The Knowing One

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The Knowing One Page 30

by Lexy Wolfe

  Storm paused her brushing, not looking at Nolyn. "You are perceptive, Master Nolyn."

  Nolyn smiled more at the endearing tone of uncertainty in Storm's voice. "You are kind to think so, Swordanzen Storm. Most of my own people consider me rather eccentric." She looked at him with a slight frown of incomprehension. "Ah, eccentric. It means 'rather out of the ordinary'." He shrugged one shoulder. "I prefer the company of the trees and animals than my own kind."

  "By choice?" He nodded, watching her closely as she thought about his words. "Considering some of the people I have met here, I cannot blame you." She was silent for several minutes before she finally asked with mild exasperation, "Is there a reason you are out here and not sleeping until the sun is high in the sky like most everyone else in this sun forsaken land?"

  "I was hoping you might introduce me to your friend here," Nolyn replied simply, nodding towards the drizar watching him with unwavering intensity.

  "And...? You could have asked anytime since we arrived." Storm fixed her green-gold eyes on him. "Why now?"

  "Oh, I thought you might try to disappear before we are to leave for the Magus Academy." The flicker of irritation across Storm's face told Nolyn how accurate his assumptions were. In a gentler voice, he said, "Ash really wishes for you to accompany us. It means a great deal to him. And to me. You saved my life. I want the Edai Tredecima to know this with you standing before them."

  "I hate that place," Storm growled under her breath. "I have no words to express how much I hate that viper's pit."

  "You do not need words." Nolyn rested his chin on his arms on the stall door, watching her. "I do not think there is much that you would run away from."

  "I am not running away!" Storm snapped, glaring at Nolyn.

  "Really. Then why are you preparing your drizar for a very long run?" He quickly raised a hand to deflect the thrown brush. "Look, I am not fond of the tomb, either. But it is not the seat of all evil you act like it is." Sighing heavily, Storm rested her forehead against the drizar's neck. "Ash will not allow anything to happen to you. Believe me." The tone of his voice drew her gaze back to him. "I have never known Ash to be as concerned over any person as he is over you. Not even for Bennu or Dessa."

  Storm regarded Nolyn for a time, her expression a tangle of emotions. Reluctantly, she admitted, "I do not want to embarrass him. Nothing good has come of me being in that place."

  Nolyn made a dismissive gesture. "You have been listening to the shallow-minded snips too much. From what I heard, a lot of good has come of you being in the Academy. The first time, you assisted in revealing Se'edai Ysai for the darkling she was. That in itself most likely saved Forenta from being destroyed from within.

  "I do not know much of the second, but while there was loss of life from your confrontation with the three juniors who allied to darklings and shadows, it did, nevertheless, root out more of those festering sores that poison my people still." Nolyn arched an eyebrow when she blushed, averting her eyes. "I would say you have done more to help Forenta than any other person besides Ash."

  "Even though I am an ignorant savage?" she asked, not looking at him.

  "Ignorant?" Nolyn shook his head. "Only the ignorant see ignorance in others, Swordanzen. I see a very strong, very wise woman who truly appreciates the land. Who protects all life, not just humans."

  "You see that?" Storm's quiet voice sounded more like an uncertain girl than a hardened warrior.

  The mage felt an irrational urge to want to protect the frightened girl revealed hiding within the temperamental warrior. But he knew who had already won her heart, even if she adamantly refused to acknowledge it. Nolyn smiled ruefully. "Take care of my spirit brother, Swordanzen. He's admittedly a little rough around the edges, but there is no one I would trust my life with more than him."

  Storm studied Nolyn for a time before she looked at the drizar, resting her hand on the reptilian's broad brow. "To find an animal companion is one of the trials a Swordanzen must endure to prove they truly know the heart of the land. Most times it is a full female or a failed male. Sometimes, it is others, but drizzen are some of the most intelligent and largest creatures in Desantiva's borders. No one in recent memory had bonded to a full male drizar as I had."

  "A 'failed male'? Would this not make them weak or flawed?"

  Storm could not help but chuckle. "We call males who cannot breed a 'failed male' but it does not make them week. They are much more docile. Compliant." She patted the drizar. "Drizar are extremely territorial. If there are too many, they will battle to the death. Because drizar is with me, there is an understood truce between him and the other drizar. Up to a point. He still must contest with them for a share of the herds during the rut."

