Douluo Dalu - Volume 04 - Shrek Seven Devils

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 04 - Shrek Seven Devils Page 5

by Tang Jia San Shao

  In the rest area, Tang San’s group’s arrival immediately aroused the other Spirit Masters’ attention, after all, their age truly was too young. But, although these Spirit Masters revealed astonished expressions, there was nobody who made fun of them, each person meditating, as far as possible letting them maintain peak condition, waiting for the fighting spirits to begin.

  Xiao Wu sat next to Tang San, in a low voice saying:

  “Ge, I just now asked Dai Mubai, although every Spirit Master only can participate in one contest per day, they can simultaneously participate in different categories, we both are twenty ninth ranked, at this level, it should not be difficult to win, so it would be better for us to also join the two against two spirit fights, also good way to early get a few more of the required points, how about it?”

  Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

  “No problem, in any case we have come to improve our combat experience, more fighting experience is always good.”

  Immediately, he himself and Xiao Wu’s thoughts were informed to Dai Mubai. Dai Mubai naturally would not oppose, but as he was reminded by them, his gaze fell on Zhu Zhuqing. Unfortunately, their spirits were not the same stage so it was impossible to form a team for two against two spirit fights, so he could only give it up.

  Dai Mubai said:

  “Little San, you bring Xiao Wu to register on the two against two side, this side’s battles should still be a moment.”

  Tang San nodded. Before coming in, he had already seen the two against two sign up area. Immediately, he brought Xiao Wu and for the time being leaving the one against one spirit fight area, proceeding to the two against two spirit fight area sign up.

  Part 2

  “Sign up fee is ten gold coins, winning one fight altogether nets you ten gold coins.”

  The staff member efficiently collected the Tang San pair’s expenses. Because they had already registered for their rank, they only needed to show their iron fighting spirit badges without needing to fill out another form.

  “Please submit your combination name.”

  Combination name? Tang San and Xiao Wu met each other’s eyes. Only now did they learn that in two against two and group battles, everyone must submit their combination name to help the Spirit Arena presenter announce them.

  Tang San considered, then said:

  “We’re called San-Wu Combination[ San Wu Zuhe (三舞组合)].”

  He separately chose his and Xiao Wu’s name, anyway this importance was not something that held great importance.

  “Good, Three-Five Combination[ San Wu Zuhe (三五组合) They are homophones.] is now registered.”

  On Tang San and Xiao Wu’s badges another three words were carved, on it was carved the three words ‘Three Five Combination’. Only, ‘Wu’ was carved as ‘Five’.

  “Hey, this word is wrong, it’s Wu, not Five.”

  Xiao Wu resentfully said.

  The staff member said cold as ice:

  “Who asked you to not speak clearly. If you want to alter the combination name, you must re-register for iron spirit fight badges to be able to change it. At the same time, any already obtained accomplishments will be completely erased.”

  While Xiao Wu was getting ready to erupt, Dai Mubai’s voice was suddenly heard,

  “Xiao Wu, your one against one spirit fight is beginning. Hurry over.”

  Tang San clapped Xiao Wu’s shoulder, saying:

  “Let it be, Three Five Combination is just Three Five Combination, in the end it’s only a name, nothing more.”

  Xiao Wu pulled a face at that staff member, then ran towards the one against one spirit fight area.

  The one on one spirit fight area was drawn up according to lots drawn in advance. While other Spirit Masters were in the middle of spirit fights, the waiting Spirit Masters could opt to watch the battle or opt to rest. Each area in the Spirit Arena had special places for competing Spirit Masters to watch the battle. The distance to the fighting spirits platform was very close.

  Xiao Wu was the first of the five people to go on stage, and Tang San and the others naturally chose to watch the battle. Led by a staff member, they reached the spectating area below the platform, next to the fighting platform was a special area where you were just able to get a full view of the platform.

  Even though it was a Spirit Arena platform, the area still wasn’t small, its diameter reaching twenty metres, possessing sufficient area to let Spirit Masters display their strength. Unfortunately, at this Spirit Arena fourteen one against one spirit fight ring the quantity of audience was not much, approximately only seating one fifth or so.

