“C’mon, JJ. Open the damn door please.” I whispered to myself. I turned to look at him and he was much closer when I felt a hand on my shoulder. My body froze in terror convinced I was about to be raped.
When the warm scent of caramel corn washed over me, my knees were about to give out.
“Stand still, JJ.” Gabe’s voice spoke.
“Your time is up, Old Man.” The hiss of the man’s voice echoed softly in the air. Green eyes suddenly materialized from the shadows around the man’s feet as deep yellow colored eyes lit up the man’s face.
“Get in your jeep, JJ.” He whispered to me.
“Do it.” Gabe stepped forward.
Unbelievably, my door opened and I scrambled inside.
“You don’t want to do this. There isn’t any need for anyone to get hurt.” Gabe warned.
The man’s laugh was a mix between a smoker’s cough and a growl. “With the girl out of the way. We can move freely again. Then we’ll come for you and the egg.”
“She isn’t important. Leave her out of this. You can’t get to the egg, best you just leave.”
The man shook his head. “We already have our in.” He laughed then. “Dimidius are so stupid. You have all this presumed power and you still fall prey to the basic instincts of a human. Pathetic.”
“It’s what makes us better than the Dragons.” Gabe retorted. “We remain human. Who are you? Did the Observers send you?”
The man sneered. “It makes you weak.” Then he spit at Gabe’s feet. “They are weak as well. You will learn about us soon enough. When we start turning the dragons into slaves, our Master’s revenge will be complete.” His next word was barely a whisper. “Attack.”
The green eyes at the man’s feet materialized into the strange dog creatures that had attacked me in the alley last year. Two of them moved with unbelievable speed as the tentacle on their backs whipped forward trying to strike Gabe.
Gabe’s reflexes were also incredibly fast. He avoided the tentacles and moved away as they slapped the hood of the jeep and the screeching of claws on metal rang like a bell in the night. I screamed.
Gabe moved away from the jeep, while keeping an eye on the man, who appeared to be calculating when it would be best to move toward me. I fumbled my phone out of my purse and hurriedly called Brooke. When she picked up, the words coming out of my mouth rambled on so fast that I didn’t even know what I was saying.
“JJ!” Brooke screamed into the phone.
“We are going to die!” I yelled on the verge of sobbing.
“Where are you?” Brooke said.
“School.” My eyes darted around the area as Gabe moved in and out of the dog things. The Man watched me closely as I rambled on the phone.
“JJ. Calm down! Do you still have your bat?” She asked.
“What? Bat? Why would there be a bat in my jeep!? He’s going to die, Brooke! Don’t let him die!”
“He isn’t going to die, unless you let him. Calm down and think!” She chastised me.
That sobered me up. I’m not going to let him die! I love him! “I’m going to help him!” I started out the jeep door when Brooke’s voice yelled again.
“No! Then you will get him killed! Just get your baseball bat and stick it out the jeep window enough for him to grab.” She instructed me.
I nodded, even though she couldn’t see me. In the back, behind the seat, my dad had put an aluminum baseball bat in case I was ever attacked. My hand fumbled around for the bat, while I kept my eyes on Gabe. Finally, grabbing it, I rolled the window halfway down, and stuck the grip end out.
“Gabe!” I yelled.
The man saw the bat and raced towards me. Gabe was further down engaged with one of the dog things. He saw the man, leaped over the one of the dog things, but its tentacle grab his leg and slammed him to the ground.
Where the hell is everyone! I thought to myself as the man rushed my jeep. I began jabbing at him with the bat end and got a good shot into his face that staggered him backwards.
“Hang on JJ. We are almost there.” Brooke assured me.
I dropped the phone onto the other seat. “You are too far away. Hurry!” as I used both my hands to keep the man at bay. His face appeared normal in the light of the lamp posts. But his yellow eyes had a sick hatred that came from deep within him. The stench of rotting eggs began to overpower me and my strength was quickly giving out. Suddenly, the bat ripped out of my hands and banged against the jeep door. Stunned, the man flew sideways as Gabe’s fist came smashing in and the sound of breaking cartilage intermingled with the beating of my heart.
