Lost In Time: A Fallen Novel

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Lost In Time: A Fallen Novel Page 13

by Palmer, Christie

  “Has the transformation completed? To make him a Reaper would be difficult, and he may not have survived? And aren’t you worried he would end up like Calliope?”

  Victor laughed. “Calliope was a corrupt soul before he became a Reaper. George wasn’t utterly clueless, but nowhere near corrupt. He did have a pure soul. Becoming a Reaper for him would just enhance what he already had in him.”

  “So he survived the change?” Celeste asked.

  “Oh, he survived alright and came out a better man for it. Some people’s destiny lies within losing, not winning.” He stood, the gash in his side already closing. The head wound had healed as they spoke.

  “We gave him a new name though. How could he be a Reaper with a name like George?”

  Celeste laughed. “And what did you come up with?” she was almost afraid to know what they had named him.

  “Dante chose the name when he came through the transformation,” Victor said, opening the door to the great hall. A man standing a head taller than Celeste stood in the middle of the room. He was heaving as if he had just run, and he was completely naked. He turned to Victor and Celeste as they came through the doors. His dark hair hung down into nearly black eyes. He flipped his head back whipping his hair out of his eyes.

  “Celeste, Garrett,” Victor made the introduction.

  “Holy Gods.” Celeste couldn’t keep her mouth shut. She clamped her hands over her mouth to keep anything else from rushing out.

  Garrett tipped his head back and laughed, when he calmed he looked back to Celeste. “I will take that as a compliment.”

  “Um, you probably should,” Celeste offered.

  Garrett grabbed a robe and threw it around his shoulders.

  “Garrett shall make a good Reaper”, Dante said from where he sat on the dais.

  Celeste moved forward and kissed her father’s cold cheek. She turned back to Garrett still shocked at the change. “Garrett, I have some questions.”

  Garrett nodded his head. “I am at your disposal, sister.” His voice was deep.

  She looked back to her father who nodded, giving permission. Celeste hugged Victor. “I don’t want to come back and see you beaten like you were again. You probably took several years off my life.”

  Victor snorted. “I’ll try to stay out of trouble.” But the smile he gave her said otherwise. Being the head of Violence, he often was injured or hurt and loved what he was and what he did. Celeste kissed his cheek and moved to an alcove, Garrett behind her.

  She sat down on a bench, and Garrett sat next to her. “Are you sure this is the path you wish to be on?” She still couldn’t believe a Guardian had chosen to become a Reaper instead of an Angel.

  It must have been a question he had been asked because he smiled. “I was a Guardian, Celeste, it is not a glamours job nor is it a guarantee I would have ended up as an Angel. How would you like to live an endless life protecting ones that are special and never knowing if you would be chosen to become an Angel? Or live immortally serving the Angels with tasks they deem unworthy for their own?”

  “You paint the Angels as a selfish lot,” she couldn’t help but say after his explanation.

  He shrugged his large shoulders. “I was a wandering soul, Celeste. When I was chosen to be a Guardian I believed it was a blessing. But even after the short term of fifteen years, I have come to realize it was not where I was meant to be.”

  “And what happens fifteen years from now? Will you want something different?” Celeste asked with complete seriousness.

  Becoming a Reaper was not something done thoughtlessly. In fact, a new Reaper hadn’t been created or born since Celeste. No one outside of the family knew about her. She wondered what the Angels would think about this.

  Garrett shrugged again. “It is a road I will have to cross when I come to it. However, deep inside, I feel this is my course. I finally feel like the person I was meant to be.” He smiled showing her straight white teeth. “And it feels amazing to know, in your very soul you’re where you should be. But you didn’t come to hear my story, what are you in need of?”

  Celeste wondered if changing him had been a good idea or a desperate attempt to feel a hole in the Reaper world, but it was a question for another day. “I need to know what you remember from the day when your Guard was taken.”

  Garrett leaned his head back. She could see in his eyes the pain he felt for what had happened. “I should have been stronger. I shouldn’t have left him alone. We knew something was going on.”

