Teacher's Pet (A Taboo Short Book 1)

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Teacher's Pet (A Taboo Short Book 1) Page 2

by Jenika Snow

There was no need for words, and I glanced around the library, making sure we were truly alone.

  Suddenly, he jerked his hand away. “I’m sorry. That was deeply inappropriate. You’re my student.”

  “Do you want me?” I asked, feeling blunt, wanting this more than I’ve ever wanted anything. When he didn’t answer me, I became so blatant that I even made myself blush. I pressed my hand to his cock, and was shocked, yet glad, that he was rock hard.

  I’d done that. I’d made him hard.

  He swallowed, his throat working as he watched me. “This is wrong.”

  Maybe, but I didn’t want it to end.

  He covered my hand with his, as I had with him. Only this time, he tried to push me away, but I wasn’t having any of it.

  “Mr. Syler?”

  He shocked me by pushing away from the table and gathering his stuff, and started to leave. I was angry that he wouldn’t talk to me, humiliated at how forward I’d been. However, I didn’t want him to ignore me either.

  Grabbing my books and bag, I followed him out to his car.

  “Mr. Syler?” I asked, rushing toward him.

  It was dark out, the parking lot abandoned, and away from any light. I hated the dark, and I hated not seeing his reaction.

  “Go home, Maddie. This is a mistake. You’re going to have to get another teacher to look over your work.”

  Reaching out, I grabbed his arm. “I won’t tell anyone,” I whispered.

  “You should. You should report my ass for being so fucking inappropriate.”

  Licking my lips, I stepped up closer to him. I held onto his arm, and with my other, I touched his chest. “I want it; I’m not going to tell anyone, Mr. Syler. You’re safe. I wouldn’t dream of causing you that kind of trouble.” We held each other’s gaze for a suspended moment, and then I rose on my tiptoes. I pressed a kiss to his firm, masculine lips. “I shouldn’t have presumed that you’d want me,” I murmured against his mouth. We both knew he did with the way his body responded to my touch.

  Taking a step back, I intended to walk away and forget about this silly little fantasy.

  He had other plans. “Fuck, Maddie.” He grabbed my arm, dragged me back to his car, and pressed me against the vehicle. In the next second, his mouth was on mine, his hands roaming my body as if he couldn’t help himself.

  Good, because I felt the same way. Dropping my books, I sank my hands into his short dark hair, and kissed him back with the same kind of passion he was showing me.

  His hands caressed down my body to the bottom of my short skirt.

  I gasped as he pressed his hand against my pussy. It didn’t matter to me where we were. All I cared about was how good his touch felt.

  “You’re so fucking wet, Maddie; I can feel it through the fabric.”

  “I want you, Mr. Syler,” I moaned out those words.

  “You want me in your sweet little pussy?”


  “Fuck!” He pulled away, obviously torn.

  “I’m not underage. I’ll be nineteen in a few months. This is okay.” I hated begging, but he was being the good guy, the one thinking clearly. “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” I cupped his face and pressed my lips back against his. “Please, Mr. Syler, I want you. I want your dick inside my wet pussy.” I talked dirty and begged him because I wanted him that badly.

  It took him a moment to answer, but then he said, “Get in the car.”

  I picked my books up and climbed into his car, strapping into the seatbelt.

  His hands were shaking, and I saw his cock was pressing hard against the front of his trousers. Leaning over, I stroked him through the fabric, feeling even bolder now than ever. “Do you want me to take care of that?”

  “Fuck, Maddie, I can get in trouble.”

  “Only if others find out and I’m not going to tell.” I knew he wouldn’t either. Tackling the belt of his trousers, I reached inside and took out his rock hard cock, stroking him. I marveled at his size. Mr. Syler wasn’t a small man, and I couldn’t wait for all that thickness to be pushing inside of me.

  “Fuck,” he groaned.

  He turned the ignition over and started making his way out of the parking lot. I continued to work his cock as he drove toward his apartment, running my hand up and down the thick length. I couldn’t remember the drive; I was so turned on, and before I knew it, he was parking and cutting the engine.