Gabe flipped the bat around and as if I couldn’t fall any deeper in love with him, he began to wield it like a sword defending his princess against the forces of evil. (Hey, this my story, I get to embellish)
With broad sweeps and precision blows the dog things went down in heaps of dead weight. The man advanced, but it was clear that he wasn’t any match for Gabe. Two, three hits and the man fell to the ground unconscious or dead. I couldn’t tell which. Brooke’s instruction from the phone went unheeded as my knight moved from the man to the dog things making sure they were dead or unconscious. In an uncharacteristic emotional traumatic response, I leaped out of the jeep and ran, throwing my arms around him. His heart wasn’t even beating heavy as his strong arms engulfed me.
“You okay?” he asked.
“I’ll always be okay with you around.” I breathed. The emotional rollercoaster was beginning to wane and I felt weak. Gabe gathered me up, opened the door, and placed me back inside the jeep.
“I don’t think you need that, Son. I’m pretty sure she likes you.” My Dad’s voice said.
When I looked behind Gabe, the man and the dog things were gone.
The Week before Prom
“You are absolutely right, Mr. Ritter.” Gabe apologized lowering the bat.
“Why do you have my daughter’s bat?” Dad looked at me when he asked the question.
Gabe shook his head.
“He was showing me his sword moves that Mr. Wasabi taught him.” I lied. It killed me to do it.
Dad’s interest perked right up. He turned to Gabe, “Really? Show me.” He leaned up against the jeep and that’s when Brook’s voice screamed through the phone on the seat.
I quickly picked it up. “Oh, Brooke. Sorry I dropped the phone.”
Dad watched Gabe run through some motions with the bat.
“Shut up.” I whispered. “My dad’s here.”
“Are they gone?” Brooke said.
“Yes. They disappeared. How did they just disappear, Brooke?” My voice trembled.
“I don’t know. We are turning into the West Bunker.” She hung up.
The headlights of the car came screeching around the corner startling my Dad and I. Mr. Wasabi, Brooke and Set got out of the car. Set immediately began walking around the area where I first saw the man. Mr. Wasabi cautiously scanned the area as Brooke came over to me.
“Hi Mr. Ritter.” Brooke waved.
“Hey Brooke. Thought you would have been here tonight. State MVP and all. I for sure thought Mr. Resler would want to show you off.” My dad hugged her and then shook Mr. Wasabi’s hand.
“Naw. Even that couldn’t get me invited to Orientation. You know how they only want the Counsel of Twelve there.” She smiled. “It’s okay. I’d rather have my weekend to myself. We were just on our way to pick Gabe up. It’s cool they asked JJ to present though. Quite an honor.”
Dad beamed at the compliment. “Yep. That’s my little girl.” He turned to Mr. Wasabi. “What brings you here?”
“I had to come and get Gabe.” He lied rather convincingly.
“Oh. That is really neat how you taught those sword moves to him. Very impressive. He acts like he has done it all his life.” My dad complimented him.
Mr. Wasabi smiled. “He is a natural.”
“Here you go, JJ.” Gabe handed the bat ba
ck to me.
“Thanks.” I put the bat away. “Well, I should be going home now. How was the meal?”
Dad shook his head. “I haven’t been yet. I forgot to tell you that I won’t be coming home tonight.”
“Oh.” Brooke said, which made my dad blush.
He leaned in towards Brooke and covered his mouth next to her ear but spoke loud enough for me to hear. “Going to make a little sister for her.”
Brooke laughed as I shook my head.
“You are impossible.” My Dad is crazy.
“So, I just wanted to let her know it is just going to be her and the dog tonight.” He smiled.
Concern filled my face, a fact that wasn’t lost on my Dad.
“You okay? I don’t have to.”
“I can stay with her.” Brooke jumped in.
My heart felt relieved. “That’s okay?”
Dad smiled. “Of course.” I think he was more relieved than I. He said his goodbyes to Mr. Wasabi and Gabe and walked away.
“Good luck with your endeavor.” Brooke laughed.
