Gregor's Run: The Universe is too Small to Hide

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Gregor's Run: The Universe is too Small to Hide Page 15

by Saxon Andrew

  “Who is on that ship?”

  “The woman from the tavern and cemetery.” There was silence for a few moments and Gregor said, “Two children were taken from here by the Orange Robed Men; she was one of them and is now working with us.”

  “And you trust her?”

  “I believe her. However, she thought her ship’s computer was loyal to her but it did not reveal the blaster and force field inside the hull.”

  “Then it is not loyal to her.”

  “That’s what I told her. She is leaving and going a billion light years on the 440 where she intends to disable the computer. Once she’s out of scanning range, I need you to come and get me.”

  “That ship is holding orbit above the community where you landed. I’m going to move close to the planet’s surface and keep it between us. The metal in the trees should prevent it from seeing my hull as it departs.”

  “I think Kaylee will be ordering the computer to scan ahead of them to see if anything is coming on the filament; it shouldn’t be scanning the planet behind it.”

  “I’ll keep the optical system operational to determine when it leaves. I’ll notify you when it’s out of scanning range and come to pick you up.”

  “That would be good.” The link ended the connection and Gregor stood up and stretched. He started walking back to meet with the Clan Leader. He had a few days where he could learn about his mother. He looked forward to the meeting.

  • • •

  “Ye mother was one of our finest warriors and she never gave bad advice to anyone. She had ye blonde hair and the same eyes as ye have as well.”

  Gregor looked at the Clan Leader and smiled, “I only have a short memory of her but I clearly remember her long braid of blonde hair down her back.”

  “She was respected by all the members of the Clan.”

  “I’ve been wondering about something.”

  “What is that, Lad?”

  “How did the Orange Traders know to come here to look for children with the necessary gifts they needed?”

  The Clan Leader pursed his lips and then said, “One of our older warriors, who had lost his wife and son to predators, went to Earth.”


  “I know that sounds confusing to ye but a Trader stopped on the planet and we warned him away. The Trader told us that he knew about what happened to our ancestors and thought we were treated poorly. He told us he was going to Earth later on in his trade route and wondered if we would like to send someone to communicate with the authorities there to let them know what happened to us. Grahame O’Connor volunteered to go. He had the same eyes as you and your mother.”

  Gregor nodded slowly and said, “When he arrived, the Orange Robed Priests must have been given access to him and discovered something in him that they needed.”

  “I have no idea what ye speaking about but he’s the only one to ever leave and go to Earth.”

  Gregor thought for a moment and said, “Have ye ever noticed anything peculiar about the members of the clan that have my eye color?”

  “Ye mother could talk to some of the animals in the forest.”


  “I know it sounds odd but several of the Clan had seen her feeding some of the animals out of her hand. She was also seen deflecting an arrow that glanced off a tree away from a warrior it was going to hit with her thoughts.” Gregor started shaking his head and the Clan Leader nodded, “It’s true, Lad. More than six saw it happen and they all agree on their story. I questioned her about the incident and she said she had no idea how she made it happen. She said it was something she could not control and only happened rarely.”

  Gregor thought about it and then said, “The Orange Priests must have detected some kind of mental skill in Grahame and determined that whatever talent he possessed could not be developed. A young child would be needed to develop the talent before it was lost to becoming an adult. One thing I know for certain, they would not have used the fuel to come to Bellingham without knowing exactly what they were looking for before making the voyage here.”

  The Clan Leader shrugged, “Ye know what they were seeking.”

  “No, I don’t,” Gregor replied. “I can remember my training but I wasn’t told what it was supposed to do. I think Kaylee would know more than I do about that but I’ll have to ask her about it later.”

  “I’m sorry about the loss of ye mother.”

  “I really never knew her, I was too young when she died. I really regret that.”

  “She was a remarkable woman.”

  Gregor felt the link and stood up, “My ship is trying to contact me. We’ll continue this conversation later.” The Clan Leader nodded and Gregor ran toward the shoreline. “What’s up?”

  “The ship has left orbit.”

  “Boy, they completed that trip in record time. Make sure it’s out of scanner range and come to the beach where I’m located.”

  “Give me about an hour,” the computer replied.

  Gregor went into the community and saw Ellie walking out of her house, “Ellie, I want you to assist me.”

  “I’ll be glad to help ye, Gregory?”

  “Gather some of the warriors and archers and meet me on the shoreline in an hour.”

  “I’ll find some ye want, “Ellie said as she turned and went back into her home. Gregor started back toward the beach and saw Anderson leaving the house with her. The warriors needed to see that their primitive weapons would not work against a force field. They could die if they didn’t get the message.

  • • •

  An hour later, a group of twenty-five Bellinghams were sitting in the sand talking to each other when Gregor heard on his link, “It’s safe to come now.”

  “I want you to come to the beach staying under the tree canopy. Land on the shore and be prepared to turn on the force field.”

  “Is this a good idea?”

  “Yes, it is, Computer. I have to prove to these people that if the Orange Robed Priests show up with portable force fields, their weapons won’t work and they will get themselves killed if they don’t back off.”

  “Do you think they’re coming back here?”