  We got out of the car at the same time, and as we walked up to his front door, my breath caught at how masculine he was. I was definitely looking at him now; I looked at him the way a woman looked at the man who was about to fuck her.

  The moment the door to his house closed behind us, we faced each other.

  “You can leave at any time.”

  Smiling, I dropped my bag on the floor, tugged at my blouse, and slid it off. I had no intention of leaving; I wanted him too much. No one waited for me at home. If my mom were to ask where I’d been, I’d tell her I was at the library.

  Within seconds, I stood before him completely naked. Locking my arms behind my back, I smiled at him. “Is this what you want, Mr. Syler?”

  I didn’t know where the tease was coming from. This wasn’t who I was.

  My mouth went dry as he started to strip, and I was right. Mr. Syler was a man all over.

  Not a single part of him could be mistaken for a boy.

  Chapter Three

  Fuck, I was harder than I’d ever been in my whole damn life, and it was all because of Maddie. I moved closer to her, and before I could even think about how wrong this was, I pulled her close. I loved that she is soft where I was hard.

  Her breasts pressed against my chest, and I swore I could feel her nipples harden. Damn, I was hard, and I needed her like a fiend. I used my body to press hers against the front door. She gasped, and I leaned down and capture the sound with my lips. After kissing her for long seconds, I pulled away and started licking her throat. I inhaled deeply right below her ear, and I couldn’t contain the groan that escaped me.

  She was breathing heavily and I knew she was just as turned on as I was.

  “Are you nervous, baby?” I didn’t know why I was toying with her, because I needed this so much that my balls fucking ached. The fact that I knew she was nervous, even if she acted strong, made me feel like a damn predator.

  She didn’t answer right away, and I leaned back so I could look into her eyes. They were big, and the expression on her face showed arousal...need. Her cheeks were rosy and her lips were swollen, big and red from my kiss. She panted and gripped my biceps as if her life depended on it. Hell, maybe it did.

  “I’m not nervous; I’m ready.”

  I groaned and dipped my head to press my lips against hers again. When I lifted my head once more, her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly open.

  “I need you, Mr. Syler.”

  God, hearing her act so proper with me, calling me that, had my shaft feeling like it could explode.

  She opened her eyes and licked her lips. “I’m a virgin.”

  I groaned again and rested my head against hers. She was a damn virgin. “We don’t have to do this.”

  “I want to,” she said immediately.

  I wanted her more than I have ever wanted anyone. I kissed a path down her throat and across her collarbone, licking at that slightly protruding bone. Seeing her turgid nipple, I couldn’t help myself. I leaned down and started sucking at her nipple.

  Her moaning was like fuel to the fire inside of me. I sucked and sucked until she was grinding herself on me, begging me to fuck her. I gripped her other breast and started massaging it.

  After several long seconds, I pulled away and looked down at what I’d done. Her nipples were wet and distended, her areolas reddened. I realized I was inadvertently thrusting my cock against her belly, needing that friction.

  Fuck, I was turned on.

  I took her hand and led her to my bedroom. In the back of my head, I kept thinking this was wrong, but I c
ouldn’t stop myself, not now, not as long as she wanted me as much. Once in the bedroom, I turned her around and pressed her against the wall. I could stay right here, Maddie ready for me, pleading me with her eyes. However, what I needed from her was to have my dick so far in her virgin pussy she would always remember me deep inside of her.

  I didn’t want to move too fast with her, but the need inside of me didn’t allow me to go any slower and I reached for her hand.

  When she touched my cock, the fucker jerked in her grasp. A soft whimper escaped Maddie, and I loved that she was so turned on. “Do you feel how hard I am for you?” I watched her lower her gaze to her hand and what lie beneath, and then lick her lips.

  “You’re so hard, so big.”

  I groaned. “You have to stop licking those lush lips. It makes me think about my cock between them.”

  She snapped her eyes up to mine. “Maybe that’s what I want,” she whispered the words and her blush deepened.

