The Alpha Heir (Kingdom of Askara Book 2)

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The Alpha Heir (Kingdom of Askara Book 2) Page 19

by Victoria Sue

  “Can we help?”

  Caleb opened his eyes, startled by the other voice. He had thought Gia and he were alone, but his nose was probably broken. He certainly couldn’t breathe out of it, and wouldn’t be able to scent anyone else. He cautiously turned his head a little. It was the girl that Barret had threatened. “Are you unhurt?” he rasped.

  The girl smiled cautiously, and Caleb had a moment to appreciate how beautiful she was with the long red hair trailing down her back, pale skin and bright green luminous eyes. She even had a smattering of freckles across her nose. He tried another deeper breath and stilled as pain lanced across his chest, making him lightheaded.

  The girl quickly took off the tunic that covered her under shirt and bunched it up. “No,” Caleb whispered, not wanting to deprive her of the warmth. But she tutted gently, reminding him of Renee, and cautiously eased it under his head and the top of his shoulders. It lifted him a little, and the pain on every inhale decreased.

  “Thank you,” he said. “What’s your name?”

  “Joelle,” she supplied. “And that’s Teri, Neal, Rayne, Aeva—” She paused.

  “Pip,” a small voice supplied.

  “Robbie,” another added.

  “Sara, and this is Teco.” The whisper was barely audible, and Caleb stared in shock around the room. There were … nine children, no — ten including Gia. Because his nose was blocked he had no idea which were human, and if any — apart from Gia — were hybrids. His eyes focused on the blond haired boy with his arm wrapped protectively around a little girl. “You must be Neal,” he said.

  Neal nodded vigorously. “Gia told us where he had been.” He frowned. “Were you supposed to be rescuing us?” If it hadn’t hurt to do so, Caleb would have chuckled in amusement at the doubtful expression on Neal’s face.

  “No, I am merely a diversion. Taegan is going to rescue you.”

  Neal’s eyes immediately lit up in excitement and relief at the mention of Taegan’s name. Caleb didn’t blame him. He felt a hand on his leg and looked down to see a tiny blond-haired, blue-eyed little pixie solemnly staring at him. She had her thumb in her mouth, but as he smiled she sighed and curled up with her head resting on Caleb’s leg. Of course, once they had all seen her action be accepted, they all crowded closer. Neal told him they had all been fed and offered Caleb a drink of water from the pail in the corner. “But the blue one,” he confided. “The black one’s to pee in.”

  Caleb accepted the water gratefully and sipped, careful of his ribs, but it was wonderful on his dry throat.

  Joelle and Neal, with the other children butting in, told him what had been happening. Pip had been here the longest, but he didn’t know how long. He had been with another boy who cried and screamed all the time for his dad, and then one day the scary lady had come and taken him. He had never come back, and he hadn’t seen anyone else until Rayne and Neal had been brought in.

  “It was Rego.” Neal nearly spat the name.

  “What was?” Caleb asked.

  “We were playing on the hillside, and Rego said Taegan wanted us to help gather Agarva nuts for Silas. We did it all the time, but Rego made us go higher and higher. Then two wolves came on horses, and Rego picked up Rayne and said if I didn’t go with them and be quiet Rayne would be hurt. I had to,” he grumbled.

  “Of course you did,” Caleb soothed. Neal would have been frightened out of his wits but kept it together for his sister. Rego. At least Rego’s actions weren’t Caleb’s fault. He had been working with Warwick before he had even arrived. Odd, that Rego would want to work with wolves when they had murdered his brother.

  “We all have similar stories,” Joelle supplied. “Taken by the gammas at different times. I was washing clothes in the river. Robbie was begging. We don’t know about Aeva ‘cause she never talks.”

  Caleb glanced at the little pixie now asleep with her head on his leg. One by one all the children fell silent and some dozed. Gia just stayed curled up next to him. Caleb wondered what Taegan and the others were doing. Were they here? Were they already as close to the pack house as they could get?

  Caleb sighed and glanced puzzled at his chest. He’d inhaled automatically when the pain didn’t stop him, and he took another couple of experimental breaths. They were sore, but no actual pain. He moved his arm experimentally and winced when he felt a sharp pain, but even then it wasn’t the agony of an hour ago.

