The Alpha Heir (Kingdom of Askara Book 2)

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The Alpha Heir (Kingdom of Askara Book 2) Page 13

by Victoria Sue

  Taegan slit the cover on the cart to open it up and stilled as he heard a small noise from the cart itself. He quickly took it in. The cart was empty except for a pile of rags, some skins of water and what looked like some dried food. There were also a couple of bedrolls, but absolutely no silks. The noise had come from under the pile of rags. Taegan glanced at Cy; he had heard it too. Cy pointed his sword at the bundle and nodded as Taegan grasped a corner and pulled.

  Sorin’s heart. Children. Two of them. A boy of around five or six and a girl he would guess at maybe ten. Filthy, tied and gagged, and from the looks of things both terrified.

  Cy immediately sheathed his sword, and he and Taegan both pulled off their hoods.

  Taegan bent down, and the girl’s pupils dilated in terror. The little boy quivered and tried to press closer to the girl. “Hey, hey. You’re safe,” Taegan said gently. “We’re gonna untie you.” He deftly removed the mouth gag on the girl, but the boy seemed rigid in fear. Cy looked helplessly at Taegan, obviously not wanting to scare him further by touching him. “My name’s Taegan, and this is Cy. We are not going to hurt you.” Taegan looked at the bindings. “I’m going to have to use my knife to cut the ropes.”

  The girl never made a noise but her already pale skin whitened further.

  “Hi,” Cy said and bent down. “Can you tell me your name?” He nodded to Taegan to untie her while he was distracting her.

  The girl’s nostrils flared as the ropes were cut. “Anna,” she whispered.

  Cy looked helplessly at Taegan. “We need to get out of here.”

  Taegan nodded and bent down. He quickly undid the gag on the little boy and cut the ropes. He never moved or spoke. “You need to come with us so we can make sure you’re okay.”

  “Rebel One?” Taegan heard Jenner’s warning call for Taegan’s attention. They never used names on raids; it was too dangerous. Jenner was obviously getting nervous over the amount of time they were out in the open.

  “We have to get you out of here before the wolves see us.” And with that, Taegan scooped up the little girl as Cy did exactly the same to the boy.

  The girl whimpered but clutched around Taegan’s neck. The boy never made a sound.

  “I’m going to take you to see my mom. She’ll look after you while we figure things out.”

  He pulled his hood down before they jumped from the cart. Jenner stood threateningly over the two men lain on the ground. Taegan passed the girl to another of his men, and Cy led them both away. Taegan knew they would take them straight to the camp. He stalked over to Jenner and thrust his knife threateningly at the nearest guy on the ground. “Talk.”

  “I dunno nothin’,” he stammered.

  “Who are the kids?”

  “We don’t ask questions like that,” the other guy snapped. This one was older and not as panicked as the first one.

  “Where are you taking them?” Jenner interrupted, and the older guy clamped his mouth closed stubbornly.

  “Either you tell me what I want to know and we untie you so you get a chance of escape,” Taegan said calmly, “or we leave you trussed up for the gammas to find. I doubt if the Alphas will ask as nicely as I am doing when they find out you lost their cargo.”

  The younger one blanched and the older one sighed. “Look, we’re just trying to stay alive, same as you.”

  “I don’t steal children,” Taegan snapped out. “You have five seconds.”

  “We have papers granting us access between Tethra and Niandes. We do delivery and we’re not allowed to question what or when.” The older man looked at Taegan and then sighed. “We aren’t allowed to look in the cart, but we heard something. Honest to goddess, though, I never knew it was kids.”

  “We never see who loads the cart,” the younger one explained. “We park it somewhere as instructed by bird messenger and when we collect it, the payment is hidden in a box we bury. It’s all done by messenger.”

  Taegan frowned. “And where are you taking them?”

  The older guy gulped. “You’ll let us go?” Taegan nodded. “To Alpha Aldred’s pack. We are going to be met by gammas.”

  Taegan glanced sharply at Jenner, glad that his face was hidden beneath the hood. What the hell?