Dad waved and disappeared into the dark.
As soon as he was out of sight, Brooke turned to me with concern. “You okay?”
I fell back against the jeep and put my hand to my face. “I don’t like lying to my dad, Brooke. But I don’t want him and Sydney in danger either. Is this going to continue?”
Mr. Wasabi walked over to me. “I’m afraid so, until the egg hatches. What do you remember?”
I squeezed my eyes shut and remembered. “Nothing much. I smelt the rotten eggs again and then I saw the man by the pole where Set is. After Gabe showed up he called him an old man and said I was in their way. Once I was out of the way, they could continue unnoticed. What does that mean?”
My staggered breathing showed how deeply frightened I was. The thought of what I’d gotten myself into was eating at me, but the man and those dog things brought it into a sharp focus and I questioned my decision.
Mr. Wasabi looked very concerned. “Unusual for the Observers to use doppelgangers, but not unheard of.”
“He said he wasn’t from them. He is working for a new Master. They are after the dragon eggs to turn them into slaves.” Gabe said.
Set nodded coming over and joining us. “The man, as JJ says, used a type of magic that the Observers don’t.” “That doesn’t mean they aren’t allies. The Observers are known for their deceit” Brooke whispered.
“The Observers use the same magic as the Mage. This is very different.” Set explained.
“Don’t you insult the Gray Mage by comparing her to those freak Observers.” Brooke hissed.
Mr. Wasabi held up his hand. “Either way. We’ll need to be more vigilant these last few days. Then, he turned to me. “I’m going to ask you to stay as close to Brooke and Gabe as possible. Once the egg hatches this should all go away.”
One look at Gabe and I knew I’d have no problem with this plan.
Mr. Wasabi nodded. “I’ll have Set and Gabe alternate watching your house during the week.”
I wasn’t happy with Set being around, but any extra time with Gabe before the dance was going to be great.
“Are we still going to the dance?” I asked.
Gabe nodded.
“Hell ya. Have you seen my date? Dreamy.” Brooke sighed.
Mr. Wasabi nodded. “Set will be able to watch it for one night. I’m glad you weren’t hurt, JJ. Again, I’m glad you are with us but sad you will be in danger this week.”
I shook my head. “My choice. I am curious about the smell thing. Why can I smell them? Which is really disgusting.”
“I don’t know. You have an over sensitive nose. The way you can smell the Dimidius is an example. If you do smell anything, please let us know. Have you smelt it before?”
“Just with Christian and some guy that was in the restaurant a while ago.” I said. “But I have caught whiffs now and then.”
Brooke came to Christian’s defense. “He told us why he smelled that way.”
“Very good. Just let us know if you smell it again.” He said.
I nodded. “Okay.”
With that our little conference was over. Brooke climbed into the jeep, Gabe went with Set and Mr. Wasabi, and the terrifying night came to an end.
The weekend proved uneventful, which I was grateful for. Brooke stayed Friday and Saturday and when she went home I was happy. You can only take so much of Brooke at any one time and I was really waiting for Gabe to take his turn. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen until Wednesday. Monday and Tuesday at school were actually really fun. Events were planned the whole week with Greek day on Monday, the 80’s on Tuesday, the 20’s on Wednesday, the Victorians on Thursday, culminating with the Romans on Friday.
Wednesday came very early. Set had watched both Monday and Tuesday outside the house. He kept to himself out front and didn’t bother even looking up at my window from what I could tell. This really suited me just fine. He might be a full dragon in human form but his personality rubbed me the wrong way.
I climbed into my Victorian dress with its hoop skirt, corsets, chemises and instantly felt forty pounds heavier for my troubles. Walking carefully downstairs, and accompanied by several missteps that almost sent me rolling on to my back, where I would have become a turtle flailing around, my path finished at the kitchen. I grabbed the keys off the counter, found my backpack and went to the jeep. The jeep, once a source of comfort and freedom, now was a small, cramped carriage that did nothing to help with my already oversized condition.
“Really? When did the door become so small?”
“Here, let me take you to school.” Dad offered.