  Maybe they’d hit his head harder than he thought and he’d imagined his injuries, although that just sounded ridiculous. He had heard the bone break in his arm. Can my wolf still heal even though I can’t shift? It was a startling thought.

  Caleb turned his head sharply as the door opened and he shielded his eyes with his hand at the sudden bright light. He stilled, and felt Joelle and Rayne sit up quickly. He stared at the wolf framed in the doorway. Warwick. And he knew it was time.

  Chapter Seventeen

  It hadn’t taken long getting through the trees to Warwick’s pack house. They had left the horses a good distance away, and the trees were so close together there was nearly a path branch to branch until they got to one within sight of the ceremonial ring. Silas had stayed back. The wolves would smell him and know he wasn’t pack, but Taegan had promised he would send a signal if either the other Alphas appeared or they needed help. He knew that if he shifted, the wolf could reach them in seconds if he had to.

  “Taegan.” Cy’s voice was low and full of abhorrence, and Taegan swung his head to see what he had noticed. Taegan parted the branches to stare at the horror in the center of the circle.

  Taegan stared at the unimaginable sight in front of him. Caleb — what was left of him — lay staked on a board half raised towards the forest and covered in so much blood Taegan — despite not even being a wolf — could still smell it. Was he dead? Anguish squeezed the heart that was pounding so hard to escape his chest like something caged. It hurt so much he almost wanted to set it free. Not that it was his to give away. His heart, his blood, his soul, no longer belonged to him. From the first second he had wrapped Caleb close and used his body to keep the life in Caleb’s, it had all belonged to his wolf. He just needed the chance to make sure Caleb wouldn’t doubt he also had his love, for one more second.

  “Taegan,” Cy whispered a little louder, but Taegan shook his arm away and jumped down, taking a step towards the circle. He didn’t care. Nothing would ever keep him away from Caleb again. He stepped past the tables laid out with food and wine as if waiting for their guests to arrive, but Taegan just kept his eyes fixed on Caleb. With a roar the gammas flooded from the pack house as if they were all awaiting Taegan’s arrival, which of course they were because Cy had been right, it was a trap. What the gammas didn’t realize was that Taegan and his men would draw them out while Renee and Mari went into the pack house unnoticed. It had killed him, letting her come, but she had told him she was doing it whether he liked it or not. No one would remark on females running up and down the stairs. After all, what threat were female humans to the wolves? He knew they would have located the children and would be gone in minutes. No one ever saw the invisible.

  Taegan heard swords around him. He leaped and ducked but no-one blocked his path until he got closer to the board and gazed at his lover.

  And saw his chest rise.

  Taegan wasn’t ashamed of the sob that pushed through his lips.

  “Silence!” the shrill voice exclaimed at the exact second Sorin moved and slid behind her sister. The light dimmed instantly and every wolf’s face looked to the south as Surya burned on her own. Everyone seemed entranced, even the humans, but Taegan wasn’t. He knew Surya contained no power. She was a poor imitation of her sister in the exact manner Warwick had tried to show he was an Alpha. And they both failed miserably.

  He was at the board before anyone moved. “Caleb,” he breathed. The knot in his belly tripled in size. His hands, goddess his hands. He was staked. Huge spikes had been pushed through each palm to keep him still and ropes were st
rung across his naked and bloody body. Taegan leaned over him. Where could he touch? He had to get the spikes from his hands before anything else.

  Suddenly a large arm came around his neck and he felt the sharp point of a knife in his side. Taegan looked up. He had been so obsessed with getting to Caleb his men had been overwhelmed by the sheer number of wolves and they were all caught, trapped.

  His eyes collided with the icy gray ones in front of him. The witch. Jacind-aa. He knew before she even lowered the hood on her ceremonial robe that it was her, and the long jet black hair that tumbled free only confirmed it. Her eyes were like the slate they had once mined in Solonara until the mines collapsed and the Alpha moved to producing silk. Cold, dark metallic gray. No life in them.

  “You are just in time,” she purred and lifted the dagger she had sheathed in her belt. Small, innocuous, but the rubies that glittered down the handle to a point so sharp he knew it would be covered in a different red soon. The hands that clamped Taegan were impossible to shake. Two huge gammas pinned him effortlessly.

