Tales of the Wolf: Book 02 - Enter the Wolf

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Tales of the Wolf: Book 02 - Enter the Wolf Page 33

by A. E. McCullough

  Khlekluëllin nodded his understanding and bid his farewell as the Blademaster stepped into the black portal and disappeared from the Highlands.

  Khlekluëllin turned to the large Joten. “Grunk Nightslayer I am glad we met as allies and not enemies, may it always be so.”

  Grunk bowed his head low and placed his right hand over his heart. “Know this we Jotens shall stand beside thee in the days to come when the Dark Alliance rises once again. Blackfang betrayed and embarrassed my father. We Jotens will fight the followers of Clotho to our last drop of blood.”

  Shaking hands, Grunk moved off to organize the cyclopean survivors and the elves began helping the few highlanders still alive. Everyone wondered what the future would hold since the Dark Lady and Blackfang survived, yet the child of prophecy did not.

  One thing was certain, dark times lay ahead for all of Terreth.


  Darnac dreaded the summoning.

  He knew this day was coming but still, one can never be fully prepared for the moment. He could feel eyes watching his every move. Even as skilled a warrior as he was and as many duels he had been in over the last two centuries, this was the most nerve wracking moment of his life. One wrong move and his life was forfeit.

  With one final scream of pain, Darnac pulled free the child and it began to wail immediately. Feeling hot breath on the back of his neck, the Blademaster turned slightly to show the newborn to the beast that was his father.

  “It’s a boy.”

  The huge werewolf was hideously scarred on his right side from the fire and missing his left eye from Hawkeye’s thrown tomahawk. However, neither of those were the worst injury the Highlander had suffered. Somehow Blackfang had lost the ability to shapeshift and was stuck in his hybrid-beast form. Over the last month since the battle at the bridge, Blackfang’s control over the beast had been slipping. Lalith feared that he would completely lose control and had ordered Darnac to never leave her side if Blackfang was nearby.

  Lalith murmured, “What…what is it?”

  Hating to do it, Darnac turned his back on the werewolf and showed the newborn to his mother and repeated, “It’s a boy.”

  For the only time in the child’s life, Lalith gently caressed his cheeks and kissed his forehead. Regaining her icy composure the Dark Lady said, “Take him. Raise him but do not let him interfere with your duties.”

  Bowing his head, Darnac walked out of the nursery and into the depths of the Black Fortress with the child in his hands. Tickling the baby’s feet he said, “You must have a name. Since your mother didn’t name you, I will. You shall be known as Galvorn, which means ‘Gleaming Black’ in our ancient tongue.”

  Hearing the soothing sounds of Darnac’s voice, Galvorn fell asleep as the Blademaster took him deeper into the caverns, all the while knowing that beastly eyes watched his every move.

  --The End—

  The Gods of Terreth

  The Dhyana

  aka the Creator Gods or the Lost Gods

  Hyperion: the One Above

  Alignment: Good

  Patron Race: Humans

  Spheres of Influence: Creation; Sun; Guardianship

  Messenger: Aquilo the Unicorn and Cassandra the Griffon

  Symbol: Sun

  Terra: the Earth Mother

  Alignment: True Neutral

  Patron Race: Dragons

  Spheres of Influence: the Five Elements (Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Void)

  Messenger: Dracos the Five-Headed Dragon

  Symbol: Five-headed Dragon

  Nox: the Evil One

  Alignment: Evil

  Patron Race: Trolls

  Spheres of Influence: Darkness; Hate; Evil

  Messenger: Jinx the Gargoyle

  Symbol: Laughing Skull

  The Firstborn

  Aurora: the Morning Lady

  Alignment: Chaotic Good

  Patron Race: Elves

  Spheres of Influence: Dawn; Magic; Healing

  Symbol: Golden Ankh

  Luna: the Moon Goddess

  Alignment: Neutral Good

  Patron Race: Highlanders

  Spheres of Influence: Moon; Nature; Fertility

  Symbol: Crescent moon

  Hecate: the Dark Lady

  Alignment: Lawful Evil

  Patron Race: Dark Elves

  Spheres of Influence: Night; Death; Pain

  Symbol: Black Circle

  Bromios: the Thunder God

  Alignment: Lawful Good

  Patron Race: Dwarves

  Spheres of Influence: Storms, Oceans, Craftmanship; Combat

  Symbol: Crossed Axe and Hammer

  Hodios: the Wayfarer

  Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  Patron Race: Halflings

  Spheres of Influence: Mischief; Luck; Music; Thievery

  Symbol: Two-headed Coin; Black Cat

  Steropes: the Wicked

  Alignment: Neutral Evil

  Patron Race: Gnomes

  Spheres of Influence: Inventions; Destruction

  Symbol: Skull & Crossbones

  Cheiron: the Fleet-footed; the Archer

  Alignment: Neutral Good

  Patron Race: Centaurs

  Spheres of Influence: Nature; Harmony

  Symbol: Bow & Arrows

  Gaul: the Mighty

  Alignment: Lawful Neutral

  Patron Race: Jotens

  Spheres of Influence: Underworld, the Dead

  Symbol: Crossed Lightning Bolts

  Minos: the Horned One; the War God

  Alignment: Lawful Evil

  Patron Race: Minotaurs

  Spheres of Influence: War; Honor

  Symbol: Two-headed Axe

  Author’s Notes

  It’s done. Wow...what a journey.