  I cupped the side of her face and dipped my head to kiss her again, moaning low when she curled her fingers around my cock. My dick throbbed with the need for release, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to last much longer in my present state.

  I pulled away. “I need you.” I gripped her waist and spun her around until her chest pressed against the dresser. She panted and looked over her shoulder with wide eyes.

  “Mr. Syler, what are you doing?” she asked, but there was a playfulness in her voice.

  I might have felt guilty if not for the fact I knew she wanted it. She could have said no already, changed her mind, yet she hadn’t, and that spoke volumes to me, told me I needed to give this to her.

  I pressed my chest against her back and inhale. She smelled so damn good tonight, like vanilla with a hint of lemon. I pushed her hair off her shoulder and whispered against her ear, “You know what I’m doing, baby. You know what I’m going to do to you.” She shivered beneath me, and I closed my eyes, loving that little act of submission.

  “Are you going to fuck me with that big cock of yours?”

  She might have been a virgin, but she talked like a whore, and that was fucking hot. “You want my big, fat cock inside of you?”

  She nodded.

  “You want me filling you up with cum, making that spunk slide out of your tight virgin pussy.

  “God, yes,” she whispered.

  You can tell me to stop at any time.” I leaned even closer.

  Hell, could I really do what I am thinking of doing to her? Touching and kissing her were bad enough, but what I really wanted to do seemed like stepping over the line. Like really fucking stepping over a line.

  “I don’t want you to stop.” Her words came in fast pants and that finally broke my self-control.

  I brought my hand back, and in one swift move, slapped her ass cheek hard enough that she cried out. Good, I wanted to hear her cry out, wanted to hear her beg for it. I was a sick bastard; and I was finally getting what I wanted.

  “Your ass makes my mouth water.” I liked to talk dirty, especially having Maddie right here, and although I should be going slowly for her first time, I couldn’t. The anticipation and excitement I’d built up for her was going to make me explode if I went any slower.

  I was going to fuck Maddie, my student, and I was going to make sure she never fucking forgot it. I was going to make sure that whenever she sat down, she felt the memory of me pounding my big dick into her.

  Chapter Four

  Mr. Syler released me, and I turned around to stare down at his perfect naked body. I have fantasized so many times about how hot he was. My fantasies were nowhere near close to the real thing. Pressing my thighs together, I tried to stop the flow of my pussy juice. That tuned on, I was sure my cream was leaking down my thighs.

  “What are you thinking right now?” he asked.

  Licking my dry lips, I glanced down at the monster cock between his thighs. I wanted him inside me.

  “I’m so wet, Mr. Syler. I want you to put that big dick inside my juicy pussy.” Leaning back against the dresser, I spread my thighs, giving him a shot of my cunt. I teased my fingers through my slit, moving my wetness around. The smallest touch and I was ready to come. Lifting my fingers up to the light, I showed him how wet I was.

  Mr. Syler reached out and grabbed my hand firmly. We stared at each other. He stepped closer to me, reached out with his other hand, and sank his fingers into my hair. “You want to see what I want?”

  I refused to break eye contact and nodded. He took my hand and sucked my cream soaked fingers into his mouth, running his tongue over them. I gasped and he moaned, sucking each digit with his lips and tongue.

  “You taste so fucking good. Get me some more.”

  Placing my hand between my thighs, I took more of my cream and offered it up to him.

  For the next few moments, he demanded that I give him my pussy cream. He ate it up like a starving man, all the while staring deep into my eyes. Each second drove my arousal higher. He was driving me crazy, and he hadn’t really touched me. His dominance and commanding nature had my pussy clenching with the need to feel his huge shaft all up in me.

  “Enough,” he said and moved me toward the bed.

  I sat down, eye level with his dick. He released me long enough to circle his fingers around his shaft and lift the tip to my mouth. The hole at the tip was already slick with his spunk.

  Unable to stop myself, I licked my lips. I wanted his cock in my mouth. I wanted to suck him off until he shot a big load right down my throat.

  “You want my dick, Maddie?”


  “Open those fuckable lips and take me into your mouth until you gag.”