  “Computer, they are going to have to find two children to replace Kaylee and me in order for their plan to work. They will be coming back.”

  “I’m coming in slowly.”

  “Don’t turn it on until I tell you.”

  “Will do.”

  Gregor stood up and looked out at the ocean. A few minutes later, he saw the ship moving over waves. The gathering at the shoreline saw him staring out at the waves and they walked up beside him when they saw the ship moving toward them. Gregor looked at the young girl who had brought him water in the canoe. She was standing beside him and he asked, “Did you build it for me?”

  “Aye, Gregory.” She turned and ran over to a wooden table and pulled a large piece of wood off the top of it. She lifted it with both hands and carried it over to him.

  Ellie looked at Gregor and said, “Ye had her make that?”

  “I did. It’s for target practice.”

  “It’s rather large for a target.”

  Gregor smiled, “We’ll see.” The ship came in slowly and landed on its three landing legs in the sand along the shoreline. Gregor walked out with the large piece of wood and the gathering could see that it was cut into the shape of an adult man. He stopped about three feet from the hull and slammed the target into the sand and wiggled it until it stayed vertical. Gregor walked back to the gathering and said, “I need everyone to back up about twenty five yards.” Everyone walked away from the ship with him and Gregor said over his link, “Don’t extend the force field more than twenty yards.” The gathering around him flinched when the force field suddenly appeared and started making a loud humming noise.

  Many more of the locals began walking down to the beach to see what was going on. Most of them had not seen a starship in their lifetime and ooo’ed and ahhh’ed at what they were seeing. T
he man shaped piece of wood was inside the force field and Gregor turned to the gathered warriors, “I want you to try and cut ye way thorough that force field.” No one moved and Gregor said, “Just keep ye hand on the hilt; ye won’t be hurt.”

  Anderson stepped forward, “I’ll give it a go!” He walked up to the edge of the force field and pulled his sword out of its scabbard. He raised the sword and swung with all his strength at the force field. The sword hit it and rebounded so hard that Anderson was taken off his feet. He jumped to his feet and took another mighty swing with the same result.

  Gregor looked around the gathering, “Some of ye give it a go.”

  A warrior standing next to Gregor shook his head, “I think it’s clear that swords will not go through that thing.”

  Gregor said loudly, “All of ye agree that swords are useless against this force field.” The warriors all looked at each other and nodded. “Now if that piece of wood inside the force field was holding a blaster and ye were close enough to strike the force field, ye would die. All of ye see that.” Again the warriors looked at each other and were forced to agree with Gregor. Gregor turned and said, “Now, I want the archers to move back ten yards and fire at that piece of wood like it’s an enemy coming to harm ye families. I want ye to move back in case the arrows you shoot bounce off towards ye.””

  Several male warriors and ten females moved back ten yards and formed a line. Ellie was one of the archers and she lifted her bow and pulled an arrow out of her quiver. The arrow flew toward the target at a speed that was difficult to see but when it bounced off the force field everyone saw it penetrate the canoe twenty yards further up the beach. Everyone immediately moved back another ten yards.

  The archers didn’t give up as easily as the swordsmen. They fired arrow after arrow at the target and arrows were ricocheting in all directions. Finally, all of them stopped firing except for Ellie. Gregor saw the anger on her face and she started screaming as each arrow failed to penetrate the force field. Gregor sighed and saw her frustration get the better of her. She jumped and slammed her elbows down to her sides as she stamped both feet into the sand. She screamed at the top of her voice and ran toward the force field. Gregor yelled, “NO, ELLIE! STOP!!”

  Ellie arrived at the force field, took the last arrow out of her quiver, and screamed as she threw it at the wooden target. The arrow went through the force field and stuck in the center of the target. Gregor’s mouth fell open as he heard the computer say over the link, “What the hell just happened here!”

  Ellie turned around, wiped her hands on her pants, and said angrily, “That’ll teach it!!” Everyone stared at Ellie in silence and then exploded into cheers. She smiled and did a small curtsey.

  Gregor quickly said, “Turn the force field off.” The field disappeared and Gregor ran to the target. He looked at the arrow protruding from the wood and saw that it was different from all the other arrows that had been fired at the target…it was made entirely of wood. Even the arrow head was carved out of the shaft. He pulled it out by working it back and forth and turned toward Ellie. He started walking toward her and arrived as she was being slapped on the back by the warriors; she turned and saw him holding the arrow and her face was stricken with fear as she said, “Oh no! Did I break it?!”

  Everyone gasped at Ellie’s use of a question and Gregor said, “Ellie, what is this?”

  “It’s my lucky arrow, Gregory.”


  Everyone gasped again at Gregor asking two questions and Ellie said, “It’s the first true arrow I ever made. Every child that chooses to be an archer must make an arrow out of wood that is true. That is my lucky arrow that I always have it in me quiver to give me good luck. It was the first true arrow I made as a little girl, Gregory.”

  Gregor looked at the gathering, “I apologize for my rudeness in questioning Ellie.” He turned to her again, “This does not look like the wood from the tall trees.”

