by Teea Lynn
Now Marcus on the other hand is blue collar kind of guy, just the way I like him. He goes to work at his investment firm and he comes home to a girl that never lets him miss a meal. Marcus never went to college, but that never stopped him, he used his street smarts and ability to network. He landed a job as a personal assistant to the owner of the firm, where he currently works. Eventually the owner became impressed with Marcus’ ability to learn and adapt quickly, so he started showing him the ropes. Soon after, Marcus was hired in for an entry level position and now he works closely with the owner.
“KG really,” I question as I become distracted as Kg’s white Audi A6 pulls up behind Marcus’ car. He gets out wearing an all-black sweat suit. He screams dope boy. I walk towards KG with my arms out wide and a smile dresses my face. My tears have created pathways on my face, shouting to the world that I was recently crying. He embraces me with a secure hug and looks at my face with anger.
“Yo Marcus, I sure hope no one tried to break in or else somebody gone pay for every tear she shed,” KG says as he walks towards my front door. As he walks up the three concrete stairs leading to my porch, KG pulls out a black automatic pistol.
“That’s not necessary,” I shout from behind Marcus. My fear of guns is something that lead to me wanting to move out of the hood. When I was a teenager, gang members shot up my neighborhood. I was standing right in the middle of the crossfire and watched my neighborhood friend get shot.
“Those tears on yo face, that makes this necessary,” KG responds walking into my house.
“I’m actually fine,” I say wiping the tears from my cheeks and finger combing my hair.
“Yea and Sasha said the same thing when she spoke the English language.” KG sarcastically refers to his pitt bull dog.
“There’s no need for guns, I’m fine.” I say making my body erect to appear well postured.
“Yo Marcus, my cousin was clearly upset and I’m ready to make someone pay for that.”
“You and me both,” Marcus says as he follows closely behind in his smoky gray tailored suit.
“I didn’t check up stairs because I got scared when no one answered,” I yell out to them both. The very same fear that caused me to become anxious started coming back. Not knowing who was in my house and whether they have left is terrifying.
My feet rode the back of Marcus’ heel like a horse. The smell of vanilla reigned through my townhouse because I enjoyed the warm sensation that smell gives me when I come home from work every day. As a kid I always wanted my home to smell like warm baked goods. So I keep vanilla scented fragrances throughout my house except the bathroom, I like that to smell like cinnamon. Marcus had a little sister who always loved to eat cinnamon toast. Unfortunately she was raped and killed by their stepfather after Marcus’ mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. So the cinnamon smell in the bathroom helps him to remember her. I know it sounds weird but when Marcus has a bad day which has been often lately, he sits on the bathroom floor to reflect.
“Aye yo Marcus get the fuck up here now,” KG screams down the stairs. Imm-ediately Marcus takes off running and I’m not too far behind him. We both reach the bedroom, where KG is standing and looking with a horrified face.
I gaze down at the bed, “Marcus is fuckin’ cheating on me?”
“Man babe don’t start asking those questions because I would never do that.”
“Marcus is cheating on me,” I say while my feet stumble backwards out of the room. The white walls begin to turn red with anger.
“Cuzzo, this someone crazy. This man wouldn’t cheat on you,” KG says grabbing my hand. I pull away quickly and walk back into the room.
“Listen to your cousin babe I swear, I have nothing to do with this,” Marcus says as he pulls me close to him. I peer into his eyes and see honesty glaring back at me.
“Goodness, babe I believe you. But who in the fuck would leave pictures of a naked girl’s body all over our bed like this? And the head is cut off every single picture.”
Ashley gets on my damn nerves calling me to complain about her perfect life. This bitch has everything, a house, two cars, and most of all the man I love. What does she have that I don’t? I’m way sexier; I have a flawless light almond skin tone. She has medium brown skin with a few scars. And let’s be honest, the light skin sistahs have taken over. I have long brown hair that reaches the middle of my back. Her hair barely touches her shoulder and unless she wears a weave it’s in a ponytail. And what are her ordinary brown eyes compared to my money green eyes. Most importantly I can bend and twist my body several ways. I’m a man’s dream come true and a woman’s worst nightmare.
Ever since I met her, four years ago, the thought of her having a good life made my blood boil like hot water. That bitch doesn’t deserve any of it, not the house, the cars, money, or the man. He belongs to me, the way I see it, Marcus and I met first. The only reason I became her friend is to get her man or should I say my man.
I take a deep breath, allowing the hot steam to fill my lungs. The hot water sprays my body while relaxing my muscles at the same time. I tilt my head back into the steaming water stream as reminiscent thoughts begin to play in my head.
I was in the grocery store when I first laid eyes on Marcus. He was trying to decide if he should get regular or organic strawberries. The poor thing didn't know the difference between the two. So I walk up to help him out; with the desire he was going to catch on to my flirting. To my surprise it didn’t work, and my looks always get me what I want. So I pretend to shop as I follow him around the store, picking up items I didn’t need. As I finish up my shopping, I walk past him chatting up Ashley; I notice they exchange numbers, it was in that second I came up with my plan.
