Wanting (PAVAD)

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Wanting (PAVAD) Page 13

by Calle J. Brookes

  “What do you know about it?”

  It was Mick and Ashleigh felt her eyes widen at how mad he sounded. “He sounds really mad. He’s not going to hurt her, is he? He’s awfully big.”

  “No! Mick likes to fight and yell, but never with women. Paige is the only woman he fights with. He’d never hurt her.” Al handed her a thick pink blanket and a soft pillow. “Here. The bed is kind of short, but I think you’ll fit.”

  “It’s better than anything. Better than concrete.” Ashleigh shuddered remembering the storm drain she’d slept in for a night or two until the rains started. “Or a drain pipe. Paige said she’d slept in one before, too.”

  Al stopped moving for a moment. “Paige did?”

  Something in the older woman’s tone had Ashleigh looking up. “Uh-oh. Was I not supposed to tell? They didn’t say it was a secret.”

  “Who are they?”

  “Agent Paige and Agent Carrie. They said they lived on the streets. For years.” Ashleigh’s throat tightened. Had they lied to her?

  Al sank to her bed. “I see. They did, did they?”

  Ashleigh nodded. “Paige said she was eleven. Or twelve. She didn’t remember how old she was.”

  “And Carrie?” Al’s voice sounded funny.

  “She didn’t say why but she said she was fifteen when she ran away. I guess they lived together.” Ashleigh started to feel really bad. Maybe she shouldn’t have told? But hadn’t they told her they’d run away when they were sitting right there in the middle of the FBI? It wasn’t as if they’d kept it a secret, or anything. Agent Lorcan had seemed to know. “Maybe I shouldn’t have told you.”

  “No. It’s ok. I won’t repeat what you’ve said. It does answer a few questions I’ve had for a long time. Paige and Carrie, they are my best friends and I care about them a lot. Why don’t you go on to sleep, and I’ll go get those two to shut up? Otherwise they’ll fight all night.”

  Ashleigh thought about it for a moment. “Maybe they secretly like each other.”

  Al laughed. “Somehow I don’t see that happening. Go to sleep. I’ll wake you in the morning.”

  Ashleigh lay in the pretty bed for a long time before falling asleep. The yelling stopped but she couldn’t hear what Al said. Then Al slipped into the room and into her own bed. Ashleigh could hear her breathing and it reassured her.

  She was safe, with people who were helping her. Safe, for the first time in forever. She finally closed her eyes and slept. She was safe...

  Chapter 44


  It was close to four a.m. before Sebastian unlocked the door to his apartment. Carrie was at his side, quiet and pliant. She carried the computer she’d been working on, opened. It hummed quietly. He could have sworn he heard it speaking as it worked. “Carrie, is your laptop talking or am I more tired than I thought?”

  “Oh? Yes, it says a few things. Mostly path traced, connection terminated, those kinds of things. I designed the program as a joke about a year ago. But it works, so I adapted it for PAVAD use,” she said around a yawn.

  “Why the FBI and not some other wildly get-rich computer company?” She was certainly one of the best in her field.

  “Why did we go to the Bureau? Because the recruiter at the college we went to suggested it. Said we’d be part of a team, that we would help those people who needed it. And once we got to Quantico we found out we were good at it. I had trouble, though, with parts of it.”

  “The social parts?”

  “The learning how to read people. But I was told my computer skills more than made up for any deficiencies I had.” The sting of that was still quite evident in her words.

  “Whoever told you that was an idiot. I hope you realize that. There’s not a damned thing deficient about you. Far from it.” Sebastian took the computer gently from her hands and pulled her into the living room. “Sit down. It’s late and you’ve had one hell of a day.”

  “I need to check on Linny. He’s had a rough day, too. But you’re right. I am so tired. And I still need to decide what to do about my apartment.”

  “We have the crime scene cleanup crew go in and straighten the major part of it. We’ll handle your bedroom and your intimate things. But the glass and paper and trash can be done by the cleanup crew. You don’t have to deal with it if you don’t want to. I can promise you that.”

  “No. It’s mine and I’ll do it. But after we arrest Elliot Courtney.”