  On the spirit fight stage, in the middle stood a middle aged person wearing a swallow-tailed coat, in a distinct voice, he said clearly:

  “Next, carrying out our Spirit Arena fourteen’s first one against one spirit fight, appearing, are two Spirit Grandmasters. They are respectively, with Beast Spirit Jade Rabbit[ (玉兔) A.k.a the moon rabbit.] Battle Spirit Grandmaster Xiao Wu, facing off against the with already two successive wins Beast Spirit Iron Horned Bull Battle Spirit Grandmaster Qing Bao[ (庆宝) “Celebrate Treasure”]. Will Qing Bao after all be able to continue to his glorious third successive win, or will the newcomer Battle Spirit Grandmaster Xiao Wu grasp victory, let us wipe our eyes and wait. Next, we invite the two Spirit Grandmaster’s on stage.”

  The spectators in the stands made very few shouts, occasionally several people shouted Qing Bao’s name. The majority did not appear not particularly interested.

  A person with tall and robust stature very quickly arrived on the stage, this person’s height was an astonishing two metres or so, broad shoulders and wide back, whole body covered by a layer of granite like muscle, tanned skin stretched tightly over tendons that covered his bare upper body like blue-green little snakes. Eyes glittering ominously like a copper bell, at the same time as taking the stage, he looked upward and issued an ear-splitting roar, releasing a valiant vigor.

  One need not even ask, this was a physical strength type Battle Spirit Master, the same category as Motionless Bright King Zhao Wuji.

  Ma Hongjun sat next to Tang San, in a low voice saying:

  “This big fellow looks strong for sure, will your Xiao Wu be alright?”

  Tang San smiled calmly, saying:

  “You wait and see. Xiao Wu’s spirit ability comparatively fears physical strength type Spirit Masters, but that is only in circumstances where the other side’s physical strength far outclasses hers. At equal levels, physical strength type Battle Spirit Masters facing her, will only be……”

  He did not finish his last line, a face childishly excited Xiao Wu already finally hopped on to the stage. White tight clothes, pink trousers, figure clearly still not particularly developed, a beautiful little face brimming with childishness, immediately attracted the attention of many spectators.

  “How old is this little miss? What did the announcer say? Said she was a Spirit Grandmaster? That’s impossible.”

  Similar doubting voices were continuously heard in the stands. The spectators always sympathised with the weaker side, and adding to Xiao Wu’s outward appearance being much better than the opposing side’s Iron Horned Bull Spirit Master, immediately received the favor of the majority of those watching the battle.

  Qing Bao on seeing Xiao Wu was stunned a moment, speaking in a low and muffled voice:

  “Little miss, haven’t you come to the wrong place? This is not where you should be, immediately go back home.”

  Xiao Wu wore a slight smile, although she was only twelve years old, that small face of hers revealing a slight smile harmless to humans and animals was very destructive, especially when speaking of Qing Bao’s kind of physical strength type simple minded fellow, it was even easier to arouse his protective instincts.

  “Little sister, step down. It would be no good if by chance you met with injury, you consider, you’re so frail.”

  Qing Bao was somewhat awkward. Simple-mindedly asking Xiao W
u to concede.

  Xiao Wu’s refined eyebrows wrinkled minutely, slim waist twisting,

  “Why are you speaking so much nonsense? Hurry up and use your spirit, don’t blame me for not warning you.”

  Seeing Qing Bao still wanted to say something, Xiao Wu whose character could never be considered gentle couldn’t help it, with a big stride forward, leapt up in Qing Bao’s direction.

  Xiao Wu’s speed was very quick, in the blink of an eye moving more than ten metres, long legs softly leaping, sending her body off the floor, one leg kicking towards Qing Bao’s neck.

  Defense was one of physical strength type Spirit Masters’ most formidable capabilities, seeing Xiao Wu light as a feather kicking towards him, the straightforward Qing Bao did not dodge at all, with his speed basically not open to dodging, in his heart thinking, ‘this little miss is not sensible, so young yet running to participate in spirit fights, let her hit a few times, wait until she’s tired, and she’ll naturally go down at once.’

  Part 3

  However, Qing Bao only had time to form this idea in his heart, the next moment this spirit fight already ended.

