30 Pieces of Silver: An Extremely Controversial Historical Thriller

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30 Pieces of Silver: An Extremely Controversial Historical Thriller Page 46

by McCray, Carolyn

  As the sun began to set, Jesus saw movement across the wash. Judas must have called for water. He tensed. Would their ruse work? A man, Turvas, came forward and offered a waterskin. Judas took a drink, then spit as if it were vinegar, but it was a tincture of Magdalene’s herbs and a strong sleeping draught.

  Within moments, Judas’ head lolled, and Mary sobbed.

  Predictably, the Romans broke the other prisoners’ legs, but spared Judas. Was God truly favoring their gamble? Could he hold Judas in his arms the next morning and beg forgiveness?

  One of the guards taunted the limp form on the cross, and then did the unthinkable. he stabbed Judas in the side.

  Mary’s wail was so great that Jesus was certain it carried to heaven itself. Ruth collapsed against John, his Beloved Disciple. Jesus fell to his knees, cutting them upon the sharp rocks as blood gushed from Judas’ side. All their planning. All their studies were for naught. Judas was dead.

  Poor Ameil. The child would be unmoored. How could Jesus explain where his most-loved uncle had disappeared to?

  An ache that reached to his marrow threatened to consume him. The pain of the cross was nothing compared to the agony that gripped his heart.

  To shun his responsibility upon the cross was unforgivable, but to have Judas die in his stead? The guilt hung from his neck, bowing his head. Was this God’s punishment for Jesus’ betrayal?

  Rising, he knew he must atone for his sin. He must trek into the desert, or cast himself into the sea. Whatever God wished, Jesus would do, but no amount of suffering would bring his friend back.

  As he turned from Golgotha, Jesus found his brother rising the knoll.

  “James?” he asked, surprised but glad to have kin near.

  His brother opened his arms. Jesus did not deserve an embrace, but he went to James and was hugged warmly, then he felt a stabbing in his belly. Looking down, Jesus found a knife protruding from his skin.

  “All those years,” James snarled. “All those years… You will die today, brother.” He jerked the knife upward, gouging open Jesus’ stomach. “How could you let another suffer in your place?”

  “I was weak,” Jesus answered, then grabbed his brother’s hand. James must have thought he was trying to stop him, but Jesus intended quite the opposite. He pulled the blade even higher. “Thank you, brother.”

  No longer able to keep his feet, Jesus slid to the blood-soaked ground, but he welcomed the pain. It was only fitting. This was God’s plan, after all.

  James dropped the knife, kneeling beside him. “What have I done?”

  “Only what I should have,” Jesus said, hearing a far-off song. The song of the angels. A chorus so pure that the angelic harmonies blended into one glorious voice. “Can you not hear it, brother?”

  “Hear what?” James looked around, thinking it a worldly sound.

  Jesus gripped his brother’s arm tightly. “God’s forgiveness, James. We are forgiven.”

  The beating of wings stirred Jesus’ hair as the song built to a crescendo.

  “Teach them. Teach them better than I,” Jesus begged as the world became nothing more than a white light, his earthly concerns given rest.

  Soon Jesus would sit, as he had all those years ago, upon a riverbank with his friend Judas, and try, yet again, to understand God’s infinite wisdom.



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  Authors live and die by their reviews, and the few extra seconds it takes you, really helps us authors out!

  And don’t worry—there is much more to come from the team!

  The sequel to 30 Pieces of Silver, Havoc, will be out in the fall of 2012, along with the third and final book of the trilogy, Shiva, due in Winter 2013.

  I’ve included a brief excerpt from Havoc at the end of this section to help tide you over.

  Looking for more Brandt and Rebecca action right now?

  Check out An Engagement to Remember, a short story in the anthology 8 Hearts Beat As One. This story is a vital piece of their history, and directly bridges 30 Pieces of Silver and Havoc.

  If you want even more action and adventure and can’t wait until the fall for Havoc, you might want to try my new techno-thriller, Encrypted. This story has a little less history and a lot more technology, but all the action of 30 Pieces of Silver…

  “Dan Brown blinked, and Carolyn McCray took over. Encrypted is the best thing that I’ve read in the thriller genre, hands down. It’s got history, mysticism, and shadowy organizations manipulating world events. Oh, and did I mention the most incredible opposites-attract relationship EVER? This novel knocked my socks off.”

  Ben Hopkin

  Book Reviewer

  More praise for Encrypted….

  “Imagine a roller-coaster ride filled with historical twists and turns, fabulous action, and a great love story. You’ll soar to the skies, then grip your seat on the way down. Encrypted will leave you breathless in the end.”

  Amber Scott


  Fierce Dawn

  “If you like Lara Croft, you’ll love Encrypted’s heroine, Ronnie. From one explosion to the next, my heart raced with each turn of the page. And the plague making a comeback? Written with such realism, after reading Encrypted, you may never want to leave your house again.”

  Elena Gray


  Full Body Contact

  To purchase or sample Encrypted on Amazon, just click here.

