Raashh Decisions (Xxan War Book 3)

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Raashh Decisions (Xxan War Book 3) Page 1

by Brenna Lyons

  Table of Contents

  Published by Phaze Books By Brenna Lyons

  Section One The Founding Raashh: Elder


  Section Two The Business of Love Daveed: Dominant

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Section Three Subdominant Son Arren: Subdominant

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  About the Author

  Raashh Decisions

  Xxan War Book Three

  Brenna Lyons

  Published by Phaze Books

  By Brenna Lyons

  Animal Instincts

  Bearing Armen

  Bride Ball

  Black Sail

  Night Warriors


  Will of the Stone


  We Shall Live Again

  The Lady’s Lowborn Lover

  Fates Magic

  Veriel’s Tales: Crossbearer Turned

  Veriel’s Tales: Losing Regina

  Daughters of Men: Prize Match


  May the Best Man Win

  In Her Ladyship’s Service

  Raised To Be His Own

  Magmon’s Hunger

  Last Chase for Love

  Mama’s Tales

  Matchmaker’s Misery

  Sons of Heaven: Beldon

  Time Currents

  Rites of Mating


  The Color of Love

  Binary Stars 8

  The Last of Fion’s Daughters

  Hunter’s Moon

  Poison, Lies, and No-Win Choices

  The Master’s Love

  Dream Walk

  This is an explicit and erotic novel

  intended for the enjoyment

  of adult readers. Please keep

  out of the hands of children.


  Raashh Decisions

  Copyright © 2014 by Brenna Lyons


  Edited by Kathryn Lively

  Cover Art © 2014 by Niki Browning

  First Edition August 2014

  Ebook ISBN-13: 978-1-60659-786-6

  Published by:

  Phaze Books

  An imprint of Celeritas Unlimited LLC

  6457 Glenway Ave., #109

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

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  Section One

  The Founding

  Raashh: Elder


  “Do you understand what you’re getting yourself into?” Stephen Rayn asked.

  Marie smiled at him. “I’ve read all the files, Doctor. I’ve gone over the psychological and medical information with your staff in great detail. I’ve met with all the members of Daahn’s nest. I fully understand that I’m agreeing to bind with Raashh for life.”

  The second in command of our new Xxanian allies. She’d always had a thing for powerful men, and he was sure to be more powerful than any unmated or unmarried man she’d ever met.

  “And this doesn’t bother you?” Captain MacNair inquired, one brow raised in what she would assume was disbelief.

  “Did it bother Emma?” she countered.

  The military liaison winced. “Emma was illegally infused with Daahn’s Zhigaaal and was launched into a mating frenzy for him. Raashh is willing to allow you to be similarly infused before he approaches you, if you would be more comfortable with it.”

  “I don’t think so. I would much rather meet Raashh with a clear head and let him know I came to him willingly, as one of his own females would have.”

  The two men exchanged looks that said she didn’t know what she was in for.

  “If there’s nothing else you need to tell me, gentlemen…” She hinted that they should be on their way to Raashh’s nest.

  Rayn cleared his throat. “You may want to reconsider, Ms. Kade. At least let us infuse you first. Raashh is—”

  “Emma compares him to a cargo van, Doctor. I know he’s much larger than Daahn is. I know Daahn and Emma are concerned that no human female would choose to bind herself to Raashh. I am happy to say they are incorrect. I fully intend to bind to Raashh.” Today, if they stop wasting time.

  In fact, she was counting on it. What could be more Dominant than a warrior race with clearly defined Dominant and Subdominant classes? Especially a leader of their kind?

  They shared another long look. At last, Rayn spoke. “Very well. Let’s get your bio-tracker on and take you to meet Raashh.”


  Raashh paced the length of the center nest, his emotions in a riot. They’d done it. Rayn and Mac had found a human female willing to bind to him.

  She may not once she meets me. He knew the chances of finding a female comfortable with his size was unlikely. She will most likely take one look at me and change her mind. She’ll beg to be given to one of the others. One of the smaller males.

  Unless they’ve infused her. His primary ached at the thought of her arriving, already anointed with his Zhigaaal and in a frenzy for him as Emma had been for Daahn. He’d agreed to it, praying to the Seir-God that the human female would not come to her senses until he’d bound her to him and proven himself a worthy male to her unique sensibilities.

