"Well, we came and went a few times, but never stayed gone for long." As he spoke he dug a wallet out of his back pocket and fished a faded photo from it, extending it towards Dyson.
The picture was small and well-worn, done entirely in black and white. It showed a young Rider in a white naval uniform with a lei around his neck standing next to a young Hawaiian girl in a floral print dress wearing several leis of her own. Neither looked to be more than about fifteen.
"She's a beautiful girl," Dyson said, handing the picture back to him. "You were a very lucky man."
"Still am," Rider said, fitting the picture back into his wallet. "Just because she's gone doesn't change the fact that she's the best thing that ever happened to me."
Dyson mumbled in reply, shifting his weight from one foot to another.
The two stood in silence for several long minutes, watching the children give up on paddleball and switch to building sand castles before Rider motioned to the row of chairs behind them. "Come on, why don't we sit down for awhile. I'm dying to hear all about what's happening on the mainland."
"Oh, me too," Ola said behind them, clapping her hands together and digging two bottles of water out of the bottom of the cooler. Scurrying around the chairs, she handed one to Dyson as all three settled into chairs overlooking the children at play.
"Alright, I know this is going to get me in trouble around these parts, but I might as well start right at the top," Rider said without preamble. "What in the hell is going on with that damn President of ours?"
Dyson's entire body shook with laughter, the intensity of it becoming stronger as Ola turned to Rider and shook her head in disapproval.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Over an hour of easy conversation slipped by without any of the three realizing it. They started on the subject of national politics, fast devolving into sports, the weather, and eventually what happened to Dyson's face. It wasn't until Mahana made her way down the beach to join them that anybody even noticed that five o'clock had come and gone.
Once they did, Rider and Ola both sprung into action. Ola started in on laying out bowls of food, stretching them across a white plastic fold-out table and removing their covers. Beside her Rider set up a homemade wooden stand and balanced the hibachi atop it, lighting the coals and letting them begin to warm.
Dyson and Mahana each offered repeatedly to help, to the point that their invitations became almost a nuisance. Accepting that they would not be allowed to assist in any way, Mahana dropped herself with a bottle of water into the closest chair while Dyson ventured to the water's edge to join the boys.
An impromptu football game was just beginning to form, the two sides trying to decide how to split into teams. An argument had broken out between them, as the two oldest wanted to play against the youngest.
"Easy guys," Dyson said, taking exaggerated strides through the sand as he went to join them. "How about this? The oldest and the youngest against the two middle, and I'll be all-time quarterback?"
All four boys agreed to the terms, any bickering from a moment ago falling by the wayside as they happily accepted the services of a full-time quarterback.
Dropping to a knee, Dyson introduced himself to the group, shaking each of the boys hands in turn. On one side were Matt and Nainoa, cousins that looked to be no more than a year apart and could easily pass for brothers. Opposing them were Koi and Will, the oldest and youngest of the four, and quite the odd-couple. Koi was thick and squat, built a lot like his grandmother, while Will, despite being a few years younger, was already an inch or two taller.
Dragging his heel through the sand, Dyson marked off a field twenty-five yards long and fifteen yards wide, filling the space between the tent and water.
Matt and Nainoa were the first to score, aided by some early in-fighting from their opponents. By the time the smell of grilled meat started to drift out of the tent across the makeshift field, both sides had settled in to quite a contest.
Neither side seemed interested in playing defense, instead intent to let Dyson lay passes into their stomachs so they could try out the latest end zone dances they'd seen on television. Each time somebody would score the tent would cheer loudly, followed by a round of chuckles at the unabashed dance moves of the youngsters.
With the score tied at five touchdowns a piece, Rider stepped out from the tent with grill tongs in hand and announced the game was ending in a tie. It was time to eat.
In unison all four boys forgot the game and sprinted hard for the food line, throwing rooster tails of sand behind them as they went. Laughing, Dyson collected the ball where they'd dropped it and walked up behind them, shaking his head as he watched the boys descend upon the spread.
