Theories of International Politics and Zombies

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Theories of International Politics and Zombies Page 11

by Daniel W. Drezner

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  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  academic puffery. See another book

  Adams, John Quincy

  AIDS. See also pandemics

  Al Qaeda


  alliances. See also NATO

  anarchy. See also post-apocalypse

  anthrax attacks


  apocalypse. See post-apocalypse


  Axis of Evil Dead

  bad zombie puns






  Black Death


  Braindead. See Dead Alive

  Brooks, Max


  bureaucratic politics

  Byrnard, Sam


  Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

  causal mechanisms

  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S.

  Chemical Weapons Convention

  Cheney, Richard


  Chucky doll, lameness of

  Citizens for Undead Rights and Equality

  college students, 5 similarity between zombies and

  confirmation bias

  Congress, United States



  contingency planning

  cooperation. See also international regimes

  Cordesman, Anthony

  Coulton, Jonathan



  Dawn of the Dead

  Day of the Dead

  Dead Alive

  Dead Snow

  deadheads. See zombies

  deadites. See zombies


  Dendle, Peter

  developing countries

  Diary of the Dead

  differently animated. See zombies


  disease. See pandemics


  domestic politics

  dreaded risk

  Duvall, Raymond


  Elvis. See Presley, Elvis


  European Union



  feedback loop. See paradox


  flesh-eaters. See zombies

  free-rider problem

  fundamental attribution error

  Furedi, Frank

  game theory


  ghouls. See zombies

  global civil society. See nongovernmental organization

  global governance. See international regimes


  Grant, Mira

  Great Britain





  hawk bias



  Hirschman, Albert

  Hobbes, Thomas

  hobbits, 6 silliness of

  H1N1. See influenza pandemics

  human lobby, realist warnings about

  human security

  Humans Versus Zombies


  influenza. See also pandemics interest groups

  international law

  International Organization for Migration

  international regimes effectiveness of

  international relations theories gnawing gap with respect to zombies and paradigmatic nature of state-centric focus of utility of. See also constructivism liberalism realism




  Jackson, Michael


  Kagan, Robert


  Keene, Brian

  Keynes, John Maynarding,

  King Stephen

  Korea. See North Korea, South Korea

  Land of the Dead

  Left 4 Dead, 3

  liberalism in contrast to neoconservatism


  living dead. See zombies

  Loch Ness monster

  Lord of the Rings. See hobbits

  Maberry, Jonathan

  malaria. See also pandemics

  Marvel Zombies



  Mearsheimer, John

  military force

  mobile deceased. See zombies

  models. See international relations theories

  multilateral cooperation. See cooperation international regimes

  Murray, Bill


  natural disasters. See disasters



  NGO. See non-governmental organization

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  Night of the Living Dead

  non-governmental organization

  norm cascade

  normal accident. See also bureaucratic politics


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