Denying the Alpha

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Denying the Alpha Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “Then take them off,” she said. “Yours too. I want that big dick I remember inside me again.”

  Well. No man in his right mind would argue with that.


  Aniya gasped and dug her fingers into the cushions of the sofa when her lover slipped two long fingers inside her. They’d stripped in a flurry of desire, barely climbing up from the couch, and then he’d seated her on it properly before pulling her hips to the edge. The sight of that large, powerful man dropping to his knees before her and pressing his face between her thighs was startlingly erotic. Now he was fucking her with his fingers, hard and fast, while he licked at her folds and worked his way to where she really needed him. There was no way she would last long like this, and she suspected he knew that.

  He stroked her spot with his tongue, gently at first, making her writhe desperately. The angle of his hand shifted and then he flattened his tongue on her clit. She cried out, so close she might have been able to will herself over if she tried hard enough. Her wolf plunged his fingers into her at an accelerated rate and sucked without warning or preamble, and she came. Just like that.

  His fingers slipped from her and she watched, still breathless and lightheaded, as he licked them clean. Slowly.

  Then he scooped her up and carried her down the short hall, past the kitchen, to the bedroom she hadn’t been able to see before. It was just as large as the living room, but she didn’t pay much attention to the décor as he playfully tossed her onto the large bed. He crawled on after her and she pouted, having recovered enough now to regain her composure.

  “Come on, wolf,” she started, intending to tease him about having done it missionary-style before. The truth was she’d always thought that position was boring—until she’d experienced it with him. So if he wanted to repeat history, she was willing to play along. She just didn’t want to tell him that.

  He had other ideas, however.

  “Maddox,” he said, his voice thick and nearly growling.

  She cut herself off, her eyes widening. He trapped her in a stare that wasn’t at all threatening, but instead ignited a new level of fire in her blood. A challenge not to her life, but possibly to her sanity.

  Then he grabbed her by the hip and flipped her onto her stomach before leaning over her, his chest on her back, and brought his lips to her ear. “My name is Maddox,” he said. “And after tonight, every time you think my name, your body will crave mine. You’re not leaving this bed until the walls echo with my name and your orgasm.”

  Liquid heat rushed to her nether regions and Aniya swallowed hard. She had no doubt he could fulfill that promise. She wanted him to fulfill that promise. “If you manage that,” she whispered, “I’ll tell you my name.”

  He growled over her ear in acceptance of her challenge and another thrill shot through her. Oh, she was pretty sure he’d know her name by sunrise. But he still had to earn it. His hands took hold of her hips and tugged them up. She complied and spread her legs, knowing exactly what he wanted. He wanted her ass in the air so he could sink his beautiful cock into her sopping wet pussy and ride her hard.

  She wanted it too.

  Maddox leaned over her and dragged kisses and nips down her spine before reaching around and running his fingers over her folds. She moaned at the teasing touch. “Fuck,” he said. “You’re ready to go, huh? That’s good, baby.” He used his fingers to open her again as she felt him settle behind her, his erection brushing her ass.

  She wondered if he had lube stashed away in the house somewhere for them to try that position later too.

  The thought fled her mind, though, when Maddox snapped his hips forward and buried himself deep inside her pussy. In fact, all thought fled her mind. He felt so much bigger, and stronger, than she remembered. It was amazing.

  Maddox grunted over her and began driving himself in and out of her body with a barely controlled rhythm. The wildness spurned her on and she rocked her ass backward to take him as deep as physically possible. She clutched fistfuls of the comforter beneath her, her forehead pressed to the bed, and shamelessly moaned and gasped each time he slammed home. She loved his fervor. The way his lust took hold and compelled him to fuck her like a man starved.

  She gasped his name when he angled his hips on the next thrust, hitting something new that felt so good, her body jerked against him. He must have liked that, because he did it again, harder, and this time he reached around and caught one of her breasts in his hand.