  “That’s happening as we speak. I called in Hellbrook and Reynolds. Reynolds came by and got Paige’s dog and took him to the Brickman’s’ first. Hellbrook is overseeing the arrest and the interrogation.”

  “They are? Why? It’s your case.”

  “Because of my friendship with Sherry, I needed Hellbrook as an impartial interviewer. And you and I needed a damned break. You’re so tired you’re trembling, and I’m not much better.” He wrapped his fingers around her arms and lifted her off her feet. They were chest to chest. He kissed her once, ignoring her tiny squeak of surprise. “We’ll go to bed. Separately, unfortunately. And in a few hours, we’ll pick up where Hell leaves off—”

  The computer speaking stopped him. “Correlation complete. Report generating.”

  Carrie wiggled in his hold and he reluctantly let her slide down him slightly until her feet touched the floor again. She bent over the computer that rested on his end table. “Here. Look at this, Sebastian. Elliot Courtney’s memory card had data on fifty-three missing persons. Every one of them first to third generation South American. And here are purchase prices for each of these people.”

  “What? Let me see that.” Sebastian leaned over her shoulder, trying to ignore the way her hair smelled like vanilla and rain and Carrie. He read the report a few times to make certain of what they had found. “I’ll call Hellbrook. Can you deliver the information to him?”

  “Give me a second. I’ll run a second program to search this data for loopholes while you call Hell.”

  Sebastian dialed the other man quickly and explained what they’d found. “Don’t get too in-depth with the questioning. Just stick with Marco Galeano for tonight. Carrie and I will be in around nine to hit Courtney with the human trafficking angle. Yes, I realize you have a new wife at home who would probably like to see your ugly face tonight. But Carrie and I have been up since five yesterday and have had a damned bad day, ending with the sight of a dead kid. So yeah, I think you’ll be ok.” And it gave Sebastian a tiny thrill to know he’d dragged Mommy Hellbrook out of his bed. “We’ll see you in the morning. And no. She’s busy. You can’t speak to her right now. She says she’ll email you the files she’s found in a few minutes.”

  He disconnected the call and faced the woman in question. She stared at him, a confused expression on her pretty face. “You were rude to Hell. Why?”

  “A tiny bit of joking around. He’d do the same to me if he could. And besides, he had the night off last night. It’s our turn.” She wasn’t convinced; he could see it on her face. “Carrie, I’m going to bed. You are free to join me on the pull-out. If you want. My bed is also pretty damned comfortable.”

  “Your bed. Your bed. But...alone. At least...for...I don’t know.”

  Sebastian backed off, both literally and figuratively the instant she repeated herself. He’d noticed early on that that was a sign she was struggling. “No pressure, Carrie. Your speed, if at all. I can promise you that.”

  She nodded, but her face was still so achingly confused. Sebastian kissed her again before he thought it through. He forced himself to pull away from her when she didn’t fight him. “Bed, Carrie. Before I push for more than I should.”

  She nodded. “Good night.”


  Carrie pulled his blankets around her shoulders, trying to ignore the scent of him that surrounded her. Had she done the right thing? Pulling away? She thought she had; now wasn’t the time to get distracted by a personal relationship with him. Not until things were back to normal, she was in her own home, working w
ith her own team, and could evaluate what was happening between her and Sebastian in a more neutral environment.

  Still, with the scent of him so strong around her and her defenses down, she couldn’t help but question herself. When was the last time she’d felt physically close to a man? Like she wanted to be with him?

  She really couldn’t remember.

  Linux rumbled near her ear and she stroked the cat in the pattern that he loved. He was still disconcerted at the change in his location, but he was finally settling down. She’d hated leaving him alone in a strange place, but he’d seemed to make himself comfortable in Sebastian’s bedroom.

  She fell asleep with the cat’s purring in her ears and the scent of the man in her lungs.


  By nine the next morning she was up and dressed and ready to get back to work. Linux had been fed and was snuggled under the pillow on the bed Carrie had meticulously made. She took several deep breaths and opened the bedroom door, uncertain what she would say to the man.