I tossed him the keys, he pulled the soft top off in record time, pushed the seat back as far as it would go, put his bike on the back of the jeep and off we went. The West Bunker was decorated with Victorian stuff and we waved to the guys dressed as Victorian cops. Dad dropped me off, kissed me goodbye and I ran off knowing he would put the jeep back together for me. I filtered in with the rest of the people dressed in their costumes and came upon Brooke in her steampunk version in the hall.
“Nice. Way to put your own twist on things.” I congratulated her.
“I’m not the only one.” She said. “Wait till you see Dr. Daugherty.”
When the day finally came to an end, my drive home didn’t come without some difficulties. Exasperated, the hoop dress came off, and the somewhat embarrassing drive home in my pantaloons took over. The day’s difficulties were washed away as Gabe came into view sitting on the porch swing talking to my Dad. Completely oblivious to my somewhat naked appearance, I exited my jeep catching my pantaloons on the panel, which caught my shoe and dumped me on my face on the driveway.
“Graceful.” I grumbled.
Strong hands picked me up and put me on my feet. “May I escort the lady?” Gabe smiled.
With my face red, I nodded. When we approached the porch, my Dad had his hands up like a director sizing up a camera shot.
“That has a nice look.” He said.
“Funny, Dad.” I stuck my tongue out at him.
“I know.”
“I can take it from here, thank you Gabe.”
“Of course. Well, thank you for the long talk, Mr. Ritter. I appreciate your advice.” His smile couldn’t have been more majestic.
“Wait. You aren’t staying?” Fear leaped into my chest.
“I’ll be around.” He winked at me, which made me blush. “And I think you should maybe put something on.”
“What?” Looking down at my pantaloons, my face burned brighter.
“Not the impression I think you were going for, sweetie. Don’t screw this up. Prom’s just around the corner.” He hung his head and sighed, then pushed me indoors. “Don’t hold this against her.” He apologized.
“I’m not a child!” My protests ended with a closed door, locking Gabe out. Gifting my dad with an evil stare, I hurried up to my window, but
he had disappeared. Noticing the sudden inrush of cool air that chilled my body it felt so good against my hot body, and I loved the way it made me tingle. Just the way if feels when Gabe touches me. I fell back on my bed in my underwear and laid there imagining what it would feel like to be with him. As my body warmed, Cooper came bounding into my room disturbing my daydream.
“Oh, yes, such a good boy.” I fluffed his ears. He followed me over to the window to await my Romeo.
The rest of the evening was rather boring. Dad had work to do and a conference call with a game designer in Tokyo, which left me to fix dinner, finish my homework, despite having only three weeks of school left, and pretty much be on my own. I continued to look out the window for Gabe but couldn’t see him. Around nine o’clock I decided to go to my room. Dad’s office door was closed and I heard him talking, so I passed on by. Closing my door, I checked my phone, responded to some text messages, and stared at the ceiling. Cooper laid next to me and I absently stroked his fur.
It took me a moment to register the sound.
Fear froze me to my bed. Cooper didn’t seem to have heard it.
My head slowly rolled to the side and I looked at the window, totally expecting to see red eyes staring back at me. None appeared.
“You hear anything boy?” I whispered.
Cooper didn’t move. He appeared to be asleep. I tried to shake him wake him but he didn’t respond.
“Cooper?!” Fearing he had died in his sleep, I placed my hand on his chest and it moved up and down with his breathing.
“Cooper.” But he wouldn’t wake up.
I stared at the window and still didn’t see anything. Slowly and cautiously I crept over to the window to look out. The moon had set behind some trees to the west and its light barely shown upon the driveway below. Not seeing anything I walked over to the south window and suddenly a doppelganger came crashing through the window knocking me down to the ground. It stood over me with its tentacles waving menacingly. Green eyes glowed in the dark of my room and its shiny white teeth dripped saliva. Frozen in fear, my body wouldn’t move nor could I utter any sounds at all. Cooper lay upon the bed in deep sleep.
Dragon Amour (Dragon-Half Breed Book 1) Page 23