Denying the Alpha

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Denying the Alpha Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  And she knew what it was like to keep a secret. Big ones. Living among beings with whom she didn’t belong wasn’t easy. Cammi never fit in anywhere and had ended up giving up even trying. Anyone she did have to associate with usually had no idea who or what she was. And she worked to keep it that way.

  Only Aldric had known she was a halfling probably from the moment he’d laid eyes on her. Was that an Ancient thing? Perhaps he’d been around for so long that he just knew everything.

  The thought brought another smirk to her lips. Why wouldn’t he have an inflated ego if that was the case?

  His character started to fit together in her mind.

  When Cammi dared another glance at his reflection in the window, she found him already studying her with the same intense regard as before.

  She turned to face him, but before she could say anything, a quick buzz rang through the room.

  “The food is on its way up.” Aldric’s scrutiny roamed over her again, this time in a more lingering way. Again, her body throbbed as if she could feel the heat of his hand against her skin.


  She snapped her attention to his face.

  “The table is that way.” He pointed with an elegant finger to the opposite side of the apartment.

  It probably wasn’t the best idea to let anyone see her dressed as she was. She could imagine Aldric having an apoplectic fit at any rumors even hinting at impropriety being whispered about him.

  Giggling over that, she turned the corner.


  Aldric couldn’t help but watch the hypnotic sway of her hips as she walked away and only snapped out of it when she turned the corner.

  She was doing her utmost to tempt him, that much was clear. Every look, every gesture. Even her laugh. Tinkling and enchanting even when she was the most irritating female. What angle could she be working? Did she think he had more valuables hidden away? Was she one of those females who just wanted to bed a dragon?

  His body throbbed at the thought of having her under him, skin flushed and crying out his name.


  Whatever her motive, he couldn’t trust her.

  Even if his teeth ached from grinding them together, trying to keep his libido in check.

  He sniffed the air and found her scent still lingering. Growling, Aldric shook his head and stalked toward the elevators. He had to get a grip. She would be out of his life soon enough. Then things could get back to normal.

  Why had he revealed himself to her? It was stupid. There was a reason why he’d led a reclusive life up in the tower. Having others lie to keep his secret was an ugly necessity that he didn’t like to force on anyone. It was just easier to stay away.

  Perhaps he should call one of his alchemist friends and have them create a draught or charm or something that would wipe her memory of him? Then they could both get on with their lives. It seemed the most expedient solution.

  Aldric was curious about her, however. Not just because he wanted to see more of her beautiful body. He’d been distracted enough by her that he nearly flew into the side of the Shard while trying to get a better look at her legs. But her life interested him as well. What he’d learned of it so far was fascinating.

  He found himself wanting to hear stories about her adventures. Even if it was just to hear her talk. Hell, he’d listen to her recite the alphabet if it meant hearing more of that soft, husky voice of hers.

  Aldric punched the wall next to the elevators and let the throbbing pain wash over him. What was wrong with him? He glared at the fissure in the stone his fist had created.

  Women were a passing fancy. Perhaps they would get naked or maybe they wouldn’t, but he wasn’t going to let himself get crazy over it.

  Over her.

  There was no point.

  He had a mate out there. Somewhere. Or perhaps he didn’t. Maybe she’d been a victim of the Cull. Long gone. Either way, it didn’t matter if he wanted Cammi or not. It wouldn’t last.

  The doors to the elevator pinged. He stepped back to wait for them to open. Aldric cocked his head as they parted.

  Something was wrong.

  He sidestepped and gripped the clawed hand that shot through an instant before it tore into his throat. Aldric dragged the beast toward him and broke its neck before it had the chance to do anything more than growl.

  Bloody werewolves.

  That begged the question, why? Why show up now? Why attack now?

  Aldric immediately locked down the elevators and doubled up the wards around the apartment just as he felt attacks coming from almost every side.


  He dashed through the apartment. Did this have something to do with her? Were they after her or was this an orchestrated attack against him?

  The tower was veiled against notice from humans but an Other would have seen her insane attempt at flight earlier. A sorceress definitely would have been able to or could have just as easily been notified of such an event. If he had been her, his sights would have been set on finding the one who had betrayed him as well.

  Positive this was retribution against Cammi’s duplicity, fear gripped his heart. He might not have known her long, but he didn’t want her hurt. Not while he was there to protect her. Not to mention, an attack on his home was nothing if not personal.

  Did they even realize the fury they courted?

  If they’d witnessed him saving her, they had to know.

  What kind of idiot attacked a dragon in his own home?

  Rage erupted up from somewhere deep and dark inside. His instinct to protect what was his roared through him. His beast howled to be let loose. To destroy the intruders. To protect what was his.

  Aldric refused to relinquish control. He needed to think while his beast was all instinct.

  Cammi stood at the window, glaring at what looked like a small army of harpies, giving them a very uncomplimentary gesture.

  Sighing, he dashed in front of her and pushed the harpies back with an electrified blast before turning to glower at her. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Telling them to go away. Why? Did it look like something else? Because I can be a lot more articulate with both hands.”

