captor walking from around the side of an armchair. Their eyes met and she grew very still.

  The man standing in front of her was respectable looking. None of this made any sense. He didn’t fit with what Gina thought of as an kidnapper. Lulled by that thought she allowed herself to follow along as if on cue. Her captor stood at over six foot and was very masculine.

  His dark hair was close cut and combed neatly. He was obviously muscular underneath his clothing and Gina knew he could easily fend off any physical struggle on her part. He was staring at her with an intensity that left her feeling very exposed, more exposed than she’d ever felt during her many modeling sessions with dozens of people watching.

  Now she felt out of control, awkward in her exposure and unconsciously brought her legs up under herself. Her arms moved to her breasts, trying to protect them from his piercing eyes.

  “Good. Now, if you promise to be a good girl, I’ll take that gag out of your mouth and let you have something to drink. Does this sound like a fair offer to you? Boss asked pleasantly enough.

  She nodded her agreement and he unbuckled the straps of the gag, pulling it out of her mouth. Her mouth was dry and her tongue tasted like cotton. Not daring to say anything yet, she waited until he filled a glass of water and brought it over to her.

  “Thank you,” she said politely as he tipped the glass to her. Just as the words left her mouth, she cursed herself for allowing herself to thank her kidnapper for anything!

  “You’re a very beautiful woman, Gina,” he said as he sat down opposite to her in a huge lounge chair. I’ve been watching you from afar for nearly a year now. You should feel quite honored. Many clients have requested you. Is the water soothing to your dry throat? Good. There’s no need to be afraid of me. We’ll become very well acquainted, you and I.”

  Feeling a bit bolder now, Gina stuttered, “Why? Why have you kidnapped me? Do you want money? My parents are...”

  Boss put his hand up to silence her. “I’ve already told you why I have brought you here but I don’t suppose you’ve had the chance to digest the information. Fair enough. I have subjected you to an overload of sensory input already and I should’ve expected it.

  He paused a moment. “Okay, here are the facts. One, I’ve abducted you, which is obvious by now. Two, you’ll serve as a slave here at Club 738. You’ll serve our clients in any way they desire, including, but not limited to, physical, emotional and yes, sexual domination.”

  Gina’s face dropped with the reality of her circumstance, her greatest nightmare was coming true before her eyes. She swallowed hard and continued to listen.

  “Three, from this moment on, you’re not permitted to speak without my permission, and when you do say something, you’ll call me “Boss.” This is appropriate since I shall refer to you as slave, among other things,” he said before a long pause.

  “… Normally slaves are given a number and instructed to forget about their birth name but in your case, most clients will want to address you by your name. They want to fuck the famous model Gina, not some number. You’ll be one of the lucky ones, Gina. Because you’re in high demand you won’t be placed in the Auction. You’ll be reserved for Club 738’s VIP clients.”

  “As a Club 738 slave, you have zero rights whatsoever that I don’t give you. I may also take away any rights I give you at anytime I deem necessary. Lastly, for now, you’ll obey me with sincerity and without hesitation. If at any time you don’t obey these rules, you’ll be punished.”

  “Punishment will be in a manner that I find appropriate to the seriousness of the offense. Do you understand me so far, slave?”

  Gina’s attention drifted and she was now staring wide-eyed at the floor, not believing the words spoken to her. “This can’t be happening to me! Oh God no!”

  “Slave!” he firmly spoke, “Do you understand me?”

  Provoked, Gina replied sheepishly, “Uhhh... no?”

  “Very well then. I guess I’ll have to demonstrate what I’d hoped would be understood with just words.”

  She looked up at him. “Stand up, slave!” Boss barked.

  When she didn’t get up immediately, Boss jumped out of his chair, took two purposeful steps towards her, and pulled her upright by her shoulders.

  “Let go of me!” she screamed. Gina struggled shortly, but when he let go of her she remained standing defiantly.

  The force of Boss’s backhand across her face knocked her back onto the bed and she wept as the pain spread through her cheek. He used his body weight to pin her while he grabbed her wrists, untying them from in front of her, retying them behind her back, pushing them hard up towards her neck, and securing them with a short line to her collar.

  She let out a scream and began to call him depraved names as he tied her arms into place. Tired of her wailing, he shoved the gag back in her mouth, buckling the straps behind her head. Then with a length of cord, he brought her ankles up towards the small of her back, securing them to her collar as well.

