Sun, Sand, and Submission [Libertine Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Sun, Sand, and Submission [Libertine Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 1

by Diane Leyne

  Libertine Island 2

  Sun, Sand, and Submission

  Eighteen months ago, on a romantic weekend away, Aly Martinson broke up with her boyfriend Max Barton when he admitted he was a Dom. She regretted her hasty reaction almost immediately, but a one year job assignment overseas meant she never had the opportunity to apologise and ask if they could try again.

  Now her friend Rebecca is working at a BDSM resort, and Aly's worried she's being taken advantage of. So Aly turns to the only person she knows in the lifestyle for help: Max. He agrees to pose as Aly's Dom so they can visit the very exclusive island resort and check on Rebecca.

  What Max doesn't know is that Aly's hoping that this trip can also be a chance for them to try again as a couple. What Aly doesn't know is that Max is thinking the same thing.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 43,368 words


  Libertine Island 2

  Diane Leyne


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic


  Copyright © 2013 by Diane Leyne

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-349-8

  First E-book Publication: August 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  The Island of St. Maarten is a real island in the Caribbean. It is one of the most beautiful and friendly places I`ve ever visited and I can`t wait to go back.

  I wish Libertine Island was real, but maybe someday…

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  About the Author


  Libertine Island 2


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Aly looked down at the letter. It was the third one that she’d received, and this one came with photos, or more accurately a brochure with photos in it, and one of them was of Rebecca. She was doing a yoga pose with her butt in the air, and it was actually her butt that was the focus of the photo. Rebecca was looking back at the photographer, though, with a cheeky grin in her face.

  Aly studied the photo. It was cropped pretty tightly with the focus on Rebecca’s tight ass rather than her face, but enough was visible that anyone who knew her would recognize her. Aly sighed. She’d always envied Rebecca’s ass. And her abs and her legs. Rebecca was an ex-gymnast who put herself through grad school doing personal training and teaching yoga and shit like that. Aly, on the other hand, was a journalist who subsisted on coffee and junk food, and her physique was beginning to pay for it. She’d always been heavier than her friends, but since spending the last year in war zones, she’d lost a lot of weight and not in a healthy way. Every year she made a resolution to get to the gym and get in shape to lose weight. This year, she’d try to get in shape to gain back some of the lost weight.

  She looked at the brochure photo before closing it and studying the cover again, not that she needed to. She’d practically memorized the whole thing.

  Libertine Island:

  Enjoy Sun, Sand, and Submission in the Caribbean Sun.

  Visit an island paradise that caters exclusively to those in the BDSM community. If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to live the lifestyle 24/7, want to be able to play openly without fear of judgment, or just want to have a little fun and submission in the sun, then check out Libertine Island.

  It showed a couple of Doms and a Domme with their subs in submissive poses, their heads lowered, faces shadowed. Aly couldn’t see the Dom or Domme’s faces either, but their body language was very assured and commanding.

  Inside the cover were more pictures of happy Doms, Dommes, and subs. One photo showed a Dom reaching down to pet the hair of the kneeling sub that was leaning against his leg. Another Dom was clearly naked, his sub positioned in front of him, only the back of her head visible. The male sub was wearing a collar and a leash that was being held by his Mistress as he crawled, apparently happily, beside her.

  “Sun, sand, and submission.” Aly sighed. The first two sounded lovely. The last, combined with the photos…She wasn’t sure how that made her feel. She thought she should be outraged. Women were independent nowadays and didn’t submit to men. But looking at the photos, it seemed that on Libertine Island, it could be either men or women doing the submitting, although women were definitely in the majority. And
they did look happy. But, of course, that was part of the illusion of advertising. If Aly believed all the ads she saw, eating the right cereal, wearing the right perfume or buying the right cleanser could change her life for the better and make her happier, thinner and improve all of her relationships.

  She flipped through the brochure again. It also showed what looked like really lovely pool and beach areas, gym and spa, and several restaurants. It actually looked really, really nice, until she got to the entertainment venues. Apparently, there was a well-equipped dungeon with raised stage and a number of public “play” areas. There were also a number of semipublic and private “themed” play areas to cater to every taste from those who wanted to revisit the schoolroom to those who had medical fetishes to those who wanted an actual dungeon environment.