  “Antagonizing them isn’t going to help things. We’re in this mess because of your stunt with the window. Until you came along, no one even knew I was here.”

  She scowled at him. “If you hadn’t brought me here in the first place, I wouldn’t have had to try to break out.”

  “And if you hadn’t been trying to break into my vault, I wouldn’t have had to.”

  “I told you that it wasn’t my decision.”

  “It was to keep going after you got free of the witch. Now come on.”

  The instant he closed his hand around her bare arm, however, his world tilted and shook on its foundations, nearly knocking him down to his knees. His dragon roared with approval and clamored. To break free. To take control.

  To claim his mate.

  Cammi’s wide eyes clashed with his own. How could this be? This thief was his mate?

  Chapter Four

  This had to be a mistake. Did destiny make mistakes? Because this was a big one.

  How could she be fated to him?


  He was irritating and overbearing. Stuffy and boring.

  When she’d been younger and entertained the idea of having a mate, it was through rose-colored glasses and with the hope he would come and rescue her. To take her away from the horrible life she’d been forced to live. To be the one constant in her life that she’d longed for, who was handsome and loving and utterly perfect.

  That guy never showed up.

  She’d suffered and scraped and survived. All on her own. She didn’t need him. Or anyone else.

  But when Aldric touched her … it was as though the planets aligned. Everything felt right. And she knew he would do anything to keep her safe just as she would do whatever it took to do the same for him.

  She co
ntinued to stare at him. Her mate. And she’d tried to rob him. Of all the ways to meet the one she’d been fated to be with.

  Cammi cringed. The entire course of her life had been nothing short of disastrous. An explosion of fire against the warded glass jerked her back to reality. They could discuss the future and possible relationship afterward. There wouldn’t be a future if their attackers had any choice in the matter.

  Aldric was right. It was all her fault that they were under siege.

  It had to be Lavinia. Who else would be so angry? Unless it was someone Aldric had wronged and had finally been able to track him down. Could they be why he was so secretive about himself?

  At any rate, her first instinct was to do whatever would enable her and her mate to survive. She turned to Aldric. “I don’t suppose you have any of my charms?”

  His eyes had darkened as he watched the harpies swooping against the glass. They practically glowed when he returned his gaze to hers. “A few.”

  “Can we get them?” Cammi didn’t like the vulnerability she felt not having them. And in this fishbowl of an apartment, any advantage was better than none.

  He led her back up the stairs to the room opposite to the one she’d been in.

  Aldric’s bedroom. The dragon’s lair.

  It was bigger than the one she’d been in. Definitely more sumptuous. He was a man who liked his creature comforts, apparently. The room was decorated in deep ruby-reds and warm, inviting wood. So completely different from the rest of the ultra-minimalist home. It had been so unexpected, Cammi simply stood and stared for a long moment.

  The room was incredibly sensuous for a man she thought so cold. Perhaps there was some fire under that icy façade after all.

  “What?” Aldric had crossed the room to open a door that had been disguised as a giant mirror and had turned to find her staring.

  “Nothing.” She strode to where he was and peered past him. The new room was bigger than she imagined. And was filled with weapons and charms the likes she’d only ever imagined. “You’re okay showing me all this?”

  Aldric held her gaze and she couldn’t help but acknowledge the link she felt. “You are my mate. If there’s anyone I can trust, it’s you.”

  Hearing him say the words made her heart swell even as she fought against it. She wasn’t supposed to fall into the clutches of a male. She couldn’t allow it. Cammi had never planned to meet her mate, let alone fall for him. It went against everything she had trained herself to believe.

  So then, why did it feel so right?

  What if she couldn’t hold up her end of the bargain? Aldric was ready to trust her at the drop of a hat, but could she really be entrusted with anything? Cammi knew she wanted to do everything she could for him. It was instinct. But would she be able to follow through? She spent most of her life just muddling through, wreaking more destruction than anything.

  If there had ever been a time to sort herself out, this had to be it.

  Biting her bottom lip, she desperately turned her gaze away to scan the room and the treasures within. She pointed at the preternaturally gleaming sword nearest to her. “Is that what I think it is?”

  The moment gone, Aldric’s face went blank. He picked it up and swung it with surprising skill. “Yes, it is.” Clearly deciding it wasn’t something he’d need, Aldric placed it back in its sheath before picking up several other items. He pointed to a glass case. “Your charms and any others you wish to use can be found in there. Are you handy with a blade?”

  If it would keep them alive, she would certainly learn to be. “I think I can figure it out.”

  Aldric didn’t look so sure.

  She straightened her spine. Now wasn’t the time to hide behind bravado. “I’m more of the stealth type. My size and being half-human doesn’t exactly make me a challenge face-to-face.”

  He leaned down and looked her directly in the eyes. “You are a formidable opponent, Cammi. I’ve seen what you can do.”

  Pride surged. “You think so?”