  “That’s what I want to know about. How did you know?”

  “A darkness entered the city. Like a shadow falling over you after lying out in the sun. The Guardians aren’t really allowed to be in contact with each other, but we knew about each other. Calliope killed two other Guardians and their wards before he caught up with Charles and I.” He shook his head and rested his elbows on his knees before he put his face into his hands.

  “I see it every time I close my eyes, what that monster did.” Celeste squeezed his shoulder. “His soul was given to Dante, and Dante granted him access to Limbo. He took it.”

  Garrett smiled. “I am glad he will be renewed, given another chance to live a life that was cut to short this time.”

  After an hour of questioning him, he didn’t have any other information she didn’t already know.

  “Thank you for your time, Garrett.” She rose from her seat, as did Garrett. “I need to get back.”

  He nodded and walked with her toward the dais. Dante had left and the room was quiet.

  “Good luck, sister,” Garrett offered.

  She nodded. “Thank you.” She was just about to Flash out when Garrett grabbed her arm.

  “Celeste, I do remember one more thing. The one other Guardian I spoke with prior to the murder said he believed the Angels had forsaken us. I tended to agree with him. I’m not sure if that will help you out or not.”

  Celeste filed that way. “Thank you again.” She Flashed back to the house she was sharing with Marcus and the Trackers. She immediately felt Marcus. He wasn’t in the house, but he was close. She checked the time, it was close to ten p.m.

  Her stomach growling, she headed to the kitchen. Ryder, Kyra and Cameron sat around the table. They were laughing at something when she entered, but their talking stopped the moment she stepped into the room.

  “I’m sorry, I was just looking for something to eat.”

  Kyra stood. “No, please join us. I made plenty.” She motioned to a casserole dish of something. Ryder and Cameron both shook their heads wildly until Kyra turned to look at them.

  “Um,” Celeste didn’t want to hurt the Element’s feelings, but the way the men acted she wasn’t sure she wanted to say yes. But in the end, how could she say no? “Thank you, that is very kind.”

  Cameron rolled his eyes, and Ryder gave her a strange look before shaking his head.

  “Here sit down, and I’ll get it for you.” Kyra rushed past her, and Celeste took a seat at the table.

  “Hope you’re not hungry,” Cameron whispered.

  “Just chew and don’t think,” Ryder offered. “She can kick your ass, but she can’t cook.”

  They were all smiles when Kyra returned to the table with a set of dishes she spooned a large helping of the casserole onto Kyra’s plate. She smiled so nicely Celeste just couldn’t hurt her feelings.

  Taking her fork she took a large portion and put it in her mouth and started to chew. Her very first instinct was to spit it out. Her mind screamed for her to spit it out. Spices and something sweet mixed with rice. Gods, she hoped it was rice, and some type of vegetable. But she’d be damned to Hell if she could place it at the moment.

  Everyone stared at her as she swallowed and smiled up at Kyra. She had to swallow again, even her stomach tried to spit it out. Planting a smile on her face, Celeste clamped her teeth together and looked up at Kyra.

  “Thank you so much. It’s different. I like different,” she reassured. Not a complete l

  Kyra heaved a sigh and sat down hitting her husband on the shoulder. “See, I told you I can cook. She doesn’t seem to mind it at all.” Celeste took another bite to prove Kyra right.

  “Really?” Ryder asked looking directly at Celeste. “How does it taste?”

  His voice bounced off the walls of the kitchen and into her head like a rubber ball, and she opened her mouth to answer that it was terrible, horrible, the worst thing she had ever eaten. But she slapped her hand around her mouth forcing the words down with the food she was trying to eat.

  Kyra immediately hit him so hard he almost fell out of the chair he was sitting in. “That’s just not nice, apparently you don’t mind sleeping alone.”

  Ryder winked at Celeste. “My compulsion doesn’t work on the Reapers, but you being only half I thought I would give it a try. And as to your threat—” He turned to Kyra. “—we shall see about that.”