  There was even an outside “play” area with several spanking benches, a St. Andrew’s Cross, and other pieces of equipment that Aly wasn’t sure she understood the purpose of.

  What had Rebecca gotten herself into? Aly had received an e-mail at the beginning of the summer and they’d chatted a couple of times on the phone. Rebecca was working on her thesis and figuring out her job situation for the year it would take to complete. In August she’d told Aly she’d decided to take a job at an exclusive Caribbean resort. She was going to teach yoga and do personal training for the guests as well as help with the entertainment and various demonstrations, the nature of which she’d been very vague about.

  Rebecca hadn’t thought too much of it at the time. She and Aly had known each other since they were in grade school. Along with Jen and Maggie, they were the “four Musketeers.” It wasn’t terribly original, but they’d loved it. Rebecca was the one with the level head. It was Aly who was the impetuous one who had to be bailed out of scrapes. Maggie was the intense, artistic one, and Jen was the free spirit.

  And now Rebecca was working on her PhD in French Literature while Aly scraped by as a freelance writer. She’d been to various war zones around the world and had just come back from spending a year with Doctors Without Borders, chronicling life in a war zone. The series of articles was up for a number of prizes including a Pulitzer and had brought her numerous offers. She’d finally broken through.

  She had been debating between doing a feature for Vanity Fair or working on an in-depth piece for The New Yorker next but had decided to turn her articles into a full-length book. In the meantime, she was looking forward to heading to San Francisco and spending some time with her oldest friend, but that had proved to be more difficult that it would seem to be.

  Firstly, she didn’t know exactly where Aly was working. She just knew it was a resort in the Caribbean, which was not exactly very specific. She e-mailed and Rebecca always e-mailed back saying that she loved her job but the hours were long and maybe the best thing would be if they met up with Rebecca using one of the two trips home that the resort would pay for during her contract year.

  Aly had accepted that explanation, at first. She had finished her articles, submitted them, and was working on the book proposal when the first letter had arrived.

  Aly didn’t put much stock in anonymous letters and had just glanced at it before tossing it out. It was something about Rebecca’s job being “inappropriate.” Rebecca had snorted as she crumpled the letter and tossed it. Rebecca was a grown woman of thirty, the same as Aly, and more than old enough to decide where she wanted to work.

  The second letter was more pointed. It said that Rebecca was being abused and maybe brainwashed into accepting it. Aly laughed out loud at this one. Rebecca had once punched a boy and broken his nose for grabbing her butt. She wasn’t someone who would put up with inappropriate behavior. And if her employer didn’t treat her right, she’d be on the phone to Jen, who was a lawyer. She’d get things straightened out pretty quickly.

  Nonetheless, Aly tried to contact Rebecca again. This time she was insistent Rebecca actually call her so they could chat. The conversation had put Aly’s fears to rest, at least for a while. The letter nagged at her, and the more she thought about it, Rebecca had been pretty vague on the phone, but it wasn’t until they’d hung up that Aly realized that Rebecca still hadn’t told her the name of the resort.

  That had been moot when the third letter arrived. Or rather the brochure had arrived. Rebecca flipped through the pages again, although she knew it all by heart by now, stopping at the photo of the woman tied down to some sort of bench while a man used a strap on her ass, which was now bright red.

  The woman’s face couldn’t be seen, and Aly was pretty sure that it wasn’t Aly’s ass. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t being tied up and beaten. The letter writer had certainly implied that she was.

  Aly flipped to the page on the gym and sports facilities at the club. The gym seemed pretty well equipped with all manner of cardio equipment and a mirrored gym area. The brochure listed a number of classes including yoga and Pilates, which presumably Rebecca would be teaching. It also offered personal training sessions and aqua-aerobics. She could see Rebecca enjoying teaching all of these things if Aly just ignored the photos of the naked or seminaked people in the photos.