  Gina was effectively hog-tied and unable to move without causing herself pain in her over-stretched thighs and shoulders. Wiping away the perspiration that had accumulated on his forehead, Boss quietly walked across the room and stopped at the door. He fished in his pockets for the key, found it, and then unlocked the first door.

  Gina’s breathing quickened when she saw the huge steel door, knowing that there was something behind it that she wasn’t going to like. Boss entered the combination and then produced another key to open the final lock. He pushed the door open on it large hinges and turned a light on over the wall.

  She began to squirm, not wishing at all to go into the unknown, but she was easy weight for someone as strong as Boss was. He picked up her whimpering body, careful not to touch her breasts or pussy, and walked into the next room where he laid her on the cold tile floor. He returned a moment later after he shut the door, spinning the combination lock closed.

  “The very first thing that a slave must learn is that their body is no longer theirs. I don’t expect you to learn that fact overnight, there will be training given to teach you this. You must understand and except my ownership of your body, and this will help you,” he said pointing to a corner of the room.

  On her side, gagged and bound, Gina looked over to where he pointed and saw a large, scary looking device made of heavy iron and wood. Engineers hired by Club 738 had designed it to hold a slave in many different positions. It was constructed of heavy angle iron and steel bars welded together and bolted to the floor.

  It extended from the floor all the way to the ceiling twelve feet above and was five feet in width with a fully adjustable horizontal bar resting a waist
level. This was padded to reduce bruising of the flesh and had a leather belt attached to it for keeping a fighting slave secure.

  Boss reached down, picked her back up in his arms, and brought her over to the intimidating device. He released the cord running from her collar to her ankles. Steadying her stance, he adjusted her position so that her stomach was hard against the padded horizontal waist bar.

  Gina tried to drop to the floor and squirm away but he kept her in place with his weight. Reaching around to her front, he brought both ends of a wide leather belt up and around her waist, buckling and locking it tight with a single small padlock at the small of her back.

  Boss let go of her and watched as she tried in vain to escape. She couldn’t move up or down and quickly realized her struggles were futile. He noticed her nightshirt had been pulled up and in between the belt and her back, exposing her curvaceous buttocks, clothed in only her white cotton panties.

  After examining her in detail, from the rear and at each side, all the while her watching his every move, he decided to remove her gag, now that she wasn’t in a position to bite him.

  “You Bastard... Let me go!” she spat at him in disgust, anger rising within her. Instead, he laughed at her and knelt down before her. He grasped her right calf and removed the cuff that surrounded her ankle. Momentarily free, Gina tried to kick him but he easily held her leg in his firm grasp.

  “I suggest you remember the rules slave, or your punishment will increase with every outburst you make,” Boss reminded her.

  “Go fuck yourself asshole!” Gina responded heatedly. She was very scared now and her fear had turned outwards into blinding rage. Not looking up to acknowledge the slur against him, Boss forced her leg over to the far edge of the H-shaped platform where he wrapped a leather cuff around her ankle, buckling it securely.

  Again, he brought her other leg over to the other side of the frame, securing it in a similar fashion. Her legs were now widely spread about three feet apart. Gina knew how exposed she was and her need to escape doubled.

  She pulled against her leg restraints until they were chaffed, her upper body swinging wildly in desperation. He caught her from behind and removed her handcuffs, bringing her left arm out straight from her body, even with her ribcage, and slipping her wrist into the awaiting leather cuff attached to the arc-shaped piece of the frame.

  All the while, Gina screamed vile names and curses at him. Lastly, he secured her other wrist, pulled her socks off, and stepped back to admire his catch.

  “Let your first training session begin,” he said to her smiling.

  Chapter Two

  Boss let her wait; wait for what he was going to do to her. After a while, he returned with a pair of black high heel shoes. He placed them onto her unwilling feet forcing her ass invitingly up into the air and stretching her calves out.

  Moving around to her front her produced a large, shiny bowie knife. Gina’s attention focused upon it and she pleaded, “Oh God, please, please don’t hurt me! Please! I’ll do anything you say, anything… I swear, but please don’t cut me...”

