Gregor's Run: The Universe is too Small to Hide

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Gregor's Run: The Universe is too Small to Hide Page 30

by Saxon Andrew

  “Tibet?” Gregor’s computer asked.

  “Yes, Computer.” The Dragons rushed into their transports and the four ships rose above the mountains and headed back to the freighter, which started moving over the North Pole. The body of the beast was dead but the head was still alive.

  • • •

  The former priest sat with his family in Calcutta and listened to the small communicator he had stolen from the temple. When he arrived back from the invasion of Bellingham, he remained curled up in a ball. The Headquarters’ Leader had him flown back to the temple where they questioned him at length. All he did was stare out of unseeing eyes and keep repeating the same thing over and over. They finally took him out of the temple and left him in the mountains in deep snow to die. At nightfall, he stood up and began the long trek through the mountains to his children’s home. The priests at the temple assumed a Green Death had taken him when there was no trace of his body the next day.

  He sat in the kitchen and listened to the cries for help in Utah and sighed as the survivors of the raid told of the building’s collapse. He changed the frequency and waited. It wouldn’t be long now. His daughter entered and smiled, “Can I get you something, Father?”

  “All I need is your love.”

  Her smile grew larger, “You already have that! We’re so thankful you’ve come back home.” He nodded and listened to the communicator. Before he died, there was going to be one more trip to Bellingham to see the old man that he now counted as a close friend. He had allowed him to live and warned him of what was coming. He knew that a bond had grown between them during the hours of the invasion. He smiled and was thankful for the blessing.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The Wise One looked at his Apprentice, “You’ve raised the force fields?”

  “I have and we’re getting numerous inquiries from Earth’s Government about it. They’ve detected it with their satellites. They’re also inquiring as to why we attacked another planet.”

  “Ignore them.”

  “We are, Master.”

  The Wise One sat on his throne and started a chant. There was no way two ships could penetrate the multiple force fields surrounding the temple. They would ultimately be forced to leave and he would handle the local governments after they left. The plan had suffered a setback but it wasn’t stopped. He closed his eyes and continued to chant. Time was on his side.

  • • •

  The thirty Dragons had arrived ten days earlier than the freighter on board a small commercial transport and had been dropped off in the mountains. They moved cautiously thought the mountains avoiding any contact during their journey. They all wore white armor to hide them in the snow and finally arrived at the top of the target mountain. They used cables to pull up a huge hollowed out tree trunk that was wrapped in white canvas. They exercised extreme caution moving the huge piece of wood through the mountains and knew that if it was broken or damaged, the plan was over. They pulled it up to the top of the peak and then began moving it slowly down the mountain. Soon, they saw the force field below them.

  • • •

  The Wise One looked up as his Apprentice entered the room, “He wishes to speak with you.” The Apprentice handed him the communicator and left the huge chamber.

  The Wise One took the communicator and smiled, “It appears you were able to deceive me, Gregory.”

  “I had a little help in doing that.”

  “What? Oh, the telepath blocked your thoughts from me during our meeting.”

  “Yes, she did.”

  “I’m going to have to send one of my Priests to visit her once this is over.”

  “That will take some doing.”

  “It won’t be as hard as you think. My advanced Priests will be able to track her down and make her pay for her treachery.”

  “We have to make sure none of them survive.”

  “You’re wasting your breath, Gregory. You won’t gain entry into my temple and once you leave I’ll also send some Priests after you and that woman with you.”

  “I just wanted to tell you something before you discover just how your incredible arrogance won’t save you.”

  “What is that?”

  “To stay where you are. I don’t want you killed before I can do it.”

  “I should have ordered you killed with your mother!”

  “Your assassin said the same thing before I took his head.” The Wise One turned off the communicator and slammed it to the stone floor where it flew into pieces. Suddenly, he heard a huge blast and the temple shook. His eyes widened, what was going on?

  • • •

  The thirty Dragons pushed the fifty-foot long trunk through the snow to the edge of the force field and slid it slowly forward where the force field encountered the ground. It moved slowly through the snow and then moved inside the three overlapping force fields. The Commander looked at his Warriors and nodded. Twenty Dragons ran through the trunk and moved silently down the side of the mountain. The other ten kept the huge trunk in place. The twenty Dragon Warriors encountered the first bunkers with mobile blasters quickly, but they were facing away from the top of the mountain. Nothing could endanger them from above the force fields. The fight in each bunker was savage but none of the priests in them were able to get a warning out. Ten Dragons died in the taking of the bunkers but the ten survivors arrived at the location of the force field generators built into the side of the mountain above the temple. They waited in silence and sent a squeal tone out. They received an answering squeal and raised their neck blasters. They opened fire on the generators and dove into the snow as they went up in a massive explosion.

  Six Dragon Transports came out of the freighter’s landing bay and flew at high speed toward the mountain. Two Dragon Transports came over the top of the mountain and moved above the large temple. Dragons erupted out of the landing bays as their transports hovered a few feet above the snow. They landed in the snow, and raced down the mountain toward the temple. The other four transports arrived at the path leading up from the community and the Dragons rushed out and started climbing the sheer walls avoiding the heavily defended path.