  He looked good, his suit dark charcoal, his shirt a light green. Why had she never noticed how good-looking he was before? Was it because they’d not liked each other until recently?

  Or...was it that he’d scared her because a part of her had known he’d looked at her a bit differently than the rest of the men she worked with?

  What did she want to do about that?

  “You ready? I thought we can stop by the coffee shop and get some breakfast before we head in to interview Courtney.” He smiled at her after he spoke and Carrie smiled back. He hadn’t touched her or pressured her in anyway. That was good.

  “I’d like that. Let me get my laptops, and then I’m ready.”


  She looked damned ready. She wore a pantsuit, one of three he’d noticed she owned. The black material made her hair even more vibrant. Damn. He wanted to touch her but refrained. Now wasn’t the time. And he’d reaffirmed his vow to himself last night that he would let her take things between them at her speed, and no one else’s. Even his.

  He hadn’t been able to put his finger on why that was so important to him, but he knew it was. She was just that important.

  He fought the urge to touch her as they grabbed their breakfast. They weren’t the only PAVAD agents in the coffee shop two blocks from the main building. Half of Sebastian’s team was grabbing muffins and lattes, as was most of McLaughlin’s team. Only Al and Paige were missing from his team, and he knew why. They were guarding Ashleigh.

  Sebastian knew he and Carrie had drawn eyebrows when they’d entered. Fin—the friend responsible for Sebastian’s getting into PAVAD in the first place—was the only one to approach them. “Hey, Sparks. Lorcan. Heard you’ve had an exciting few days.”

  “Something like that.” Sebastian handed the woman behind the counter enough cash to cover his and Carrie’s purchases. He wasn’t blind to Fin’s knowing look, either. “We’re on our way in now to take over the questioning for Hellbrook.”

  “Good luck with that. Seems the girl’s mother went a bit ape-shit when Hellbrook pulled Courtney in for questioning.” Fin’s voice lowered when Carrie stepped toward a small table near the other teams. Sebastian doubted Carrie heard Fin’s words. “And you should know. It’s all over the division that she has been with you for three days. Lots of speculation, if you get my drift. I figure you can weather any storms, but I don’t want her blindsided.”

  Sebastian figured as much. People loved nothing more than to gossip, even federal agents. “Thanks for the heads up. I’ll keep her close to me or have Hellbrook do it. They won’t dare say anything to one of us.”

  “They will say something to her eventually. We both know it.”

  “Yes. But I’m beginning to see that Carrie can handle herself just fine.”

  Fin’s brows rose and he smiled. “So she can handle you, then? It leans that way?”

  “Neither confirming nor denying, Fin. What’s between us is going to be entirely her call.”

  Chapter 45


  Dan pulled his vehicle to a stop just outside the coffee shop a few blocks from the PAVAD building. He slipped from the driver’s seat, just as a familiar redhead stepped out the door. Carrie wasn’t alone. Sebastian Lorcan stayed close at her side.

  Dan didn’t understand it, and he didn’t like it. Lorcan was one of those agents he couldn’t figure out. He was slick, too slick for a naïve girl like Carrie. Lorcan had seen a lot, it was in the man’s eyes. And he had that dangerous air about him.

  He did respect the way the man had taken charge of his team and whipped it into shape quickly. Lorcan had been assigned to a flailing team of agents and told to use what he could and replace what he couldn’t, until he had a team worthy of the CCU. Lorcan had fired six of his eight agents, then pulled Alessandra Brockman and Paige from the almost defunct Undercover Operations division, as well as recruiting a few agents from around the country. Now his team ran nearly as well as Hellbrook’s. Dan definitely had to respect that.

  He might respect the man as an agent, but he sure as hell didn’t want him sniffing around Carrie.

  He paused, debating whether to catch up to his teammate or to continue into the restaurant for breakfast. He took a moment to study the two of them as they walked down the sidewalk. So they’d walked from the PAVAD building, then.

  Lorcan had his hand wrapped around Carrie’s elbow. That surprised Dan. Carrie didn’t like to be touched, yet she seemed completely oblivious to the man’s grip. She was comfortable with Lorcan, then. Accustomed to his touch. What did that mean?

