Love Contract (The Match Broker)

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Love Contract (The Match Broker) Page 15

by Watson, Lisa

  “Am I?” Justin said eagerly. “You’re in bed right now, aren’t you?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Really? So tonight’s the night? Man, I’d better let you go then. Call me in the morning and fill me in.”

  “Tonight isn’t the night,” Adrian explained. “Milán’s spending the night, but it’s completely platonic.”

  “What?” Justin bellowed into the phone. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that before.”

  “And you likely never will again,” Adrian groused. “Not if I have my way about it. Look, I’ve got to go. Milán’s going to be back any minute.”

  “Uh…right. I can’t wait to hear about this tomorrow,” Justin snickered before hanging up.

  “That makes two of us,” Adrian said before getting off the bed and heading into the bathroom. He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth and put on a pair of dark blue silk pajama bottoms. Instead of the shirt, he opted for a matching robe. He doused the light in the bathroom and padded into his room. Turning out the overhead light, Adrian clicked on his nightstand lamp. Walking across the room, he cut on the floor lamp beside a chaise longue at the back of his room. It was positioned right in front of the French doors that allowed an uninterrupted view of the backyard.

  “Hi,” Milán said from behind him.

  Adrian turned around to find Milán standing in the middle of his bedroom door. His pajama top rested midthigh giving him an expansive view of her long legs and bare feet. Her hair was damp and hung loosely about her shoulders. Her amber eyes looked darker in the dim lighting.

  “Damn,” he said aloud. “You really are trying to test my willpower tonight, aren’t you?”

  She smiled at his roundabout compliment and walked across the room. She stopped in front of him. “Mine too,” she confessed.

  Before he could respond, Milán moved past him to the open doors leading out to the balcony. She took in the white lights that were woven through the limbs of the trees in his backyard. The trickling sound of the water fountain made its way to her ear. “Es maravilloso,” she breathed.

  She turned to see him lying on his oversized chaise. Adrian held out his hand. “Come here. You have to get the full effect.”

  She padded over and placed her hand in his. He helped her settle in next to him. Side by side, the two sat silently listening to the water and enjoying the ambience.

  “This is now my favorite part of your house,” Milán murmured. Lazily, she stretched her body like a contented cat. “This is utterly relaxing. Do you do this often?”

  “When I need to unwind,” he said while gently sliding her hair through his fingertips. “Which is right about now.”

  Milán’s hand rested on his chest. Her fingers moved past the opening in his robe to splay themselves against his skin. “I can’t thank you enough for tonight, Adrian. This was the best first date I’ve ever had,” she said solemnly.

  He wrapped his fingers in her hair and tilted her head back. He stared into her eyes. “Me, too.”

  “Considering the horror stories I’ve heard, I believe it.”

  He laughed. The rumble of his chest did delightful things to Milán. “You know, there’s more to it than that.” He gave her a lingering kiss. “You wreak havoc on me in a way no other woman has before, Milán. Please, baby, let me show you just how much.”

  Chapter 22

  Adrian’s admission was a plea that burned its way straight through her core. It ignited something in the recesses of her body that threatened to engulf her in flames.

  Something in his words and in his voice called to her on a purely primitive level. It made her slide up his body to wind herself around him like gift wrap. Adrian’s reaction was instantaneous. Milán wondered if in fact she was offering herself up like a present and by the way he let out a groan of excitement, she knew he felt it, too.

  His hands roamed her shoulders, down her back and then cupped her buttocks to hold her firmly against him. Milán felt the hard lines of his body and the full extent of his desire for her. It made her dizzy with need.

  Milán sat up so that she straddled Adrian. Her eyes connected with his. “Adrian,” she sighed. “You’re making this harder for me.”

  His fingers grazed the four buttons keeping her nightshirt closed. “I’m supposed to. You know you want us to make love, Milán. Why fight it?”

  Before she could answer, he pulled her down toward him. His lips brushed hers. Seconds later, he released her and got up. Milán’s body temperature instantly cooled from the loss of his heat. She didn’t like the feeling one bit.