  Ellie nodded, “It is not. The tall trees have too much metal in them and can’t be cut or shaped. This comes from the baby trees.”

  Gregor stared at the arrow and handed it to Ellie, “Please fire it from ye bow into the target.”

  Ellie started shaking her head, “I cannot do that, Gregory. It would break if I did.”

  Gregory looked around at the gathering and struggled on how to find out something without asking a question. The young girl who had made the target walked up and handed Gregor three wooden arrows. Gregor’s eyes narrowed and she said, “I’ve been working on making a true arrow and these are not true; they can be used.”

  Gregor picked the young girl up and hugged her as he spun her around. He put her down and looked at the three arrows. To his untrained eye, they looked perfect. He handed them to Ellie, “Hit the target with one of these.”

  Ellie took the arrows and started shaking her head as she said to the young girl, “You are right about their imperfections but they’ll work from this distance.”

  Gregor said over the link, “Turn the force field back on.” The field appeared and Gregor stepped out of the line of fire. Ellie notched one of the arrows and pulled the bowstring back. She stared down the arrow’s shaft and released the string. The wooden arrow hit the target and split it into two pieces. Ellie handed one of the two remaining arrows to the girl and said, “If ye just sand the shaft down slightly, this one will fly true.”

  The girl’s mouth flew open and she squealed, “Thank you!”

  Ellie nodded and looked at Gregor, “Ye didn’t expect this to happen, did ye?”

  Gregor shook his head, “No, I didn’t. But it looks like you do have a weapon that will work against this force field, if you can make enough arrows in time before they arrive.”

  “We will start making them now!” Everyone turned and saw the Clan Leader standing behind the gathering. “Anderson, I need ye to go to the Council and tell them what ye see here. Waste no time getting the message to them!”

  “Aye, Clan Leader.”

  “Gather some of the arrows that broke hitting the field and take them with ye. They need to see that the metal arrows will fail.” The warriors immediately fanned out and started gathering the broken and bent metal arrows. The Clan Leader looked at Gregor, “Ye will be leaving now.”

  Gregor nodded, “I will come back but I feel much better knowing ye have a weapon that will work against the Orange Robes.”

  The Clan Leader moved forward and hugged Gregor, “Welcome back, Gregory MacGregor. Go and do what must be done.”

  Gregor smiled and turned toward the ship, “Shut down the force field, I’m coming on board.”

  “Could you bring one of those wooden arrows with you?” Gregor turned around and yelled at Ellie. She stopped at the top of the dunes and walked back to him. “I need the wooden arrow.”

  Ellie still had it in her hand and she smiled as she handed it to him and whispered, “Don’t tell her but this one is also true.”

  “She says it is not.”

  Ellie saw the girl watching them and she leaned in and whispered again, “I’m her mentor and I will not approve an arrow as being true until she’s strong enough to pull the bow. She is ready to do that now.”

  Gregor smiled as he examined the arrow. “That is how to train one properly.” Ellie smiled, hugged Gregor, and turned back up the slope toward the community. Gregor watched her go and knew Anderson had an incredible wife. They were perfect for each other. He turned and ran toward the open port on the side of the ship. He jumped on board and yelled, “Get us moving to the 440, we have to catch up with the ship that left here.”

  He felt the boosters ignite and start lifting the ship as he ran on the bridge and jumped into his chair as the floor began moving vertical and heard the computer say, “It appears that scientists are half right about force fields.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve looked up everything in my databanks pertaining to force fields and the summary is basically stating that it is not p
ossible to create a force field that will protect the user from everything.”

  “Well, I think most beings just assume that means creating one is impossible.”

  “That does appear to be the case. However, who is going to fire a wooden missile at a starship using the particular force field that was placed in our hull? For all intents and purposes, this force field will stop metal and energy.”

  “You make a good point but don’t think it won’t be tried if news gets out about its weakness.”

  “Going to full thrust.”

  “She said she was going to stop about a billion light years out on the 440.”

  “How are we going to find her, Gregor?”

  “She gave me the frequency to her link. I’m sending it to you now and you should start listening for it.”

  “Got it. I’ll set the scanners to listen for that frequency. It’s a good thing there aren’t any Traffic Controllers around here.”

  “It would be a waste to send them; no starships come this way.”

  “We did and that woman did.”

  “It’d still be a waste of coinage to pay for one to be here.”

  “Are you glad you came here, Gregor?”

  “I am. There’s still a lot I want to know about my mother but that will wait for another time. I’ve found my true home and these people are noble and good.”

  “It didn’t look good initially. I thought I was going to have to use the blaster.”

  “Fortunately, you didn’t. How long is it going to take us to go a billion light years?”

  “About three hours using the boosters at half-thrust.”

  “I’m going to clean up. Keep me posted if anything interesting happens.”

  “Will do.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Two hours later, Gregor was soaking in the tub with his eyes closed and suddenly heard over the wall speaker, “GREGOR, WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY MESSAGE OVER THE WOMAN’S FREQUENCY!!”

  Gregor jumped up and grabbed a towel, “What’s going on?!”

  “She says she is about to lose control of the ship to the computer. She’s barely keeping it from calling for help and activating the on board intruder system!”


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