  Aniya nearly lost it when he pinched her nipple. Dots of white popped in her vision and her attempt at maintaining rhythm faltered. “Maddox,” she gasped, “Maddox, please.”

  He withdrew, flipped her over, lifted her legs to his shoulders, and sank his cock to the hilt inside her with one sharp thrust. Aniya cried his name to the ceiling, to the gods, to whomever, arching her hips, desperate to keep herself united with him. To keep that glorious dick seated entirely inside her hungry, pulsating core. Instead of completely withdrawing, he slid back and rocked his hips as he plunged forward, several times repeatedly in sharp, short movements.

  His cock filled her again and she finally burst, her vision exploding in sparkling white, his name tearing from her throat as her body rocked with his without her control. Her orgasm ripped through her, shattering and burning and euphoric, and just when she thought she couldn’t get enough, she felt him slam home one more time as his release hit too. The walls echoed with his roar as his body quivered above her.

  He’d definitely earned her name.

  Chapter Six

  Aniya stretched when she woke from her cat nap, her body sore in all the best ways, and rolled onto her side only to find the bed empty. A strange pang of disappointment hit her and she frowned. This was his house, surely Maddox hadn’t—

  “You’re awake,” Maddox’s deep, delicious voice declared from the doorway, drawing her attention.

  The disappointment fled and she chose not to dwell on it, instead sitting up, pulling the top sheet of the blanket with her. She drank in the sight of her werewolf lover, leaning against the doorframe in nothing but a worn-in pair of jeans that hung dangerously low on his hips. A thin smattering of chest hair covered his pecs and trailed down to a point aimed at what he hid behind the denim.

  “Aniya,” he said, her name rolling like a caress off his tongue, “keep looking at me like that and you’re never leaving that bed.”

  She couldn’t deny the flicker of excitement that stole through her at the promise. Her lips lifted in a coy smile. “Was that supposed to dissuade me?”

  A growl rumbled up his chest, just barely reaching her ears, and her skin heated. She remembered clearly what that growl felt like pressed against her body, vibrating her chest and rolling over his tongue as he kissed her.

  “You’re trouble,” Maddox said, shaking his head. “You’re definitely trouble.”

  Her smile widened. “I am.” She took a deep breath and finally registered the smell of coffee from the kitchen. Coffee, and food. Her stomach growled so she slid to her feet, letting go of the sheet. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen and thoroughly explored her naked body at this point, and in truth, she wasn’t that modest. “Please tell me you’re not going to make me watch you eat.”

  He chuckled, the sound warm and surprisingly appealing, and moved to the closet. “I actually came to wake you. The fridge was a little bare, but I found enough to make do.” He extracted a large men’s t-shirt, black, and held it out for her. Judging from the size, it was probably his. “Here.”

  Aniya looked at the shirt for a moment. If she wore it, she’d literally be wrapping herself in his scent. She laughed at herself. Because I haven’t done that in spades already. Taking the shirt, Aniya grinned up at him and tugged it over her head. His scent hit her like a changing breeze as it fell into place over her shoulders, and her toes curled. Actually curled. When she’d considered what wrapping herself in his scent would mean, she’d been thinking of the consequences if the scent lingered by the ti
me she returned home. It hadn’t crossed her mind what it would mean for her. But the shirt, and his presence, brought the strangest sense of peace to her. It was wonderful, to be sure, but she didn’t understand it.

  “You coming?”

  Startling, Aniya gathered herself and turned to face him, finding him smirking at her in the doorway. Damn. He’d definitely noticed. What was worse, she found that proud smirk annoyingly sexy.

  He led the way to the kitchen bar, the outcropping which served to separate it from the living room, and she finally noticed the cushioned barstools. Though there was space for probably four, there were only two. It made eating more comfortable, even though really, when Maddox took his seat beside her, she realized there probably wasn’t space for four.

  “Mm, coffee,” she said with a delighted moan as she took her first sip. He’d doctored it exactly the way she’d directed him. It was perfect. “I wish we had coffee at home.”