  The strength of Xiao Wu’s kick at Qing Bao’s thick and solid neck was more gentle than Qing Bao had imagined, after this kick of hers, the tips of her feet did not bounce away, instead sticking to Qing Bao’s neck, and at the same time her other leg also rose, stepping on Qing Bao’s substantial chest.

  Pink light quickly bubbled out, two bright full moon yellow rings of light appeared on Xiao Wu’s body, this moment, the spirit rings she used was proof to the spectators of her Spirit Grandmaster rank.

  Among Spirit Masters in the stands, as Tang San saw Xiao Wu’s right foot accurately stick to Qing Bao’s neck, the corners of his mouth showed a slight smile, lightly saying the word,


  Xiao Wu’s first spirit ring ability, Waist Bow, activated.

  Qing Bao only felt an energy simultaneously reach him from his chest and neck, his entire body following Xiao Wu’s flip, already like a soaring cloud thrown into the air.

  Immediately following, after Xiao Wu touched the ground she took a one step run up, leaping up to meet Qing Bao’s falling body in the air, both legs accurately grabbing his waist, her slender waist twisting, body rotating once in midair, a return drop making Qing Bao’s body fall obliquely, shooting under the protective rope on the side of the ring, falling directly below the platform, producing a muffled peng sound.

  The entire Spirit Arena fourteen’s one against one spirit fighting ring’s surroundings became quiet, not only the spectators, even that previous announcer already had his mouth wide open.

  Who could have expected that this spirit fight would have ended so quickly, and the winning side unexpectedly was that little miss looking only ten something years old. The entire process was not only quick, but also Xiao Wu’s figure using the Waist Bow on her enormous opponent looked so graceful, the reckless bull-like Qing Bao did not even have time to use his spirit before the spirit fight already ended.

  Because of Qing Bao’s politeness, Xiao Wu’s attack on him had not used all her spirit power, adding that his own defensive power wasn’t bad, currently he already crawled up from on the ground shaking and swaying.

  “Little sister, you truly are ferocious. I have lost.”

  Qing Bao was a guileless person, but not at all foolish. In the split second Xiao Wu used strength, he already felt that Xiao Wu’s spirit power was far superior to his, Qing Bao’s own spirit power was twenty fifth rank. Under this gap in spirit power, adding to this little miss’ skill also being so strange, he knew that even if he used his full power, it would still be impossible to win.

  Xiao Wu snappily said:

  “What ‘little sister, little sister’, call me Xiao Wu Jie. Don’t you know who is more capable?”

  “Eh, Xiao Wu Jie.”

  Qing Bao very honestly called her, leaving with face blushing.

  Among the Spirit Masters watching the stage, Tang San hearing Xiao Wu’s words couldn’t help smiling, this girl, the enthusiastic big sister leader also came out.

  Hong——, at this moment cheering abruptly resounded, a beautiful little miss who was also so ferocious immediately attracted the eyes of all people. For a moment there was thunderous applause.

  Xiao Wu smiled and giggling waved her hand towards the stands.

  By now the announcer also reacted, with quick steps reaching the spirit fighting stage, in a loud voice declaring,

  “Battle Spirit Grandmaster Xiao Wu’s victory, fight record, one victory zero losses. Qing Bao’s fight record is twenty one wins and fourteen losses. Grandmaster Xiao Wu, after leaving the stage please go register accumulated points.”

  The competition pace was carried out very quickly, perhaps it was because of the brief brilliance in Xiao Wu’s display in the fight with Qing Bao, the spectators in the stand by now also had become interested.

  But what Tang San’s waiting group didn’t expect was, the second spirit fight’s Spirit Masters unexpectedly were a Shrek Academy internal battle. The two sides up to fight were respectively Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing.

  Zhu Zhuqing only gave Tang San a glance and went to the spirit fight passage, when Tang San just prepared to catch up, Dai Mubai grabbed his shoulder.

  Dai Mubai’s face revealed some awkwardness, in a low voice saying:

  “Little brother, start off a bit easy.”

  Tang San smiled slightly, nodding once to him, then ascended the stage by the spirit fight passage.

  Again two students were facing off, and also competing in this was a beautiful lady who in appearance was not inferior to Xiao Wu. Before the spirit fight had even started, the spectators already burst into cheers.