I stand naked, admiring my beauty in the vanity mirror as water drips off my body. Even with no clothes on my body is snatched. To think, I’ve never stepped foot inside a gym; I guess the best of us is blessed with natural curves. My eyes focuses on my erect nipples; this always happens when I think about Marcus and Ashley. The idea of trying to mess up her life makes me wet with pleasure.
I’ve been working on this plan for four years and counting. That’s right I’m very set on getting my man; I love him and I’m positive he loves me too. Well when he gets the chance he will love me too. Ashley is so needy he doesn't know how to let her go without the dramatic breakup. Only a good man could stay in a situation like the one he’s in. All I need to do now is separate the two, turn them against one another and conquer Marcus. He’s the ultimate trophy in my game.
Step one, make friends with my enemy; I have been working on step one for years and it’s working like charm. Partying, having shopping sprees, and slumber parties, others would’ve given up by now. I know the key to success is patience. But all that waiting and planning is now paying off because now I can move on to step two.
Ashley calls and tells me all of her business, so I pretty much know everything about her. Now what I need to do is use that information to set phase two into operations. I let her know that I will be working today and to call later so we can meet up for drinks; but really I will be out shopping for supplies I need to ruin this bitch life. You never let right hand know what the left hand is doing. That’s why I move in silence and I thank my good friend Mookie for teaching me that philosophy of the streets. When we meet for drinks, I will be milking this bitch for all the information I can get. After that I will make a move to meet up with Marcus so I can tell him everything. I’m about to get old school psycho on these two, break them up and then be there to pick up the pieces with Marcus.
Finally dressed, I glance at the clock as I’m walking out the front door of my house and it’s already 12:00pm. The wind is blowing strong today but I don’t mind because it’s blowing my hair fiercely as I walk to the bus stop.
I cringe as I approach the basketball court to the point I stop walking. I stare down at least two dozen men playing basketball. A part of me wants to smile because I love me s
ome black men and the other part wants to run in the opposite direction. The bus stop is just on the other side of the basketball court and I have to walk past the men to get there. My problem isn’t with the men; the problem is the men seeing me get on the bus. This is going to be embarrassing. I put my pride aside and quickly walk to the stop.
“Aye sexy, can I talk to you,” I hear someone yelling at me obnoxiously. But I keep my head facing forward giving him no acknowledgment.
“Fuck you too bitch, that’s why yo ass riding the bus,” I hear the same voice yell followed by the laughter of what seemed like the entire basketball court.
It was fun to go shopping today; I have all the things I need to set my plan in motion finally. But enough of that, Ashley left me a message saying meet her at Deejay’s Bar and Grill; my favorite place to party. I used to fuck the owner while his wife was at her nine to five job. So now every time I go to his bar everything is free. My ass be up in Deejay’s fucked up. I go to work in the daytime and by night I’m drunk as fuck in the bar; then I go home to get some sleep, wake up and do it all over again.
I have this really cute black dress I just bought. My hair is laid and my make-up is fiercely beat, the only thing left to do is hop in the shower. I grab the white and pink bag on my bed; I reach in and take out the dildo that’s inside. I walk back into the bathroom and hop in the hot shower. Images of Marcus run through my mind and I’m instantly aroused. I take Jr. and I force him inside my vagina and massage my walls with its long and wide shaft. I allow the hot water to steam against my back as I grab the wall for support. I repeat thrusting motions with Jr. and goose bumps form on my arms. Suddenly the water is cold against my skin; I speed the thrusting motions up and my body starts to quiver. My toes begin to curl and I hunch my shoulders as I pull out Jr.
Damn, is all I can say to myself; Marcus just gave me the best quickie ever as if we were truly making love to one another. I felt his hands caressing my back and his lips making a kissing trail from my neck all the way to my nipples. His hand slip into my vagina every now and then. The way he is licking my naval made me grab the shower walls. It all seemed so real, and I’m more certain that are souls are meant to join as one.
There is just that little problem I call Ashley. She is like a fly that buzzes around people ears, and no matter how hard they swat it still comes back. After tonight and all the information I soak up from her, Marcus will be all mines.
I step out of the shower and pat dry my body; I moisturize and reapply my make-up. Walking into my bedroom, I notice the shoes I left out doesn’t do my dress any justice. So I go to the closet and find some all black patent leather platforms; on the way out I grab my favorite pair of fishnet stockings, I stole from Ashley’s house. I start getting ready, I begin with my fishnets by pulling them slowly up to my waist; I never wear panties to the club, it makes being freaky even more fun. I shimmy my way into the black dress I bought earlier and throw on my platforms. I walk over to my floor length mirror that stands next to my walk-in closet; admiring the way I appear, I spin around twice. I pick up the phone and call Ashley.
"Hey, girl you ready yet? Because I’m looking good tonight I can’t wait to get my claws in one of those old heads," I speak into the phone.
"Girl, yeah I’m ready, you know I had to get approval from Marcus. He had to see if my dress is okay to go out in. He ain’t care this time because he bought the dress." She begins to chuckle in my ear. I swear I hate her with a passion.