  “I swear we didn’t know it was kids, but it’d be our lives if we looked.”

  It made no sense. “Why aren’t there more of you for guards?”

  The younger one shrugged and looked at the older one. He grunted. “Because guards would give you lot the impression we had something important.”

  But why were two human children important? Taegan nodded to Jenner, who quickly released the ropes. Taegan nodded to the horse and cart. They had no need for either. “Which village do you live in?”

  “Harlow,” the younger one piped up, and Taegan didn’t doubt the honesty of the answer if the murderous look the older one gave him was anything to go by.

  “We will be in touch,” Taegan replied threateningly.

  “Wait,” the younger one said. “I swear we didn’t know there were kids, but you should know something. Originally we were taking them to Alpha Mason but the whole pack’s in uproar.”

  Taegan paused. “Why?”

  The younger one looked disbelievingly at Taegan. “As if you don’t know.” Taegan simply pointed his knife and the older one hurried to explain. “Mason was stabbed to death a week ago at the choosing ceremony by rebels and they kidnapped the lunatic nephew. It’s back to being Warwick as Alpha.”

  Taegan drew a sharp breath in but the rebel didn’t seem to notice. “Warwick has sworn vengeance to any human supporting them.”

  The younger one’s eyes bugged. “He’s offered a reward.”

  Taegan rolled his eyes. It was quite flattering they cared so much about his capture. “No one will give up the rebel leader.” He tried to sound confident.

  “Not the rebel leader.” The younger one shook his head. “The nephew. He’s offered a reward for him.”

  Taegan rocked back on his heels. For Caleb? Why in the name of the goddess would Warwick offer money up for Caleb? It made absolutely no sense. He let Jenner drag him away and soon they were galloping off.

  “Mason’s dead,” Jenner said in awe, dragging his mask off. “How come we didn’t know?”

  Taegan shook his head quickly. He remembered pushing the blade in sharply and Mason’s astonished eyes when he realized what had happened. He had assumed the wolf would shift but Taegan’s thrust must have been fatal. He tucked his own mask into the pouch at his belt, his mind racing through the possibilities for a new Alpha-heir, and what it might mean for them and Caleb. He hoped Silas would understand the reward, because it sounded really confusing to him. “I’m surprised we haven’t heard about Mason,” Taegan agreed.

  “You must think they might be useful?”

  Taegan knew Jenner was questioning his letting the men go. “I have no idea how they are going to explain the children’s disappearance, but we may get more information from them at some point.”

  “I just don’t see what possible use they would be,” Jenner muttered. “The kids, that is. It’s not like he can’t get slaves in every human village. Why these ones?”

  Taegan shook his head. He didn’t know and that bothered him. It made absolutely no sense.

  • • •

  They were back at the camp in less than two hours, and Chris, one of the teenagers, ran up to take care of the horses. Taegan and Jenner headed for the big cave where he knew the children would have been taken straight to Renee.

  Taegan and Jenner strode in, and he stopped as his mom put up her hand in warning. The little girl was clung to Renee, tears streaming down her face as she took gulping breaths. The little boy, however, was crouched in a corner, eyes wild and waving a huge bread knife every time anyone took a step.

  “Anna doesn’t know him,” Renee said quickly. “She was picked up by the collection gangs yesterday and given to whoever was delivering them. The boy was already with them.”

  “But that makes no sense,” Taegan said carefully, his eyes never leaving the terrified little boy. Surely they would have been going towards Solonara, not away from it.

  “We laid him down and I turned to draw some water for him,” Cy explained. “As soon as my back was turned, he leapt up and grabbed a knife from the side. I never thought he was even all there to be honest, Taegan.”

  Taegan knew what he meant. The boy had been so deep in shock he seemed catatonic.

  “What’s wrong?” Silas stepped into the room then came to an abrupt stop.

  “We found these two picked up by collection gangs. Both terrified out of their wits.” Taegan waved at them both. “Mom, take Anna out. Cy, go with her please.”