  The announcer simply introduced both sides names and spirits, indicating to the pair that the spirit fight could begin.


  Tang San politely made a courteous gesture to Zhu Zhuqing.

  Zhu Zhuqing coldly said:

  “Please go all out, let me see my gap with you.”

  She was present at the fight between Tang San and Zhao Wuji, and naturally understood it was impossible for her to match Tang San. But what she even more wanted to know was, as Spirit Grandmasters alike, how big the gap between her and Tang San actually was.

  Different from the previous fight, as this spirit fight was about to start the battle’s two sides both released their spirits. Zhu Zhuqing’s pair of eyes changed simultaneously, left eye dark green, right eye clear blue, a pair of cute cat ears stood up slightly, both hands’ ten fingers lightly flicking, spike like claws sprang from the tips. Body crouching forward, coldly staring at Tang San like he was her prey. Two yellow spirit rings at the same time appeared on her body, an ice cold and piercing atmosphere giving people a somewhat suffocating feeling.

  Equally colored spirit rings also appeared on Tang San’s body, blue and black long vines extended along the ground, moving rhythmically like blue and black giant snakes, covering more than ten metres in diameter around Tang San’s body, seemingly occupying half the spirit fighting platform’s area.

  Tang San looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a calm expression. He was not a bit hurried, even though the two sides competition had not even started, Tang San knew he had already obtained victory.

  As a control system Battle Spirit Master, he in himself would restrain Zhu Zhuqing’s agility attack system, especially in the ring where Zhu Zhuqing’s quickness was unable to fully be displayed. This fight held no suspense from the beginning.

  Watching the blue silver grass spreading in her direction, Zhu Zhuqing knew she could not keep waiting. Body suddenly shooting up, even leaving a series of phantoms, pouncing at Tang San from the front.

  Part 4

  Right now, the entire audience clearly saw, as Zhu Zhuqing rushed within the range of the Blue Silver Grass, in all directions the Blue Silver Grass simultaneously stood up, just like an enormous cage, enveloping Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing

  Zhu Zhuqing’s first spirit ring shone up practically at the same time as Tang San’s.

  Hell Rush Stab[ (幽冥突刺) Or “Hell Thrust” or “Hell Rush Pierce” or “Hell Rush Assassinate” or several other possibilities.] activated, in midair, Zhu Zhuqing’s sharp claws suddenly extended, her body quickly became indistinct, speed doubling in a flash, obliquely leaping in Tang San’s direction.

  Seeing her approach, Tang San only did one simple movement. Stepping aside.

  Currently, his eyes were already covered with a purple layer, perhaps to other peoples’ eyes Zhu Zhuqing’s silhouette was very difficult to distinguish, but he who had continuously trained in hidden weapons, relying on Purple Demon Eye, how would he not be able to see clearly?

  While using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track to escape danger, bringing Tang San’s body away from Zhu Zhuqing’s attack range, the sharp claws pierced the air, practically sticking to Tang San’s body as she streaked past. In the next moment, Zhu Zhuqing had no chance to launch her second spirit ring ability. The Blue Silver Grass already waiting for her took advantage of her neutralized attack to crowd around her in an instant.

  Blue Silver Grass first spirit ring ability, Binding, activated.

  Numerous Blue Silver Grass bundled robustly around Zhu Zhuqing’s body. They were after all on the same side, so Tang San did not activate Blue Silver Grass’ venomous thorns and only tied down Zhu Zhuqing, that’s all. But the first spirit ring’s supplementary paralysis was still reducing Zhu Zhuqing’s spirit power fluctuations, their battle also ended within this brief moment of time.

  “Control system restrains agility attack system, your attack was insufficient to cut open my spirit’s control capabilities.”

  Tang San with a mild expression released Blue Silver Grass.

  Zhu Zhuqing was still that cold, but Tang San knew she herself also understood, only she didn’t expect Tang San would win this easily. Right now she already was completely clear about the reason Tang San was able to tangle with Zhao Wuji for so long, was certainly not only because of the exquisite hidden weapons. His grasp of timing in battle was equally valiant, facing him she basically didn’t have the slightest chance.


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