by Snow, Olivia
She and my mother—surprisingly—had fought the staff to let her stay the night. If Billie never lost, neither did my mother. Those two were a deadly combination. Last night had been surreal. Talon had already warned me that the police were looking into it, but I knew who’d started the fire. Connor.
I knew what I had to do. This had gone far enough. As soon as they released me, I would call Marquis and give him the green light on Connor. I could care less what it would cost me. He’d endangered my employees and customers. It wasn’t about empty threats or pictures anymore. He was putting everyone I cared about in peril. The only thing that gave me solace was that Billie hadn’t been working last night. Just the thought of her being in the fire refueled my bloodlust for Connor. Billie stirred awake, and when she looked at me, the smile on her face brightened up my insides.
“Hey, baby,” she said, groggy as she sat up. She groaned when she stretched, loosening her muscles from the way she’d been sleeping. The doctor had recently cleared me of the oxygen mask, so I was able to speak clearly without the plastic getting in my way.
“Come lay with me.” I didn’t have to tell her twice. She jumped off the chair and basically threw herself on me.
“I don’t know what I would have done if something happened to you.” Billie nuzzled her head between my neck and shoulder. I circled my arms around her and held her close. I was finding it difficult to speak. I didn’t know what I would have done if things were the other way around. I drew her closer and she sighed, almost like she knew what I was thinking. Then she opened her lovely mouth and sang in a near-whisper. Her tone was throaty. She’d never sang to me like this before.
The song could’ve been interpreted as the difficulty in a long distance relationship, but in a sense, we had similar issues. We were the same. Our lives, family, and beliefs were very different. But also the same. This song was her asking me if I still wanted this, even though we appeared to be doomed from the start.
Were we cursed? Were we setting ourselves up for a failure? Even though we started with complete honesty, there was now a big secret between us, one that I had created. The song, “Waiting Game” by Banks, was hauntingly beautiful and Billie was the perfect person to sing it. When she finished, I gripped her chin, bringing her attention to me.
“When this is over, and it will be over, I will ask you to me mine forever. And I will never regret meeting you or going through all this bullshit to make that happen. You understand me? There could be a million Connors trying to get between us, and I would still want you.”
Her bottom lip trembled, and even though it meant she was sad, it was becoming my favorite expression because I got to kiss her and make her feel happy again. Knowing I was the only man able to do that made me want her even more.
“You’re everything I didn’t know I needed,” I told her, “and everything I always knew I wanted.”
After going home and showering, I dropped Billie off at Jade’s, but not without having Jade force feed me some food and hug and kiss me, relieved to have me alive. Billie just sat back and watched as I was getting the momma Jade treatment, a content smile on her face. Afterward, I went to the police station to speak to the cops and fill out the report they needed. An investigation was already in process, and it would determine how the insurance company would file the fire and whether or not it was covered under my policy. I overheard a cop say two metal doorstops had been used to keep me inside of the bathroom. Before I could get back into Big Bertha, though, Roman called.
“How are you feeling?” he asked. I swallowed my anger because I wasn’t sure if he was calling for his interest or out of actual concern. I sat inside the car and closed the door.
“Good, I’m glad to hear it.”
“Rome…” I stopped clenching my jaw muscles. “What do you want?”
“I’m just calling to check on you. Damn, Chris, what the fuck?”
I tightened the hold on my steering wheel until my knuckles turned white, my breathing raspy and shallow.
“What do you want from me, Roman? You have put me in a compromising position once again. Three years ago, you betrayed me. You have no idea the shit I had to do to make sure Mom was safe, and now you guarantee these detectives that I will get them information against my girlfriend’s family so you can get out of jail early? The way you played me that day was fucked up, Rome. I can’t go back to being brothers. We will never be the same.”
“You’re not going to find information for them, are you?” By the tone in his voice, it was clear he already knew my answer. I leaned my head against the back of my seat.
“I don’t know.” The truth? I was going to kill Connor, the detective’s case would fall through, and Rome would be sent back to jail. And at this point, I didn’t care. Mom would have to get over it.
“I deserve that.” He spoke with sincere remorse.
I hung up, not wanting to listen to him anymore. He had made his bed, and now I would make my own. I drove to Aurora and stopped across from the infamous crack house. Marquis had two new guards at the door. I didn’t know them.
“You got an appointment?” the bigger one of the two asked.
“Nah, man. I don’t need one.” I adjusted my shades and smirked.
“Oh, you think this is funny?” the smaller one said, cocking his gun. Suddenly, the front door flew open and a long tattooed arm shot out, holding a pistol. It was pressed against the temple of the man who pointed the gun at me.
“Did I not give you a picture of this man’s face?” Marquis snarled. The two of them looked at me with wide eyes. I watched as recognition filled them. “You’re too busy trying to puff up your chest, acting like this is your house, like you got something to prove. Motherfuckers, this is my house, you’re my bitches, and the next time I have to do your job, I will shoot your ass dead, right here in the front of my steps and not even bother to clean up your blood. Then, the next motherfucker knows to do their motherfucking job the right motherfucking way! Got that?”