  He helped her up. “I think we need to say good-night—right now. Before all my good intentions go up in flames.”

  “There’s only so much willpower you can muster in an evening, huh?” she replied.

  “Something like that. I promised myself I would be the perfect gentleman. That’s completely new territory for me, Milán. Normally I’m used to the evening ending a bit differently,” he confessed.

  “I don’t doubt it. You think I’m a tease, don’t you?”

  “Hardly. I can understand your hesitation. I may not like it, but I understand.”

  He winked at her. With an arm wrapped around her waist, Adrian guided her to the door. They walked in silence down the hall to her bedroom. He opened the door and stepped aside.

  “Buenas noches, Milán. I’m glad you decided to stay. Dormir bien.”

  “Tú también.” She rose on her tiptoes and kissed him briefly on the lips.

  Seconds later, Milán went in and closed the door behind her. She rested a hand on her stomach in an effort to quell the turmoil she felt. How was it possible to miss him already? she asked herself.

  She glanced around the guest room. It was a warm, inviting room that rivaled a high-end hotel. The queen-sized bed was decorated with a comforter and matching pillows mixing colors of deep chocolate and ice blue. The dark brown wood headboard mirrored the two nightstands that flanked it. One had a silver candlestick lamp with a cream-colored shade, the other table a glass vase with fresh white lilies in it. The drapes were a variation of the bedding. A rich chocolate-colored chenille love seat with plush pillows sat regally in front of a wide window. The drapes were open and she was afforded a backyard view similar to Adrian’s. He had impeccable taste and it showed in every room of his home.

  Milán pulled back the covers on the bed and slid in. She picked up her cell phone. She’d missed two calls and three text messages. All from her family.

  She read the messages and typed replies to her sisters’ inquiries on where she was and why she wasn’t answering her phone. It was rather late to call her mother so she’d put that off till morning.

  A soft ding hummed through the air. Milán looked down and grinned. Elena wrote: Are you getting sexed up right now? If so, good! It’s about time, y quiero detalles de la mañana!!”

  No, I’m not having sex, and no, I’m not giving you details, Milán typed out. She laughed at her sister’s dismissal of that vow and her warning to expect a three-way call in the morning. Seconds later, Nyah’s text dinged into the silence with the same demand. Apparently, Elena had already filled her in. Milán bid both of her sisters good-night and turned off her phone. She flicked the light switch off and snuggled under the covers. Smiling, she stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.


  Always an early riser, Adrian was up, dressed and on his way downstairs by seven o’clock. He noted Milán’s closed door and decided not to wake her.

  By the time his foot hit the last step, a delectable aroma invaded his nose. When he crossed the kitchen threshold, it was to find Milán bent over pulling a tray from the oven. He had a delightful view of her rear end and immediately said, “Now that is a wonderful way to start my Saturday morning.”

  Milán looked over her shoulder to see him lounging against the wall. “Good morning to you, too.” She smiled. “Breakfast is almost ready.”

  Adrian sauntered over to her. After she sat the baking sheet onto the granite countertop, she closed the oven door. Adrian’s arms snaked around her waist to turn her around. He leaned down and kissed her. “I thought you were still sleeping.”

  “Trust me, if it wasn’t for my wanting to surprise you, I’d still be in bed.”

  “You taste like ripe strawberries.”

  She blushed. “Here,” she said handing him a carafe. “It’s such a lovely morning I thought we’d eat out on the patio again. If you don’t mind?”

  “Whatever my lady wants,” Adrian replied taking the container.

  Grinning like a schoolgirl, Milán grabbed a covered dish and headed after him.

  They both made another trip back to the kitchen before finally sitting down.

  He took in the Belgian waffles laden with fresh strawberries and powdered sugar and the ample helping of sausage on his plate. A wicked gleam lit up his face. “This looks almost as delectable as you do.”

  “How can you say that? I’m still wearing your shirt and my feet are bare.”

