Penal Island

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Penal Island Page 3

by K. Lyn

  Milas pushed away from Mika when he heard the sound of footsteps. “Stay,” he commanded. Mika lay still as Milas left her alone and went above to spy on the boat once again. He recognized Carver, but the women were an unfamiliar sight to him. Intrigued by their obedience to such a ruthless man, Milas watched and waited for what would happen next. When he heard a horn sound from far away, he focused the binoculars on a seafaring vessel that appeared much more modern and luxurious than the rickety old boat that Carver’s friend had steered to shore. Was this the boat that Mika had spoken of? The steamer stopped only long enough for the four women to board and then it was off again. Carver had been given a handsome sum and he flipped through the bills smiling broadly. His smile soon waned, however, when he thought about his buddy. This was a two man operation. He couldn’t do it alone. One of them had to stay here while the other brought the women from the island. He turned and wandered back into the woods, wondering if the “gravy train” was over. His dream of making billions was disappearing quickly.

  Milas didn’t hear Mika sneak up behind him. “Did I hear a boat?”

  He turned and placed his hand firmly on her mouth. “Shh. Damn, woman. You want him to hear you?”


  “The scum who’s running this shady biz.”

  “You made me miss the boat, didn’t you, the boat to my life, my new husband. You’re the scum.”

  He turned and grabbed Mika by the arms. “That man is a cold blooded killer and a human trafficker. You were on your way to be bought and sold as a sex slave.”

  Mika’s eyes were big as she listened in disbelief. “Is your friend in on it? I haven’t seen him in awhile.”

  Milas knew that Stein was not involved in Carver’s business but he had no idea what had happened to the big oaf. Where are you, Stein?

  He turned to Mika when he heard someone coming from the woods. “Get down.” Slowly Mika went to her knees and waited.

  Carver came through the clearing and stopped at the edge of the water. He looked out at the vastness as if he expected something. Milas watched through the binoculars as Carver continued to wait.

  “What’s happening?”

  Mika’s voice was one that was certain to carry, and Milas kicked her lightly.


  Carver looked their way and Milas leaned down. “Shut up. I mean it. This is no game.”

  Mika was quiet as she waited for Milas to tell her what was going on. When Milas dared to look again, Carver was trying to shade his eyes as he continued to watch the horizon. Still hidden from his view, Milas patiently waited for whatever was expected by the man.

  Mika sighed loudly in the small space. She was bored and becoming irritated with Milas. He was causing her to miss the ship that would take her to her life of riches. She was certain of it. “You can’t see from there,” she whispered. “You need to get a better look.”

  Milas glanced at her and nodded. It was true. He climbed to the top of the ship and hid behind some crates, leaving Mika alone.

  Very quietly, the young woman moved away from the cramped shelter and to the far end of the boat. She had one foot off the boat when she felt a strong manly hand on her crotch.

  “My, my, where are you going?”


  “Milas know you were trying to leave?”

  “No, he doesn’t,” answered Milas for her.

  “That Carver…he’s no good for you, lady. Now Milas gonna have to punish you.”

  Stein’s evil grin caused Mika to back up and into Milas’ hold. He pulled her back hard and slammed her down on the boat. He kissed her neck and held her breasts firmly within his grasp. “I was going let you watch and see what happens, but not now. You want to go to that man on the beach, then go.”

  Mika looked from one man to the other, not knowing what to do. “Uh, uh…”

  The sound of a helicopter caught their attention and they watched as a small chopper landed on the beach not far from Carver.

  “What’s happening?”

  Mika was pulled to where she could get a good view.

  “Yeah, Milas, what’s that?”

  “I don’t know, Stein, but I’m guessing it’s not good.”

  The big man cast his shadow over both Mika and Milas as they watched two young women taken roughly from the chopper.

  “Are they drunk?” Mika didn’t understand any of it and then she saw a woman she knew. “Jana!”

  The shout was stifled by an irritated Milas. “Shut the fuck up!”