  Celeste tried to eat the dish as quickly as possible without seeming to be rushing through it just to get it over with.

  “You are hungry,” Kyra said with a smile. “Would you like more?”

  Celeste placed her fork on the plate with what was left. She couldn’t put another bit in her mouth if her life depended on it. “No, but thank you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been surer of anything in my entire life.” She hadn’t meant to be so serious or honest, but that was just who she was.

  “You know what?” Kyra said leaning in close to Celeste. “I had my misgivings about you because you’re a Demon and all. I mean I’ve never met a Demon that was civilized or that I liked, but you? I like you.” Kyra nodded as if that settled that.

  “Um, thank you?” Celeste wasn’t sure what that meant. She was saved by Marcus as he walked into the kitchen from the back door.

  “What’s going on?”

  “We’re eating. Would you like a plate?” Kyra asked jumping up to get a plate for him.

  “Who cooked?” Marcus asked.

  “Oh, I threw something together for the guys. Celeste liked it.”

  “I ate already,” Marcus said without hesitation.

  “Really?” Kyra turned on him.

  “Yes, I ate while I was out.” He didn’t even blink.

  “Did you find anything?” Celeste interrupted trying to change the subject.

  “Not much, but I know where to start tomorrow. You?”

  Celeste shook her head. “Nothing new, except that the Guardians think the Angels have forsaken them to the fates of the world.”

  Marcus’s brows drew together. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “I don’t know but, that is what Garrett said.”

  “Who is Garrett?”

  “George the Guardian?” Marcus nodded. “He joined the Reapers since we were down two and was renamed Garrett.”

  Ryder snorted and Marcus huffed. “The Angels are going to have a fit when they find out Dante turned one of their Guardians into a Reaper.”

  “It will cause another war,” Ryder agreed.

  “But it won’t be our concern,” Cameron said calmly. “Another war between Heaven and Hell isn’t one war you take sides on.”

  Celeste reached over and hit the Tracker in the forehead with the palm of her hand. “How many times have you been hit in the head? I mean, real brain damage kind of hit?”

  Ryder and Marcus both burst out laughing. Cameron just smiled. “You know what, Demon? I like you.” He leaned forward and kissed her on the tip of her nose.

  Celeste couldn’t not smile at the Tracker. He acted so much like her brothers.

  “I guess you’ll do,” Celeste said with a smile on her own face.

  “Are you ready to go out?” Marcus asked her. His smile was gone now.

  Celeste stood up. “Where are we going? I thought you wanted to wait until tomorrow.”

  “Nope, still have a couple of things to go over. Let’s go,” Marcus said moving past her toward the back door.

  She followed him out to the car. “You shouldn’t lead him on,” Marcus snapped at her.

  “Excuse me?” Celeste asked, some of her good humor leaving at his sharp words.

  “Cameron, you shouldn’t lead him on,” Marcus said holding the car door open for her.

  She was so surprised she just stood there for a moment. “I was not leading him on.”

  “You’re a Sex Demon. You lead on every man,” he said.

  She was so insulted she couldn’t stop the back hand that whipped out sending Marcus several steps back. “Take it back,” she growled. Slamming the car door, she advanced on him.

  “Damn it, Celeste, you hit like a man,”

  “You know what else I do like a man?” she said. “I kick ass like a man.”

  She swung on him but he moved out of the way, expecting the move, she stepped to the side, catching him in the side of the stomach with her elbow. The air rushed from his lungs. Bending him over, she kneed him in the face, and he flew back, landing on his back.

  She pounced, landing on his chest she pressed her forearm over his throat. “You’re not the only one that can choke someone.”

  Furry blazed in his green eyes as he bucked her off, throwing her a good five feet. She rolled to her feet, a trick her brothers had taught her. In a low crouch she watched him closely as he bounded to his feet.

  “Are you insane?” he shouted wiping blood from his face.

  She heard someone move behind her, but kept her focus on Marcus. “You have no idea what insane is. Maybe one day, if you’re a really good boy? I’ll show you what real insanity looks like.”