“Yes, sir.” The two swallowed slowly, but spoke sternly. Marquis lowered the gun then threw his arms open.
“What’s up, man?” he said cheerfully, and it reminded me of what a psychopath Marquis was. He moved aside, ushering me in. The house hadn’t changed much since I was last here. It still reeked of weed, sex, and dirty money.
“I’m here on business.”
“In that case, let’s go to my office.”
I followed him to the basement which was essentially a strong room with an equally impressive door, one you might find at a bank basement securing the vault. I sat across from him in the poorly lit gray room, while he sat behind his desk.
“So?” he said, leaning back.
“I’m green-lighting someone.”
“Let me guess, Connor Cassidy?” He pulled a cigar out from his desk drawer, and slid it against his nose, smelling it. When I nodded, he said, “I’m not sure if I’m willing to help you with that, Chris. He has ties to crews in Ireland and some in L.A. and Boston. If I went ahead and got rid of him for you that could potentially start a war.”
I hadn’t thought of that. I said nothing.
“He burned down your bar, didn’t he?”
Inhaling sharply, I bowed my head in agreement.
“Over the McAllister girl?”
I nodded again.
“Well, fuck.” We stayed silent for a couple of minutes before he spoke again. “I can do this for you. I can have one of my guys follow him around for a few days, track his movements, his patterns. That will give you more information on how to take him down. Maybe you can even make it look like a rival crew did him in.”
That sounded like the best idea. I was so caught up on revenge I wasn’t thinking about this rationally. This wasn’t like me.
“How much will I owe you?” I asked. Marquis cut the end of the cigar before lighting it and puffing the heavy smoke to the side.
r /> “Don’t worry about it, Travieso. I owe you more favors than I’d like to admit.”
I grunted, surprised he’d said it. I stood, reaching for his hand to shake.
“We’ll speak in two days?” He mirrored my movements, wrapping his fingers around my hand firmly.
“Stay safe until then,” he told me, and I left.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
The next day, Don called, giving me the number to one of the agents he was working with. I took the opportunity while Christian went to his mom’s house to meet up with them a few blocks away at a café. This would be the last place anyone would think to look for me, because I hated coffee.
I sat as far away from the windows as possible, and once I sat a man and woman in regular clothing came in and took seats across from me. We eyed each other as the waitress came and took our orders. The male agent was older, in his mid-forties with salt and pepper hair, five o’clock shadow, and brown eyes. The woman was pretty enough, stern, with caramel colored hair pulled up in a high ponytail. Her green eyes were judgmental and she seemed annoyed that I had called this meeting. Evidently, she wanted control over every situation.
“I want to help,” I said after the waitress left. The male agent chuckled.
“Not a fan of formalities?”
“Is that necessary?” My face pinched. He chuckled again while the other agent’s eyes bored further into me. Apparently, she wasn’t a fan of me.
“My name is Walt or Agent Vaughan, and this is my partner Fran or Agent Gilmore.
“Don’t call me by my first name. I’m Agent Gilmore,” She snapped. I rolled my eyes.
“Listen, you wanna be a crime princess. I’m not here to be your friend, you don’t have to like me, but you will show me some respect. You are still a criminal and I am a Federal Agent. You got that?”
I grinned, taking a sip of my iced Coke. “First, say it a little louder so the whole fucking room can hear you. Second, I’m not a criminal. My record is squeaky clean. Third, I’ll give you respect when you show me some in return. Coming in here with a chip on your fucking shoulder isn’t giving me the illusion that you want to work as a team. Now, I can be a helluva team player, but I can also do mighty fine solo. The only reason I had my dad call was out of respect for my boyfriend. If it weren’t for him, I would have dealt with this issue my way. And that would have ruined your entire case.” Her eyes widened in shock as Walt looked at me with amusement.
“Do not threaten me, you little—”
“Enough,” Agent Vaughan said. “Billie’s right. We are a team, with the same goal in mind.”
Fran’s jaw worked like she wanted to say something, but her boss had spoken, so she was staying quiet. Agent Vaughan pulled out an envelope from his bag and handed it to me. “All the information you need is in this file,” he said. “We will need you to wear a wire when you’re with Connor. We’re going to need you to infiltrate his group, which I’m sure won’t be hard for you. This guy has it bad for you—.”
I held my finger up, stopping him. “I can’t go in there right off the bat strapped with a wire. He’ll be suspicious and they will check for anything like that.”
Vaughan nodded. “All right. We can do the first meeting without it, but after that you’re going to have to be wired, because we need him to confess. We’re confident that you will be able to produce that from him, in any way possible.”
I closed my eyes for a beat, knowing well what he was insinuating. Just then my phone rang. Connor. My eyes enlarged as I showed the screen to the agents. Both nodded, telling me to answer. It was show time. I swiped the phone, answering the call. I pressed it to my ear, waiting for him to say something.
“You finally get it?” he greeted. I felt the muscles on my neck pulse.