  • • •

  The Apprentice rushed into the Central Chamber yelling, “THEY’VE TAKEN OUT THE FORCE FIELD GENERATORS!!” The Wise One looked at him and lowered his head as his chant grew louder. The Apprentice stared at him and rushed out of the chamber to set up the defenses. They could still win this fight!

  • • •

  The Dragons were heavily outnumbered and the Dragon Commander was forced to admit that the Priests were the most deadly foe his species had ever faced. They were incredibly quick and they knew the territory. He had lost half of his warriors before Gregor and Kaylee landed in front of the temple and went through the front entrance. He screamed at them over the communicator to stay out but saw that they were what made the difference in the savage fight. Both of them had their swords and bows and used them in murderous fashion. A Priest would raise a blaster and as he leaned into the corridors he would be hit in the head with an arrow. Gregor would turn a corner with his sword raised and when the Dragons followed, there were dead bodies littering the floor. The Priests were fast but they were nothing compared to the two humans killing them. Like the Priests, Gregor and Kaylee knew this temple and all the hiding places where the priests could attack.

  The fight lasted eight hours before the last Priest was cut from his shoulder all the way through his hip. Then there was silence…except for the sound of someone loudly chanting that echoed of the stone walls of the ancient temple. The surviving Dragons rushed through the temple and thirty minutes later reported that there were no surviving Priests. Gregor waited outside the curtains covering the entrance from where the chanting was coming. He thought, “Leelah, how many are in the chamber?”

  “Just the Wise One and his Apprentice.”

  Gregor nodded and Kaylee said, “I know I told you I didn’t want to go in but I’ve changed my mind, if it’s alrigh
t with you?”

  The Dragon Commander said, “I, too, wish to be present along with my other Commanders.”

  “Kel, I will allow it but you will move away from the entrance as soon as you enter and you will take your commanders along with Kaylee and have them sit with you against the side walls. Order all of your warriors to immediately leave the temple and move to the mountain above it.”


  “If you want to witness what happens you will do as I request.”

  The Dragon Commander ordered his warriors out of the temple except for the top ten ranking commanders. They gathered at the curtains and followed Gregor in as he pulled them apart. The torches were burning this time and Gregor saw the walls were vacant as the ten Dragons and Kaylee moved to the side and sat down next to them in the flickering shadows.

  The Apprentice was kneeling next to the Wise One and he smiled, “Hello, Gregory.”

  Gregor walked forward and tilted his head, “I know he is the one that ordered my mother killed but you were the one that carried out his orders.” The Apprentice had a devious smile as he raised his hands and shrugged. His head fell to the floor faster than his hands. The Wise One watched his death and looked at Gregor, “You know I had a dream of you being here.”

  “I trust it was a nightmare.”

  The Wise One shrugged, “I guess you could call it that. Is it my turn to lose my head?”

  “No, Grahame, it is not.”

  Grahame’s eyes narrowed, “In my dream you killed me with your sword.”

  Gregor smiled, “That just goes to prove you aren’t as smart as you think you are. I think you should die like my mother.”

  Suddenly, a muffled roar was heard outside the temple. Grahame’s eyes went wide and Gregor said, “This one is the cub of its mother I killed in the cave. I’ve explained why I had to do it and it understands I had no choice. She was forced to do your bidding and it does not blame me for her death. It does understand that it was you who caused the death of both of our mothers.” The roar was louder and it was clear it was getting closer.

  Grahame was frightened beyond any time in his life. He tried to chant but kept hearing his bothers words echoing through his mind. He kept hearing in his mind what that insane priest keep repeating over and over, “Ye are disowned by ye clan and ye name has been placed in the book of Shamed Souls.” The curtains parted and the Green Death walked through them.

  Gregor stepped aside and said to everyone present, “Stay where you are and remain still!”

  Kaylee was sitting beside the Dragon Commander and was stunned at the size of the brilliant green eyes moving toward the front of the chamber; they had to be eight feet across. She couldn’t see the giant Green Death but the torches cast a shadow of it on the temple’s floor and it was unbelievable.

  The Dragon Commander never really thought there was any creature that could defeat him in physical combat. He realized he was wrong. This creature stood at least fifteen feet high and was forty feet long. The Green Death moved inexorably forward and the Wise One looked at Gregor saying in a trembling voice, “Please, I beg you, kill me with your sword!”

  Gregor lowered his eyes, “I’ll give you the same mercy you showed our mothers!”

  The Green Death went to the throne and, suddenly, Grahame was lifted off the throne below the giant green glowing eyes. The giant cat turned and carried him screaming out of the chamber in its massive jaws. Kaylee rushed up and threw her arms around Gregor as he quietly said, “It doesn’t want him to die quickly. It wants him to suffer like his mother did.” The chamber remained silent until the screams died in the distance.

  • • •

  “Admiral! The filament is back.”

  “Order the fleet in to Earth!!”

