His Impetuous Deputante (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 1)

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His Impetuous Deputante (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 1) Page 2

by Charles, Jane

  “Not bloody likely.” The words could barely be heard and Phoebe looked beyond Carlyle but did not see anyone. Perhaps it was someone who stood below in the gardens. Voices were known to carry on breezes such as the one cooling the air tonight.

  Stopping in his tracks, Jeremy looked around at his surroundings. He must have heard the comment as well. He approached with more caution, looking around the area to see if anyone was present.

  “Good evening, Mr. Carlyle,” Lady Phoebe greeted.

  “You admire the gardens below?” Jeremy asked her.

  “The gardens are beautiful,” Phoebe agreed. “But it is that statute I find interesting.” She pointed to a pair of cupids on top of a smaller fountain far to the left side of the large one she admired a few moments ago.

  “Did you have a chance to see the ones on the other side of the house?” He gestured into the darkened portion of the terrace. “Lord Sanderson loves to collect statues. There are at least three times as many at his estate in the country.”

  “No, I haven’t seen any others here. I had no idea there were more.”

  “Let me show you.” Carlyle offered his arm.

  Phoebe began to take it, but hesitated and cast a look at the man. “I don’t think I should,” she said with reluctance and glanced at the darker end of the balcony.

  Carlyle straightened and his chin jutted out as if he were insulted. “I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  “Still, it wouldn’t be wise,” Phoebe balked, looking back at the crowded ballroom, hesitating.

  “I will have you back before anyone notices you’re gone.”

  She glanced to the end of the balcony, back to the ballroom and then to Carlyle and smiled. Noah would kill her if he learned but what were the chances of that happening. He was too busy in conversation with that older couple, whose names she had already forgotten. Besides, what real harm could there be? It wasn’t as if they were the only people out here at the moment. More than likely guests were strolling on that side of the house as well. “Just for a moment and then I must hurry back before my brother misses me.”

  Jeremy’s smile broadened as he began to lead her away but stopped short. The smile faded and Phoebe looked up. The man barring their way was tall with light brown hair. His eyes were dark as well, though cold at the moment. He seemed angry, if the firmness of his full lips were any indication. She recognized him as one of the men who had been standing with her brother earlier. He must be one of the gentlemen she was to avoid. Her mother warned her to avoid Noah’s friends without giving a specific reason and she half wondered if they were dangerous. Not that Noah could be considered as such. Phoebe wondered who this gentleman was waiting for. Perhaps his mistress.

  He casually leaned against a pillar, blocking their progress. “You weren’t considering taking Lady Phoebe away from the ball were you, Mr. Carlyle?”

  The man stammered, cursing under his breath. “She had a desire to see the statues on the other side of the house. I was merely escorting her.”

  Phoebe stood beside Carlyle and watched the other man. What had been a lovely, carefree moment was now filled with tension. Dread sank to her belly as she began to comprehend the potential error she almost committed. She had been warned of this very thing and she almost succumbed to Carlyle’s charm. His offer seemed so nice and, well, innocent at the time.

  “How thoughtful,” the other man offered in a cool voice. “However, they can be seen much better during the day.” Straightening, he took Phoebe’s arm from Carlyle and turned her back toward the door. “I’ll mention it to her brother so he can bring her by.”

  Phoebe knew what this gentleman believed and he was probably right. On her first night out she was almost lured into the very situation she had been warned against. Yet, she didn’t take too kindly to having her hand taken and placed on this man’s arm. She hadn’t even been introduced to him, regardless of his association with Noah. She tried to pull away but his hand tightened. With their backs now to Carlyle, she looked up at him in anger. “I believe you are one of the gentlemen my mother suggested I avoid.” She wanted him to be as insulted as she was at the moment.

  He merely chuckled. “Believe me, your mother will view me as the lesser of two evils.” They stopped directly in the doorway and the handsome gentleman shot a look toward Noah.