  His smile grew slowly. “I think the idiots who’ve come here tonight are in for a world of pain. Between the two of us, they will never know what hit them.”

  His confidence was contagious and she couldn’t help but smile back as the tower shook around them.

  Of course, they had this. She wasn’t without skill and she had a dragon on her side.


  His mate.

  It all made sense. The impulse to save her. The unquenchable desire to touch and smell her… Aldric fought the urge to touch her again even if it was to reassure her. He needed to keep his head on straight if they were going to get through this and he wasn’t sure if he could keep control of his dragon. The urge to claim her was nearly as strong as the one to protect her and to obliterate whatever and whoever it was that came between them and that goal.

  Now was hardly the time to be entertaining thoughts of her naked under him. Over him. Enveloped tightly around him…

  The growl he let out made Cammi jump. She still seemed as dazed as he was that they were fated. There would be time to figure that out later. Hopefully in a way that would appease the dragon raging and clawing to get out.

  Gritting his teeth, he handed her a few more weapons. Mostly things she could use from a distance. “These are grenades. Press this”—he showed her the little indentation on the golden orb—“and you’ll have three seconds before it explodes. This one will release a blast of fire, good for werewolves, goblins, and just about everything else pervious to flame.” Aldric stuffed it into a pack with several others. “The silver ones will freeze everything within a five-foot radius. Be sure to get clear of them because it will freeze everything. The bronze ones will bond things within the blast radius together.”

  Cammi nodded. “Got it.”

  He critically eyed her clothes. It didn’t look like she was going to get the new ones in time. “Not very practical in a fight.”

  She tugged the sheet tighter around herself, doing her best to secure it. “I doubt you have anything that would fit any better.”

  Aldric mentally filtered the list of items he had that might even come close to fitting her and would work in this occasion. “I might have something.”

  He motioned her to follow him to the four armor-laden mannequins he had on the other side of the room.

  Methodically, he peeled off the layers, tossing the unwanted bits to the floor. When he had his prize, he found her staring at him with undisguised surprise. “What?”

  “This stuff is obviously worth a fortune and precious to you, and you’re throwing it around like it’s nothing.”

  “Your life is more important to me than things or money, Cammi.”

  While she stared at him agape, he tugged the long tunic over her head and helped her get her arms through the sleeves while doing his damnedest to ignore the silk of her skin. Breathing slowly and shallowly so he didn’t get distracted by her tantalizing scent, he forced himself to concentrate. The relatively short sleeves almost reached her wrists and the hem hung below her knees, making it look like an ill-fitting dress. Aldric then found a belt with a scabbard and the accessorizing dagger and fastened it around her waist. When it was all secure, he tugged the long sheet away to give her legs the freedom to move.

  His mouth went dry when he noticed he could see clear through the fine chainmail and couldn’t help but stare at her hard nipples poking against the metal.

  Tearing his attention away was one of the hardest things he had to do, especially with his dragon roaring in his mind to touch. To taste.

  Aldric cleared his throat. “The metal is charmed and is virtually impenetrable.”

  “Except maybe by eyes.” She looked down at herself but shook her head when the tower quaked again, this time accompanied by the shattering of glass. “Doesn’t matter. I’ve taken on worse in much less.”

  Did he want to know? A barrage of mental images of her battling stark naked wasn’t something he needed at that moment.
  “Stay close to me.” He would do everything he could to keep her safe.

  She met his gaze. “I will.” It was a promise.

  Aldric held her gaze for a moment. His mate. All these years and she fell into his lap. Just like that. And nothing was going to take her away. Not now. Not ever.


  She nodded but stopped him as he started back through the door. “But what about you? You’re not going to wear armor?”

  Cammi’s soft voice dragged him back to reality. Was that concern?

  He smiled, touched by her unease. “I won’t need it.”

  Aldric led the way out. He was pleased when she followed his example and took quick, quiet steps behind him. When he motioned for her to stop, she did so immediately. Her big eyes asked him why, but he shook his head. He just needed to see what was going on.

  He could hear activity below and knew at least a few creatures had managed to get inside.

  There was an agonized scream that died as abruptly as it had torn through the air. His traps were working well. Cammi had a look of barely disguised glee when there was another.

  His mate was quite the enigma. One he was going to enjoy puzzling out.

  Aldric pressed his palm to the wall to close any gaps in the protective barriers and therefore blocking any more from entering. At least for the moment. He motioned Cammi to follow. They needed to get rid of the ones already inside.

  There was a calm rage that overcame him when he saw a werewolf reach up and tear his claws through a painting he’d cherished for centuries. Idiot mongrel. Meanwhile, a delicate-looking female dashed through the room, picking up items here and there and sticking them in her pockets and bags.

  As far as attacks went, this wasn’t the most terrorizing.

  If this was the worst he had to contend with, Aldric would do so with ease. He motioned Cammi to stay where she was. She gripped his arm as he turned around, stopping him. Cammi nodded to the kitchen and the man sauntering from that direction.

  From the glowing red eyes, it was safe to assume he was a vampire.


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