  "I see." Nolyn smiled a little. "A strong male can always be won over by a strong female. He would not tolerate anything soft. Reminds me a lot of Ash." He smiled more when her cheeks darkened.

  "The drizar will permit you to touch him if you wish." She patted the broad neck. "He has a weakness for anyone who truly admires him and will indulge me if I ask him." Nolyn smiled inwardly, considering the description apt for a few others he knew.

  Chapter 56

  Terrence paused at the archway to the master hall, irritably tugging at the finer, if less comfortable, robes he wore. He remained in the shadow, noting the household was as subdued as the dismal winter weather outside was. The moment he saw Skyfire and Lyra arrive, he crossed the room to join them.

  The Swordanzen man hovered protectively, his eyes only for the slight young woman. For all of Lyra's improvements since the attack, having to relive that horrible day for the Edai Tredecima's benefit made her uncharacteristically withdrawn again.

  Terrence said nothing, knowing no words could soothe Lyra's inner torment. He simply put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Wordlessly, she embraced the journeyman mage tightly. He closed his eyes as he held her. "We are each other's strength," he murmured soothingly. "All of us together." Lyra looked up and managed a smile, nodding mutely. She stepped back, tugging his robes straight again.

  The three looked up as Ash came out of the inner spiral hall that led high into the giant tree. The Illaini Magus failed to conceal his worry as he looked around the room. "Where is Storm? I cannot find her anywhere."

  Skyfire shrugged, unconcerned. "Storm almost always seeks comfort from the drizar when she is agitated. And nothing agitates her more than your Magus Academy." Golden brown eyes glanced towards the main door briefly. "She is out by the stables still. Putting a hand on Terrence and Lyra's backs, he gently ushered them towards the dining room. "Come, both of you. You both need to eat. It is better to face trials like these with a full stomach."

  "You, too," Lyra stated reflexively. "You ate nothing last night. Neither did Mistress Storm."

  The Desanti man chuckled softly. "We eat plenty to sustain us. We need no more than that."

  "You still need to eat more." Lyra took Skyfire's hand, holding it tightly. Terrence smiled faintly as he obediently went into the dining room with the pair.

  "Ash!" The mage stopped briefly at the door, looking back at Mureln. The bard closed the distance between them, catching Ash by the arm as he spoke in a low voice, trying to convey his caution to the Forentan man. "Remember what you are asking of Storm." He kept his voice pitched only for the Illaini's ears alone. "The face she shows the world may be one of bravery and strength, but you know better. She is still very young and she is very frightened. Be gentle with her." The bard did not react when Ash growled under his breath, jerking his arm back before snatching his cloak and stalking outside. Mureln sighed, closing his eyes. "This is not going to end well."

  Outside, the Illaini Magus stopped short when he saw Storm and Nolyn together. Watching from her seat on the top of the corral fence, Storm laughed delightedly as the drizar pranced with Nolyn astride. The guardsman mage had an enchanted expression on his face. Gritting his teeth against a sudden pang of intense, and in his mind irrational, jealousy for his bro
ther, Ash walked over to lean on the fence beside Storm.

  "I am most impressed with Master Nolyn." Storm's eyes never left Nolyn and the drizar. "I would never have guessed any Forentan could do whatever most Desanti cannot. He has a keen affinity for the heart of the land."

  Ash narrowed his eyes as he looked at Storm's profile. "I did not think you allowed others to ride the drizar."

  Storm blinked, looking at Ash with mild confusion at his tone. "I do not dictate anything about the drizar's wishes. Nolyn asked the drizar to allow him to ride, and the drizar decided to be agreeable. I had nothing to do with that." She looked back at the drizar. "The drizar is not being as disagreeable as he might be. I asked him not to test Nolyn too hard because it would be rude to break his neck before going to the Magus Academy."

  "I see." Ash ground his teeth, glowering at Nolyn. "Why are you out here and not inside?"

  "I was going to take the drizar out for a run. Master Nolyn pointed out I would be late returning before we had to leave for the viper pit." Storm looked at Ash, uncertainty and worry in her eyes. "Did I do something wrong?"