  “But I know her. We were like sisters.”

  Milas’ eyes seemed to soften, if only a little, at Mika’s words. The two women seemed to be zombies as they were led into the forest by Carver. The chopper took off and Mika begged to help the women.

  “I can talk to him. Maybe he will listen.”

  Stein roared at Mika’s assumed joke. “Woman, that man is a cold blooded killer. You can’t talk to a killer.”

  Milas grabbed Mika’s arm and pulled her toward the lower level of the ship. “Get some sleep, woman.”

  Mika crawled into the small space and onto the cot in the corner. She had no idea what these two lunatics were planning to do with her, but she was tired. Milas and Stein settled in on the upper level beneath a full moon. Mika lay awake and waited for the loud snoring from the big man on the upper deck. Stein’s snoring was much louder than Milas’ rumblings, but Mika knew they were both sound asleep. She pulled on a pair of Milas’ worn jeans and doubled the belt at the waist, pulled on an old shirt that she found, and slowly crept up the stairs. The steady snoring of Milas and the loud snores of Stein seemed to have formed a rhythm and she snuck away easily. She ran along the beach and looked back once before daring to follow the well beaten path of Carver. She had to know where Jana had gone. Darkness surrounded her and the shadows took on the form of gargoyles but it did not make her turn around. The footsteps led to a cave with the entrance loosely covered with leaves and twigs. Undaunted, she began pushing them aside as best she could. She had cleared only a few when she felt a hand grab the back of her hair and pull her away.

  “Oww, stop!” she begged as she was nearly knocked to the ground.

  “Well, what have we here?”

  “I’m Mika.”

  “I don’t care. What are you doing here?”

  “I, uh, was, on the boat.”

  Carver let go of her hair but he held her tightly by her slender waist. “So you were the one that got away.”


  “You were brought here by my not too bright friend, but you got away somehow.”

  “Are you going to send me on the marriage boat?”

  Carver raised his eyebrows at Mika’s question. “Ah, yes, the marriage boat. Your prince is waiting, I’m sure.”

  Mika’s eyes brightened at the new prospect.

  “Come inside. This is where you will be prepared for the ship’s arrival.” Brushing the foliage quickly aside, Carver led Mika into his dark home where she could not see where she was going.

  “Where am I?”

  “Shh. You must not question your preparation.” The big man pushed Mika down onto a pile of what she assumed was blankets and forced her mouth open with his probing tongue. She nearly gagged but she did not make a sound. The thick thighs forced her legs apart and Carver forced the oversized jeans down Mika’s slender legs.

  “What are…”

  “Shh...,” he moaned, as he felt his body respond to the young woman beneath him. The forceful man ripped the worn shirt from Mika’s body in his quest to dominate her. The young woman’s nipples begged for the warm moist mouth that claimed them. Mika tried to get away but Carver wouldn’t allow it. He stifled her screams until he felt her body begin to relax beneath him. When he looked at her, she was silent, her body moving with his. “That’s the way your prince wants you to be…eager for him…a real woman.” Carver entered her with force, pushed into her depths, as she spread her legs wide for his thickness
. She was his to dominate. He cared nothing about her pleasure. She had cost him money by hiding, and this was payback. The hardened criminal had not had a woman in years and he thrust into Mika as hard as he could, as if he were trying to kill her. She moaned beneath him and he went harder, mistaking her moans of pleasure for groans of pain. When he looked up, her eyes were closed. “You deserve this, woman.”

  “Mmm, yes I do.”

  The dense Carver ignored the remark and fucked her harder until he rose up and pulled the slender legs to him, lifted Mika’s hips, and unleashed a gusher inside of her. He pushed her off of him hard and fast, and she lay on the pile of blankets, her breasts heaving as she caught her breath. Carver stood over Mika, his softening cock swinging over her, and ordered her to get up.

  Mika pulled on her jeans and held up the torn shirt. “It’s torn.”