  Without question, I opened my mouth, and he pressed the tip of his cock to my lips. I slid my tongue across the head and tasted his pre-cum. I moaned at the salty, creamy taste of him.

  When that wasn’t enough, I opened my mouth wider, and he pushed the head into my mouth.

  Closing my lips around the crown, I sucked him hard.

  Mr. Syler wrapped his hand in my hair, making a fist, and pulling me forward. He was the one that held the power, not me. I loved it. I loved having the control taken away from me.

  I wanted this from him.

  “Fuck, Maddie, your mouth is like heaven. You suck my dick nice and good then I’m going to fuck your nice tight, virgin pussy. You’re going to be so damn sweet and tight.”

  I couldn’t help myself; I moaned as he surged a bit deeper into my mouth, and I swallowed him down. He hit the back of my throat, and I swallowed more of him, gagging slightly.

  He pulled out and thrust back in, creating a steady pace for me to take him. He fucked my mouth; God, I loved it.

  “Touch your cunt, get it primed for me.”

  I was already wet, and I needed some kind of release, some reprieve from the pleasure he was inflicting on me.

  Seconds passed and he finally pushed me away, falling onto his knees in front of me. Within seconds, he had my legs spread, and opened the lips of my pussy with his fingers. I looked down in time to see him tongue my clit. Over and over, he licked, and when he pulled away, a string of saliva followed.

  It was so damn hot.

  The pleasure was instant, insanely hot, and the best thing I’d ever felt.

  Falling back on the bed, I fisted the blanket with both hands and held on tight as Mr. Syler attacked my clit.

  This was really happening. Mr. Syler was between my thighs, licking my clit, and giving me the best experience of my life. His tongue was like magic as he flicked over my clit, sliding down to tease my entrance. He didn’t enter me, and I whimpered, needing more.

  “Fuck, I’ve got be inside you, have to stretch that virgin cunt so far you scream because it’s too much. You’re soaking wet; I’ve got to have you.”

  He crawled up the bed, and when he reached for a condom, I shook my head. “I’m on the pill, Mr. Syler. You can fill me up with your cum, go raw in me.”

k, baby, you know what to say to make me nearly jizz all over those gorgeous tits of yours.”

  He kissed my breasts, and I looked down, moaning. His cock lay on my pussy, and I wriggled, trying to get him to fuck me. I wanted his cock inside me. I wanted the pleasure his possession was going to grant me.

  Mr. Syler reached down and took hold of his dick. I couldn’t look away; I didn’t want to look away. He rubbed his cock between my slit, up and down, teasing me, bumping my clit with every upstroke. Each touch against my clit sent me into overdrive. I gripped his arms, sinking my nails into his flesh, trying to hold onto my sanity. Nothing worked, my body was on fire, and the only person who could put it out was my teacher.

  “I’m going to take your virgin cunt now, baby, make you sore, so that every time you sit down, your little pussy will ache because I was deep inside you.”

  “Yes, Mr. Syler, fuck me,” I begged, and I was not ashamed of that.

  He pressed the tip of his cock to my pussy, and stared deep into my eyes as he slammed every single inch of his thick, wide cock inside me in one fluid motion.

  The pain shocked me, and I couldn’t contain my whimper as he filled me to the brink. The pain was unbearable, and the pleasure seemed to disappear with his invasion of my pussy.

  “God,” he groaned. “You’re so fucking tight. Your virgin pussy is already squeezing my cock.” He wrapped his arms around me, his cock deep inside me.

  I held onto tightly as the throb of pain worked through my entire body. I was on fire, and the fire was burning so damn hot.

  His cock seemed to pulse inside me. He was so big, I felt every inch of him filling me, felt my pussy stretched wide, and I felt unbearably full.

  Filled with my teacher’s cock, I was floating, and nothing could have prepared me for the amazing feeling of being underneath him, even if there was pain.

  He pressed light kisses against my neck, ran his tongue up and down my throat, and stroked his hands over my body.

  Slowly, the pain started to ebb and the glow began to build within me.

  “Mr. Syler...” I whispered.

  “You want me, baby?”


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