  “And you look sexy as hell,” his said in an appreciative voice.

  “You’ve outdone yourself,” Adrian said after he’d devoured a mouthful of waffles. “I can’t remember the last time I’ve had these.”

  She beamed under his praise. “I’m glad you like them. It’s been a long time since I’ve had them, too. When I was…redecorating, I noticed you had a Belgian waffle iron. I’ve had a taste for them ever since.”

  They ate and chatted over their respective plans for the day. Adrian was going into the office for a few hours, and Milán had a client appointment later that afternoon and then shopping with Tiffany.

  “Mom called before I went to bed last night and invited us over for dinner tonight. Are you free?”

  “Of course,” Milán said quickly. “Does she…did you tell her I was over?”

  Adrian shook his head. “Did you want me to?”

  Milán pondered that question for a few moments. Finally, she shrugged her shoulders. “I guess she’ll have to find out sooner or later. She’ll probably be wondering why I didn’t mention liking her son. You know…like that.”

  “Ha. My mother is much more intuitive than we give her credit for—at least that’s what she always says.”

  Milán couldn’t help but laugh. “I believe it.”

  So you’re ready to go public?” Adrian teased.

  “Why not? Knowing Norma Jean, I bet she won’t be the least surprised to find out we’re dating.”

  “We’re not dating,” he corrected immediately. “There’s nothing exploratory about this. “You’re my girlfriend. End of story.”

  Her eyes widened and then a huge grin suffused her face with light. “Have you ever had one of those?”

  Taking another bite of food, he pondered her question. “I believe I had one in the sixth grade. It didn’t last, though. Mom kept trying to get me to buy her a ‘friendship’ ring. After that I broke it off. I didn’t want her having any unrealistic expectations of marriage.”

  “Who, your mom or your twelve-year-old girlfriend?”

  “Both,” he said seriously.

  Milán dissolved into a fit of laughter. Eventually, Adrian joined in.

  “There is one thing we need to discuss,” she said turning serious. “Since we’re…together.”

  “Sure,” Adrian replied leaning back in his chair.

  “I’ve been thinking about branching out on my own,” she said slowly. “Starting my own design business.”

  “I think that’s a great idea, Milán, but why now?”

  “I’m still in a state of transition so now’s a perfect time and we’re a couple. No offense, but I’m not too comfortable with office romances.”

  “Why? How many have you had?” he joked.


  He reached over and took her hand. He kissed it. “I’m kidding, Lani. I understand completely and I’ll help you any way I can.”

  Milán visibly relaxed. A brilliant smile spread over face. “¿De verdad?”


  She got up and plopped herself in his lap. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. “Thank you. You don’t mind just being there if I need to pick your brain, do you? I want to do as much as I can on my own.”

  Adrian’s lips grazed across her collarbone. “Ahora somos un equipo. Lo que necesites, estoy aquí.”

  Her golden eyes brightened with tears. “Eres el major.”

  Adrian rubbed his thumb under her eye. “Hey, you’re pretty amazing, too,” he said solemnly.


  They spent the remainder of the morning just enjoying each other’s company. Milán left when Adrian headed out to go to work. He walked her to her car, and then kissed her passionately before she got in.

  “Thanks for last night—and this morning.”

  Milán chuckled. “You make it sound like we were…busy.”

  “That would have been great, too.” Adrian opened her door and shut it after her. “I’ll pick you up at five, okay?” He leaned down and kissed her again.

  She started her car. “What should I bring?”

  “A pair of sunglasses,” he joked. “When my mother finds out we’re a couple, her smile is going to eclipse the sun.”

  “Yo lo creo,” Milán agreed. “¡Hasta luego!”

  Adrian waved as she pulled off. He took his front steps two at a time heading back into the house. He whistled as he bounded up the stairs and into his room. His phone rang so he stopped to answer it. “Hey, Justin,” Adrian said after looking at Caller ID.

  “Yeah, yeah, enough of the small talk,” he quipped. “What happened last night?”