  Carver glared at her and she wrapped the torn garment around her, tying it at the waist.

  “Where’s Jana?”


  “Jana. She’s one of the women you led here.”

  “That so? I never take the time to ask their names.”

  “Can I see her?”

  Carver slowly pulled on his jeans, displaying himself to Mika like a proud peacock. He took his time answering her, thinking of the answers he wanted from her in exchange. “How do you know Stein?”


  “Don’t play dumb with me, woman. You been stayin’ with him and his friend. Where they hidin’ out?”

  Mika opened her mouth to answer but she remained quiet. Stein and Milas were as strange as this guy and maybe as dangerous. “Oh, those two. I snuck onto their ship but left before they knew I had been there.”

  Carver didn’t believe her. He didn’t believe any woman. It was a woman who had sent him to prison, and that chip was firmly attached to his shoulder. “Tell you what…you tell me where their ship is and I will let you see the slut woman.”

  “Jana is not a slut! Let me see her…now!”

  “But we were having such a great time.”

  “Let me see her!”

  “Nah…not yet.” He came toward her and Mika screamed as loudly as she could. The sound echoed in the hollow cavern, and the two women being held in a different part of the cave looked at each other in fear. Whatever their captor was doing would certainly be their fate in a matter of time.

  Mika ran from the dark dwelling and began fighting her way through the foliage covered entrance. Carver was right behind her and she could feel his presence and then she felt his fingers on her shoulder. A thud made her jump and she turned on instinct to see the big man fall face forward, having tripped on a clump of mud. Mika screamed and began to tear feverishly at the twigs and branches until she could squeeze through. Running as fast as she could through the woods, not knowing if she was on the path to the shore, she tried not to scream. She dared not look back. He could catch up with her easily.

  Once she reached the beach, Mika stopped before going down to the ship where she hoped that Stein and Milas had not noticed her missing. She quickly turned to see if she had been followed and noticing no evidence of it, she ran down the shore and slowly stepped onto the boat. She listened for the steady snoring of Milas and she breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the low timbre. She tiptoed to where she could see him, and just as she saw him she felt a big hand over her mouth. When a strong arm grasped her waist, she kicked the leg of her attacker only to have a strong leg wrap around both of hers. She tried to bite the hand that held her, but she was carried to the lower level by her attacker. Forced to look at the man who held her so tightly that she could barely breathe, Mika’s eyes grew big as the dark eyes of Stein met hers. She mumbled something, and Stein slowly took his hand from her mouth.

  “Do not scream. I’m warning you.”

  Mika nodded as she stared at the big man. Her eyes went from his chest slowly downward to where his thick cock made a definite outline in his jeans. When she met his eyes again, the smirk on his face made her angry. “It’s a pity that we cannot always have what we want, eh?”


  He took her hand and folded it over the thick bulge. “You want some of this?”

  She forced her hand away. “No I don’t.”

  “Ah, lassie, you are lovely, and as much as I would love to fuck you, Milas and I do not share.”

  Mika rolled her eyes at Stein, but all he did was laugh. “If you knew what was good for you, you would be kissing my ass and begging me not to tell Milas ‘bout what you been doin’.”

  “I haven’t done anything!”

  The heightened sense of Stein told him otherwise. “I detect the scent of a man on you, and that scent does not belong to my good friend sleeping on the deck of this ship.”

  Mika’s smile quickly faded and tears filled her eyes. “Are you going to tell him?”

  “Not if you make it worth my time.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Take me to him. He is hiding women, is he not?”

  “What are you going to do to them?”

  Stein’s laughter was louder now and Mika feared he would wake Milas. “Milas and I are not the evil men you think we are. Carver is the face of evil.”

  “But he makes the arrangements for the marriage ship,” Mika protested.

  Stein’s anger at the young woman’s stupidity was evident and he gripped her by the arms and lifted her from where she sat and held her at eye level. “There is no marriage boat, woman! That man, Carver, is selling women.”