  Nolyn looked over, meeting Ash's eyes for a moment. Turning to the beast, he leaned forward a little, speaking in a low voice to him. The drizar snorted and lowered himself to allow Nolyn to dismount. As soon as the man was clear, the reptilian animal turned abruptly and returned to the warmth of the stables. "Is it time to depart already?" Nolyn wondered as he approached the pair, keeping his voice neutral.

  In clipped tones, Ash stated, "We will be leaving soon." Storm grumbled under her breath in Desanti as she swung her legs over to the outside of the fence and dropped down. "It would be best not to make Miss Kelafy wait too long for us to have breakfast." Ash's hostile glare did not leave Nolyn.

  "I am not hungry," Storm stated defiantly, crossing her arms.

  "You should eat before we have to endure the drudgery of this meeting." Without thinking, Ash took Storm by the arm as if to propel her back towards the house. Unfortunately, the physical touch allowed her to sense the naked jealousy in Ash's heart.

  The touch was met with a drawn knife and hostile glare. "You do not own me!" Storm hissed, green-gold eyes flashing with fury and hurt.

  Realizing his mistake, Ash released her. "Storm, wait. Let me explain...!"

  The damage was done, however. The drizar burst out of the stables, lightly jumping over the fence. Storm ran to him and mounted, the two galloping off into the forest without a backward look or acknowledging either mage.

  Nolyn looked at Ash in exasperation. "What in the hells is the matter with you, Ash?" the man demanded in Forentan.

  The Illaini Magus gritted his teeth, not responding immediately. Finally, he turned on Nolyn. "What the hell are you doing out here with her?"

  "Keeping her here, Ash. For you!" When Ash snorted his opinion, Nolyn threw his hands into the air in exasperation. "Do you know what it took me to convince her not to run off? She would have been gone long before the sunrise if I had not come out here!" Nolyn started to speak again when he suddenly understood his brother's sudden hostility. His expression and tones softened a little. "You're jealous of me? Ash, I couldn't win that woman's heart if I tried."

  "And you weren't trying?" Ash asked sourly.

  "Of course not. I wanted to meet the drizar, and I suspected the woman would be here." Nolyn waved a hand towards the stables. "She's the expert in the desert beasts. I'd be a fool to try approaching them without either of the Desanti present. The male especially." The guardsman sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "She's a lot like the lyon I told you about, Ash. Most beasts do not seek out confrontations. Instinct dictates flight before fight. They will fight if they are protecting something or they are cornered. I'm sure she felt cornered with the pressure to attend this meeting "Ash, the more trapped your desert woman feels, the harder she will fight for her freedom." He quirked a smile. "As beautiful as she is, I am sure she had all sorts of men fighting over her, and welcomed it as much as you suddenly seeing me as a rival for her heart." As Ash closed his eyes and looked away as he realized what he'd done, Nolyn put a hand on his shoulder. "She loves you, Ash. She tolerates me because you consider me family."

  "I must go find her." Ash started to head towards the stables to get his own horse.

  Nolyn grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Illaini Magus, for once in your life would you concede you do not know everything and listen to someone else for once?" Ash clenched his jaw, freezing in place. "If you chase after her now, before she's a chance to calm down, she will just keep running. If you corner her, she will fight you. She might even turn away from you."

  "I can't lose her," Ash admitted in a tight voice, not meeting Nolyn's eyes. "There is something between us. I cannot explain it. Some bond that ties us together." Raising his eyes to meet Nolyn's, he said softly, "Whenever she has come close to death, I have felt as if I would follow. I know she has felt it, too, when I was near death."

  Sighing, Nolyn reassured quietly, "You won't lose her. Storm is not like those vapid women who will go with whatever man wins a fight for her. She will not abide anyone trying to dominate her, nor does she want to dominate. She wants someone who is both, and neither."

  "My mind knows that," Ash stated tonelessly, staring off into the forest. "Forgive me, Nolyn. I know you better than that. I allowed my emotions to override reason."

  Nolyn smirked a little. "Most would council you should listen to your heart, but this time, I would say most are wrong." Putting a hand on Ash's back, he guided him towards the house. "You are a master in matters of the mind, but you're just an apprentice in matters of the heart."