"I'm so sorry," Ola said to him. "I try to teach these boys manners, but they don't always stick."
"No need to apologize," Dyson said, waving the ball back and forth at her. "I can remember being the same way as a kid. Mama rings the dinner bell, everybody scatters."
"Just as a kid huh?" Mahana shot his way.
Tossing the ball to her underhanded, Dyson gave her a wry smile. "I just now walked up here nice and slow didn't I?"
"Likely excuse," Mahana said, catching the ball between her water bottle and free hand.
From behind the grill Rider gave each of the boys hot dogs, their exteriors speckled with spots of brown char. "You know Dyson, I was watching you throw a little bit. Looked like you've played some ball before."
"A little," Dyson said, finding his half-full bottle of water from the cooler.
"Quarterback?" Rider pressed.
"In high school. They slid me to wide receiver in college."
"You played for the Griz?" Rider asked, raising his eyebrows a fraction.
"The Cats, actually," Dyson said, motioning Ola and Mahana towards the food line. "This sure looks like one heck of a spread you folks put out here. I'm sorry you guys went to so much trouble."
"Ehh," Rider said, spitting out the word as he waved the tongs in front of him. "No trouble. If I wasn't here I'd be home watching whatever bowl game is on tonight."
"Me too," Ola said, laughing. "I have the boys for a few days and all they want to do is watch football at night. They keep asking me questions about it, like I know all the rules."
The group laughed in unison as poor Ola stood shaking her head in earnest.
"Tomorrow night is the Hawaii Bowl,” Nainoa said, holding a fresh hot dog between his fingers and gnawing on the end of it.
"I know, I know," Ola said, holding up her hands to him. Lowering her voice she turned to the adults and said, "All they've been talking about all week is the Hawaii Bowl. Can we go to the game? Can we go to the game?"
"Oh, you poor soul," Mahana said, reaching out a hand to offer sympathy.
"Poor soul? What's wrong with watching football?" Dyson asked.
"I've never been to a football game in my life," Ola said. "Heck, I don't know that I've ever even watched a whole game in my life."
Lowering his voice to just a whisper, Dyson leaned in close to Ola's ear. "I could take them."
Ola's eyes grew large as she leaned out away from him. "Really?"
"You folks are making us dinner, it's the least I can do."
Beside them Rider and Mahana both watched the exchange in silence, small smiles on their faces.
"I can pay for their tickets," Ola said. "And the parking."
Waving a hand, Dyson shook his head emphatically. "Wouldn't hear of it. My treat, really." Turning his head to the side, he looked at Mahana and said, "I assume the afternoon is free again tomorrow, Madame Tour Guide?"
"Go," Mahana said, holding her hands up by her side. "I'm jealous I can't join you guys."
"Everybody's welcome," Dyson said, turning to look at Rider as well.
"You guys hear that?" Ola asked the boys, all huddled up together in the sand and tearing through their plates. "Uncle Dyson is taking you to the Hawaii Bowl tomorrow!"
The boys all cheered loudly, w
aving their hands high above their head. On cue, the adults all laughed, watching as Dyson turned light pink from the boy's reaction.
"Alright now, let's eat," Dyson said, again motioning Ola and Mahana towards the line.
This time they took his advice, Ola going first as Mahana leaned in close and whispered, "Sure thing, Uncle Dyson."
Chapter Thirty
While the children ate hot dogs, Ola, Dyson and Mahana worked on salmon and marlin, each of them eating two or three pieces in total. Rider glowed with pride as he watched the group devouring his food, keeping the grill running long after there was more than enough for everyone.
He himself stuck to an oversized t-bone which he offered to share with everyone, but didn't seem too saddened when they declined.
The minute their food was finished the boys were up and gone again, heading back for the water and splashing about. Behind them the sun was steadily working its way down towards the horizon, sending pumpkin colored sunlight shimmering off the waves.
On either side of them scads of surfers came and went, the ones that had been out all afternoon calling it a day and the work crowd rushing out for a few waves before dark.