  Celeste blew to her feet in an explosive move, spinning in the air, she whipped the man behind her with the ends of her hair and then nailed him on the chin with one combat covered boot. He dropped to the ground like a ton of rocks.

  “I’m glad I sent Stephan in first,” Aiden said, stepping out of the shadows. He took Celeste by the hand and brought it to his lips to kiss her knuckles.

  “God dammit all to Hell,” Marcus swore. “Is there a man on this plane who isn’t wrapped around your finger?”

  Aiden laughed. “It would seem you would be that person.”

  “We have work to do, Aiden. What do you want?” Marcus moved forward so he was standing next to Celeste, trying to control the urge to push her behind him.

  “Did Ryder call you?” Celeste asked.

  “No, but something has changed in the city. The Others are frightened and leaving.” Aiden helped his friend who was regaining consciousness to his feet.

  “Um, we might want to have his wounds looked at. The ends of my hair are covered in Demon venom,” Celeste said a little ashamed at what she had done.

  Aiden smiled. “He will be fine. His bloodline of vampire is immune.”

  Celeste turned to the blond vampire. The venom should have started to cause him pain, but the wounds were healing as she looked at them. “His bloodline is very pure.”

  Aiden smiled. “Would I surround myself with anything less? But let us get back to the point. Others are fleeing, and I wondered if it had something to do with what you are doing here, my little Demon,” Aiden said turning to Celeste.

  Celeste smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “I have that effect, but—” she turned to Marcus who was glaring at her. She was actually becoming used to the look. “That is exactly what Garrett said. The night before the death, they said a darkness had entered the city.”

  “Calliope is in town,” Marcus swore. “And what about you, Aiden? Where do you stand on this?” Marcus asked.

  Aiden thought for a moment. “I am inclined to step away, this was not my fight to begin with.”

  “However?” Celeste asked.

  Aiden turned a devastating smile toward her. “The thought of you fighting against such a formidable foe leaves me uncomfortable.”

  “I’m sure you’ll get over it,” Marcus said, pushing Celeste back toward the car. “WE don’t need your help.”

>   “Wait.” Celeste ground her heels in. “We could use all the help we can get. Although if father finds out I’m working with the Vampires he may not like that much.”

  Aiden laughed. “As long as your father doesn’t have the ability to cut my soul from my body, then we shouldn’t have a problem.”

  Celeste looked at Marcus and then back at Aiden. “I wouldn’t say he has the ability to cut your soul from your body. Take if forcefully, but there wouldn’t be any knives involved.”

  Aiden, and his friend froze and looked at her. “This is not possible.”

  “Yeah, well, join the crowd of shocked and unbelieving. She is Dante’s daughter.” Celeste smiled. The way Marcus said it made it sound as if it were a compliment.

  Aiden’s next question was to Celeste. “Is he still pissed that Vampires have found a way to avoid the Infernos?”

  His friend snorted.

  “I would say upset, but he is looking for a way around your ability to move forward without Limbo, and the Infernos, or the help of Angels,” Celeste said honestly. She leaned forward. “Would you mind sharing that with me? What exactly happens to the souls of a Vampire when they are—?”

  Aiden threw his head back and laughed. “When we are no longer dead or the living dead? Yes, but I would have to kill you afterward.”

  “You aren’t attached to that soul of yours are you?” Celeste said knowing if she was harmed by Aiden Dante would bring all the levels of the Infernos down on the entire race of Vampires.

  “Were you headed out, after she kicked your ass?” Aiden asked casually.

  “She wasn’t—” Marcus swore, but decided it really just wasn’t worth it. “Yes.”

  “We should talk first,” Aiden said, looking back at the house. “But I do not believe the Tracker would allow me entrance.”

  Marcus swore and motioned everyone toward the house. “Tell Ash she can come out of hiding.”

  Aiden chuckled and made a slight move with his head. A beautiful blonde stepped out of the shadows. She was loaded down in leather and weapons.


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