  The restaurants looked great, too, with one exception. The main dining room looked amazing if one ignored the subs kneeling on the ground being hand-fed by their masters. And then there were the photos of the happy subs being led around by their masters. Several were shown on leashes crawling behind their Doms and holy crap, was that a tail sticking out of that woman’s ass? Another appeared to have a ball gag in his mouth, but he also seemed happy, as did the woman with the tail.

  Aly closed the brochure, looking down once again at the cover. She felt a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach as she looked at the sub staring adoringly up at the Dom who stroked her hair with such affection. She told herself that it was just a well-made photograph. The fact that the male model had the same short dark hair as Max and the sub had the same long brown hair she had was just invoking a memory of when she and Max had gone away for the weekend and she’d struck just the same pose with him. It was the weekend they’d broken up, so the memories were especially bittersweet. Max had been way hotter though. He was tall with short dark hair and dark eyes. He was fit and muscular but slender, not as bulky as the model was.

  Only they weren’t Master and sub. It had just been a game, or so she thought. Max had been all strong and controlling in bed, and she’d loved it, but outside the bedroom he’d been the sweetest, kindest man she’d ever dated. He was sweet and considerate and talked endlessly about her feelings and what she liked and didn’t like in bed. It had been so strange to be with a man who seemed to care so much about her needs. Of course, when they were in bed, he’d taken complete charge, which she’d been surprised to find she enjoyed. There was something very freeing about just feeling and experiencing and not having to worry if she should move her hand or where to put her leg. He had very definite ideas of what he wanted in the bedroom, and she’d quickly learned to enjoy letting him take the lead there, especially when he seemed to view her as an equal partner outside the bedroom.

  She remembered the first time he’d tied her hands to the bedposts. It had been so exciting and forbidden. She’d been so turned on that she’d almost come the moment he’d slid between her legs and pressed his condom-covered cock into her welcoming pussy, which was leaking so much they’d had to change the sheets afterward.

  The next time, he had gone slower, drawing things out until she’d screamed and begged him to fuck her. Once he tied her hands, he’d moved between her legs and she’d wrapped them around his waist, urging him inside her, but he’d chuckled.

  “Patience, patience. I’m setting the place, darlin’. And I’m planning on taking my time. If you don’t spread those hot legs for me, I’m going to tie them so they are spread wide and you’ll be totally at my mercy. Would you like that?”

  She’d moaned her answer, reluctantly opening her thighs wide. He’d run a finger lightly down her slit, scooping up her cream,
which was flowing freely. He licked his finger, and his expression said he’d never tasted something so wonderful.

  “I guess you do like the idea. Here, have a taste.” He scooped up some more cream and held his finger to her mouth. Tentatively, she opened her mouth and licked his finger. She’d never tasted herself, and it felt unbelievably decadent.

  He grinned wickedly at her, kissed her lightly on the lips, and then slid down her body, pausing to kiss each breast and lightly suckle one nipple then the other. Once he had her moaning with desire, he moved lower again, until he was positioned between her spread thighs.

  He raised himself up on his forearms and looked directly at her. “Keep your legs apart and still, or I’ll tie them that way. Understand, darlin’?”

  She nodded, so turned on by the dominance in his tone. They’d played at it before, but this time, he was really taking charge, and she felt the cream begin to leak from her pussy. Even if her mind was shocked by his words, her body was turned on by them.

  “Not good enough, sweetheart. I need you to say the words. Are you going to keep still for me, or do I have to fully restrain you? Answer me now, or I’ll assume you want to be completely tied down.” He smiled wickedly up at her. “Would you like that? I know I would. To have you completely at my mercy and be able to do anything at all I wanted to you. Yes, maybe I’ll just…”

  “No, I’ll be good. I promise.”

  As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she’d regretted them. She realized the thought of being completely helpless was both scary and something she desperately wanted, but it was too late. The words were out. Max looked at her, and it was like he could read her mind. She was sure he knew that she wanted him to tie her down, just as she was sure he wouldn’t do anything that she said no to. She trusted him completely.


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