  * * *

  Torn Apart by History

  Bound for Eternity

  If you enjoyed the historical aspects of 30 Pieces of Silver, I might suggest you try my latest historical paranormal romance, Fated. And yes, I know I just said historical paranormal romance and most of the guys out there cringed and went to scroll past. However, just like 30 Pieces of Silver, Fated defies classification and has equally glowing reviews from men and women alike.

  Set in ancient Rome, Fated is told from the perspective of Brutus in the months leading up to Caesar’s assassination. Fated has the feel HBO’s Rome—only with a unique McCray twist.

  But don’t believe me. Here are just a few of the early reviews for Fated…

  Praise for Fated…

  “From Carolyn McCray comes a historical romance that will leave you hoping that for once, fate will be kind. You will be gripped from the first page to the last, caught in a love that spans eons and an ancient political intrigue whose consequence still reverberates today. This is truly a masterpiece that stays with you long after you've turned the last page.”

  Emma Gilbertson


  The Writer Bites Back

  “If you love historical romances with a fantastic paranormal twist, Fated is for you. Set in ancient Rome, Fated is the perfect blend of suspenseful and sultry. Truly a great read. The paranormal aspect sneaks up on you like an asp in the night, hidden until it grabs you by the throat. You will never look at Brutus—& Caesar’s assassination—the same way.”

  Amber Scott


  Bestselling Author of “Irish Moon”

  “I was enthralled by this book—enthralled by the time period, the romance, the characters, and the historical events unfolding… Kudos, Ms. McCray!”

  Tessa Blue


  Author of Children of the Lost Moon

  “Fated is full of suspense. It does not let go… As usual, Ms. McCray’s style and writing are brilliant.”

  M. Koleva

  To purchase or sample Fated on Amazon, simply click here.

  * * *

  Also if you enjoyed the grit and tension of 30 Pieces of Silver, you might want to try a novel I wrote under my pen name, Cristyn West… Plain Jane: Brunettes Beware.

ile Plain Jane may not be as international in scope as 30 Pieces of Silver, it certainly is thrilling. Think of a James Patterson-style thriller with a dash of Hannibal Lector. Plain Jane has hit the Kindle bestselling lists in both Hard Boiled Mysteries and Police Procedurals.

  Or, in the words of New York Times best-selling author, James Rollins (Altar of Eden and Devil Colony)…

  “Wickedly macabre and blisteringly paced, PLAIN JANE marks the debut of a thriller for the new millennium. Brash, funny, terrifying, and shocking, here is a story best enjoyed with all the lights on. Don’t say I didn't warn you!”

  #seriously #youhavebeenwarned!

  To purchase or sample Plain Jane: Brunettes Beware on Amazon, just click here.

  * * *

  And for those of you who might enjoy an urban fantasy/paranormal romance thriller, I have HeartsBlood.

  A woman of science.

  A man of magic.

  Hunted for their HeartsBlood.

  HeartsBlood has enough romance to propel it into the Kindle Bestselling lists for Paranormal Romance and enough kick-butt action to secure a spot as a Best Seller in Urban Fantasy as well.

  Some reviews for HeartsBlood…

  “Um... I just finished reading this book less than two minutes ago, and I can honestly say that it has been a very long time since a book has affected me as deeply as HeartsBlood did. Not very often does a book come along that makes you feel so intensely that the tears actually stream down your face. This one did. In fact, I’m still tearing as I write this…THIS BOOK IS PHENOMENAL.”

  Theresa Cole

  Reviewer for BLBBookTours

  “I have been sitting here trying to find to words to express just how much I loved this book and I am not sure what I will say will do it justice. This book was amazing…

  Would I recommend? A big, resounding YES. Do not walk—run and get this book, Warning: this book will cause a sleepless night. Meanwhile I am impatiently waiting for the next book in this series, DeadBlood.”

  Donna Newman

  Kindle Reader

  “Right out of the gate, I knew that this book would challenge me to believe in the possibility of magic and the impossible. Is it possible to alter reality simply by using the mantra of mind over matter? My heart raced just knowing there was a paranormal terror on a rampage through San Francisco. Terror, intrigue, and magic became par for the course in this thriller. HeartsBlood is a unique, fast paced paranormal tale with an original storyline and a shocking twist of an ending that will leave you breathless.”

  Book Reviewer

  Kyra Dawson

  The Brighter Scribe

  To purchase or sample HeartsBlood on Amazon, simply click here.

  * * *

  Now onward to the promised sneak peek of 30 Pieces of Silver’s sequel… Havoc!

  Sneak Peek of Havoc

  Brandt’s shoulder slammed into a tree trunk. The air rushed from his lungs and refused to go back in. No matter. Brandt pulled a knife from his boot sheath, pivoted the blade backward and arced up with his arm, hard. A muffled cry answered the maneuver. He shoved his assailant back while still trying to catch his breath.

  For a moment, his vision swam and all he could see was Rebecca’s face. But she was safely stowed away in London doing research, and he was knee-deep in half-frozen pig slop. This lonesome corner of Croatia had seen better days. And he wouldn’t live to see another if he didn’t get his freaking head in the game.