  Dan couldn’t help but wonder if they’d slept together. Carrie didn’t need that kind of trouble in her life. She was a good, sweet, kind kid. Sunlight to Lorcan’s shadow. The two didn’t belong together, anyone could see that.

  Dan picked up speed as they neared the curb. He didn’t know what he’d say to them, but it would be nice to observe them in a situation outside of the one he’d seen at Carrie’s apartment. Just reassure himself that Carrie was as comfortable with Lorcan’s attention as she seemed.

  He started to call her name as she and Lorcan stepped off the curb at the crosswalk.

  He didn’t get the chance. An oncoming car had his attention jerking to the road forty feet from where Carrie and Lorcan were walking.

  Dan’s mind immediately cataloged the car—dark blue sedan, approximately five years old, tinted windows. The driver was most likely male, though Dan couldn’t see him.

  The car flew toward Carrie and Lorcan, who were halfway through the intersection, and Dan shouted. He ran toward them, hoping the eighty feet that separated them was not too much to keep him from reaching them in time. He shouted again.

  The car squealed as it barreled toward the couple. It sped up. Dan knew it was aiming right for Carrie and Lorcan. Someone else shouted as he ran past them as fast as his damned bad leg would let him. Was it him that was still shouting?

  Lorcan saw the car. The younger man had turned at the sound of the shouting. Dan knew Lorcan recognized him, knew Lorcan realized something was wrong.

  Lorcan threw out an arm, catching Carrie around the waist. He pulled her with him as he bolted for the safety of the curb.

  The sedan narrowly missed clipping them as it sped by and through the green traffic light above. Lorcan shouted a curse at the driver, and someone behind Dan screamed. It was just that damned close.

  Dan waited for his heart to stop pounding as he crossed the street after the damned sedan had disappeared. It had been too close and for a moment he couldn’t help wonder if the damned car had been aiming for Carrie and Lorcan. Was it possible the driver had been the same person to trash Carrie’s place? Why? He’d be checking in with the locals on Carrie’s case.

  Dan made a vow to keep a closer eye on the girl. Just in case.

  What would it hurt to be a little extra vigilant?

  Chapter 46


  Agent Al put a bowl of cereal in front of Ash
leigh. “Eat, kiddo. You’ve got a big day ahead of you.”

  “I do?”

  “Yep. We need to go back down to the office and decide what happens next. With your mom and stuff.”

  Ashleigh didn’t want to see her mom. Not yet; but she knew she’d have to. Sometime. Would her mom be mad at her for what had happened? “I don’t want to see my mom.”

  “Are you afraid to?” Agent Al asked. “That’s perfectly ok, you know.”

  “Is it?”

  “Yes. And so is being angry with her. Your father showed up last night. He’s waiting for you at the FBI building. Do you want to see him?”

  “Daddy?” Ashleigh’s eyes filled when she thought about him. She’d ran to him for help, had even stayed in the neighborhood by his house for a few days. But then she’d thought about what Elliot had said. He’d promised to kill her dad if she told anyone what he’d done. So she’d run away from her Dad’s, too. “He’s here?”

  “Yep. My teammate said he’s been at the PAVAD building all night, and that he’s been extremely worried about you. Do you want to see him?”

  “Yes. I want my dad. Can we go now?”

  Al’s eyes were nice when she looked at Ashleigh. “We can. As soon as you eat a bit more. I’ll call my boss and give him a heads up. He will be able to keep your mom in another room when you get there. And someone can talk to your mom for you, if you like.”

  “I just don’t want her to hate me. She really liked Elliot...”

  Agent Al grabbed Ashleigh’s chin and lifted her face so that Ashleigh was looking right into the woman’s blue eyes. Agent Al was the most beautiful woman Ashleigh had ever seen—and she was so nice. “Listen to me, Ashleigh. Your mom will not hate you. You did nothing wrong. Elliot did. Period. He threatened you and your family and your friends because of the things he chose to do. Not you. If your mom had problems with that then she wouldn’t be a good mother. She’d be unfit, and I don’t think that describes your mother at all, do you?”


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