  “My queen,” the gamma cried and ran from the pack house.

  Queen? That was what she was calling herself? Taegan barely had time to register disbelief when the gamma continued.

  “The children, the prisoners are gone.”

  Warwick snarled but Jacind-aa held up an imperious hand. “It matters not, husband. We have the hybrid heir. The children were merely dressing.” Her eyes gleamed as Warwick stepped closer. “We cannot fail now.”

  Taegan struggled. Roared his anger, and tried with everything he had to reach Caleb. Jacind-aa began muttering. Old words, words he didn’t recognize, didn’t care to. “Caleb,” he whispered in desperation, unable to move. Jacind-aa’s chants grew louder and she swayed, but her hand holding the dagger was steady. She reached out and clasped Warwick’s hand and raised her own.

  “Alpha Warwick, what is the meaning of this?”

  The loud voice booming across the pack circle surprised the gammas holding him, and he wrenched his hand free of their grip, clasping his knife just as Jacind-aa shrieked her fury and brought her hand down to plunge it in Caleb’s heart.

  Except she didn’t. Because the blade that Taegan threw was lodged in her own.

  Her shocked expression echoed every other’s in the circle. The disbelief registered on her face for barely a second until her eyes rolled back, and with an anguished cry Warwick caught her.

  “Taegan.” It was Silas. He must have brought the other wolves.

  “The stakes. I—”

  Silas picked up a skin of wine from one of the tables and poured it liberally over each of Caleb’s hands. He hesitated and then quickly pulled the stakes free and threw them down in anger.

  Taegan quickly tore at the ropes and then gathered Caleb ever so gently into his arms. His head lolled back. They were suddenly surrounded by more gammas but this time they were quickly moving and tying up the gammas of Warwick’s. Not that Taegan cared. His whole focus was on the bundle in his arms that was barely breathing.

  “This is the heir?” The same voice that had demanded Warwick’s attention a couple of minutes ago, asked incredulously.

  “Yes, Alpha Senekal.” Gage stepped alongside the huge older man.

  Silas replied, “He has been grossly mistreated.”

  The older wolf frowned and shook his head. “He has, and I’m sorry, but he is not fit to lead a pack never mind a territory.”

  “I demand the human’s death,” Warwick suddenly shouted above everything.

  “No,” Silas protested. “Alpha, please.”

  Taegan was suddenly surrounded by swords, each gamma pointing them, their faces wrapped in a grim expression.

  “Give him to Silas,” Alpha Senekal ordered Taegan.

  “Alpha,” Silas started. “The human saved his life.”

  “He killed my mate,” Warwick raged. “It carries a death penalty.”

  “Unless his Alpha speaks for him,” Silas interrupted.

  “I am his Alpha,” Warwick stated. “He lives in my territory and there are no heirs to challenge my authority.”

  “Alpha,” Silas pleaded.

  Senekal shook his head. “He took the life of an Alpha-mate. Whatever the provocation it is a death sentence. You know that. I am also reliably informed he is the rebel leader.”

  Taegan stared into the deep brown eyes regarding him questioningly.

  “Is that not true, human?”

  Taegan straightened. He looked over to where Cy, Jenner and the others were similarly trapped by the gammas. He glanced to Silas. “He needs a healer.”

  “I promise,” Silas’s voice caught. But he held out his hands and Taegan lovingly placed Caleb gently in them.

  “My heart,” he whispered, and turned to Alpha Senekal. “I accept full responsibility. My men were simply carrying out my instructions.” He held his breath.

  Senekal rose an eyebrow; he knew what Taegan was asking for. There was no need for anyone else to die for him. “Agreed.”

  “No,” Warwick shouted. “They should all be put to death, and the women held prisoner.”

  Senekal glared at Warwick. “I allow you recompense for the death of your mate only. In a week’s time I am holding challenges to rule the territory. You are a disgrace, Warwick. You have taken a role from your dead son that is against wolf law. You know an Alpha can never resume the role.”

  He glanced at the gammas next to him. “Take him from my sight,” he said, and they dragged Warwick away to the edge of the circle. Senekal held out his hand for a sword and his nearest gamma handed him his. He looked at Taegan. “I grant you all lives here, but you forfeit your own. You killed an Alpha mate and even though Warwick forfeits his territory, there is no one to speak for you.”