  Gulping a breath, he pushed off the tree and turned on his attacker. He blocked a punch, but the pain shot up his arm and settled into his shoulder. Damn it. Where the hell was Lopez? Or Talli? Or Brandt would even take that sorry excuse for a new point man, Harvish.

  No one could replace Svengurd, of course, but seriously, this was the second ambush in two days that they’d walked into. And for a brief moment he even regretted not having Davidson up in some tree, then bile choked the back of his throat at the private’s betrayal.

  No, Brandt had to work with what he had. And at the moment all he had was his knife.

  As he swung around for another swipe, a flash of gold caught his eye. His wedding band. It caught him by surprise each time he saw it.

  Bam. A punch to the kidney.

  Forget freaking matrimony. Brandt needed to just get out of this day alive.

  His boot caught the top of an ice-encrusted rock and sent him sprawling forward, just in time for him to miss a bullet to the head. Even though he landed on his injured shoulder in a soggy, rotting, leaf-covered pool of pig excrement, Brandt thanked his luck.

  Gaining momentum with his legs, he caught his attacker in a scissor kick, bringing him down to muddy ground. He scrambled up, bringing the knife down, nailing the guy in the chest.

  “No!” Lopez screamed, but it was too late. The well-maintained knife had sliced through his attacker’s rib cage and sunk in to the hilt.

  The corporal sprinted up. “That’s Amed!”

  But it couldn’t be. They were tracking his third in command, second at most. This couldn’t be Amed. Looking down into the man’s eyes, so dark they looked like the soot that smeared both of them, Brandt knew Lopez was right. He had just struck a mortal blow to the head of an al-Qaida splinter group.

  Normally he would be ready to down a beer in victory, but this prick was the only one who knew the location of the biologicals that were stolen from the Russian armory. Had they been deployed? Were they safely contained or leaching into the groundwater near some metropolitan area? Only Amed knew.

  Lopez tried to stanch the bleeding, but Brandt knew it was a done deal. That blade was in Amed’s left ventricle or he wasn’t as good as he thought.

  “I think he’s trying to say something,” Lopez said as he knelt over the dying man.

  Talli joined them, dropping his light frame to the ground. “Back away.”

  While all of them knew Farsi, Talli was half Pakistani and half Iranian. The soldier knew his way around the Arabic dialects. But even with those credentials, the man shook his head, unable to make sense of Amed’s mumbling.

  “Damn it,” Brandt growled and grabbed the terrorist by the collar and jerked him up so that they were nose to nose. “I know you speak English, prick. If you want to talk, talk!”

  Amed laughed, causing blood-red froth to coat his lips. “I go to paradise, brother.”

  What was the guy playing at? Brandt had read the man’s extremely thick Interpol file. The Iraqi-born leader was a cold-blooded, send-children-to-their-fiery-death kind of extremist. Shouldn’t he be cursing them and spitting in their eyes rather than calling him brother?

  “The prophet is chosen. There will be no hiding.”

  Brandt looked at Talli. “Is that some kind of code he’s talking about?” Off the darker man’s shake of the head, he continued, “a parable?”

  Talli shook his head forcefully. “I know not of what he speaks.”

  Amed gripped the knife’s hilt, shoving even deeper into his chest. “The Word is spoken. Shalom.”

  The man fell back, dead. His eyes fixed upon a point over Brandt’s shoulder, an eerie smile upon his face.

  “Why would a hard-core Islamic extremist use a Jewish phrase like that?” Harvish asked, as he limped up to join them.

  Lopez leaned back on his heels, wiping the dead man’s blood from his hands. “I bet I know one doctor who might be well enough versed in Islam and Judaism to answer that question.”

  Rebecca, of course, had come to Brandt’s mind as well.

  Talli looked quizzically between them. “We are speaking about the paleoanthropologist Dr. Monroe, are we not?”

  Lopez slapped Talli on the back as they all rose to their feet. “Oh yeah.” He turned to Brandt. “But is she gonna be pissed!”

  “Rebecca’s a professional. She’ll help even if she’s sworn off religious controversy,” Brandt corrected.

  “Dude, not that she.”

  “Then she, who?” Brandt asked, confused.

  “Um, Maria.
Your pregnant wife, remember?”

  Oh, yeah. Her.


  Rebecca carefully positioned the cross-section of bone. This microscopic splinter of James’ bone was the only thing left from their near-fatal quest to find the savior’s remains. She had lost so much in that darkened smoke-filled cave. Everything really, she just didn’t know it yet.

  Sure, she and Brandt had a whirlwind romance, and then a surprise engagement at the Taj Mahal, but shortly thereafter reality crashed in. A reality by the name of Maria. It seemed a one-night stand had resulted in a pregnancy. It had happened several months before he and Rebecca had met, and she’d been sure they could get through it, but Brandt’s damned Catholic sense of honor and duty had forced him to break off their engagement and marry the mother of his child.


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