  “No, he isn’t. Perhaps there is a fee for the voyage.”

  “Oh, there’s a fee alright. Human trafficking is a money maker, and you, lassie, are a hot commodity. You ever hear from any of the women who took a trip on the ‘marriage boat’? Ever meet their ‘new husbands’?”

  Mika shivered. Was it true? The mothers cried for days when their daughters left in the middle of the night, but they had told the younger women that they cried because they were happy for their daughters and the wonderful new lives they would have. They spoke of gentlemen and fancy dresses to be worn at balls and other lavish affairs. Almost in a whisper, she admitted, “They were never heard from again.”

  “Hell no, they weren’t. Your friends probably died from a disease, if you know what I mean, or they have become the tenth wife of some foreign dictator.”

  “Okay, I get it.” Mika wiped a tear from her eye and looked away. She wouldn’t let this man see her cry if she could help it. In the stillness, Mika was aware of the lack of noise from the upper deck. Then she heard the footsteps of Milas as he made his way downward toward them.

  “What’s goin’ on? Tryin’ to get with my woman?” He smiled at his friend.

  “Nah. Tryin’ to knock some sense into her pretty little head.”

  “Guess you know what’s in store for you if you go back and try to help your friends, eh?”


  “I’m smarter than Stein here. If he knows what Carver is up to, you can be damned sure that I do.”

  Mika felt trapped as she looked from one man to the other. “The ship will come for them. I know it will.”

  “Damn woman, you’re denser than me, ain’t she, Milas?”

  “Sure is. Their ship will come, but it ain’t no marriage boat. You wait and see.”

  Mika folded her arms. “Maybe I will. I’ll just wait and see.”

  The sound of a ship coming closer made them stop their contest of who was right.

  “See, I told you, the marriage boat is coming.”

  Mika snuck past Stein and hurried to the deck. She looked back at Stein and Milas who just stood there with their arms folded. “Wait and see, Mika. We’ll all wait right here and see.”

  Shortly after the ship docked, Carver appeared from the thick brush and met the captain who looked more like a pirate than a ship’s captain. The two men spoke briefly and then the captain followed Carver into the bushes. When they came out again, each man was ca
rrying one of the women Carver had stashed in his cave. Mika gasped as she looked through the binoculars at them. They appeared to be drugged and they couldn’t walk on their own. They were carried onto the boat and into the lower quarters, and then Carver walked back into the thick foliage, thumbing through a wad of cash. “He must have thousands of dollars.” Mika was impressed.

  The dilapidated old boat took off slowly, and Mika, Milas, and Stein crouched low until it had passed. Mika stood and watched the man steering the boat. He looked like a hardened criminal and Mika felt bad for her friends, but what was going to happen to her? Stein and Milas were criminals, too. She turned around and looked at Milas and Stein. Their faces had lost their stern looks and smirky smiles, and they motioned her to them.

  Slowly, Mika walked toward the two hardened criminals, expecting to be tossed out of the boat or personally handed over to Carver. She stood an arm’s length from them and her eyes went from one man to the other.

  “You believe us now?”

  Mika nodded her head.

  “You want to wait here or go with us?

  Mika whispered, “Where are you going?”

  Stein smiled his devious smile which, oddly, put Mika at ease.

  “Can’t say, but on our way to wherever the water takes us we plan to drop your sexy ass off.”

  “Off where?”

  Milas threw his head back and laughed. “Damn, woman, you’re as dumb as Stein. Your home, sweet cheeks,” he said as he reached a firm hand between her legs and gripped her crotch. “Mm, Mm, I am going to miss this.”

  Mika backed up a little.

  “Guess I’ll just have to find me another piece somewhere along the way.” He smiled broadly, but Mika just stood there awaiting her fate. “Let’s go, Stein.”

  Mika fell backward when Milas pulled his hand from her crotch, and she sat on the deck wide-eyed, watching as the two men readied the ship.


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