  Taegan nodded. He wanted to close his eyes, but he wouldn’t disgrace himself by showing fear. He took one last look towards Silas. One last look at Caleb. Even with his eyes closed and covered in blood, he was still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. But Silas had turned his back to the circle, and Caleb’s body was hidden. It was probably for the best. It was no use seeing again what he would never have.

  Senekal walked to the middle of the ring and Taegan followed. “On your knees, human,” Senekal ordered.

  Taegan knelt but lifted his head. “My name is Taegan Callan.”

  The Alpha tipped his head in acknowledgement. “You honor humankind, Taegan Callan, by your bravery and selflessness.” Senekal raised the sword. “As designated Alpha, I carry out this punishment.”

  “You are not his Alpha, I am.”

  Senekal turned in shock and lowered the sword. Everyone was silent. Taegan let the single tear that had been threatening escape finally roll down his cheek. It was Caleb. Bruised, bloodied, barely able to stand, but staring at Senekal with authority. His words were quiet but the authority rang clear.

  “By virtue of my father Alpha Gaven Harker. I am named by him as heir before his death and I was never replaced by rightful challenge. The usurper wrongfully imprisoned me and has performed forbidden blood rites in an attempt to seek the Alpha power.”

  Senekal’s surprised expression turned thunderous towards where Warwick was being restrained by his gammas. “Is this true? You have allowed your mate to practice forbidden magic, and on an Alpha heir?”

  “He lies,” Warwick shouted, his desperation apparent. “He cannot even shift. He is an abomination. He brings shame on every pack, and there is not one werewolf here that would ever bow to him.”

  Caleb took a step and shook off Silas’s hand. Taegan stared at him. Every move he knew must be agony, but Caleb never took his eyes off Senekal until he was standing next to him in the ring.

  “I remember your father,” Senekal mused. “He was a good man and a great Alpha. If he named you his heir he had his reasons.”

  “I remember you, Alpha,” Caleb replied. “It is an honor to meet you again.”

  Senekal’s gaze dropped to Caleb’s arms. Taega
n saw the Alpha’s eyes grow stormy as he catalogued the abuse, then Caleb turned his head and Senekal gasped. Taegan knew he was looking at the scars where his Alpha mark had been torn out.

  Warwick broke away from the gammas and came rushing over. “He is an abomination, an illegal hybrid.”

  Senekal dragged his eyes from staring at Caleb’s neck and raised a brow. “You can prove this?”

  “He cannot shift,” Warwick almost spat the words. “He has no wolf.”

  Senekal turned back to Caleb and drew a breath. “You are wrong. His wolf is strong.” He frowned. “You have never shifted?”

  Caleb shook his head. “I was kept imprisoned for six years. I was tortured, starved, and my blood was taken by the Alpha-mate. It is quite possible I will never shift, but no wolf weakened to the point of near starvation can either.” Caleb turned to Warwick. “You say no werewolf will bow down to me.” He paused. “Why don’t we summon the pack and find out?” And with that, to Taegan’s complete astonishment Caleb put back his human throat and howled.

  Surprised cries rose from the crowd as gammas dropped where they were and shifted immediately. Swords and knives clattered to the ground. Belts fell to the floor and were kicked away along with torn clothes. The clearing was filled with noise, and then one by one the only sound heard was each wolf’s voice as it joined Caleb’s own.

  Caleb snapped his mouth closed and staggered. Taegan clasped his arm gently, afraid that Caleb wouldn’t want to show the weakness of a human helping him. But Caleb leaned heavily on Taegan and finally, finally lifted his eyes to meet Taegan’s own. Beautiful.

  “Taegan Callan,” Senekal boomed out. “Do you accept Caleb Harker as your Alpha and whatever punishment he decrees?”

  “Yes, Alpha,” Taegan agreed quickly.

  The Alpha’s lips twitched a little. He turned to Caleb. “Then I will leave you to decide on what punishment you choose to inflict, Alpha.” He finally allowed a smile. “Your father would be proud of you. I am leaving thirty gammas here loyal to you in my absence. You need time to heal, and decide how to proceed with the territory. I look forward to our first territory meeting, and I can assure you every pack will be represented.”


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