  Phoebe saw her brother directly ahead, bent over in conversation with the beautiful redhead she had seen earlier. Currently the redhead was motioning toward the door with a worried look. Was she trying to get her brother to take her out for some cool air? Slowly, as his face lifted to hers, Phoebe saw the worry that quickly turned into irritation when he spotted her escort. The man holding her arm tensed and Phoebe was afraid Noah would be angry with him when he had only helped her. As Noah approached, she could sense his mood and groaned.

  “It is not how it appears,” she offered hastily, believing Noah thought that she had already broken a rule by being seen with this man.

  “On the contrary, it is exactly what I feared,” Noah said through clenched teeth, while keeping a pleasant smile on his face. Phoebe watched him curiously, wondering how he did that.

  “Please don’t be angry with this gentleman.” She stopped and turned toward the stranger. “I am sorry, but I don’t know your name.”

  He glanced toward Noah and then back to her. A smile pulled at his lips. “Taylor Qualls, Earl of Sandlin.” Bowing, he kissed her hand. “I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Lady Phoebe.” He tucked her hand back in his elbow again and faced Noah.

  Why, this man wasn’t dangerous at all. In fact at this very moment, he appeared quite charming. His eyes weren’t so very dark or hard any longer. They were actually a warm brown, with flecks of gold, she amended to herself. The poor lighting on the balcony must have caused them to appear otherwise. He also had a lovely smile, with straight white teeth. This Lord Sandlin was actually a very handsome man. She would have to see about finding a wife for him as well.

  Shaking her thoughts, she turned her attention back to Noah, hoping to calm him and keep him from ruining a friendship. She started to open her mouth to speak, but Noah glared at them both.

  “I wasn’t angry with Sandlin.” He shot a look at his friend. “However, his need to escort you back can only mean one thing, sweet sister.”

  Phoebe stiffened. How could he know what had almost occurred? She slid a glance at Lord Sandlin, then back to her brother. Before she could offer a word, her escort spoke, “Jeremy Carlyle.”

  Phoebe was humiliated on the spot. So much for charming. She was hoping her little error would remain a secret, but apparently not.

  Noah gave a quick nod of his head. “That one didn’t waste much time.”

  Phoebe watched their exchange. Had Lord Sandlin been sent to watch her? Ridiculous, it was just a coincidence he had been on the balcony at the same time. Regardless, she knew something was going on by the way her brother and his friend exchanged looks and short phrases. At least the tension began to leave their posture.

  “Would you like me to take care of it?” Lord Sandlin asked.

  Noah took on a stern look. “I believe I will.”

  Taylor simply nodded, then glanced at Phoebe and smiled. “While you see to him, Felding, perhaps you would allow me a dance with your lovely sister.”

  A warning glare came from Noah, but he approved the request. “As you have already been seen with her in the doorway, you might as well,” Noah groaned and walked past them, exiting out into the night onto the balcony.

  Lord Sandlin escorted Phoebe onto the dance floor. She studied him and decided he was very handsome in a boyish sort of way. “I am somewhat confused,” she finally admitted.

  “About?” He returned with a smile.

  “My mother asked me to stay away from my brother’s friends, but you are one of them. Now my brother has granted us permission to dance.”

  He chuckled. “That was before I was seen escorting you from outside.”

>   Her face grew cold. Oh, dear, was she ruined now? So quickly? Her mother would be mortified. She was mortified.

  He seemed to read her thoughts. “No worry little one. Your reputation is still safe.”

  Confusion followed next. “But,...” she trailed off, not sure what the question should be and the two separated as the dance pulled them apart.

  * * *

  “Who is that woman?” Taylor expected Lady Phoebe to finish the question she was about to ask but she changed topics. With a quick glance, Taylor realized who Lady Phoebe meant. He groaned inwardly. Why did she have to ask about that one particular woman? “That is Lady Draden.” He was not willing to offer more.

  “Is she a friend of Noah’s? She seems quite taken with him.”

  “Why do you ask that?” He hadn’t thought Lady Draden one to let her feelings show.

  “When I was standing with Noah, shortly after we arrived, she was watching him and appeared amused.”