  Renee and Cy both left with the little girl. Taegan knew he had to disarm him before he hurt himself. The blade was sharp and in the hands of a child it could do serious damage. Taegan took a slow step towards the boy, and quick as a flash Silas put his hand on his arm to stop him. “Wait,” he cautioned.

  Taegan paused. “I need to stop him hurting himself,” he whispered urgently.

  “Let me,” Silas said, hunkering down. “I am wolf, what is your pack?”

  Taegan gaped. He was a wolf?

  The boy whimpered and waved the knife alarmingly.

  “Silas?” Taegan cautioned.

  “I smell wolf,” he cautioned, then glanced at Taegan. “Go ask Caleb to come.”

  Taegan nodded to Jenner and the man disappeared. “This makes no sense, Silas. Why would the wolves be treating their own like this? And why do you need Caleb?”

  “Because the boy might recognize the Alpha in Caleb he doesn’t sense from me,” Silas said quietly, still smiling at the terrified boy. “And—” Silas paused.

  “What?” Taegan asked.

  “There is of course the possibility he isn’t fully wolf.”

  Silas didn’t have to say anymore. If the boy was a hybrid, it was a death sentence. Was that why they were being taken to Warwick? Had the collections got them and then given them away when they realized what they were? But that didn’t make sense. It was an immediate death sentence. They would have been killed where they stood and certainly wouldn’t be transported anywhere.


  Taegan turned to see Caleb standing by Jenner. He still looked pale. Taegan would make sure he ate today, even if he had to feed him himself.

  “Oh goodness,” he whispered as Silas moved to the side to show Caleb the little boy.

  “We think he’s either wolf or hybrid. He was being transported to Warwick.”

  “That makes no sense,” Caleb murmured and knelt down a few feet from the boy whose arm that held the knife shook dramatically with the effort of holding it out.

  Caleb smiled and opened his arms. “My name is Caleb, and you are quite safe.”

  The little boy froze and then in a flurry of movement dropped the knife and launched himself at Caleb. Caleb gasped a little at the force but he wrapped his arms around him as the wails started. Taegan steadied Caleb and drew him to his feet as the little boy shook and sobbed.

  Taegan gazed at Silas in astonishment and then simply lifted Caleb up with the boy and walked to his room. The cave was huge, and Taegan sensed they would both feel safer in a smaller space. He sat Caleb on his bed and retreated to the chair. Caleb rocked the boy and murmured soothing words until the sobs slowed and the shaking stopped. Unfortunately, that was immediately followed by an exhausted sleep.

  “Where did you find him?” Caleb said, smoothing the black curls away from his face. Taegan quickly explained just as Silas knocked and came in.

  “I heated some milk,” he said, smiling at the little boy curled up in Caleb’s arms. “He needs to sleep, but I am concerned he will have had little if any fluids recently. Anna says they spent the night travelling with no water.”

  “Does she know his name?”

  “No. They were gagged nearly immediately. Anna has eaten, and Renee is bathing her now.”

  Caleb shook his head. “This little one definitely had to pee where he was laid. He is so deeply asleep I think we could undress him, but if he wakes it might terrify him more.”

  “I think you’re gonna have to try and wake him if only to get some fluids down him,” Taegan said.

  Caleb nodded and shook the boy’s arm gently. “Are you thirsty? I have some milk.” Silas passed Caleb the milk and Caleb put it to the boy’s lips. “Come on, take a drink.” The boy stirred slightly and moved his head. “Take a drink,” Caleb encouraged, and the little boy blinked and lifted his head. Caleb put the cup to his lips and then the little boy seemed to realize. He clutched Caleb’s hand holding the milk and drank thirstily.

  Caleb waited until he had finished. “Do you remember me telling you my name was Caleb?”

  A small nod.

  “What’s your name?” Taegan didn’t think he was going to answer.

  “Gia.” He never took his eyes off Caleb, even though it was Taegan who had spoken. Taegan nearly smiled, remembering Kyan. All his attention had been on Caleb as well. Caleb seemed to have this effect on a lot of children.

  “Are you hungry?” Caleb asked. Gia shook his head, then nodded.

  “How about I get you cleaned up and comfy, first?”