  Boss thought about what she had said for a moment but her pleas wouldn’t be enough to keep him from his objective. He examined her in length, noticing the curvature of her thighs, the length of her long hair as it draped over her shoulder, the outline of her breasts straining against silk. He stood to her side using his imagination to determine their exact size and shape, and how they would feel to the touch when exposed. “They’ll need two hands to fully grasp,” he thought to himself.

  It was important for Boss to know every square inch of his Club 738 slaves. He stood inches from her, examining her flesh for any irregularities and savoring her beauty. Gina couldn’t look at him anymore.

  His close examination made her feel like a mare at auction. She had also noticed the huge bulge between his legs and knew that soon she would be raped, and maybe cut badly. She shivered at the thought.

  Finished with his examination for the time being, Boss strode to the other side of the room, returning with a large full-length mirror on casters, which he placed in front of Gina allowing her to observe her bondage and causing her great displeasure.

  “Look at yourself, Gina. You’re beautiful. How can any man be expected to look the other way in your presence?” he said to her.

  Gina tried to ignore him and the image of herself in the mirror, looking instead to the floor in front of her. Damned if she was going to play his game. Boss left her and went over to the bedchambers where he removed his clothing, opting for attire more appropriate to the situation.

  He took his time making sure that everything was just right for the shock value he intended to inflict upon her. Ready, he walked over to the monitoring station and cut off all the overhead lights.

  Plunged into darkness, Gina swung her head from side to side trying to peer into the blackness. Her breathing came in short, choppy gasps and her ears strained to pick something out of the silence. She heard approaching footsteps behind her. The sound stopped abruptly, replaced with a soft breathing.

  “Please don’t hurt me!” she pleaded to the unseen figure. Then the light came on again, suddenly, blinding her momentarily, and when her vision returned she was horrified by the reflection in the mirror.

  Behind her stood Boss, wearing a black leather vest, open at the front and laced together with red leather laces. Around his wrists were studded leather cuffs and on his feet were black leather, square-toed boots with a chain running from each side of the foot and upwards to the back. His muscular legs were bare and well tanned.

  Continuing her gaze upwards, she couldn’t miss his huge cock jutting straight up though the middle of his crotch-less leather briefs. She found herself staring at his swollen cock wondering how much pain she would experience when he forced himself into her.

  Out came the knife again and he approached her from the rear. She cried out in despair and pleaded to be left unharmed. Boss moved just behind her, and grasping the side of her panties, brought the knife down, cutting them off her body.

  Gina screamed as he continued her unveiling by cutting her shirt from the collar, all the way down the back, exposing her back and exquisite ass completely. Lastly, he cut her shirt down each sleeve, peeling it off her body with finality, before stepping back to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

  Her chest heaved and tears streamed down her cheeks as she sobbed in terror and in humiliation. In all her modeling career, she’d never felt as stark naked as she did right then. Boss pushed a button on the left side of the machine, causing a hiss and the buzz of an electric motor activating.

  The platform began to rise slowly until it was a foot above the ground. He released the button.

  She was now raised to the level where her breasts were at the same level as his face. Unable to control his lust any longer, Boss moved around to her front and slowly reached out to touch her.

  Gina tried without success to move her body away from his hand and screamed at him not to touch her. Ignoring her threats, his fingers found the softness of her stomach and slowly worked their way upwards, over her ribcage, feeling each rib as it passed underneath his probing fingers, and finally resting just underneath her very large breasts.

  “They are absolutely perfect. Much better than in the photos!” he thought to himself. Her breasts, full and firm, pointed upwards away from her body and were capped by one-inch wide areolas with erect nipples extending a third of an inch outwards.

  Boss placed a hand underneath each breast and slowly, lightly, traced their outlines, her nipples gliding over his palms and her skin forming goose bumps from his light touch. He brought his hands down to her hips and bent over, bringing his head down to Gina’s chest.

  A moan of acceptance escaped Gina’s throat as Boss flicked his tongue over her sensitive nipples, bringing them to further attention. He continued working his tongue and mouth over her entire breasts, working from the undersides, diving between her cleavage and then back again to work o
n her nipples.

  Boss brought his hands upwards and began to massage her round breasts, working them, kneading them, and lightly tweaking her nipples. Gina relaxed a bit when Boss hadn’t cut her with the knife and was now seemed intent on engaging in straightforward foreplay.


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