  His shoulders shook with an almost silent chuckle. “Too rustic?” he asked, lifting his own mug to his lips.

  Aniya shook her head. “Not really. We have a house. My family just…” Her voice trailed and she shrugged, not sure how to explain it. Was there a valid reason? Her parents weren’t entirely anti-modernism. They adopted it where it fit their needs. Her mother loved Facebook, as odd as it was. Though she only used it to keep in touch with Aniya’s brothers and extended family. They had a fair assortment of kitchen appliances, never too out of date.

  “What?” Maddox asked, his tone curious, as he bit into his thick sausage link.

  Aniya smiled with silent laughter. “I just realized. I think my parents don’t like coffee.”

  Maddox laughed. “And yet you clearly love it,” he said. Amusement flashed in his eyes.

  Thoughtlessly, Aniya blurted, “So help me, one catnip joke and no sex for a week, you got that?”

  She froze when she realized what she’d said. Or, more specifically, what she’d implied. All of a sudden she was behaving as if they were an item. She felt like she was with him. But she wasn’t. Not really. Except she’d just gone and made a very relationship-oriented statement. A statement which heavily implied continued personal interaction for—well, for a while, at least. She swallowed a lump that had suddenly formed in her throat.

  Maddox lowered his coffee to the counter. “Then it’s a deal. No catnip jokes.”

  Oh, man. What did she do with that?

  She knew what she wanted to do with that. All of a sudden it was clear as day. This—this bizarre, playful, sexy, whatever it was—she liked it. A lot. She didn’t want to let it go.

  “Aniya,” Maddox said. He reached over and covered her nearest hand with his own. “What’s with the panic?”

  Jerking herself out of her jumbled thoughts, Aniya looked up at him. He was frowning with concern at her and her heart melted a little. Was this more than just sex for him? Or was that her newly-discovered voice of hope projecting her desires? She wasn’t sure she’d ever know. “Ah, sorry. Nothing.”

  He looked decidedly less than convinced. She couldn’t blame him.

  She reached for the coffee to buy herself more time to sort out her chaotic thoughts when a flash of urgency and the burning need to go home shot through her. She sucked in a sharp breath, her entire body tensing up at the unexpected and entirely uncharacteristic summons.


  “I”—she drew a shaky breath and met his gaze—“I have to go home. Right now.”

  Recognition dawned and he nodded, releasing her hand. Of course he would understand. He was an Alpha. How could she forget he was an Alpha, again? But this wasn’t the time to wonder how in the world she could hope to pursue something with the reigning Alpha of the werewolves. Something was wrong at home. It had to be. There was just no other reason her father would actually summon her.


  Maddox watched from his backyard as Aniya, in her feline form, raced into the forest in answer to the Alpha summons she’d received minutes earlier. His heart clenched and he ground his teeth. He’d seen the fear in her eyes, smelled it in her scent. Whatever the typical conditions were for her Alpha to summon his people, it seemed enough to bring her true worry. And the moment that worry had gripped her, Maddox found himself having to resist the need to go with her. If something was wrong, if there was some kind of danger … he couldn’t stomach the thought of not being there to protect her. Or at least support her.

  But it wasn’t his place. Not when it involved her pack. Especially not with him being Alpha of their informal enemies.

  He snorted and turned to go back inside.

  Enemies. Please.

  Even as a pup he’d questioned the legitimacy, and the necessity, of their feud. Now, as a man on the verge of some very dangerous, very serious emotions, he knew without a doubt those rivalries were ridiculous. There wasn’t a single reason they couldn’t coexist. They had far more in common than they did separate. But how would he be able to get that across to everyone else? If he wanted half a chance with Aniya, he needed to smooth over ages-old grudges on both sides. He couldn’t just order his pack to accept his choice, because though they’d have no alternative, they would also have resentment.