"Okay, so meet me up there I’m walking out now. We also need to finish our little talk we had earlier. I’m so sorry for blowing up on you like that; it was too early in the morning."
"Girl, it’s cool. I should respect you and call at appropriate times. I’m the one who should be apologizing. And I’m ten minutes away from Deejay’s so I will see you then, Smooches." She hangs up the phone and I begin to shake my head.
"Smooches," she says as I hang up the phone. This bitch is really something else, and Marcus chose her over me. At least I’m real and don’t have to put on that fake bougie act.
I get into the car I borrowed from one of my sugar daddies and turn the radio on to my favorite station 97.3. As usual they’re playing all the hits; the turn up is getting real in this car. I start to dance while I’m driving, bumping my head back and forth with the beat. A quick stop at a red light I glance over and see a couple in Toyota corolla; the car is gold with four doors and it has more dust on it than the road. In the back seat and a boy sits there with a really big and bushy ponytail, and he is playing with a bear that is bigger than him. The couple both sporting smiles, and it seems as though they’re laughing at each other.
Marcus and I could have what that couple has. They’re driving a beat down car and probably no money, yet they still manage to smile and laugh. They’re completely happy and they have a son to share their happiness with.
I pull into the parking lot and it’s full of cars and its only 10: 30pm; I thought I was going to get here early to get a good parking spot. I wasn’t the only one who is thinking that.
I walk into the club and scan to see if I see Ashley, instead I spot the biggest baller of them all DeeJay himself. I make a mental note to get at him later, first I need to get one of these smaller fishes to buy me a drink. It makes DeeJay mad when someone buys me drink because he wants to be the only man holding me down. I walk up to the bar and Ashley is there waiting for me. I’m going to make her self-conscious tonight
"Hey, girl love the dress and them heels are to die for!" I say to Ashley as we embrace each other.
"Do you really? Marcus bought it and I was a little worried about wearing it. Can’t trust a man to do a woman’s job right."
"Well, the dress is cute, but it gives you a little muffin top and your back fat is hanging. You really can’t tell tho’,"
"Something told me not to wear this dress. Does it look that bad?" Ashley questions me; everything is working to my advantage.
I smile and say "Girl it don’t even matter, you just better wear the hell out of that dress. You know how we do it!" I smirk and lock eyes on Deejay, he is looking good tonight.
"Excuse me Ash I have some business to handle with Deejay. I’ll be right back because we need to still have our talk." I walk away towards Deejay and wave to get his attention. I peek over my shoulder and I can see Ashley tugging at her dress. My plan is working well, now all I have to do is make this bitch life fall apart and then Marcus is all mines.
The warm winter breeze massages my face as I sit on my porch with Ashley and discuss last night. I have been friends with her for four years now, we meet at a grocery store when I was following her, now, boyfriend around trying to get his attention. I can’t remember much before that. It’s like when I set my eyes on Marcus my life had just begun. I only have bits and pieces of my life but everything is pretty much a blank. My childhood was pretty crappy and I have sort of been on my own since my teenage years.
“Girl, last night you were on point,” Ashley says as she turns towards me.
“I know I had to teach those bitches a thing or two. And you was cute too.” I say giving her a dry smile. I still want her to be insecure about herself. So she will never get an honest compliment from me.
“So what happened with you and DeeJay?” Ashley begins our gossip hour with the most obvious question. Of course she wants to know what happened between me and DeeJay. Between Ashley and me, being the freak is my thing while being a bougie bitch is her thing.
“I sucked his dick, and he gave me some money. Nothing more to say on that.” I say to her bluntly.
“Star, I really wish you wouldn’t stoop that low for money. You know you can always, come work with me.”
I cut my eyes at her giving a cold stare. I turn my attention to the window behind where I’m sitting and count the four corners to calm myself down. A technique I learned in my anger management class. The nerve of her to insult me with such nonsense,
makes me want to rip the bitch a new asshole.
“No thank you miss college degree, I’ve been on my own since I was kid and this works for me. Am I cramping your style or something? You never had a problem before.”
“Star that’s because we were younger and much more stupid.”
“Ashley you treading very thin waters right now.”
“And what Star, I’m just trying to help you grow as a person. We are not 21 years old anymore, it’s not cute.”
“Well everybody ain’t got a degree like you. Miss college grad,” I say as my voice begins to rise.
She stands up and walks across my closed in porch stopping when she is only inches away from me. I stand up from the chair that was comforting me and I meet her rest of the way. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. A chance to beat this bitch ass, will give me a much needed satisfaction.
“I understand you’re a socialite and you make money by making appearances but when you have sex for money it’s not a good for us.” She says dragging her words as she stares piercingly into my eyes.
“Yes, us don’t forget we share a mind and we can’t get rid of this bond. While you’re out here doing everything you can, to make this team look bad; I’m doing everything I can to make us look good. And that’s why I have control. I’m the one that’s in charge and you’re mad because you can’t get that spot.”
“You know what Ashley; fuck you and your little power trip.” I say pointing my stiletto tip yellow finger nail in her face.