  Chapter 23

  As soon as Milán got home, she checked her voice mail messages. She wasn’t surprised in the least to find several messages: two from Elena and Nyah, and one from her mother asking why she hadn’t heard from her daughter lately. Milán looked at her clock and cringed. She just didn’t have time for lengthy conversations with family at the moment. She decided to call them on the car ride over to her client’s house. With a plan of action, Milán headed to her bedroom to shower and change clothes.

  After bathing, she decided on a pair of gray dress slacks, a white sleeveless top with red pumps and silver jewelry. Milán pulled her hair up into a French twist. She flicked tendrils into place before brushing her teeth and applying makeup. Grabbing her portfolio and red handbag, she walked out the door and headed for her car.


  Two hours later, Milán was sitting on Tiffany’s couch with her bare feet tucked under her and a glass of iced tea in her hand. “I’m sorry I didn’t feel up to shopping. My staging appointment ran longer than I expected. I gave her some homework to declutter so we could start staging the rooms, but when I got there it looked exactly like I’d seen it last week. Her open house is next Saturday so we have to be ready.”

  “You sure you don’t want something stronger?” her friend inquired, pointing to her tea glass.

  “This is fine. We’re going to Adrian’s mom’s house. I don’t want to show up tipsy.” She laughed.

  “Suit yourself. I can’t believe the night you had,” Tiffany said, dreamily. “What a romantic. Did you have a clue?”

  “Of course not.” Milán sighed. “I was floored…completely. There’s was no way I could’ve imagined he’d go to such great lengths—”

  Tiffany took a sip of her drink. “To bed you?”

  A playful smile crossed Milán’s face. “No. To surprise me. It’s a night I’ll never forget.”

  “I can tell by the blush,” Tiffany teased.

  “I’m not blushing,” Milán protested, but touched her cheek with her right hand. “Enough about me, how was your date with Adrian’s friend?”

  “Fizzled,” Tiffany exclaimed with a hand gesture. “There was no chemistry at all which was shocking considering the fun we had had after the basketball game. He’s been moved
to the friend aisle.”

  Milán set her drink on the table and turned to face Tiffany. “The friend aisle?”

  “Girl, yes. He loves sports so that was a plus, but we’re just not attracted to each other like that.” Tiffany made a face. “It’s like hanging out with my brother.”

  “You don’t have a brother.”

  “Well if I did, it would’ve been just like it.”

  “Maybe you need to services of the Love Broker.”

  Tiffany scrunched up her nose. “Uh, thank you, but no. I don’t need Adrian’s mother fixing me up. Not with the horror stories you’ve told me. I have enough hit and misses without that kind of track record.”

  “Don’t be so sure. She had great results with Sabrina and Justin. They even got married,” Milán pointed out.

  “Yeah, but she was trying for Adrian, wasn’t she?”

  Taking a sip of her drink, Milán said, “True, but it worked out in the end.”

  They chatted for a few more minutes before Milán announced she had to leave.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” she promised Tiffany.

  “Okay, but if something crazy happens, I want a call tonight.”

  Hugging her friend, Milán agreed and headed back to her apartment to get ready.

  An hour later, Adrian was ringing her doorbell. When he took in Milán’s sleeveless red lace dress and her hair in riotous curls about her shoulders, he nodded appreciatively.

  “You look amazing.”

  Milán kissed him and replied, “You look pretty hot yourself.”

  In an instant, Milán was engulfed in his arms. Adrian’s expression grew heated. “How about we skip dinner and stay here?” he said in caressing voice.

  “We can’t,” she replied with considerable effort. “Your family’s expecting us and I’m not about to keep Jeanie waiting.”

  Adrian groaned and released her. Reluctantly, he ushered Milán out her front door. “Lo sé. Vamos.”


  Shortly after dinner, they were ensconced in a bear hug with Adrian’s mother. “You two couldn’t have made me any happier if you tried,” Norma Jean confessed. “Well, there’s one thing that—”


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