  Taylor could well believe that. Noah had recently told the woman in question that he would not be spending as much time with her this Season because he would have his hands full watching his sister. Lady Draden hadn’t believed him and thought it was only an excuse to distance himself while searching for a wife. Obviously, once she had seen Phoebe, she realized Noah spoke the truth.

  “She is an acquaintance of your brother.” He didn’t offer anything further. Actually, he wasn’t really sure what relationship existed between the two, and if what he suspected was true, it was not something he would share with an innocent, young woman.

  Phoebe’s eyes sparkled and she leaned in to whisper. “Would she be his mistress?”

  No statement or question could have stunned him more, and he cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure, and prayed no one overheard her. “What do you know of such matters?” ,he asked in a hushed voice.

  She gave him a quick, irritated look. “I may be from the country, but I’m still aware of how matters are in the world.”

  Taylor smiled and chuckled. “If that is so, why were you about to let young Carlyle lead you into a dark corner?”

  Phoebe bit her lip before she answered. “It was a momentary lapse of judgment on my part, which will not be repeated.”

  “See that it isn’t.” She was a delight to talk to. Charming, honest and uninhibited. While refreshing, it could prove to be very dangerous.

  Chapter 3

  Phoebe woke later than usual to find her maid, Holly, preparing her clothing for the day. The lavender day dress she absolutely adored was already laying out, ready for her.

  “Good morning, milady. Did you sleep well?” Holly’s cheerfulness matched Phoebe’s morning mood and she rose from the bed. It was also one of the reasons Holly was her maid and nobody else’s. The rest of the household didn’t appreciate her morning exuberance, preferring to lie in bed and not be spoken to until fully awake.

  “I did, thank you.” Phoebe pushed the palm of her hands toward the ceiling and stretched.

  A grin pulled at Holly’s mouth and she sank down onto a cream cushioned seat beside the window. “What was the ball like?”

  Phoebe turned toward her maid and placed her feet on the floor. “It wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected.”

  Holly’s blonde eyebrows rose. “Didn’t I tell you all would be well?”

  Phoebe laughed and stood. “Indeed you did. I will not doubt you again, Holly.”

  “See that you don’t.” The maid wagged a finger at her and followed Phoebe to the dressing table and picked up the brush to fix her hair.

  “Lady Meadows is here,” Holly announced, almost as an afterthought.

  Phoebe straightened and turned in her seat.

  “She is paying a call to your mother.” Holly gently touched Phoebe’s shoulders and turned her back toward the mirror.

  Her shoulders relaxed and Phoebe watched her maid in the mirror work magic on her hair. Lady Meadows was probably reporting on the events from the prior evening. All Phoebe could hope was that the incident on the balcony remained a secret.

  When Holly finished styling her hair and Phoebe was dressed for the day she exited her room and hoped there was still some food remaining from breakfast. She couldn’t remember the last time she slept this late. She had also gotten to sleep hours later than usual as well. Her stomach growled at the thought of a blueberry scone.

  “You look lovely, Phoebe. Perfect for receiving guests.” Janine was coming from the direction of her mother’s rooms.

  “I only met people for the first time last night,” she argued as they made their way to the parlor.

  Just as they reached the bottom of the stairs, Farnsworth, the butler, announced the beginning of her many callers. The first were young men with flowers asking for permission to call on her. When she hesitated, Janine suggested they speak with the marquis as Phoebe was reluctant to grant any request without first gaining his permission.

  Following the gentlemen callers, Phoebe received young women and their mothers. The mothers seemed to either judge her or compare her to their own daughters.

  “Do you sing, Lady Phoebe?” Lady Carrington asked before she bit into a lemon cake. Her two daughters sat on either side of her.

  “I am afraid I do not.”

  The woman brightened. “My Juliet has the sweetest voice in all of England.”

  The poor girl on Lady Carrington’s left pinked and took a hasty sip of her tea.

  “My Sarah is a most accomplished musician. She plays the pianoforte.”