  Everything he’d done—from building this l
ush nest to stocking in human delicacies—had been designed to seduce her senses and impress her nesting instincts. Please, Seir-God, let it be enough. He’d been without a female for six Earth years. Raashh wasn’t sure how much longer he could last.

  A tone let him know Mac’s shuttle was inside the blast shields. It would only take him a few moments to unload Rayn and the female.

  I should go to meet her.

  No. I should meet her here, so she sees me after she sees what I offer.

  Which would be better? It was enough to drive a male mad.

  The sounds of them descending from the shuttle pad had his cock hard and ready. Raashh listened closely, picking out the feminine tones mixed in with those of Rayn and Mac.

  It didn’t sound as if she had been infused. Raashh bit back a dozen harsh curses at that. If she hadn’t been infused, she was sure to refuse him.

  At least I will meet her. Perhaps she will look kindly on what I offer, if not on me personally.

  They entered the center nest, the two men walking side-by-side in front of the female, blocking his view of her. It was a weak mirror of the way a female’s seir and brothers might bring her to a male to sate her quickening. Still, Raashh knew the real reason for this. It was a warning to him to rein in his instincts. She was a human female and too fragile to handle him at his most sexual and Dominant.

  They should have infused her.

  Mac and Rayn came to a halt just outside Raashh’s reach. Each man took a step apart, revealing the female to him.

  Mac didn’t hesitate. His Xxan was smooth and near-perfect, despite his human birth. “May I present Marie Kade, Raashh.”

  Raashh fought for the ability to respond. The yellow-haired female barely reached Mac’s broad shoulders, and the springs of curl cascading around her face and shoulders reminded him of old vids he’d seen of child actors from a bygone age. “This must be what humans call a joke, Mac. She cannot possibly be my mate.”

  The female answered before Mac had a chance to…and in even smoother Xxan than Daahn’s brother warrior could manage. “Am I displeasing to you, Raashh? You haven’t even scented me yet.”

  “It is not a matter of pleasure.” As humans went, she was a delicious little morsel. And therein lies the problem. “You are much smaller than Daahn’s mate is. You are too small to handle a male of my size.” Though her facial structure appeared adult and her breasts and hips well rounded, her stature was that of a prepubescent human in height and width. Raashh was certain he could cover three-quarters the span of her narrow waist with one hand and talons combined and span her hips with both.

  He’d heard the sounds Daahn’s mate made when Daahn lay with her. If those pitiful sounds were any indication, Emma could hardly take Daahn’s length and girth. Raashh might well split this poor, tiny female in two in the attempt. Human or not, harming a female went against a Xxanian male’s ethics and instincts.

  Her smile was disarming. It warned that the discussion was not nearly over as he’d believed it would be after his protest.

  She padded to him on bare feet, her S’suuhhea swishing around her body. “I don’t believe you are correct, Raashh.” She went up on her tiptoes, and her lips pressed to the musk well high on his chest. Her tongue prodded at it, bringing his primary cock up again and making his musk flow.

  Raashh was too stunned to react. He wanted this more than he could remember wanting anything since he’d been captured.

  “If you gentlemen would excuse us?” she suggested.

  “The tranq pad—” Rayn started to offer.

  “Won’t be necessary,” she countered.

  The two human males left the center nest, and Marie reached beneath his S’suumea, taking his primary in her hand. She moaned.

  “Your purpose, Marie?”

  “Proving that I’m not too small to handle a male your size.”

  She stroked him to his full length, making him ache for more.

  “And once I do, will you still refuse me?”

  He growled, warning her not to challenge him. He was a Dominant. I am not to be trifled with.

  The sound that escaped her lips could only be classified as a purr.

  Raashh untied his S’suumea, let it drop, and then untied her S’suuhhea and let it flutter to the grass. Her ready scent went to his head. Marie wasn’t simply aroused. She was in the human time of fertility. As he understood it, that meant she would ripen for him quickly if he claimed her as his own, as Daahn’s mate had caught for him immediately.

  She turned, rubbing up and down his body, enticing him as a Xxanian female in the quickening would.

  So that’s what she wants. Raashh brought her to her knees beneath his bulk and started working the length of his primary cock into her tight little body.

  Moans and hisses left her lips, and he bit back foul curses at the fact that he’d been correct. She couldn’t take him. That a given, he withdrew.

  “Don’t you dare,” she warned.