Comfortably full, Dyson reclined in his cloth chair and watched the scene unfold around him, a look of sheer contentment on his face.
"What do you suppose he's thinking about right now?" Ola asked in a faux whisper, nudging Mahana and gesturing towards him with her plate.
"Hmm..." Mahana said, pressing her lips together and tilting her head to the side. "I don't know, but I bet it has something to do with a nap."
Both women laughed as behind them Rider chimed in, "Naw, I bet he's thinking about getting some more food."
The group chuckled again as Dyson sat up in his seat, a quasi-embarrassed look on his face. "Actually, I wasn't thinking a whole lot of anything. Just enjoying the moment, as cheesy as that sounds."
Rider worked another hunk of beef away from the bone and forked it into his mouth. "It's a little cheesy, but I've heard worse."
Dyson coughed out a laugh, running his hands along the front of his shorts and stretching his arms out in front of him. The sun continued to dip a bit lower in the sky, bathing them all in a late day hue.
"Uncle Dyson!" Nainoa called, turning all their attention towards the surf. "Do you want to play come ball with us?"
In his hand was a yellow-and-white striped volleyball, which Will slapped away and began batting into the air.
"Where the heck do they keep getting all these balls?" Dyson asked, turning his head towards Ola.
"Oh I know it!" Ola said, shaking her hands about. "Worse than getting a baby ready to go somewhere."
"Uncle Dyson, pleeeease!" Matt called.
"They're relentless aren't they?" Dyson said, smiling.
"Hey, you started it with the football," Rider said, still working on his steak. "You haven't had kids of your own yet, but you'll learn soon enough."
The smile on Dyson's face turned from humorous to sly. "Only if Auntie Mahana can play too!"
Ola and Rider both chuckled as the boys cheered from the beach.
Mahana's jaw dropped as she stared at Dyson, eventually twisting her mouth into a smirk. "Going to be like that huh?"
"Hey, I'm not going down there alone," Dyson said, rising from his chair and standing in front of her, holding out a hand in her direction.
"Alright haole, let me show you how we play ball out here," Mahana said, accepting Dyson's hand and letting him haul her to her feet. Side by side they walked down towards the boys who were already shaping out a court in the sand.
"Same teams as last time!" Koi called out.
"We get Dyson!" Matt responded.
When they reached the edge of the makeshift court Dyson and Mahana split, joining their respective sides.
"You hear that?" Dyson asked. "Requested by name over here."
"Eh," Mahana said, waving a hand at him. "Just cause you can throw a football doesn't mean you can play this game."
Dyson smiled and nodded, a we'll see implication evident. "So how do we do this with no net?"
Mahana shielded her eyes towards the sun and said, "I'd guess we've only got fifteen minutes of daylight left. Let's just play that as long as you keep it in bounds and get it back over the line in the air, that counts."
"Sounds good," Dyson said, catching the ball from Will and tossing it underhanded to Mahana. "Ladies first, kick us off."
Jogging back to the far end of the court, Mahana planted her feet just past the end line and tossed the ball high into the air, the yellow and white stripes spinning quickly as it reached an apex and descended towards her. Arching her back and cocking her arm behind her head, she smashed her palm into the ball, sending it whistling at Dyson's chest.
Whirling hard to his side, Dyson swung his arms out wide like a pendulum, catching the ball flush and sending it straight into the air. "Whoa! Where did that come from?"
A chorus of calls could be heard from the tent, Ola and Rider both voicing their approval of Mahana's slam.
Dyson shuffled to the side as beside him Will stepped under the ball and smacked it over to the other side. The return shot cleared the center line by barely a foot, sending Nainoa diving into the sand.
"Whoa yourself," Mahana said, jogging forward and taking up a post in the middle of the court. "Nice dig."
"Seriously? A top spin smash on the opening volley?" Dyson said, feigning indignant.
"Wasn't expecting it to be returned," Mahana said. "I guess you've played a little volleyball as well."