  Maddox dragged a hand down his face and moved to the bathroom, in need of a shower before he resumed his work. He couldn’t focus on building new alliances with the cougars until the threat of the poachers was dealt with. And somewhere in between, he needed to find a way to check on Aniya. The knot in his stomach wasn’t going to ease until he knew for himself she was okay.

  First things first.

  Maddox showered quickly, changed, and exited the house. He made a mental note to remember to call the maid company he usually hired after his visits to come and clean up again too. But that was better left for once he was sure he was done.

  He set off into town, navigating easily to the more populous areas in hopes of catching a trail on his way to the motel he’d found earlier. He struck out and continued on. It was always possible they’d taken whatever they might have shot before back to their motel, or left altogether, even. But he doubted he had that kind of luck.

  He was right. The poacher’s vehicle remained exactly where it had been before. In fact, Maddox suspected it hadn’t been moved at all. But the scents—both the one of the man he’d met and the other—were fresher. They’d been back, but they’d also left again. This time, though, they’d left together, and armed. Maddox frowned and adjusted course to follow the trail. Armed was bad.

  His bad feeling didn’t ease when the trail quickly led him to the forest line and past the trees. Veering away from his own territory, which was good, but too uncomfortably similar in direction to the way Aniya had run earlier. And they were still a couple of hours ahead of him.

  Maddox grit his teeth, glanced around, and ducked behind a tree to shed his clothes. As soon as he was free, he broke into a run, shifting as he moved. He’d catch them faster with four legs.


  Aniya’s heart was pumping so loud in her ears by the time she made it home she almost didn’t hear the first yowls of pain. She skidded to a stop a few yards from the building in the heart of their territory—her family’s home—as the next thing registered. Out-of-place scents. Two of them. Human. Maybe a couple of hours old at the most and, worst of all, one of them seemed familiar. It was that man from before.

  The poachers!

  It didn’t make sense. None of it made sense. But at the moment, none of it mattered, either. There was actually a guard posted outside the front door, for the first time since her brothers were cubs, and Aniya could barely breathe. It was impossible to tell which of the surrounding, echoing cries were of sympathy and which from the ones in actual pain. Or worse…

  She brought herself to the door and paused again, glancing around, her tail swishing slow and hesitant. “What’s going on?”

  The guard looked away. “Just get inside.”

  Aniya couldn’t remember a time she
’d been as afraid of what awaited her as she was the moment she eased the door open with her front paw. The doors were designed to be easily opened in their feline forms since so many of their clan preferred to stay feline. A fact that had never seemed problematic to her until the scent of blood slipped past the door and up to her nose.

  Blood…? In the house?

  She took a cautious step inside, not wanting to breathe the scent in any further. Not wanting to identify its source, even though she needed to know. Her gut told her she wasn’t going to find an eviscerated poacher in their living room. Once she was fully in the entryway, her nose told her the blood wasn’t human at all. No, this was her nightmare.

  The blood was her father’s.

  Chapter Seven

  Aniya raced through the house, still pulling on the robe she’d grabbed when she’d shifted, following a combination of her nose and the visual trail of blood. The trail, for better or worse, was inconsistent. It had pooled too much just beyond the entryway but thinned to just a handful of droplets forming a vague line at this point. There was a handprint in the blood on the wall of the doorway leading into the bedroom, and a larger gathering of droplets. Still glistening on the floor.

  “Dad!” Aniya cried, tears in her eyes, when she spotted her parents on the floor beside their bed.

  Her mother sat with her back against the mattress, tears rolling steadily down unnaturally pale cheeks, with Regis held in her lap. His head was propped on her chest. He was still breathing, but his breathing was ragged and shallow. Blood dribbled from his lips and colored the carpet beneath his torso—beneath his wife’s knees.

  Florence looked up, meeting Aniya’s gaze, agony shining back at her. “Aniya,” she said, her own voice weak. Aniya couldn’t smell a drop of her mother’s blood. The only physical pain her mother suffered was the breaking of her heart, but it was enough. More than enough. It would kill her all the same.


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