  This time the young woman on Lady Carrington’s right turned red. Phoebe hated they were so uncomfortable. They certainly shouldn’t be embarrassed by talent.

  “In two weeks hence they will perform a small musical. I hope you can join us, and your brother, Lord Felding, of course.”

  “I would be delighted.”

  The woman beamed. “I notice you have a piano, do you play?”

  “Yes. It is one of my favorite pastimes.”

  The smile on the woman’s face stiffened. “Will you be performing?”

  The questioned sounded more like an accusation. While music was her soul, her passion, Phoebe couldn’t imagine playing for an audience. She didn’t even play when her family was in the room. “No, I will not.”

  Lady Carrington’s face relaxed. “That is too bad, but I am sure we will get by.” The woman practically giggled.

  “Does Lord Felding enjoy music?” Lady Chancily asked from the chair to her right.

  “Yes, does he?” her daughter, Lady Patrice asked eagerly.

  Phoebe studied the two. “On occasion.” On the very, very rare occasion, she amended to herself.

  Every lady, mother and daughter alike, beamed and began discussing plans for their own musicale debuts in the coming weeks. Phoebe expected invitations to each of them, though she suspected they were meant more for Noah than herself. She didn’t have the heart to tell them Noah would rather have a healthy tooth pulled than sit through the type of musical these ladies were planning.

  Phoebe let her laughter flow after the last of the callers left. Janine stared at her, as if unable to determine what Phoebe found so humorous. A question marred her brow.

  “They don’t know how to deal with me.” She wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “How do you mean?”

  “I am competition. Yet, I am the best person to befriend if you want to marry a marquis.” More laughter erupted.

  Janine laughed with her. “I am glad you could see the situation for what it was.”

  Phoebe sobered and took a sip of her tea. “Besides, they don’t realize I am studying them as well.”

  “Of course, you need to become familiar with the competition,” Janine agreed with hesitation.

  “Oh, no, that isn’t it at all.” Phoebe dismissed her comment with a flick of her wrist. “I have no intention of finding a husband this Season, or ever. However, I do think it is time my brother married,” Phoebe emphasized with determination.

  Janine stared at her before she slowly asked, “Does Felding have any idea what you are up to?”

  “No. Not at all, and you must swear not to tell him,” Phoebe insisted and wondered if she should have trusted her new companion.

  Janine laughed. “Oh, I won’t say a word.”

  * * *

  Taylor sat further away from his friends. They agreed to meet at the club this afternoon but he preferred not to partake in any conversation where the topic was Lady Phoebe.

  “I believe we can confidently say your sister was a success last evening,” Marius Parker directed his comment to Felding and settled into one of the last remaining seats at the table.

  “So I have gathered.” Felding grimaced.

  “She doesn’t seem to have suffered much for dancing with Sandlin either,” Chambers laughed.

  “An unfortunate circumstance.” The Marquis grunted.

  Taylor sat forward defensively. “At least Jeremy Carlyle won’t be bothering her again.”

  “No. That was taken care of.” Felding took a puff off of his cheroot.

  Was this only the first week of the Season? Had there been only one ball? Taylor began to accept this may be the longest Season of his life, especially if he did not find a wife of his own and had to spend it watching over Lady Phoebe when he really wished to dance with her again.

  “There will be others,” Lavins offered on a more serious note and crossed his legs.

  “I have no doubt.” Felding gestured for the waiter. “Which means I need to be even more diligent in watching her. My goodness, doesn’t she know better than to wander off by herself?”

  “I assumed that had been explained to her.” Taylor held his cup up to be refilled with coffee but changed his mind. “Whisky, if you please?”

  Felding focused on him, mouth turned down. “Is everything all right? It isn’t like you to drink this early in the day?”

  Taylor studied him for a moment and considered what he might say. I find myself desiring your sister. I am sure you have no objection, do you? No, he definitely could not tell Felding the truth. “My future plagues me.” Let them make of it what they will. These were his closest friends and knew the matrimonial nightmares he had endured all because of one simple will.


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