  “I don’t understand. I am too large for—”

  Marie turned on him, glaring as Emma did when Daahn angered her. What had he done to anger Marie? He was being solicitous, attentive, concerned with her well-being. He’d thought all females appreciated such care.

  She climbed astride his lap and worked her body down the head of his primary, encasing him in delight. Her sounds were sharp, and she bit at her lower lip, her eyes sliding shut.

  Raashh wrapped his hands around her waist and stopped her, rumbling out a soothing sound. If she couldn’t take him, she couldn’t.

  Marie smacked at his hand, stunning him to momentary silence.

  “You will only hurt yourself,” he protested.

  “What in the wide, beautiful universe makes you think you’re hurting me?”

  That succeeded in rendering him speechless for a longer period of time.

  Marie beat him to coherent speech. “You think the sounds I’m making mean you’re hurting me. Don’t you?”

  “They don’t?”

  “You’ll know if you hurt me.”

  “How will I?” It seemed he couldn’t rely on her sounds to be an indicator.

  She pushed further down on his length, stealing his breath. Marie guided one of his hands to her breast, licking her lips when he stroked the soft mound.

  “You feel how hard my nipple is?”

  He nodded, his head spinning in pleasure.

  “And how wet and hot my pussy is?”

  “Pussy?” It wasn’t a term he knew.

  Her inner muscles tightened around his primary. “Pussy.”

  “Yes. Very hot and wet,” he agreed.

  “Those signs mean I am not in pain. I am aroused and in need of you. Desperate need of you.”

  Marie pushed further down his length, more than halfway sheathing him. “More, Raashh,” she urged him.

  “I could climax with this little of you,” he admitted.

  “You are going to give me all you have to give, and I am going to love every millimeter of your cock.”

  His Dominant instincts stood up and took notice. “You are ordering me?” Me? Second in command to Daahn?

  “Perhaps you should show me what my place will be as your mate,” she suggested.

  He considered that. Did she want him to Dominate her or did she wish him to play the part of a submissive human male for her pleasure? No female was worth that. I am Raashh. I am Dominant, and if that does not please her, she had best find a human male.

  That in mind, he dragged her hands over her head and pinned Marie to the grass. Raashh thrust deeper, retreated, and came at her again…and again…and again. She wiggled against him, her sounds rising. He peeked down at her nipples, and his cock bucked at the sight of the hard buds of deep pink.

  Thank the Seir-God! She does enjoy the Dominant in me.

  That freed him to thrust harder and deeper. At last, he was fully-seated, and she still gave every indication that she was enjoying his sex.

  Marie arched under him
, venting screams that would have made him think she was in dire discomfort. Her climaxing pussy convinced him she was experiencing nothing of the sort.

  He followed her over with a roar of possession. His fluids jetted into her body, setting off a quickening of Marie’s climax in response. She gasped out his name, pulling lightly against his hold on her wrists.

  Marie lay beneath him, panting hard, her nipples still hard and inviting. Raashh lowered his head and licked at one, wondering if Marie would produce the sweet milk to feed their young, as Emma had for Daahn’s young.

  She shimmied, her breasts bouncing and swaying. He hesitated, meeting her gaze, uncertain if she was asking him to continue or asking him to stop.

  “Use your tongue, Raashh. Use it everywhere. I love it.”

  The invitation was too sweet to pass up.


  The rough surface of his tongue was sublime. All the better was the way the forked tips played counterpoint to each other, wrapping around her nipple, tugging lightly at it, rasping against the sensitive nubs. Raashh moved from one nipple to the other and back again, making his stillness inside her nearly unbearable.

  His cock was still hard and lodged more than halfway inside her pussy. Marie wanted him deeper. She wanted him pounding again. Moreover, she wanted both cocks staking his claim on her.

  Her heart sank as he withdrew. Marie stared at him, begging him silently not to refuse her.

  He offered a soothing rumble. “I am simply giving my future mate what she so desperately needs.” There was a hint of a taunt in that.

  Before she could question it, he’d turned her and positioned Marie on her hands and knees again. He spread the globes of her ass and traced the ring of her anus with his tongue.

  Marie went weak in the knees, and moans escaped her throat. Visions of his secondary, pushing past the ring and into the depths of her ass had tantalized her in her dreams for weeks.

  She stiffened at the abrupt thrust of his rough tongue into her ass, thankful that she’d used an enema to clean herself out for whatever play he wanted to engage in. He went still at the change.


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