  The thousands of warships and freighters came out of the intersection and went to full boosters toward Earth. The Admiral was concerned, no one was answering his communications over the last hour. The massive fleet arrived at Earth and found two small ships and a giant freighter in orbit above the planet. He heard over the wall speaker, “It’s taken you long enough to get here.”

  The Admiral’s eyes narrowed and he lifted his communicator, “Who are you?”

  “I’m the one that just destroyed your ground bases on Earth.”

  “You are?”

  “Yes, and I’ve been waiting here to discuss your future before we leave.”

  “What makes you think I’m going to allow you leave?”

  “Before you get too sassy, you should know that I’ve located your ship and if you refuse to listen to reason, your ship will be the first one I destroy on my way out of the system.”

  The Admiral sneered, “Go on.”

  “Your plan is over. The temple along with everyone in it has been destroyed. Earth’s Government is demanding to know why you and your ships attacked another human planet and is planning to charge all of you with war crimes if you set foot on the planet.”

  “We can make them listen to reason.”

  “How do you intend to do that?”

  “We are armed.”

  “Are you? Get your weapons operator to check out your weapons.”

  The Admiral looked at his Weapons Operator and nodded. Suddenly, the wall speaker erupted into a loud computer generated voice, “ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THE BLASTER OR FORCE FIELD WILL RESULT IN THE DEATH OF EVERYONE ON BOARD!!”

  The Admiral flinched, “What’s going on, computer?”

  “Captain, I’m really sorry but I have been programmed to destroy the ship if anyone attempts to access our weapons and defenses. I don’t want to do it but I will carry out my programming.”

  The Admiral looked at Gregor on his display, “What’s going on here?”

  “We’ve disabled all the force fields and blasters that have been installed by the Movement.”

  “And just what do you expect us to do?”

  “What have you been doing when you weren’t carrying out assignments given you by your former leaders?”

  “Some of us have been working as commercial haulers. My ship has not, I’ve been ready for call up at all hours.”

  “Well, your ships can’t go back to Earth for the near term. There are billions of commercial trading companies you can go to work with and, once you learn how it’s done, you can open your own trading company.”

  “We’re not traders!”

  “You can choose to be whatever you want. You’ll probably starve to death if you don’t decide quickly what you’re going to do.”

  The Admiral stared at Gregor and said, “See you around.”

  “Gregor, the fleet is leaving orbit.”

  Bart appeared on his display, “What do you think those ships are going to do?”

  Gregor shrugged, “They’ll find work or become pirates.”

  Bart’s face turned serious, “I don’t like hearing that. They’ll be dangerous as pirates. They still have heavy shoulder and hand blasters.”

  “Follow me to Venzel. There’s some things we need to discuss.”

  “Why don’t you do it over the communicator?”

  “Some things are best done in person.” Gregor replied.

  • • •

  “What are we doing here, Gregor?”

  “Just listen, Kaylee.” Gregor, Kaylee, and Bart were standing in the Dragon’s Throne Room waiting for the Queen and Monarch to arrive. Bart was looking around and he leaned over to Gregor and whispered, “These guards don’t look very friendly.”

  Gregor chuckled, “When do any of them look friendly?” Bart thought for a moment and nodded.

  Suddenly, Kel entered the huge room and rushed forward, “Gregor, Kaylee, Bart, it’s good to see you. What are you doing here?”

  “I asked your mother about talking with me about an issue.”

  “What issue is that?”

  “Sending warriors out to die.”

  Kel’s giant head twisted, “You think that is an issue? We enjoy it, Gregor. It’s far more exc
iting than laying around here.”

  Gregor smiled as he looked around the throne room, “I imagine it is.”

  Suddenly the Guards lifted their blasters and watched them closely as the Queen and the Monarch entered the room from behind their thrones. Gregor saw the Queen for the first time in person and was amazed at the dazzling colors that reflected off her scales. Most Dragons were male and were colored with dark green and brown splotches that covered their hides. This Queen was quite different from them. She was also fifty percent larger than the males and the way she moved made it clear she was also a lot faster. She moved to her throne and wrapped her long tail around her, “Hello, Gregor, why do you want to meet with me and why have you brought the others with you?”

  “I want to discuss your future plans now that the Movement has been eliminated.”

  “I really haven’t thought about it. I think we’ll just go back to our normal activities. Why do you ask?”

  Kaylee and Bart remained silent wondering what Gregor was doing. “I want to suggest a radical change to the way you normally do things.”

  The Queen’s eyes half closed, “Oh?”

  “Why do you send your warriors out to conquer other planets and intimidate any others you come into contact with?”

  The Queen smiled, “Because that is what we are very good at, Gregor.”

  “You have too much free time.”

  The queen’s head moved back, “WHAT!”

  It was clear she didn’t like what Gregor said and Kel whispered behind him, “Be Careful, Gregor.”

  Gregor smiled, “I’ve given a lot of thought to your species and I noticed on Bellingham that the people there really got to like the Dragons you sent to help them. Even the children liked them…a lot. I saw that your species can be witty, funny, charming, and all around good beings to work with. I know that is not the image you cultivate but I have to tell you that I consider Kel as one of my closest friends after all we been through together. I’d give my life to protect him.”


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