  These two books, The Coming of the Wolf and Enter the Wolf have been a labor of love. I started this journey back in 1995. I had always dreamed of writing a book but constantly put it off until tomorrow. When I went through my divorce, after a few weekends of drinking way too much, I sat down and started writing. I had no goal and no outline. It became my release from reality. It was a way to help keep my sanity and much cheaper than visiting a shrink.

  Why did it take me so long to finish? Well, I really didn’t work on it constantly. I would write for a while and then set it on the shelf for a bit. I would always come back to it but life just kept getting in my way. It wasn’t a priority until 2005 when my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. She had read an early (very incomplete) draft and asked me about it. Dusting it off, I got back to writing. I wanted to complete it before she passed away. I failed. But I did bury my original manuscript with her and I know she is watching over me now.

  Originally planned as only the back story to Graytael’s origins, it became its own tale; one that beckoned me to write it. I knew from the beginning that Hawkeye and Tatianna must die but every time I tried to kill them, the story wouldn’t let me. I even tried to make it one book…but once again, my Muse whispered to me to continue writing until their story was complete.

  I have already received some criticism on killing off my main characters, primarily Hawkeye, in my second book. I can only say that to me, it was the logical conclusion of the story and sets up Gray’s adventures. I have already considered writing a prequel to the Tales of the Wolf Series, since I have been asked about Hawkeye and Rjurik’s friendship.

  In writing these stories, I delved into all my favorite stories and tales for inspiration. I wanted an epic tale, one that would transport the reader to a far away land, full of mythical beasts and creatures. There is plenty of Tolkien influence but I hope you saw how my love of Greek and Norse Mythology also played a big part. Then, there is the love I have for the Native American culture. I tried to blend that with a pinch of Norse and a dash of Celtic lore to create the Highlanders.

  I also have to admit to plenty of influence from my gaming habit. I was an avid AD&D player back in the 80s and have played many MMOR
PGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) since then. Many of my characters have been directly influenced from the people and characters I have adventured with. Khlekluëllin is a primary example. By the way, it’s pronounced Klek – clue – ellen. He was the AD&D® toon of Marvin, my best friend since High School.

  I haven’t yet finished my journey with this realm and I have already begun the next novel in the series concerning Graytael’s adventures. As some have guessed the pantheon of gods that I developed for Terreth was greatly influence by Greek and Norse culture. I even borrowed names and likeness for many of the gods, just with my own twist. Of course, I do have my own creation mythos which will be revealed in book three, Darkness Falls. For those old AD&D gamers, I have added their alignments which will help some (and might confuse others) when trying to comprehend the ancestry of the gods. Basically, the “Good” gods are Hyperion’s’ children, the “Evil” are Nox’s and the “Neutral” are Terra’s.

  I do have other stories in the works and hope to publish them soon. There is so much more I want to write, the challenge now is finding (or better yet, making) the time. But rest assured, the stories will continue.

  I want to thank everyone who reads my novels. I really enjoy writing them but have found so much more pleasure in sharing them with others. I am still new at this but I hope to grow as a writer with each passing year and story I write. Hopefully, you will recommend my works to your friends and they will do the same to theirs. As a self-published author, you (my readers) are my best form of advertising.

  Thanks and God Bless.

  -- A.E. McCullough

  Drew and Felicia McCullough - 1996

  Drew, short for Andrew, was born in Munich, Germany while his father was stationed overseas with the US Army. Growing up a military brat, Drew became an avid reader with Fantasy, Science Fiction and Detective Thrillers being his favorite genres.

  Drew served in the U.S. Coast Guard from 1982-88 and began training in TaeKwonDo in 1985. In 1994 he moved to Louisville, Kentucky to open his own TKD studio and taught for 11 wonderful years where he met and married his wife, Felicia, and gained a great step-son, John Michael. In 2005, he closed his studio and switched careers.

  He currently works as a Corrections Officer with Louisville Metro and writes in his spare time. Unable to live on the beach, he resides on a farm with his wife and animals: 6 cats, 3 dogs and 2 horses.




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