  Taegan stood and went out to get some warm water. He looked up as his mom walked into the kitchen just as he was pouring some in a bowl. “Anna’s asleep, poor lamb. She didn’t last long enough to eat much.”

  “We’re getting Gia washed and fed, then I expect he’ll sleep as well.”

  “Do we know why they were taken?”

  Taegan sighed and rubbed his eyes. “I think it’s gonna depend on how much wolf they have. If they’re hybrids like Silas suspects Gia is, then I’m guessing this has the stench of the witch. I just have no idea what or how. Did Anna tell you anything?”

  “Not beyond being taken by the gangs. She has no parents, unlicensed and works in the tannery for Alpha Samere. She lives in a camp just outside of Eastby.”

  Taegan frowned. “There’s no way she’s a hybrid and the gammas wouldn’t know, and Eastby’s just over the border into Niandes. It seems completely pointless moving them anywhere. We need to see if Silas or Caleb can sense she has any wolf.”

  “Silas hasn’t seen her yet. He didn’t want to scare her.”

  “Okay,” Taegan said and lifted the bowl of water. “Make sure someone stays with her, and then when they both wake we’ll feed them and see what we can find out.”

  Renee stopped him with a hand on his arm. “And if they have wolf?” He knew what she was asking.

  “We’ll find them a home, mom. I’m not going to abandon them.”

  “But where, Taegan? Any wolves would smell them. They cannot be anywhere there is the risk of them being discovered.”

  Taegan paused. She was right. It was a death sentence. “And then what, mom? People talk. Unlicensed humans are one thing. Hybrids are another thing all together. I cannot risk the people here we already have.”

  Renee gazed at him. Her blue eyes as strong and unwavering as they had always been. “I just think things are going to change.” She patted his hand and walked out.

  Taegan stood holding the bowl, frozen like some lunatic. She was right. Things were changing. He just wasn’t sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

  • • •

  Anna woke after four hours but it took Gia another two after that. He refused to be for even one moment anywhere that Caleb wasn’t, and Caleb was as amused as Taegan wasn’t. He’d only let Caleb wash him. He’d only let Caleb help him dress and he panicked if Caleb even tried to leave the room. Taegan couldn’t help. Silas couldn’t help. Even Renee couldn’t get the child to stop clinging to Caleb.

  He understood. He really did, and his heart ached for Gia and every other child caught in a war they didn’t make.

  When both the kids had woken up and eaten, they all decided to meet in the large cave. It was warm, and th
ere were comfy chairs they could bring in. Anna came in clutching Renee’s hand and Caleb Gia’s. Gia took one look at everyone and turned, hiding his face in Caleb’s shirt.

  “Gia, you’re safe,” Caleb crooned. “You’re gonna sit with me while we just have a talk.” He still didn’t move, so Caleb picked him up and walked to the chair in the corner. Caleb met Taegan’s eyes almost apologetically.

  Renee pulled Anna onto her knee and Silas silently came into the cave but stood just inside the entrance. Cy positioned himself at the other side and Taegan knew they wouldn’t be disturbed.

  He smiled at Anna. “Anna, would you mind telling us as much of what happened to you as possible?”

  The little girl glanced at Renee, who nodded encouragingly.

  “I live in the Eastby camp, and I do scudding at the tannery.”

  Taegan understood. Scudding was the process of scraping a dull knife over the hides to remove the hair. It was back-breaking and laborious, not that he should still be surprised.

  “My da was a bater,” she added.

  “Your dad?” Taegan clarified. She had family? Bating was the process to soften the leather depending on its eventual use. Anna shrugged.

  “He died of the hide cough.”

  She said it so matter-of-factly. The tanneries were huge businesses. A lot of the wolves wore leather, and it was used for horse tack and a myriad of other things. The fumes from the tanneries caused long term sickness, usually some sort of lung and breathing problems. They were always fatal eventually.

  “And that’s why you were taken?” Renee asked.

  Anna shook her head. “No, I was a good worker. I got taken when I was moved to the stretching frames.” Renee looked at Taegan in confusion.


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