  "And you are a master, Nolyn?" Ash had a bitter edge to his voice.

  Nolyn snorted softly. "No one ever is a master of the heart, Ash. It is like trying to control the blizzard winds. But you must stop expecting your desert woman to act like a typical Forentan woman." He squeezed Ash's shoulder. "I have seen how she looks at everyone else here, Ash. She can barely hide what is in her heart. Distrust. Hostility. Hatred. I can't imagine how hard it is for her or the other Desanti to be here among the descendants of their people's murderers."

  Ash stopped short, staring straight ahead, sharply reminded of the enmity between the warriors and mages that he had so blithely put out of his mind. "Oh, goddess, what have I done?"

  Seeing the realization dawn in Ash's eyes, Nolyn said quietly, "She looks at me like that more often than not. But she doesn't look at you like that, Ash. Most of the time."

  "Only when she feels like she is betraying her own people," Ash whispered. He half turned, looking in the direction Storm had ridden off in. "Goddess, Nolyn, what have I been doing to her? Why couldn't I see how I was torturing her? How much she was hurting? She wouldn't say she was in pain. She thinks showing pain is a sign of weakness." Covering half his face with one hand, he groaned. "What have I done?"

  "Nothing irreparable," Nolyn stated flatly. "Not yet. Give her space for now. I am sure the Se'edai Magus will excuse her absence today. I don't think there is much Ellis wouldn't do for you. Besides, the only one who seems capable of taking that woman to task is Almek, and even then it is only because she permits it." Thumping Ash on the back, Nolyn said, "Once we're done at the Academy, you can come home and attend to matters with your Swordanzen. Let's follow your own advice and get breakfast before we have to face the Se'edai and the council of idiots."

  Chapter 57

  The group was surprised to be greeted with the sight of nearly the entire population of the Magus Academy gathered outside. The chatter of excitement grew more audible the closer they approached. Stable hands rushed over to take the horses to shelter as the group dismounted. "What is going on here?" Ash demanded.

  "The Voice of the Oracle!" one of the stable hands said excitedly. "There are no words for it, Illaini Magus. It is amazing!" People turned and bowed respectfully to Ash and moved out of his way as he approached, the others following closely. He walked down the path cleared for him un
til he reached the inside edge of the throng of people, stopping short to stare in amazement at the unexpected sight before him. Almek and the others were also amazed, but also amused, chuckling at the sight before them.

  Dressed in her good robes, Zoe sat astride the drizar with Storm seated behind her, the girl's eyes wide with childlike delight as the drizar trotted around the circle with uncharacteristic docility. Nearby, Ellis watched with an amused smile, arms crossed. The other Forenten were torn between amused wonder and concerned confusion.

  "Hang on," Storm instructed, keeping a firm arm around the girl. Zoe squealed with delight when the drizar suddenly reared back on two feet, his shriek echoing off the mountain face into the trees. The crowd backed up hastily, as if expecting him to attack.

  "That was fun!" The girl happily clapped her hands in delight. The drizar stood proudly, looking quite smug as he arched his neck. Zoe looked up at the Desanti woman. "He is such a wonderful creature! Can I have a drizar of my own someday?" she asked hopefully.

  Storm's voice was mild as she replied with respect for the young oracle. "Unfortunately, no. It is not warm enough for them to breed here. Full males are very rare."

  "Why are they so rare?" Zoe wondered, leaning forward to pet the drizar. She smiled with enchantment when he arched his neck and made his unusual cooing sound of pleasure.

  With an unreadable expression, Storm flicked a glance towards Ash, then turned back to Zoe and the drizar, reaching back to thump his flank. "Drizar are strong and proud. And they are too territorial to share with another full male easily."

  "Awww." Zoe pouted in disappointment. "That is a shame. He is so handsome!" The girl caught sight of Ash with the others standing behind him. She smiled brightly, waving enthusiastically. "Master Ash! Journeyman Terrence! Look at me! I'm riding a drizar!"

  Terrence chuckled, approaching the two to help Zoe down. "You are very brave," the journeyman said cheerfully. "The drizar scares me."


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