"Not my first rodeo," Dyson confirmed. "Though I'm more of a mud volleyball guy."
Behind him Koi held the ball out in front of him, wound up and punched the ball underhanded towards the other side. The ball knuckled straight for Matt, who interlocked the fingers of both hands and swung at the ball, sending it sailing up towards the tent.
With four lightning quick steps Mahana closed the gap, laying out in a full body dive and bumping it over her head and back into the center of her team's side. Standing beneath it was Nainoa, who smacked it across the line to tie the score.
Again a cheer went up from the tent, loud clapping punctuated by a shrill wolf whistle. Rising from the ground, Mahana dusted herself off, trying her best to hide a smile as she slapped high-fives with Matt and Nainoa.
"I guess I'm not the only one that's played a little volleyball before," Dyson said, giving her a wary look to hide how impressed he was.
Back and forth the two sides went, Mahana and Dyson each playing harder than they let on. Both were very careful not to impede the boys from playing, but did everything they could to ensure their side won.
By the time the two sides called it a night, the sun had slipped well below the horizon and the last bit of twilight was fast fading from the sky. Nothing remained of their makeshift court, though neither side seemed to care as the game descended into everyone just trying to keep the ball in the air.
The collective laughter of the group could be heard the length of the beach in both directions.
Afterwards, Dyson and Mahana helped Rider take down his tent and loaded Ola's things into her mini-van. Dyson promised to see them in the lobby of the Ala Moana Hotel the next day for the game.
Just as she had the night before, Mahana dropped him off at the front door with strict instructions to meet again the next morning.
A handful of thoughts occurred to Dyson as he climbed out and watched her go, but just as he had the night before, he held them in as he stood and waved her off into the darkness.
Chapter Thirty-One
"Wait wait wait," Dyson said, waving his arms in front of him in the passenger seat. "We're on Oahu, it is a gorgeous day outside, and we're going to a museum?"
Across from him Mahana sat in the driver's seat, taking one long sip and then another from her coffee. The first was because she was thirsty, the second to hide a smile. "Yes, but you're forgetting that we only have a half day and that it is
Christmas Eve. Options are a bit fewer than usual."
"I mean, don’t get me wrong, you've done a great job so far. Just a little surprising, that's all."
"This is true," Mahana said. "Who are you to question where I take you? I'm the tour guide here, remember? Or is the big football player afraid of a little culture?"
Closing his eyes, Dyson laid his head back on the seat behind him. "Oh, she went there."
"Sure did," Mahana said matter-of-factly. "Besides, this isn't just any museum, it's the Bishop Museum."
"I feel like I should know what that means, but I'm drawing a blank."
"You'll see," Mahana said.
"And to answer your question from before, no, the football player is not afraid of a little culture. I was just afraid you taking me to a museum meant you'd figured out my secret shame."
Mahana pulled the car to a stop in the first stall of the museum parking lot, the place silent save a few workers starting their day. "Which is?"
"I'm kind of a nerd," Dyson said, drawing the words out for effect.
"That's supposed to be a secret?"
Dyson sighed as the two climbed from the car, staring across the hood at one another.
"Maybe I'm bringing you here because I haven't been since they redid the place," Mahana said. "And I'm secretly a bit of a nerd too?"
"Secretly?" Dyson asked, raising his eyebrows at her as they came together in front of the car and walked towards the entrance.
Mahana swatted at his arm as they converged and without thinking he slipped it around her, her own sliding around his waist. Arm in arm they walked forward, only breaking their embrace as Dyson reached for the front door and held it open for her to pass through.
Just inside was a small front desk, a sign detailing the visitor fees for all who entered. A single door stood open behind the desk, a pair of voices coming from within.
Otherwise the place was void of life.
A short Chinese girl with straight black hair and oversized teeth popped her head out from behind the door at the sound of their entering. She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and wore a look of slight annoyance on her face. "I'm sorry, but we're closed today for the holiday," she said without looking up.
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