“You could have spoken to me like a normal person, Connor. There was no need for you to wreck my ride, spy on me, and ruin my place of work.” Connor laughed, and it gave me the chills.
“I never did any of those things, Bil. But now that I really have your attention…” he continued. I gulped down a scream. “I need to know that you hear what I am saying.” Meaning, if I continued to be with Christian, worse things would happen.
“Yeah, I hear you.”
“Mmm, music to my ears. Now, be a good girl and come home to daddy. I want you by my side. You’re my queen, remember?”
Disgusted, I glanced up at the agents and even Fran gave me a compassionate look.
“Yeah, I remember,” I said quietly.
“I’m still in Boston, so I need you to come to me. I have some work I need you to help me with.”
Vaughan and Fran gave me a curt nod.
“All right, I’ll book a flight. I’ll call when I arrive.”
“I can’t wait to have you underneath me. I’ve missed you so much. Then, tomorrow, we’re getting married. This is long overdue, Billie.”
My stomach dropped. No, no, no.
There was no way I was marrying him. I would kill him first.
My bags were packed, the taxi was on its way, and now I had to find a way to break things off with Christian until this was all resolved. The only thing I could think of was throwing back in his face the secret he was hiding from me, even though I knew why he was doing it and didn’t resent him for it at all. If anything, it made me love him more, because it showed what he was willing to do for his mother. It was crazy, but he was trying to do the best he could with the situation I had put him in.
My leg bounced up and down as I waited for him on my couch. As soon as he walked in, I wanted to forget everything and tell the agents to go to Hell. But this needed to end. Connor had to be put away.
“Hey, chiquita. Are you hungry I’m starv—” He stopped when he noticed my bag on the floor. “Going somewhere?”
I stood, trying to look angry. “I know what you did.”
Christian knew what I meant. I felt his anxiety before I saw the effects on his breathing.
“You don’t understand, babe. I never meant to betray you. I was going to find a way to put him away without implicating you.”
I held my hand up when he started walking toward me. I was going to tell him he’d lost my trust and that we were done, just like the agents and I had talked about, but my gut told me not to. This was getting bigger than me, and if I told him and asked him to trust me, he would. I knew he would. No more withholding things from each other. He was my forever, and regardless of what happened in Boston, he needed to know.
I let everything out. How he had confessed the night of the serenade, how it had led to me calling my dad. I explained my dad’s involvement with the Feds, and how the detectives Christian was working with were shady. And finally, I told him what I had agreed to do.
“What the fuck?” he whispered as he sat on the couch. Sinking to my knees before him, I gripped his face.
“Do you trust me?”
His brown eyes darkened, almost like he was offended by my question.
“Of course I do. But you’re not going alone.”
“Christian, you can’t come, he’ll know.”
“Babe, I have a friend—”
“You mean Marquis.”
“Yeah.” He chuckled. “He has one of his guys keeping tabs on Connor, so I’ll just go with him. No more secrets, Billie. Whatever happens, we’re doing this together. No more bullshit.”
God, I loved this man.
“No more bullshit,” I responded against his lips.
Christian gripped the back of my neck and deepened the kiss. In a matter of seconds, I was naked while he was fully clothed with just his cock out. He bent me over the couch and rammed into me. I screamed his name in blissful agony. He entangled one of his hands in my hair, close to my scalp, while circling a finger around my clit. He was being rough and unapologetic in his way of claiming me his. And I loved it.
“You’re mine,” h
e gritted through his teeth against my ear. The hoarseness in his voice made my nipples harden even more. “Say it.” My mind was so wrapped up in ecstasy; I could not manage to speak until I felt a sharp pain on my ass where he spanked me. “Fucking say it, Sybil.”
“I’m yours,” I whimpered, and he slammed harder into me. I could feel my orgasm rippling through me. “Christian!” I screamed when I came. His hips continued to roll into me when he turned my head to kiss me. I expected a crazed kiss but when his lips barely caressed mine, it felt like a feather dipped in honey grazing my skin.
“I love you.” He groaned with one final thrust before coming.
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Christian and I agreed there would be no communication once we arrived in Boston. It was too risky with Connor being the paranoid type, and the Feds tracking my movements. We both agreed to glue on the façade until we were both back in Colorado, safe and sound.
I arrived at Denver International Airport by taxi, and as soon as I entered the airport I noticed Agent Vaughan checking in his luggage. I was astounded by the fact that even in a busy airport I was able to detect people I didn’t want to see. I think he felt my stare on him, because suddenly he turned his head and gave me an impassive expression before snapping his attention back to the clerk in front of him.
I went through the motions of getting on the plane. When we took off, I sat back and mulled over the last two weeks. Everything with Christian and I had happened so fast. There was no lull with us, unlike the rest of my life or past relationships. Nothing was ever spontaneous. Maybe that’s why I acted out sometimes. Even though my life was…a bit unorthodox, it was all relatively planned. If we had a job to do, it had been well thought out, every move and decision calculated.